14 Desember 2023

Thomas Global Sytems Mulai Produksi Simulator Tank Abrams Australia

14 Desember 2023

Immersive Tactical Training System tank tempur Abrams M1A2 (images : TGS)

Perusahaan pertahanan milik Australia Thomas Global Systems telah memulai produksi Sistem Pelatihan Taktis Immersive/Immersive Tactical Training System M1 Abrams.

Simulator tank ini memungkinkan awak Abrams untuk melakukan simulasi jaringan yang imersif dan dengan ketelitian tinggi, menurut pernyataan publik yang diterbitkan pada 21 November.

Pengiriman Abrams ITT dijadwalkan akan dimulai pada awal tahun 2024 sebagai bagian dari akuisisi 75 tank tempur utama M1A2 SEPv3 oleh pemerintah Australia melalui program LAND 907 Fase 2.

Simulator baru ini mampu secara akurat mereplikasi semua posisi kru dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelatihan pelatih kru taktis, sistem pelatihan meriam, dan pelatih pengemudi dalam satu sistem simulasi.

“Proyek penting ini menggarisbawahi komitmen Thomas Global Systems untuk mendukung upaya modernisasi kekuatan pertahanan secara global dengan menyediakan solusi simulasi paling canggih dan komprehensif,” menurut pernyataan dari Thomas Global Systems.

“ITT memberikan fleksibilitas untuk menjalankan operasi independen dari setiap posisi kru, operasi kru penuh atau skenario multi-kendaraan, atau sebagai bagian dari skenario pelatihan jaringan yang lebih besar melalui gerbang HLA/DIS; mencapai pelatihan kolektif dengan ketelitian tertinggi dan kompleks yang mungkin dilakukan dalam simulator.

Kokpit tank Abrams M1A2 (photo : MilitaryArmedForces)

“ITT memfasilitasi lingkungan dan skenario yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya dari stasiun instruktur khusus. Instruktur dan komandan unit dapat memberikan umpan balik langsung kepada kru dan terus menantang operator terbaik mereka untuk melakukan pendekatan yang terukur dan holistik terhadap pengembangan keterampilan.

“Thomas Global Systems ITT telah menarik minat yang kuat dari operator tank Abrams domestik dan internasional, yang mencakup varian M1A2 dan M1A1, serta kendaraan tempur lapis baja lainnya. Kemampuan beradaptasi dan pelatihan komprehensif sistem ini menjadikannya solusi menarik bagi pasukan militer yang ingin meningkatkan kesiapan dan kemahiran unit lapis baja mereka.”

36 komentar:

  1. Terima kasih Malon, berkat diberikannya Ambalat yg kaya akan minyak dan gas bumi ke Indonesia, sekarang Indonesia jadi bisa shoping2 barang mahal dan bayar hutang.

  2. Malon kalau lagi lemah baik. BTA diberikan ke China, Ambalat ke Indonesia, Sabah Serawak di berikan ke Philipina. Keren deh malon

  3. ⛔️Mig-29 Tamat tiada ganti
    ⛔️MB339 Tamat tiada ganti
    ⛔️F-5 tiger Tamat tiada ganti
    ⛔️tank skorpion Tamat tiada ganti
    ⛔️Sibmas Tamat tiada ganti

    ⛔️heli nuri Tamat gantinya SEWA haha!🀭🀭🀭

    aset KL semakin menguncip BaHaYa haha!πŸ†˜πŸ†˜πŸ†˜

  4. aset mahal ini..
    yang hanya punya pendekcar berjerebu gk usah ngimpi


  5. Waaaaah.....jadi ngak sabar nih menunggu tank HARIMAU buatan PT PINDAD masuk jajaran TNI AD πŸ™‚

  6. lagi mematikan LEOPARD RONGSOK versi NGUTANG....HAHAHAHHAH

    1. kalo pendekar bagaimana lon?

      berapa negara di dunia yang menggunakan type pendekar?

