12 Februari 2025

South Korea's Hanwha Finalizes Agreement with DTI and Chaiseri to Develop K200 IFV for the oyal Thai Army

12 Februari 2025

Thai delegation visited Hanwha Aerospace from 5-7 February 2025 (photo: Royal Thai Armed Forces)

Hanwha Aerospace of the Republic of Korea briefed the Royal Thai Armed Forces (RTARF) on its various weapons systems during the official visit of General Songwit Noonpakdee, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, and the Thai military delegation from 5-7 February 2025.

In addition to the successful products exported to the Royal Thai Navy, the HTMS Bhumibol Dulyadej-class frigates of the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) built by Hanwha Ocean, Republic of Korea (formerly Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, DSME) are looking to procure a second ship to be built in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Armed Forces Public Relations Center, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, has announced on its official social media channels that Hanwha Aerospace has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Thai Defense Industry Co., Ltd. (TDI) of Thailand to develop an upgraded version of the K200 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) for the Royal Thai Army (RTA).

Thai Defense Industry Co., Ltd. (TDI) of Thailand to develop an upgraded version of the K200 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) for the Royal Thai Army (RTA) (photo: RoKArmy)

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand announced the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Hanwha Ocean, Republic of Korea and TDI Thailand on the development of the modernized K200 IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle for the Royal Thai Army and opportunities for export production to other countries, which took place on August 27, 2024, witnessed by Mr. Thani Sangrat, Thai Ambassador to the Republic of Korea.

TDI Thailand is a joint venture between the Defence Technology Institute (DTI), an agency of the Thai Ministry of Defence, and Chaiseri Metal & Rubber Co. Ltd., Thailand, with the objective of supporting private sector arms exports to foreign countries in the form of government-to-government agreements.

TDI has successfully obtained a contract to export Chaiseri Thailand's products, the First Win 4x4 wheeled armored vehicle, to many foreign countries in 2024 .

Signing ceremony of the MOU between Hanwha Ocean and TDI Thailand on the development of the modernized K200 IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicle for the Royal Thai Army and opportunities for export production to other countries, on August 27, 2024 (photo: Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The K200 KIFV infantry fighting vehicle is a family of armored personnel carriers (APCs) developed by the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) of the Republic of Korea and manufactured by Daewoo Heavy Industries of the Republic of Korea (later Doosan of the Republic of Korea and now Hanwha Aerospace) in production since 1985.

The primary user is the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA), with over 2,500 in various versions ranging from K200A1 APC armored personnel carriers, KM120 120mm and K281 81mm self-propelled mortar launchers, K236 20mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and K288 recovery vehicles, with 111 also exported to the Malaysian Army (Tentera Darat Malaysia) in the 2000s.

In August 2024, Hanwha Aerospace, together with Malaysian company Cendana Auto, was awarded a contract by the Malaysian Ministry of Defence to upgrade the Royal Malaysian Army's K200 IFV, which includes the installation of new day/night vision devices, a new Remote-Control Weapon Station (RCWS), new engines and technology transfer to establish a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) center in Malaysia.


11 Februari 2025

ASELSAN Menyediakan Radar "Mete Han" untuk Fregat Merah Putih

11 Februari 2025

Infographic peralatan Main Contract dan FFBNW pada Fregat Merah Putih (infographic: TurDef)

Fregat masa depan Indonesia kelas Merah Putih akan dilengkapi dengan radar AESA multifungsi "Mete Han" buatan ASELSAN, yang menandai ekspor baru radar angkatan laut.

Sebuah infographic yang memperlihatkan peralatan fregat kelas Merah Putih dibagikan di media sosial. Peralatan tersebut dipisahkan menjadi “Main Contract” dan “Fitted For but Not With (FFBNW)".

