31 Maret 2012
PT PAL Kerjakan 5 Kapal Pesanan Kemhan

PTDI Gandeng Perusahaan Prancis Bangun Pusat Keunggulan Dirgantara

Coast Guard Cutter Dallas Decommissioned
30 Maret 2012
Harris Corporation Receives $15.2 Million Order from Australian DoD for Field Support of Falcon Tactical Radio

First RAAF Joint Strike Fighters to Cost $130m Each, New Estimates Reveal

These increased cost figures come in the US Defence Department's selected acquisition report for 2011 (SAR11) presented to Congress overnight.
The report is an update on major US defence programs including the Lockheed Martin F-35 JSF.
Despite the apparent price hikes, the Australian Defence Force is confident final prices will be lower because the most recent fixed-price incentive contract was significantly below the SAR10 cost estimate.
Australia's first two aircraft will be produced in a later contract lot.
SAR11 shows an increase in costs owing to a number of factors, although it is not the substantial blowout tipped by some commentators.
One change relates to accounting practice, with JSF costs now based on 2012 dollars rather than the 2002 dollars used over the past decade. Taking into account inflation, that indicates an apparent cost increase of some 25 per cent.
As well, Lockheed Martin faces unspecified additional costs to rework existing aircraft to overcome faults discovered during the test program, an issue referred to as concurrency.
Australia is considering acquiring up to 100 JSF aircraft but has so far contracted to buy just 14. A decision on the next tranche of 58 will come next year.
JSF has faced steady criticism that it will be late, expensive and won't deliver the promised level of capability.
For Australia, SAR11 indicates Australia's first two aircraft, scheduled for delivery in the US from 2014, will cost about A$130 million, based on 2012 prices and a US1.03 exchange rate.
Each of the first 14 aircraft will average about A$110 million, in line with previous defence estimates.
Across the entire program of 100 aircraft, Australia can expect to pay an average of $85 million each, compared with a $75 million figure cited in 2008 and based on the less favourable US$0.92 exchange rate.
Because JSF development will continue for at least the next four years and the start of full rate production has been pushed out to 2019, definitive JSF costs remain elusive.
In Canberra last week, JSF program head Tom Burbage said Australia could still expect to pay an average $US70 million ($A67 million) with early production aircraft costing more and later aircraft less.
Vietnam to Build Target Designation System for Naval Missiles

Operating system reliability, meet the technical requirements, set out strategies, contributing to improving the functionality and efficiency to fight for the rocket ship.
The function of target designation system and shoot element calculations for missile navigation is detected target reconnaissance, target transmission parameters of headquarters and missile forces, fighter aircraft to conduct the target in an unexpected way beyond radar fire, security and computing elements fired rockets fired out of range.
Currently, many countries continue to military research and development, using target designation system modernization. Russian military production and use of the Ka-32 has the function indicator targets.
Many countries use target designation system mounted on the aircraft early warning but generally the cost of these systems are expensive (up to hundreds of millions of dollars).
The scientists at the Naval Institute of Technology has studied the application of information technology, automation technology to design, build target designation system from external equipment on board the plane on the sea.
Building a system to receive target designation and automatically calculates parameters for missile firing; installation testing and system integration on board and build computing software, and synchronous data transmission system target designation system capable of detecting observed, indicating the target missile, ensuring its full range of the missiles for sea.
System indicator targets on the sea for sea missile with low cost, reliable operation, meet the requirement, set out strategies. The system has been installed, successfully tested and delivered to the unit for training and combat readiness.
Along with the target designation system is, to put to use target designation systems will help improve combat readiness of naval forces.
29 Maret 2012
Early Delivery of Shadow 200 UAS

The first of the two Shadow 200 Tactical Unmanned Aerial systems was delivered in August 2011 and is currently operational in Afghanistan.
The Shadow 200 system captures full motion video during both day and night operations which can be sent back to a ground control station up to 125 kilometres away. It can recognise targets on the ground while operating at an altitude of up to 8000 feet.
Each Shadow 200 System comprises five aircraft, ground control stations, a launch and recovery element, and associated equipment, logistics and training.
The Shadow 200 system has been purchased through the United States Foreign Military Sales program. Originally scheduled to be delivered in the first half of 2013, the United States has now agreed to deliver the second system to Australia in the first half of this year.
The accelerated delivery of the second system will enable Australian troops preparing to deploy to Afghanistan to train with the Shadow 200 system in Australia.
Long Lead Item Equipment for Growler Purchase

