19 Mei 2018
HMAS Sydney 42, third Air Warfare Destroyer (all photos : Aus AWD)
Today’s launch and formal naming of the third and final Air Warfare Destroyer, Sydney, showcases the success of the AWD Program.
The milestone marks a 60 per cent productivity improvement from the first ship to the third ship since the implementation of the Government-led reform initiative.
Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said today’s achievement shows the strength of the shipbuilding and systems integration skills which have been developed by the AWD Program.
“Today we celebrate the highly skilled workers from ASC, Raytheon Australia, Navantia Australia and Defence,” Minister Pyne said.
“It’s difficult to imagine just ten years ago, this shipyard at Osborne was a brownfield site with no infrastructure.”
“Since then more than 5,000 people have worked directly on the AWD Program to build and integrate three of the most capable and potent warships the Navy has ever possessed.”
“This is underpinned by the 1,500 suppliers who have supported the AWD Alliance in its efforts to exceed Australian Industry Capability targets for the overall Program.”
The lessons, skills and experience developed throughout the AWD Program will deliver low risk solutions and real cost savings for Australia’s future complex naval programs.
“The AWD Alliance is on track to deliver the second ship Brisbane to the Commonwealth in coming months, followed by the delivery of Sydney next year.”
(Aus DoD)
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kabarnya destroyer ini akan dibekali dengan SM-6 ya.??
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