Peralatan Main Contract/Kontrak Utama dari Turki meliputi:
-Mete Han radar AESA multifungsi, 
-CENK 200-N (MAR-D)  searching radar for helicopter approach control/radar penjejak untuk helikopter yang mendekat, 
-FERSAH hull-mounted sonar,
-decoy launchers/peluncur umpan dari ASELSAN,
-HAVELSAN akan menyediakan sistem untuk CIC room, yang kemungkinan merupakan versi ekspor dari ADVENT CMS.

Peralatan FFBNW dari Turki pada Fregat Merah Putih (infographic: Kaan Azman)

Mete Han adalah nama baru, tetapi konfigurasi dan ukurannya yang sudah pasti menunjukkan bahwa radar ini mungkin merupakan radar AESA multifungsi AKREP 500-NI dari rangkaian radar multi-band ÇAFRAD yang akan digunakan pada kapal perusak TF-2000 yang sedang dibangun untuk Angkatan Laut Turki. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ASELSAN telah mengembangkan solusi “ÇAFRAD Lite” untuk kapal perang yang lebih kecil seperti fregat.

Peralatan FFBNW terdaftar meliputi;
-CENK 400-N (CENK-S) AESA searching radar, dan

CENK 400-N (CENK-S) saat ini digunakan oleh fregat kelas-I Angkatan Laut Turki TCG İstanbul (F-515) dan akan digunakan pada tujuh kapal kelas lainnya untuk mulai beroperasi. Perjanjian ekspor radar ke Indonesia diumumkan pada tahun 2024; dengan demikian, keputusan integrasinya mungkin telah disahkan.

TurDef mengetahui bahwa infographic tersebut memiliki kesalahan ejaan di mana SAM ditulis sebagai "ASM". Jika Indonesia memutuskan untuk menempatkan VLS MİDLAS, fregat tersebut akan mampu menggunakan rudal HİSAR-D dan SİPER untuk pertahanan udara serta versi peluncur vertikal rudal antikapal ATMACA untuk ASuW. Yang lebih penting, ini akan menandai ekspor pertama VLS MİDLAS dan rudal yang terkait dengannya. 

Gagal Selesaikan Kapal OPV 2 dan OPV 3, Malaysia Putuskan Kontrak dengan Galangan

11 Februari 2025

OPV 1 KM Tun Fatimah (photo: APMM)

Gagal siap kapal peronda pesisir APMM, kontrak pembina ditamatkan
Farhana Farush – Kuala Lumpur

Tanda tanya mengenai status semasa pembinaan dua lagi kapal peronda luar pesisir (OPV) Agensi Penguatkuasa Maritim Malaysia (APMM) terjawab selepas kerajaan menamatkan kontrak dengan THHE Destini Sdn Bhd (TDSB) setelah ia gagal menyiapkan projek berkenaan.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail berkata susulan penamatan yang ditandatangani pada 31 Disember lalu, syarikat itu dikenakan kadar denda dan ganti rugi ditetapkan (LAD) sebanyak RM12.49 juta [AS$2.82 juta] di atas kelewatan menyiapkan kapal OPV 2 dan OPV 3.

Beliau berkata keputusan itu dipersetujui oleh Kabinet pada 22 Mac 2024 sebelum ia dilaksanakan. 

“Kementerian Dalam Negeri dibenarkan menamatkan kontrak projek tersebut setelah mendapat pandangan daripada Jabatan Peguam Negara. Sehubungan itu, kerajaan menandatangani perjanjian penamatan bersama pihak syarikat pada 31 Disember 2024,” katanya dalam jawapan bertulis yang dimuat naik dalam laman web Parlimen pada Khamis malam.

Saifuddin berkata TDSB turut dikenakan LAD di atas kelewatan penyiapan kapal OPV 1 yang berjumlah RM5.58 juta [AS$1.26 juta] dan RM9,600 [AS$2,167] bagi kelewatan pembekalan baki 12 unit General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) serta pembekalan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) bermula 1 Oktober 2024 hingga tarikh penerimaan oleh kerajaan.

Kerajaan memeterai kontrak perolehan tiga OPV bernilai RM738.9 juta [AS$166.82 juta] dengan TDSB pada Januari 2017 dan projek tersebut sepatutnya siap sepenuhnya pada Julai 2020.

