29 Mei 2018

Luerssen and Civmec form “AMSEG” Joint Venture

29 Mei 2018

Luerssen OPV 80 (photo : Luerssen)

Australia's Newest Naval Shipbuilder

In a major boost for Australia’s shipbuilding industry, a new joint venture has been formed between Luerssen and Civmec called the Australian Maritime Shipbuilding and Export Group.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said the joint venture is another positive step forward.

“This is great news as the group will play a significant role in the Western Australian build of ten Offshore Patrol Vessels using Luerssen’s proven design,” Minister Pyne said.

“In November 2017, the Turnbull Government selected Luerssen as the prime contractor to supply 12 OPVs to the Navy.”

“The whole project is worth around $3.6 billion and construction of the first OPV will start in South Australia later this year using ASC.”

“The work will then move to Henderson in WA where the final 10 will be built as part of the continuous shipbuilding program for minor war vessels.”

Minister Pyne said it’s estimated the project will directly employ up to 1000 Australian workers - 400 direct and a further 600 in the supply chain.

“I commend AMSEG for their commitment to advancing Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability,” Minister Pyne said.

“By investing in Australian skills and infrastructure, and looking at opportunities to export into the global naval market, AMSEG is signalling its intent to be a key player in establishing Australia as a competitive shipbuilding nation.”

(Aus DoD)

18 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Jauhhhhhh amatttttt
      KCR bukankah hanya sekelas fast attack craft

    2. Tinggal dimelarin 20 meter lagi tu kcr....

    3. @sape iya jauh karena armament KCR lebih menggerunkan tak macam kapal ompong korang kahkahkha

    4. Dia mulai lagi...😆😆😆😆😆

    5. Ntar lagi dilalap ama si mat tuh...

      Qiqiqi.. :D

    6. Kah kah kah kah.boat comel kcr disamakan dgn opv.malu oii.kcr 60 tu sekelas fast boat je.panjang 59m,bobot 300 ton je.endurance 8 hari je kat laut.lg teruk misil dibuang sbb nk pasang ciws.jd gun boat kecik je.kalau nak banding opv kat atas ni lebih layak lms70m malaysia,lmv80m singapore atau krabi class 90m thailand.semua tu sudah sekelas opv.bobot 800ton-1200ton,sea state level 9 boleh hadap,endurance 15-20 hari di laut.boat comel mcm kcr tu nk ke laut dalam pun tak lepas.sea state hanya level 3.kena ombak sikit terbalik.baru seminggu nk g perang dah nk kena balik base utk isi bekal.kcr60 tu setaraf fast attack craft kelas handalan dan perdana malaysia je,atau fearless singapore,atau hua hin thailand.kecik amat kalau nak banding.😂😂😂😂

    7. cie ciee om tentera delay aka banyak banget akunnya, kefanasan yach dipancing gt ajah, ampe ngibul mlolo, mana bukti seastate 9 ituw haha!😎😎😎

      tengok dech urusan muh blom kelar disini:


  2. Fungsi kapal ini buat lawan siapa y? Armament cmn sekelas otmel. Masih mending kcr

    1. Kapal ini hanya buat patroli saja bro

    2. Partoli nangkapin kapal maling ikan sama manusia perahuuuuuu


  3. Negara d kawasan pada sibuk belanja..
    si malon pada sibuk kumpulin koin sambil dudul manis jadi penonton liatin negara kawasan yg sedang asik shope..shope

    Yg sabar ya lon..yuk songlap😂😂

  4. itu gambar kayaknya kelas darussalam, py baginda sultan.

    guwe suka bgt disain blakangnya bisa masuk rhib ajibb haha!😇😇😇


  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-kO6xJqDMQ ini kapal kapan di akusisi yaa keren dah kalo punya ini singapur juga bakal jiper kalo tni punya ini wkwkw apa lagi malon kalo di samperin sama ini kapal langsung kelur bendera putihh

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