-Electronic systems;
-Antennas; and
-High Frequency modulation receivers
Philippine Navy Eyes Joint Maritime Exercises with Thai, Vietnamese Counterparts

Lieutenant Colonel Omar Tonsay disclosed this following the visit of a Philippine Navy delegation led by its chief, Vice Admiral Alexander Pama, to Vietnam on March 11-14 and Thailand on March 14-17.
The Philippine delegation toured the Naval Shipyard X46 or the Hai Long Shipbuilding Co. in Vietnam, which is equipped with state-of-the-art shipbuilding and repair facilities and which is capable of building warships and military vessels, Tonsay said.
Pama and VPN’s commander in chief, Admiral Nguyen Van Hien, also signed the standard operating procedure regarding interactions among Philippine and Vietnamese navies’ personnel in the vicinity of Southeast Cay and the Northeast Cay Island, located between the two countries.
Likewise, the RTN also committed to host Navy to Navy Talks to further discuss matters that will strengthen the bilateral activities of both navies.
2014, Indonesia Siapkan Roket 100 Kilometer
BATURAJA, KOMPAS - Tahun 2014 ditargetkan Indonesia sudah mampu membuat sendiri roket berdaya jelajah di atas 100 kilometer. Roket tersebut merupakan proyek jangka panjang dan kolaborasi teknokrat dan birokrat.
"Ini sebuah perjalanan maraton kebangkitan industri pertahanan kita," kata Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Rabu (28/3), seusai menyaksikan uji coba R-Han 122 milimeter di Pusat Latihan Tempur TNI AD Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan.
Uji coba ini sudah mengalami perkembangan dibandingkan uji-uji sebelurnnya. Sebelumnya, November 2011, peluncuran roket dilakukan dari dudukan berupa karung. Saat ini, PT Pindad sudah membuat peluncur roket yang terdiri atas 16 tabung.
Sjafrie menilai, terjadi kemajuan yang signifikan walaupun harus ada pengembangan kualitas. Rencana berikutnya adalah mengadakan transfer teknologi untuk perbaikan. "Targetnya, jarak tempuhnya tahun 2014 sudah tiga digit dan akan menggunakan seluruh kemampuan multilaunch rocket system," ujarnya.
Saat ini R-Han 122 yang berkaliber 122 millimeter itu memiliki jarak tempuh 14 kilometer. Roket ini diproduksi bersama oleh Kementerian Pertahanan serta Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi.
PT Dahana membuat bahan peledaknya, PT Krakatau Steel membuat baja untuk nozzle dan merakitnya, sementara PT Dirgantara Indonesia memproduksi berbagai komponen seperti selongsong dan sirip.
PT Pindad membuat hulu ledak (warhead) dan memodifikasi mobil untuk peluncur 16 tabung yang bisa berputar 360 derajat.
"Uji coba hari ini penting karena berarti kita sudah membuktikan bahwa konsep kita sudah benar, tinggal memperbaiki saja," kata Direktur Utarna PT Pindad Adik A Soedarsono.
Roket dalam strategi militer sangat penting dalam penangkalan dan penolakan.
Komandan Pusat Kesenjataan Artileri Medan Kodiklat TNI AD Brigjen Aryadi Patmanegara menjelaskan, kalau sudah bisa diproduksi di dalam negeri, akan sangat efisien. Sebab, seperti roket yang dibeli Singapura dan Malaysia, dengan jangkauan 43 kilometer dan 40 kilometer, harga seluruh sistemnya, termasuk 18 kendaraan peluncur, mencapai Rp 3 triliun. (EDN)
DSTO Demonstrates Vision Technology for ADF Vehicles