    2. Polandia sudah buang semua tank pendekar ke Ukraina. Tinggal Malon yg masih pelihara tank busuk

    3. sepertinya cuma Malon yang korban ditipu Zacklady πŸ™‚


    4. A comparison test was made in Poland in order to compare reliability of the Polish PT-91 and Leopard 2A4 tanks. It appeared that tanks with similar mileage (19 000 km) showed different results. Distance between failures of the PT-91 was only 25 km and it took on average 3.2 days to repair the tank. On the other hand distance between failures of the Leopard 2A4 tank was 174 km and it took on average 1.3 days to repair the tank. Most failures of the PT-91 Twardy were related to its engine, electrical installation, armament, fire control system, and communication systems. So the ageing PT-91 tanks can be seen as rather unreliable combat vehicles, that are troublesome to keep in operational order....

  7. Kabarnya tank PENDEKAR MOGOK kebanggaan sebelah itu tank KW 3 dari T 72 buatan Rusia sehingga negara Polandia andalkan tank lain πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜†

  8. Belum perang saja sudah MOGOK dan bikin macet KL.....HAHAHAHAHAHA πŸ˜›πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ😝

  9. seekor malon kepanasan...
    berapa negara yang menggunakan MBT yg sama seperti pendekar berjerebu?

  10. eittt weitt Utang kita Slaluw Lunas ada bukti lho haha!😊😊😊

    lha KL, masa Pinjam Yakuza Jepang untuk Bayar Utang ke Triad haha!🀣🀣🀣

  11. yg Rongsok tuh Kapal Darat made in BNS haha!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    uda NGUTANG, gak Bayar lagi haha!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
    KL buronan NO.1 Emir Kuwait woiii bayar woiiii hah!πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

  12. ngemenk2 negerinya embiti KL, si PENDEK lg di gosipin bakal tamatkan bbrp kontrak raksasa shopping alutsista ke koryo, waks b a h a y a haha!🀭🀭🀭

    tampaknya ada kesulitan dapetin kredit $22 milyar dolar
    ekonomi yurop lg lemah,
    yg perang yukrein, tetangganya yg bankrut haha!😜😜😜
    nach luh, apalagi KL klo sampe polandia bankrut, fiks si PENDEK mangkrak haha!πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

    ➡️Poland could cancel contracts signed by outgoing govt, says parliament speaker

  13. Malon yg baik adalah Malon yg Mati, Ganyang Malon jilid II

  14. Tank Batu Bara Mogok lagi hebat, harga lebih mahal dari Tank Abrams dan dapat bonus Kuda Poni Poland wkwkwkwkkwkwkkw

  15. https://www.airtimes.my/2023/12/14/umpama-pisang-berbuah-empat-kali-penyerahan-opv1-apmm-tertunda-lagi/?fbclid=IwAR125h69JEPSsEps1O5zdPgyXbGaIrUdJ8AzS0UCpgBmQF5D1WDM5lpFNjs

    Lawakan macam apalagi ini guys wkwkwk

    1. naa berita ginian donk min baruw seruw haha!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

      klo yg AKAN apalagi blom tender masukin kotak ajah haha!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  16. 13 unit sistem radar gm400@lpha
    kontrak 354 juta euro ato €27 juta euro perbijik wow amboii manteb haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    pantesan warganyet iri, MAHAL bok haha!πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
    KL cmn dapet jatah 1 dr LENDER, ituw pun AKAN, uda 89% utangnya haha!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. Yg kalis shopping silahkan ngamok

  18. https://www.airtimes.my/2023/12/11/agong-berkenan-rasmi-tugu-peringatan-2-kapal-perang-british/

    budak babu british, wkqkqkqkkwkwk

  19. Gempurwaria kena mental di DS guys tiap hari kerasukan. Kalis shopping yah.

  20. Tekhnologi tinggal tekhnologi...
    Diberangus seperti yang dilakukan oleh para pejuang Hamas dan hisbullah, tekhnologi tersebut tidak berguna sama sekali !!!

