28 Mei 2018

Vietnam Digitized Old-Generation Radar

28 Mei 2018

Vietnam's P-18M radar (photos : Retia)

According retia.cz - defence company RETIA (Czech Republic) has successfully upgraded P-18 radar of Vietnam to the new standard for major changes.

According to this source, the P-18 radar upgrade contract signed by the Czech Republic with Vietnam a few years ago. The contract will indicate that the Czech side will be responsible for upgrading 40 P-18 radars to Vietnam.

The source said the P-18M radar was a modernization variant on the Soviet/Russian P-18 radar. P-18M radar is used to detect, search for targets and determine the target azimuth. In addition, the station also has the ability to determine the national sovereignty of the target through questioners.

In addition to the original P-18 antenna rig, the improved Czech radar also features four additional ECCM noise-canceling antennas that significantly improve operability in a robust electronic warfare environment.

Compared with the old P-18 radar system, the P-18M radar developed by the Czech Republic has many improvements with modern technology, especially digital technology. Instead of using the same electronic light as in the older radars, the P-18M radar system as well as the P-18M radar system is digitized.

Radar can work in many different frequencies with extremely fast and flexible switching times. In the photo is a cockpit operating the old P-18 radar. The display system is very modern with a liquid crystal display instead of the old P-18 electronic vision sight system.

All old control systems were removed to replace the newer, more sophisticated LCD displays. The P-18M radar detects and works in unmatched frequency range, but the new radio has the ability to automatically track up to 200 targets per second and over 1000 targets/revolutions.

Thus, the introduction of P-18M digital radar equipment with outstanding features will significantly enhance the ability to monitor the sea and sea islands of the country for the Air Defense of the Air Force.

8 komentar:

  1. https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20180528121636-17-16860/dibantu-penguatan-rupiah-ihsg-melesat-13 Akhirnyaaa.. menguat lagi..😄😄.

  2. 2012
    P-18 Modernization (en)

  3. Bravo Vietnam. Persiapkam diri kaliam utk menghadapi negara babi cina komunis. Utk nkri dan seluruh warganya, waspada selalu terhadap babi aseng pemuja Ahoax. Sewaktu-waktu mrk bisa menusuk kalian manakala negara babi komunis cina menyerang kalisn

  4. OOT..

    Sekedar nambah wawasan betapa mahalnya operasional terbang sebuah A400M.
    Ini ada case sekali terbang kurleb $ 50,000 atau Rp 600jt. Apakah efisien nantinya bila tetap digunakan dipakai angkutan sembako setiap hari ?

    Bukan gw anti A400M, lagian bangga juga sih punya pesawat super mahal ini tapi gw sih lebih prefer banyakin C130 atau CN235 kecuali memang negara supepowa.... Makanya banyak yg menyebut pembelian ini bagaikan "white elephant" statue. But its up to TNI. 😊

    "Backer said while he was not against Mohamad attending events as he pleased, the use of military assets was wasteful and unnecessary, claiming each trip could easily cost “at least US$50,000 (RM199,125)”.

    On Saturday, Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, was flown in to Butterworth in a RMAF Airbus A400M aircraft at 5.15pm"


    1. Untuk Indonesia beli saja Boing 747 bekas punya Quantas Aussie yang bakal di pensiunkan th 2023 nanti.
      Boing 747 bekas banyak di cari perusahaan cargo karena biayanya jauh lebih murah dari padaa beli baru .Retrofit sedikit sudah bisa digunakan seperti baru .Untuk TNI beli kemudian retrofit dan titipkan ke perusahaan cargo sewaktu di perlukan bisa di pakai .Duit dapat tiap bulan dari hasil sewa. Win win solusion.Kira kira seperti Buraq dan Mandala Airlines dahulu di jaman orba. Mungkin nggak ya di jaman sekarang ini TNI berbisnis????

  5. Mas bro...

    Ini ada pelajaran bagus bagaimana susahnya membuat Kapal Selam Nagapasa.
    Bener2 beda daripada membuat kapal.

    Saat menyelam 500 mtr tekanan 1 meter persegi seperti ditimpa 500 unit mobil



    1. wah, akhirnye ada jugak versi inglisnya om super haha!😊😊😊
      akhirnya ngerti jugak mrk ngemenk apaan haha!🤝🤝🤝

      slma cuman nikmatin versi cici ini nich haha!😍😍😍


    2. weiitt 401 haha!😉😉😉

      ada hal yg menarik dimenit 6:04, ketika proses mangganti batere, smua batere lewat pintu palka khusus batere, letaknya paling depan.

      hal ini di konfirmasi oleh pangarmatim,
      cekidot menit:16:48

      disebut, pintuw batere, untuk kluar masuk batere

      dari sini bisa kita liat ganti batere tetap lewat satu pintu sahaja, meski dlm masa overhaul berat haha!😜😜😜
      nach artinye, bole donk batere diganti/tuker tanpa motong kasel oke oceh👌👌👌
      kira2 begitchu kan yak om super haha!👍👍👍