28 Maret 2012
Beechcraft T-6C Military Trainer Demo Tours to New Zealand Air Force

Puluhan Roket Produksi Indonesia Berhasil Diujicobakan

Selain Wakil Menhan Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, sejumlah pejabat Pemptov Sumsel dan Pemkab OKU, beberapa petinggi TNI, antara lain Pangdam II/Sriwijaya Mayor Jenderal TNI Nugroho Widyotomo dan Komandan Kodiklat TNI AD Letnan Jenderal TNI Gatot Numantyo ikut pula saat menyaksikan uji coba roket R-Han 122.
Usai peluncuran, Wamenhan juga berkesempatan melakukan pengecekan pada mobil peluncur roket, untuk selanjutnya akan terus dikembangkan sebagai bagian program kemandirian penyediaan alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista) nasional.
Menurut Kepala Biro Hukum dan Humas Kemenristek, Anny Sulaswatty, Roket R-Han 122 itu merupakan produksi hasil kerja sama anak bangsa Indonesia, diwujudkan melalui penelitian bersama PT Pindad, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, dan PT Dahana, didukung penuh Kemenristek.
Ujicoba dan demo penembakan Roket R-Han 122 itu menandai keberhasilan bangsa Indonesia untuk menuju kemandirian produksi roket nasional di masa depan.
Kementrian Pertahanan dan DPR Bahas Shopping List hingga 2014 yang Dibiayai Pinjaman

Ketua HLC pada kesempatan Raker tersebut mengatakan hingga tahun 2014 didalam proyeksi Minimum Esential Force khususnya modernisasi untuk Alutsista bergerak, Kemhan dan TNI ingin melengkapi postur kekuatan pertahanan di setiap Angkatan.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Kemhan juga memiliki rencana kebutuhan belanja (shopping list) alutsista bergerak prioritas hingga tahun 2014 akan mempergunakan pinjaman pemerintah dari luar negeri.
Lebih lanjut Wamenhan menjelaskan, untuk Mabes TNI hingga 2014 memerlukan kendaraan taktis dan kendaraan angkut amunisi 5 ton dengan jumlah besar yang menurut jumlah pagu mencapai 110 juta Dolar.
Sementara untuk Angkatan Darat, terdapat empat prioritas yang ingin dicapai, diantaranya Helikopter serang dan serbu termasuk persenjataan sebanyak 24 Unit, kendaraan tempur Main Battle Tank (MBT) jenis Leopard 2A6 sebanyak 44 Unit, ME Armed 155 Howitzer, Rudal MLRS dan Rudal Arhanud.

Sedangkan untuk proyeksi kebutuhan modernisasi Alutsista untuk Angkatan Laut, Kapal Pemukul dengan jenis Klas Korvet, Kapal Pendukung, pesawat Udara jenis CN-235 MPA dan Helikopter AKS, Tank Amfibi BMP-3F serta Panser Ambfibi BTR 80 A. untuk penawaran baru yakni 3 kapal Selam dan 2 Unit PKR namun bisa dikirim setelah tahun 2014 dan 3 unit Fregat (MRLF) namun juga masih dalam proses pengusulan anggaran.
Untuk Angkatan Udara, Shoping list ini tertuju kepada pengadaan SU-30 MK2 dan dukungannya, pengadaan pesawat angkut CN-295 sebagai pengganti pesawat F-27. Ditambah lagi pengadaan Helikopter Full Combat SAR Mission, pengadaan pesawat latih sebagai pengganti AS-202 & T-34C. Totalitas pagu yang di butuhkan untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhan khusus untuk alutsista bergerak pioritas mencapai 3,741 juta Dollar.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Ketua Komisi I DPR RI, Mahfudz Siddiq, pada akhir raker itu mengatakan, Komisi I DPR RI mendukung daftar pengadaan Alutsista TNI TA. 2010-2014 yang sumber pembiayaannya di alokasikan dari Alokasi Pinjaman Pemerintah (APP) Kemhan/TNI TA. 2010-2014.
Namun demikian Komisi I DPR RI memberikan beberapa saran, antara lain agar dapat mengupayakan dilakukannya amandemen terhadap daftar State Loan Agreement Tahun 2007 antara Pemerintah RI dengan Pemerintah Federasi Rusia, sehingga pengadaan 6 unit Sukhoi Su-30 MK2 dapat menggunakan skema pembiayaan State Credit.
Memperhitungkan dengan cermat kondisi dan spesifikasi, dislokasi serta proyeksi biaya pemeliharaan dan perawatan dalam pengadaan MBT Leopard 2A6. Memperhatikan dengan serius dampak penggunaan pesawat intai tanpa awak (UAV) terhadap kerahasiaan pertahanan dan keamanan RI. Memastikan kelayakan pembelian 3 unit kapal perang kelas Fregat (MRLF) oleh TNI AL.
Dikatakan Mahfudz Siddiq, Komisi I DPR RI mendesak Kemhan/TNI untuk terus melakukan pembenahan terhadap sistem adminstrasi dalam pengadaan Alutsista TNI. Menurut dirinya Komisi I DPR RI akan menyelesaikan pembahasan terkait permohonan pencabutan dana bertanda bintang untuk pengadaan barang/jasa melalui PHLN/KE, sebelum penutupan Masa Persidangan III Tahun Sidang 2011 – 2012.
Forum Raker pembahasan tentang rencana modernisasi alutsista ini juga dihadiri oleh Para Kepala Staf Angkatan, Sekjen Kemhan dan sejumlah pejabat di jajaran Kemhan dan TNI. (MAW/SR).
Cocos Islands Airfield Not Ready for Spy Drones, Says Stephen Smith