Selepas beberapa kali tertangguh, TDSB hanya berjaya menyerahkan OPV 1 yang dinamakan KM Tun Fatimah pada Januari tahun lalu.

Penyelesaian Loan Agreement untuk Belanja Sistem Persenjataan

11 Januari 2025

Indonesia akan menjadi negara ke-5 yang mengoperasikan Scorpene-class (dikembangkan bersama oleh Naval Group, Prancis dan Navantia, Spanyol) setelah Chili, Malaysia, India dan Brazil. Prancis dan Spanyol sendiri tidak menggunakan Scorpene-class, Prancis sepenuhnya menggunakan kapal selam dengan propulsi nuklir sedangkan Spanyol menggunakan S-80 yang lebih besar untuk menggantikan S-70 (photo: Naval Group)

Peningkatan alokasi Pinjaman Luar Negeri (PLN) bagi Kementerian Pertahanan untuk periode 2020-2024 senilai US$ 25 miliar dari sebelumnya US$ 7,7 miliar pada kurun 2015-2019 melahirkan tantangan tersendiri untuk Kementerian Pertahanan untuk menyerapnya. Kemampuan daya serap PLN adalah menjadi salah satu indikator apakah Kementerian Pertahanan mampu mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan dalam Minimum Essential Force atau tidak.

Sejak dekade lalu fakta menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar jatah PLN bagi Kementerian Pertahanan, semakin besar pula tantangan bagi Kementerian Pertahanan guna menyerap anggaran yang sudah disediakan bagi belanja senjata. Sampai 31 Desember 2024, terdapat sekitar 50 kontrak yang empat status yang berbeda-beda di Kementerian Keuangan.

Pertama, kontrak menunggu izin penandatangan loan agreement dari Menteri Keuangan, Kedua, kontrak yang sudah menerima izin negosiasi loan agreement dari Menteri Keuangan. Ketiga, kontrak yang sudah mendapatkan calon lender dan menunggu izin negosiasi loan agreement dari Menteri Keuangan. Keempat, kontrak yang masih dalam proses seleksi calon lender oleh Kementerian Keuangan.

Terdapat sejumlah loan agreement pada akhir Desember 2024 yang belum mendapatkan persetujuan Menteri Keuangan untuk ditandatangani, meskipun terdapat harapan besar dari Kementerian Pertahanan dan pabrikan agar loan agreement tersebut dapat diselesaikan pada 31 Desember 2024. Secara teknis, kontrak-kontrak tersebut telah siap untuk ditandatangani karena semua klausul dalam loan agreement sudah disepakati oleh Kementerian Keuangan dan lender.

Scorpene-class Chili dan Malaysia dibangun di Naval Group, Cherbourg, Prancis dan Navantia shipyard, di Cartagena, Spanyol (photo: AFP)

Nampaknya terdapat pertimbangan lain yang membuat Kementerian Keuangan belum menandatangani sejumlah loan agreement tersebut. Sebagaimana diketahui, langkah selanjutnya setelah penandatanganan loan agreement ialah aktivasi kontrak akuisisi lewat pembayaran uang muka kepada pabrikan.

Selain isu loan agreement, isu lain yang mendapatkan perhatian sejumlah kalangan terkait adalah perpanjangan Penetapan Sumber Pembiayaan (PSP) bagi lebih dari 20 kontrak yang telah diteken oleh Kementerian Pertahanan. Tanpa persetujuan perpanjangan PSP dari Menteri Keuangan, mustahil bagi Kementerian Keuangan dapat melaksanakan perundingan loan agreement dengan lender.

Mengacu pada aturan yang berlaku, penandatanganan kontrak oleh Kementerian Pertahanan dan loan agreement oleh Kementerian Keuangan harus dalam masa aktif PSP. Walaupun Menteri Keuangan sebelum akhir 2024 sudah menerbitkan perpanjangan PSP bagi sejumlah kontrak, hal itu belum sepenuhnya memenuhi harapan Kementerian Pertahanan maupun pabrikan tertentu.