  21. A comparison test was made in Poland in order to compare reliability of the Polish PT-91 and Leopard 2A4 tanks. It appeared that tanks with similar mileage (19 000 km) showed different results. Distance between failures of the PT-91 was only 25 km and it took on average 3.2 days to repair the tank. On the other hand distance between failures of the Leopard 2A4 tank was 174 km and it took on average 1.3 days to repair the tank. Most failures of the PT-91 Twardy were related to its engine, electrical installation, armament, fire control system, and communication systems. So the ageing PT-91 tanks can be seen as rather unreliable combat vehicles, that are troublesome to keep in operational order....

  22. On April 11, 2003, Malaysia awarded a contract worth approximately US$370 million, which included the delivery of 48 PT-91M medium tanks, 3 MID-M engineer tanks, 6 WZT-4 dump tanks, 5 PMC bridge tanks and other equipment. A portion of the contract was paid for by the delivery of 300,000 tons of Malaysian palm oil at a cost of about $111 million
    A comparison test was made in Poland in order to compare reliability of the Polish PT-91 and Leopard 2A4 tanks. It appeared that tanks with similar mileage (19 000 km) showed different results. Distance between failures of the PT-91 was only 25 km and it took on average 3.2 days to repair the tank. On the other hand distance between failures of the Leopard 2A4 tank was 174 km and it took on average 1.3 days to repair the tank. Most failures of the PT-91 Twardy were related to its engine, electrical installation, armament, fire control system, and communication systems. So the ageing PT-91 tanks can be seen as rather unreliable combat vehicles, that are troublesome to keep in operational order....

  23. Kabarnya hari kamis ini sudah dilaksanakan upacara Peletakan Lunas pembuatan Kapal BHO Ocean Going di PT PALINDO MARINE ( Batam ) untuk TNI AL πŸ™‚

  24. FPDA semakin power dan strong ....

    Tujuan streagek FPDA untuk 5 - 10 tahun dihadapan adalah meredam ekspansi china di kawasan asia tenggara + membantukan bangsa papua merdeka dengan cata mendesak PBB melakukan referendum di sana (sama seperti yang FPDA lalkukan dengan sangat sukses di Timor Timur)... Hehehehe

    1. Tapi Malon jadi sampah eh beban FPDA. Malon tak ada manfaatnya bagi FPDA


    2. Wow...
      Malaysia mengikuti jejak Indonesia dengan memborong radar GM400 alpha sejumlah.....sebijik

  25. OKTOBER 2023 THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea are higher than they have been since the days of the Vietnam War..
    The immediate impact is on the Malaysian Armed Forces’ combat readiness, which depends on state-of-the-art technology, training, and morale. Without adequate funding, all three will be affected, in turn undermining the country’s planned strategic deterrence capability...
    JUNI 2023 SCANDALS = Like its notorious 1MDB cousin, the LCS disaster was engineered by players with the same impunity of political power subverting due process. Neither 1MDB nor LCS are isolated cases. They follow the script first designed by Mahathir and Daim Zainuddin for bumiputera empowerment. A Malay civil service is committed to the Malay Agenda and processes the paperwork swiftly to facilitate. The mafia of political elites have their agents and enforcers wherever there is money to be hijacked in the system.
    Now and then, by exception, scandals spill out into the public domain, like Bumiputera Malaysia Finance 1982, Bank Negara’s FX losses in the 1980s and 1990s, the Scorpene submarines of 2002, the National Feedlot scandal – “cowgate” – of 2012, 1MDB, and the latest LCS naval procurement. But these are just the tip of the iceberg of systematic pilferage. It has become the institutional norm.
    KLEPTOCRACY = Although it began in Malaysia, the scandal's global scope implicated institutions and individuals in politics, banking, and entertainment, and led to criminal investigations in a number of nations. The 1MDB scandal has been described as "one of the world's greatest financial scandals" and declared by the United States Department of Justice as the "largest kleptocracy case to date"