Amid heightened Chinese sensitivities over Australian-US military ties, Mr Smith played down the short-term prospects of using the Cocos Islands - a remote group of coral atolls and islands in the Indian Ocean - as a staging point for US spy flights.
Pentagon planners are considering basing Global Hawk drones and manned surveillance aircraft from the Cocos Islands - about 2750km northwest of Perth - to carry out patrols far out over the northern oceans.
Mr Smith said he and his US counterparts had agreed a “substantial infrastructure upgrade” was required before the Cocos Islands could be considered for use as a joint US-Australian base.

Mr Smith said the priorities for the deepened Australian-US military relationship were the deployment of US Marines in Darwin and the bedding down of arrangements for US use of Australian air and naval bases.
HMAS Stirling, in Perth, is reportedly being eyed by the US for use by aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered submarines.
An initial 250 marines will arrive in Darwin in coming days - the first of 2500 to eventually be deployed in the Northern Territory.
Mr Smith said rotational arrangements for the force were being finalised between Australian and US officials.
The Greens said the Cocos Islands must not be used as a base for US drones.
“Surveillance may sound innocent enough to some, but the role of this base will be to make it even easier for the US military to strike and kill at will,” Greens defence spokesman Scott Ludlum said.
“If the past 40 years has taught us anything, it's that we must be wary of being complicit in these misadventures.
He said US attack drones had caused large numbers of civilian deaths.
“Are their spy drones any more reliable in identifying targets?”
27 Maret 2012
Vietnam Conducts Live Fire Exercise with Su-22M4

Recently, at the shooting range TB3, the fighter unit - Su-22M4 striker/bomber, UH-1/Mi-8 transport/armed helicopter of 370 Division conducted live-fire exercises.
In two days 23-24/3, shot at the National School Region 3 (TB3), 370th Air Division held a practice test used missile, rocket and bomb from fighter and helicopter.
The exercise is an opportunity to evaluate the possibility of training for combat readiness of the 370th Division and represent experience and additional training options in next time as well as training organizations to participate in sea shooting practice as planned in 2012.

On behalf of the General Staff to participate in directing the training and testing is Major General Nguyen Duc Kidney, Director General Military Training. Representatives of the Air Defense Command - Air Force Major General Nguyen Van Tho, Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff.
In the dazzling sunshine of the Southwest, Division commanding officers and 370 officers and soldiers of the two pilots of the 917th Helicopter Regiment and the 937th Fighter Group at headquarters, on the icy ground and flight the air was working hard, serious, highly effective training.
Before 7am, the Mi-8 crew and UH-1 (917th Regiment) and the fighter squadrons - Su-22M4 bomber (Regiment 937) was waiting in the ready command.