Terkait dengan PSP, salah satu kendala yang muncul dalam eksekusi program ialah gagasan perubahan skema program dari Lembaga Pembiayaan Kredit Ekspor (LPKE) menjadi Kreditor Swasta Asing (KSA). Setidaknya terdapat dua alasan yang mendasari ide tersebut yakni pertama, program sulit untuk didanai oleh LPKE karena terkait dengan pengerjaan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan di Indonesia.

India membangun Scorpene-class di Mazagon Dock, Mumbai, India (photo: L'usineNouvelle)

Hal ini tercemin dalam kasus program axial armament component helikopter H225M milik TNI Angkatan Udara. Kedua, aspirasi Kementerian Pertahanan yang hendak mengalihkan rencana impor sistem senjata dari negara lain ke Turki. Sebagai contoh adalah rencana akuisisi helm pintar Scorpion JHMCS buatan Thales Inc, Amerika Serikat langsung dari Amerika Serikat menjadi pengadaan helm Scorpion JHMCS lewat perusahaan Turki.

Apabila ditelusuri lebih jauh, tantangan yang terkait dengan loan agreement bukan semata karena proses yang lama di Kementerian Keuangan. Hal demikian dipengaruhi pula oleh seberapa cepat Kementerian Pertahanan menyelesaikan perundingan kontrak dengan calon pemasok sehingga kontrak tersebut dapat dijadikan basis bagi negosiasi loan agreement.

Tidak jarang perundingan kontrak dengan kandidat pemasok baru dapat diselesaikan menjelang masa berlaku PSP berakhir. Sebab negosiasi tersebut tidak segera dimulai tak lama setelah Menteri Keuangan menerbitkan PSP.

Selain itu, sikap bebal Kementerian Pertahanan untuk terus melanjutkan belanja sistem senjata ke Turki berkontribusi pula pada keterlambatan loan agreement sebab calon lender melihat risiko besar terkait pinjaman untuk mendukung kegiatan tersebut sehingga commercially unviable.

Brazil membangun Scorpene-class di Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN) shipyard, Rio de Janerio, Brazil (photo: Opex360)

Salah satu dinamika yang dihadapi oleh Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Keuangan terkait dengan loan agreement adalah tuntutan kenaikan harga kontrak yang diminta oleh calon pemasok sebab harga lama yang sudah tercantum dalam kontrak sudah tidak relevan lagi. Tuntutan kenaikan harga terjadi sebab calon pemasok memiliki sejumlah asumsi saat kontrak ditandatangani, di mana asumsi tersebut mempunyai batas waktu.

Sebagaimana diketahui, pasokan material pada industri dirgantara dan pertahanan global saat ini selalu mengalami kenaikan harga dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Semakin lama suatu kontrak tidak memiliki loan agreement, maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan tuntutan kenaikan harga akan diajukan oleh calon pemasok.

Penting pula untuk dicatat bahwa penyelesaian loan agreement kini juga merupakan batu ujian bagi kredibilitas Indonesia di mata industri dirgantara dan pertahanan global. Dengan tertundanya penandatanganan beberapa loan agreement pada akhir tahun lalu, sejumlah pihak mempertanyakan komitmen Indonesia terhadap kontrak yang telah disepakati.

Sangat penting untuk menjaga kredibilitas Indonesia dalam kontrak sebab Indonesia tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari bantuan industri pertahanan internasional guna melaksanakan modernisasi kekuatan pertahanan. Begitu pula dengan ambisi Indonesia untuk menguasai teknologi pertahanan yang memerlukan dukungan industri pertahanan asing.

