A prototype of the Czech-Slovak 155-mm / 52 EVA self-propelled howitzer in a version with a wheel configuration of 8x8 (photo : BMPD)
At the 7th International Defense Exhibition IDEB-2018, held between May 16 and 18, 2018 in the Slovak capital Bratislava, the KONSTRUKTA Defense Company (actually the artillery KB, part of the Slovak holding company DMD Group), together with the Czech-Slovak Association Czechoslovak Group Yaroslav Strnada (CSG, partly controls the DMD Group) presented a new version of the EVA 155-mm / 52 self-propelled howitzer on the wheeled chassis. The new version of EVA is made on a wheeled chassis of 8x8, unlike the variant on the chassis of the 6x6, which was demonstrated in 2015.
In the new EVA version, the 155 mm / 52 howitzer is mounted on the Tatra T815-7 8 × 8.1R chassis with a wheel arrangement of 8 × 8. The combat mass of the installation is 28 tons, 11.5 meters long, 2.7 meters wide, 3.8 meters high. The machine is equipped with a diesel engine Tatra T3C-928.90 with a capacity of 300 kW and an auxiliary diesel power plant Lombardini 11LD626-3 with a capacity of 30 kW.
A prototype of the Czech-Slovak 155-mm / 52 EVA self-propelled howitzer in a version with a wheel configuration of 8x8 (photo : Miroslav Gyürösi)
A highly automated fire control system includes an autonomous inertial navigation system and a 24-hour Sagem CM3 MR opto-electronic system (including a laser rangefinder and a thermal imager) for direct fire capability. A radar was installed for measuring the initial velocity of the projectile.
The release of the system in the event of receiving orders for it should be carried out on the ZTS - ŠPECIÁL enterprise in Dubnitsa (former leading artillery production of Skoda), which is part of the DMD Group.
Mirip Caesar
BalasHapusnyoih, kyknya pingin menyusul kesuksesan caesar. treknya sama, tp bentuknya cakep modifan prancis om haha!👍👍👍
HapusEVA 155 nih kalo sempat diklaim kilang tempatan sebelah diganti nama jadi ROSMAH 212
HapusBuahahahahaha...rosmah...denger nama itu gua mau muntah
Nah nie dia produk baru excalibur...uda bungkus terus buat marinir...coz mainannya marinir petasan jangwe mulu biar irit pake petasan korek...wkwkkwkwk
BalasHapusjiaahh jangwee haha!😂😂😂
Hapustnang om, marinir alirannya rada beda dikit. suka yg ringan2 & gampang angkut di lautnya. skr lg bidik tipe tank mortar.
ato ntar tank howitzer amx mk61 dikasi coba aja ke marinir kan itu tank termasuk ringan. cmn gimana cara bikin dia ngapunk di lautan, oohh pake bantalan cem tank koryo itu, bisa kaliyak haha!👍👍👍
OOT: Boeing 737 nggelongsor di bandara wamena...bawa muatan 12,5 ton
BalasHapuskudunya marinir indo beli yg kek gini, jgn mo kalah ama si baret ijo dah punya cesar, marinir pinoy yg lebih kecil aja punya howitzer 155, ckckck...
BalasHapusBreaking News.
BalasHapusUS melarang China ikutan RIMPAC 2018
bandel sich, pake acara pamer landing di gundukan haha!🤣🤣🤣
HapusLebih suka archer, meski ga muat diload herky.
BalasHapusBarang mehong tuh...ga kebeli.
HapusMending nerusin caesar aj yg 6x6 biar prrawatan lbih mudah.
Caesar 6x6...tanggung yg caesar 8x8 lebih makweeww biar beda dikit sama AD
HapusSing komen diirit-irit...
BalasHapusmusuh e lagi tiarap kabeh om. efek gagal pemilu raya
HapusKan katanya pas puasa syaiton pada dikurung. Hihi
HapusMau nongol gimana brooo...lha wong disuruh urunan buat bayar utang negara....kasian2...negara miskin.
HapusPaling mereka beli oulsa aj sekarang ga mampu...hiks
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