After about 20 minutes from the airport to the south, the border sorties team practice all tactical air forces, such as coil, low flying mountainous terrain advantage then suddenly plummeted increase the height of the target than fire rocket, missiles and bombs. Just about 5 minutes there is another round of air strikes on ground targets.
Through the vision system and listen to the commanding officer on the bridge reported, people are glad to see young pilots to shoot, very accurate throw. Naked eye, after a series of thundering explosions beams, we also recognize the right column of smoke up a red flag area, the white flag of the target.
In particular, during a practice flight shot, bombed on this land, boldly division first assigned to some young pilots (the youngest born in 1984) and use the UH-1 helicopter improved weapon control system.
UH-1 Huey of the Vietnam (photo : Jetphotos)
The fighter pilot - a bomb made Su-22M4 aircraft fire when all of the complicated and difficult than a normal shot.
After two days of training, Colonel Tran Ngoc Dong, Division Chief Division 370 Air Force, said the units involved in fire tests are reached or excellent. There are many young pilots (pilots born in 1984) shows good bravery and technical level.
After the training tests, even though faculty comments sum up the results, but the comrades Military Training Director General Command and Deputy Commander, Chief of Air Defense - Air Force are satisfied and that the pilots were required to complete a good strategy and techniques to ensure absolute safety.
Super Cobra Akan Jaga Perbatasan RI-Malaysia

"Kami akan tempatkan di Berau dan Nunukan," ujarnya di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Selasa.
Saat ini Kodam VI Mulawarman sedang menyiapkan basis bagi skuadron heli tersebut. "Kami gunakan anggaran antara Rp17 miliar hingga Rp19 miliar untuk persiapan pangkalan skuadron heli tempur tersebut," katanya.
Super Cobra adalah helikopter buatan Bell, Amerika Serikat (AS), dan pengembangan dari Huey Cobra yang berjaya di perang Vietnam. Persenjataannya senapan mesin Gatling 20 mm, roket Hydra, rudal Sidewinder untuk pertempuran udara, dan rudal penghancur tank Hellfire.
"Super Cobra ini adalah pilihan utama. Namun demikian, kami punya pilihan lain yang lebih bersahabat dengan keuangan, yaitu heli serbaguna Agusta Westland," ujar mantan Asisten Perencanaan (Asrena) Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat (Kasad) tersebut.
Heli tempur buatan Bell itu senilai sekira 11,3 juta dolar AS (setara Rp96 miliar) per unit. Untuk komplet satu skuadron dengan 16 pesawat, maka pemerintah RI menyediakan tidak kurang dari Rp1,53 triliun. Harga tersebut belum termasuk persenjataannya.
Super Cobra berkemampuan jelajah hingga 510 km pada kecepatan maksimum 277 km per jam, kecepatan menanjak 8,2 meter per detik, dan bisa mengambang di udara pada ketinggian 3.720 meter.
Dengan berpangkalan di Nunukan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Malaysia, maka SuperCobra hanya perlu beberapa menit untuk sampai di perbatasan dan menyelesaikan misinya.
Adapun helikopter Agusta Westland nilainya lebih murah. Heli tempur Agusta Westland AW 109LUH harganya 9 juta dolar AS (setara Rp76,5 miliar) per unit, atau total Rp1,22 triliun untuk satu skuadron.
Selanjutnya, Kodam Mulawarman akan dilengkapi tiga batalyon gabungan infanteri dan artileri yang memiliki persenjataan anti tank yang dapat membidik tank dari jarak 6 km, serta sistem peluncur roket serentak (multiple launch rocket system/MLRS) Astros II buatan Brazil.
"Dengan amunisi roket aslinya, jarak tembaknya bisa mencapai 300 km, atau 70 km dengan amunisi roket lain," jelas Subekti.
Bersama satuan tank Leopard, maka seluruh persenjataan dan personel baru ini akan tersedia secara bertahap mulai 2012. Menurut dia, akan sangat berdampak pada perimbangan kekuatan dengan negara-negara tetangga Indonesia, terutama yang berbatasan langsung di Kalimantan.
"Saat ini kita memang tidak memiliki musuh yang eksplisit, yang nyata. Tapi, setiap hari kita dilecehkan di perbatasan dengan adanya patok yang digeser-geser," demikian Pangdam VI Mulawarman, Mayjen TNI Subekti. (T.KR-NVA)
Quickstep Expects to Secure Long Term Agreements to Manufacture Group 2 and Group 3 JSF Parts