Indonesia akan membangun Scorpene-class di galangan PT PAL, Surabaya (photo: PAL)

Kontrak kapal selam

Di antara kontrak akuisisi sistem senjata yang belum mempunyai loan agreement sampai akhir Desember 2024 ialah program kapal selam Scorpene Evolved yang sudah ditandatangani pada akhir Maret 2024. PSP kegiatan tersebut telah jatuh tempo pada 31 Maret 2024 dan hingga kini belum mendapatkan perpanjangan dari Menteri Keuangan walaupun Kementerian Pertahanan telah mengajukan permohonan pada tahun lalu.

Mengingat bahwa program ini merupakan high profile project, perpanjangan PSP oleh Menteri Keuangan nampaknya terkait pula dengan kesiapan fiskal untuk mendukung program tersebut, seperti dana Rupiah Murni Pendamping (RMP). Mengingat bahwa nilai kontrak Scorpene Evolved cukup besar, maka nilai RMP yang dibutuhkan akan cukup besar juga.

Mengutip sejumlah sumber yang kredibel, pada akhir Januari 2025 Kementerian Keuangan telah menandatangani loan agreement untuk program kapal selam Scorpene Evolved. Tantangan setelah loan agreement diteken adalah memastikan ketersediaan RMP agar kontrak tersebut memasuki tahap efektif. Sampai saat ini berapa angka RMP untuk APBN 2025 Kementerian Pertahanan belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun diperkirakan sekitar satu per enam dari total anggaran belanja modal.

Tidak boleh dilupakan pula kesiapan mitra lokal Naval Group terkait dengan bank guarantee dalam program kapal selam kelas Scorpene Evolved sebagaimana diatur dalam Joint Operation Agreement. (Alman Helvas Ali)


10 Februari 2025

PTU Terbangkan Pesawat Su-30MKM, Pamer Keupayaan dan Kesiagaan TUDM Melaksanakan Operasi Pemintasan Pesawat Asing dan Force Down

10 Februari 2025

Panglima Tentera Udara menerbangkan pesawat Su-30MKM dan melaksanakan misi pemintasan pesawat asing dan force down (all photos: TUDM)

Panglima Tentera Udara, Jen Tan Sri Dato' Sri Mohd Asghar Khan bin Goriman Khan TUDM telah menerbangkan pesawat Su-30MKM dan melaksanakan Misi Pemintasan Pesawat Asing dan Force Down sempena Lawatan Kerja Jawatankuasa Kerja Sistem Saraan Perkhidmatan Awam (JKK SSPA) ke Pangkalan Udara Kuantan pada 4 Februari 2025.

Misi Pemintasan Pesawat dan Force Down merupakan salah satu tindakan pantas skuadron pesawat pejuang melaksanakan tugasan memintas pesawat asing  yang menceroboh ruang udara negara.

Demonstrasi ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk memberi pendedahan kepada delegasi yang hadir tentang pengoperasian ATM amnya dan TUDM khasnya, seiring dengan setiap cadangan penambaikan SSPA bagi perkhidmatan ATM yang telah dikemukakan kepada JKK SPPA Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA).

Penglibatan Panglima Tentera Udara, pegawai dan anggota TUDM telah membuktikan kesiagaan aset dan warga TUDM di peringkat Strategik, Operasional dan Taktikal mampu diatur gerak sebilang masa dalam menjaga kedaulatan negara.

Demonstrasi lain yang turut dilaksanakan adalah Low Level Tactical Navigation, Free-Fall Tactical Infiltration, Combat Search and Rescue Mission, Ground Attack Tactic and Close Air Support Mission, Night Flight Tactical Operation dan Night Air Combat Tactic and Close Air Support Mission. Demonstrasi yang dilaksanakan ini sebahagiaannya turut disertai oleh wakil JPA yang hadir bagi memberi peluang kepada mereka merasai sendiri cabaran dan risiko yang dihadapi oleh setiap pegawai dan anggota ATM dalam melaksanakan setiap misi.

