02 Mei 2018

Lockheed Martin Begins Combat System Upgrade of RNZN Frigate

02 Mei 2018

HMNZS Te Kaha frigates (photo : RNZN)

Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) frigate HMNZS Te Kaha (F 77) has been transferred to Lockheed Martin Canada and Seaspan Victoria Shipyards for a combat system upgrade under the Anzac Frigate Systems Upgrade (FSU) project.

Lockheed Martin Canada announced on 26 April that it is responsible for designing and supplying a new combat management system – based on its Combat Management System 330 – for each of the RNZN’s two 3,759-tonne Anzac-class (Meko 200) frigates.

The refit, which aims to extend the frigates’ operational life through to the 2030s, also includes the supply and integration of various sensors, a missile system, and a combat systems trainer, said the company, adding that the move marks the first time that a foreign warship has been modernised in Canada since the Second World War. (Jane's)

HMNZS Te Kaha begins refit

Her Majesty’s New Zealand Ship (HMNZS) Anzac-class frigate Te Kaha has been transferred into the care of Lockheed Martin Canada, the company announced on 26 April.

The vessel will receive an upgraded combat management system (CMS) based on Lockheed Martin’s CMS 330, in addition to the integration of other sensors, the Sea Ceptor anti-missile system, and a combat systems trainer, to be refitted for further service.

The original contract for the refit programme, known as the Frigate Systems Upgrade (FSU) was signed in 2014, but a revised version was signed in December 2017, at an expected cost of NZD639 million (USD453 million). (Jane's)

8 komentar:

  1. USD453 juta, bah bisa beli 2 frigat baruw dr korsel nich, ato sekenan dari yurop bentar lagi banyak dilego, dr inggris, blande ama prancis haha!😇😇😇

    slamat, tp ada2 ajah si kiwi haha!👍👍👍

    1. Yang mahal itu memang sembakonya bung...

    2. Apalagi kalo kirimnya pake A400M ya mas..?
      Ente kalah mas, ame beras/gula/mie yg ntar lagi naik ntuh pesawat..

      Qiqiqiqi.. :D

  2. napa g beli baru y duit segitu?? lha tapi nambah kapal buat ap juga.. potensi ancaman jg kagak ada. santai smbil ngopi2 di markas:)

    1. Yup, mereka maah nyantai mas...
      Fighter aja masih pake Skyhawk, heli AKSnya juga jadulan..
      Lagian, paling yg nginvasi mereka cuma pinguin dari kutub...

      Qiqiqiqiqi... :p

    2. Ehhhh...jangan salah lho, rumornya cina ngincer pangkalan di vanuatu

  3. Condemn this white people. They are killers of innocent illegal migrants.

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