26 Maret 2012
Meggitt’s Multi-Million Dollar Training Facilities Award from ADF

Meggitt’s WTSS is a complete small arms training environment that includes individual training in marksmanship and weapons handling. It is configured for the future adoption of mortar simulators for crew and collective training missions with an integrated capability supporting call for fire and indirect fire tasks.
WTSS includes MTS’ new FATS M100 system architecture designed to deliver new levels of realism in virtual firearms training. The system also enables training developers to use and integrate the latest graphics platforms to best effect.
Ronald Vadas, President of Meggitt Training Systems commented: “These weapon training simulation systems and associated devices are core elements of the ADF’s weapons training process and complement its ‘train as you fight’ philosophy. We provide unsurpassed fidelity in weapons simulation and ballistic accuracy with superior feedback to trainees and instructors in a controlled environment. This facilitates a documented, seamless transition to ‘live’ ranges where lessons learned in simulation are applied with greater speed.”
UAV Pesanan Kemhan Berteknologi Israel dengan Mesin dari Italia

Boosting Defence Ties at Exercise Cope Tiger

For the past two weeks, there was much rumbling in the skies over Korat, Thailand, as Singapore, Thailand and the United States conducted a trilateral air exercise codenamed Cope Tiger.
Involving about 100 aircraft, 34 ground-based air defence systems and more than 2,000 personnel from the participating nations, this year's exercise also saw the maiden participation of the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF's) F-15SG fighter aircraft.
The exercise began last year with a command post exercise held at Paya Lebar Air Base in Singapore from 19 to 23 Dec, followed by a flying training exercise in Korat Air Base from 12 to 23 Mar.

It concluded on 23 Mar at Korat Air Base with the closing ceremony officiated by Singapore's Chief of Air Force, Major-General Ng Chee Meng; Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), Air Chief Marshal Itthaporn Subhawong; and Commander of the United States 13th Air Force, Lieutenant-General Stanley Kresge.
On how the exercise has evolved over the years, RSAF Exercise Director Colonel (COL) Tommy Tan, who also heads the RSAF's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Command, said: "Exercise Cope Tiger has progressed steadily, both in scope and complexity. The assets involved are increasingly advanced, and this has helped to add realism to training, enhancing the training benefits for the participating forces."
RTAF Exercise Director Group Captain Thawonwat Chantanakom added that the annual exercise creates a good opportunity for the three air forces to work together and enhance interoperability, and to forge stronger bonds.
He said: "Exercise Cope Tiger is important because it helps to build friendship and defence relations between the three nations. It also serves as a great platform for exchanges and sharing so that our forces will be able to assist one another should the need arise."

On the sidelines of the exercise, the participants also took part in a three-day joint socio-civic programme, where they provided basic health and dental services to the local community in the vicinity of Korat Air Base and Chandy Range.
Since 1994, Exercise Cope Tiger has been conducted annually to enhance professionalism and interoperability among the participating forces, and foster closer rapport and mutual understanding among their personnel. This year's exercise is the 18th in its series.
Industri Pertahanan Nasional Bersiap Diri dengan Percepatan Modernisasi TNI
Materi pameran dari sisi riset dan pengembangan banyak didominasi oleh karya dari BalitbangKemhan dan Dislitbang dari Ketiga Angkatan dan Polri yang menampilkan produknya, ataupun miniatur produknya.

Untuk kendaraan taktis kali ini Pindad memperkenalkan kendaraan berpenggerak 4x4 dengan nama Komodo dan dibuat dalam 2 versi : panser dan kendaraan pendobrak. Wujud asli kendaraan belum dibawa namun pengunjung dapat melihat foto dan brosur kendaraan tersebut.

Matra Laut
PT PAL saat ini kebagian pekerjaan pembuatan Kapal Cepat Rudal KCR-60, upgrade Combat Management Systems SEWACO kapal kombatan milik TNI AL, dan saat ini PT PAL masih menunggu keputusan pemerintah mengenai pembangunan fregat PKR-105, dimana perundingan ToT dengan Damen Schelde dirasakan alot dan memakan waktu lama.
(Defense Studies)
Tiga Perusahaan Nasional Siap Pasok Radar Pertahanan Udara dengan ToT

Radar Northrop Grumman AN/TPS-78 (photo : Northrop Grumman)
Bertempat di Jakarta Convention Center, pada tanggal 21-23 Maret 2012 digelar perhelatan Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD) yang diikuti dengan penyelenggaran pemeran Asia Pasific Security and Defense Expo (APSDEX 2012). Pameran ini lebih banyak menampilkan alutsista produksi dalam negeri, meskipun beberapa peserta ada juga yang berasal dari negara lain.

(Defense Studies)