Australian Third MQ-4C Triton Program on Track and Preparing Next Aircraft for Delivery

10 Februari 2025

Australia's third multi-intelligence MQ-4C Triton, also known as “AUS3,” takes to the skies for its first flight at Northrop Grumman’s Palmdale, California, facility on October 29, 2024 (photo: Northrop Grumman)

PALMDALE, Calif.  -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) successfully completed testing of Australia’s third MQ-4C Triton at the company’s Palmdale, California, facility. 

The company is preparing to ferry the aircraft to Naval Air Station in Patuxent River, Maryland, where it will join Australia’s second Triton for calibration testing before delivery of both aircraft to the Royal Australian Air Force. 

Robust flight testing and validation of these uncrewed high-altitude, long endurance aircraft are key milestones ahead of delivery to Australia this year. 

Australia’s air force is collaborating with Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Navy to field the most advanced maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting capability available today.

Thai TAI and Sweden's SAAB Sign Cooperation Agreement to Support the RTAF's Gripen E/F Fighter Aircraft

10 Februari 2025

TAI and SAAB AB signed MoU to industrial support maintenance and logistics for RTAF Gripen E/F, Saab 340, Components, Tactical Data Link, and Command and Control capabilities at TAI headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand (photos: TAI)

Thai Aviation Industries (TAI) and SAAB AB, Sweden, on 7 February 2025 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at TAI's headquarters near Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, which TAI Thailand has published on its official social media channels. It is an important sign of progress in the project to procure 12 Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen E/F fighter aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) through a cooperation agreement to support logistics and maintenance.

This also includes support for the delivery and maintenance of the Saab 340 ERIEYE AEW Airborne Warning and Control Aircraft and the Saab 340B Transport Aircraft, Squadron 702, Wing 7, Surat Thani, as well as increasing the capability to maintain the main parts of domestic aircraft of the Royal Thai Air Force and Royal Thai Navy (RTN), enhance the capabilities of Tactical Data Link (TDL) and Command and Control (C2) networks to Thai TAI in accordance with the offset and technology transfer policy to develop the Thai aviation and defense industries.

The Royal Thai Air Force is looking to receive approval from the Thai government and the Thai parliament in fiscal year 2025 around April-May 2025 for the replacement of its F-16A/B ADF fighters of Squadron 102, Wing 1, Korat with 12 Gripen E/F fighters.

Phase 1 procurement, with a budget of approximately 19,000,000,000 baht ($539 million), consists of the first 4 aircraft, consisting of 3 single-seat fighter aircraft Gripen E and 1 two-seat fighter aircraft Gripen F, with the contract expected to be signed around June 2025 and will be delivered to Squadron 102, Wing 1 in 2029.

The Royal Thai Air Force has selected the Swedish Gripen E/F fighter over the US Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 70/72 Viper fighter from two final options out of 22 fighter jets considered.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Panpakdee Pattanakul, previously revealed to Thai media in January 2025 that Sweden’s proposed compensation agreement, including trade, imports, and exports, would be worth more than 60 billion baht ($1,778,515,530). The recent signing of the MOU between TAI Thailand and SAAB Sweden paves the way for the procurement agreement to be finalized soon.


09 Februari 2025

US, France and Japan Partner for 3-Carrier Exercise in Philippine Sea

09 Februari 2025

CVN-70 USS Carl Vinson (photo: Dvids)

France, Japan, U.S. Partner in Multi-Large Deck Event in Philippine Sea

PHILIPPINE SEA – U.S. forces will participate in Exercise Pacific Steller 2025, a multi-large deck event (MLDE) hosted by the French Navy in the Philippine Sea beginning Feb. 8. The exercise will involve ships from the U.S. Navy’s Vinson Carrier Strike Group (VINCSG), the French Carrier Strike Group, and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

This MLDE is designed to advance coordination and cooperation between French, Japanese and U.S. maritime forces while simultaneously demonstrating capabilities in multi-domain operations, promoting a shared dedication to regional stability, and highlighting the U.S. Navy’s enduring power projection capability.

“Pacific Steller 2025 allows us to practice seamless integration with our French and Japanese allies in a multi-domain environment,” said Rear Adm. Michael Wosje, commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1. “Coordinated operations between USS Carl Vinson, FS Charles De Gaulle, and JS Kaga strengthen our alliances and deter our adversaries. Together, we seek to maintain an open and inclusive Indo-Pacific, free of all forms of coercion, and we’re excited to work alongside our allies and partners who share that vision.”

Vinson Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1 (photo: CPF)

The U.S.-France alliance is built on a legacy of shared interests, values, and a commitment to freedom and human rights.

“It is a great opportunity for the French Carrier Strike Group to cooperate with our partners in the Indo-Pacific during the whole deployment. While France is a resident nation of the Indo-Pacific, it has not deployed its CSG to this part of the world for a long time,” said Rear Adm. Jacques Mallard, commander, French CSG. “Since January 14, the aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle, based in Toulon more than 6000 miles from here, is sailing in a different area. There is no doubt that PACIFIC STELLER will ramp up to a new level of interoperability for our three navies and represents a challenge that we are more than eager to take up alongside Japanese and US partners.”

The most recent MLDE in the Indo-Pacific occurred in August 2024 between the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and the Italian Navy aircraft carrier ITS Cavour (CVH 550). The event marked the first MLDE conducted between the U.S. and Italian navies in the Indo-Pacific region.

“Our routine integration aims to showcase our partnership and demonstrate our ability to work together with our French and Japanese allies,” said Capt. Matthew Thomas, commanding officer of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70). “Pacific Steller 2025 is one of many exercises with the goal to enhance the maritime security of the Indo-Pacific region. As the flagship of CSG-1, Carl Vinson stands ready and looks forward to participating alongside Charles De Gaulle and Kaga.”

FS Charles De Gaulle R91 (photo: Seaforces)

MLDEs are conducted in a manner that is consistent with international law and with due regard to the safety of navigation and the rights and interests of other states.

Participating large-deck ships include the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), the French carrier FS Charles De Gaulle, and Japan’s Izumo-class multi-functional destroyer JS Kaga (DDH-184).

CSG-1 consists of Carl Vinson, embarked staffs of CSG-1 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) one, Carrier Air Wing 2 (CVW) 2, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59), and Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Sterett (DDG 104) and USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110).

CVW-2 is composed of nine squadrons flying the F-35C Lightning II, F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, EA-18G Growler, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, CMV-22 Osprey and MH-60R/S Seahawks.

JS Izumo DDH-183 (photo: JMSDF)

French Carrier Strike Group consists of Charles De Gaulle, its embarked French Strike Force staff and carrier air wing, an air-defense destroyer, multi-mission frigates, a supply ship, an attack submarine, and a detachment of Atlantique 2 maritime patrol aircraft.

The French carrier air wing flies the Rafale Marine (F4) fighter aircraft, E-2C Hawkeye, and Dauphin, Caiman Marine, and Panther helicopters.

The French Carrier Strike Group is currently engaged in Mission CLEMENCEAU 25, sailing alongside its allies and strategic partners to promote a free, open and stable Indo-Pacific space for the benefit of French populations, interests, and those of their regional partners, within the framework of international law.

The Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations. U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.


Philippines to Acquire an Additional 12 Units of the Atmos 2000 SPH

09 Februari 2025

Currently, the Philippine Army operates twelve 6x6 truck-mounted Atmos 2000 SPH (photo: Philippine Army)

Another 12 units of Atmos 2000 for the Philippine Army approved

The Armed Forces of the Philippines plans to acquire an additional 12 units of the Atmos 2000 self-propelled howitzers by 2025.

This acquisition is part of the AFP's ongoing modernization program to enhance its capabilities and ensure National Security. 

This project includes the funds given in the new budget of the AFP for the year 2025. Based on the new funds of the AFP modernization program the list includes the purchase of an additional 12 units of Atmos 2000 self-propelled howitzers.

Currently, the Philippine Army is actively operating this weapon system Atmos 2000. The Atmos 2000 is an autonomous truck-mounted howitzer system is a long-range fast-moving artillery platform from Elbit Systems, Israel. 

This self-propelled 155 mm 52 caliber howitzer is known for its accuracy mobility and power capable of reaching targets up to 41 km away, it allows the AFP to engage threats with precision while maintaining mobility and flexibility in diverse terrains.

The Atmos 2000 typically requires a crew of four to six personnel to operate which is fewer than traditional artillery systems.

Its design allows for rapid deployment as the system can quickly move set up fire and relocate making it suitable for shoot-and-scoot tactics.

The Atmos 2000 is used to provide long-range fire support in various combat scenarios including counter-battery fire targeting enemy

artillery positions support infantry and armored units and defensive and offensive operations where mobility and quick response are crucial.

The AFP Modernization Program is a multiphase initiative aimed at transforming the country's Armed Forces into a credible and effective military force.

The acquisition of the additional Atmos 2000 units is part of Horizon 3 of this program which focuses on enhancing the Firepower and Mobility of ground forces.

See full article The Mowst

Kisah, Kapal Pemburu "Motor Torpedo Boat" Datang Dipangkalan ALRI Surabaja

09 Februari 2025

Kapal RI Matjan Tutul, Motor Torpedo Boat ALRI buatan Lurssen, Jerman (photo: TNI AL)

8 buah kapal pemburu type Motor Torpedo Boat (MTB) jang dipesan ALRI di paberik kapal Luerssen Werft di Bremen Vegesack Djerman Barat sudah siap untuk satu demi satu diangkut dari galangan kapal tersebut ke Indonesia  dan sebuah diantaranja telah datang pada tg 23-1 jl dipangkalan ALRI di Udjung, Surabaja dibawa oleh kapal Djerman "Dortmund".

Dinas Penerangan ALRI menerangkan, bhw kepala2 type MTB itu pandjang badannja ada 40 meter,  lebar 7 meter, dilengkapi dengan persendjataan 4 torpedo, 2 meriam, 6 bom-laut, 2 mitraljur kaliber 12,7 dan radar2 pentjari sasaran.

RI Harimau, Motor Torpedo Boat yang dipajang di TMII (photo: ipenk 666)

Ke-8 buah kapal baru itu jang nantinya diberi nama : Serigala, Matjan Tutul, Adjak, Matjan Kumbang, Anoa, Beruang, Harimau, dan Singa itu, selain bertugas sebagai pemburu dan pelepas topedo djuga akan bergerak sebagai seaward defence boat, mendjaga selat, dan melepaskan bom laut. Masing2 kapal berketjepatan maksimum 40 knots per djam.

Timbang terima kapal2 MTB jang baru itu, diterangkannja akan diselenggarakan dengan suatu atjara tidak lama lagi.

Akan dibentuk skwadron 2 dipisi
Diumumkannja pula bahwa berhubung dengan datangnya kapal2 baru MTB itu ALRI akan membentuk Skwadron Kapal Tjepat Torpedo-10 disingkat "Skwadkatjepedo-10" dan skwadron ini dibelah menjadi 2 dipisi, masing2 Dipisi Kapal Tjepat Torpedo-101 (Divkatjepedo-101)  dan Dipisi Kapal Tjepat Topedo-102 (Divkatjepedo-102).

Harian Nasional edisi cetak tanggal 08 Februari 1960

08 Februari 2025

PH Successful Conduct of 6th Multilateral Maritime Cooperation Activity (MMCA) with US, Japan, Australia

08 Februari 2025

Maritime Cooperative Activity consisting of Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Hobart, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ship Akizuki, Philippine Navy ship BRPJose Rizal, and United States Navy ship USS Benfold (all photos: Aus MoD)

Successful MMCA highlights strong ties between participating nations

MANILA – Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. on Thursday said the successful conduct of the sixth multilateral maritime cooperative activity (MMCA) highlights the country’s strong defense ties with Australia, Japan, and the United States.

“This activity demonstrates the strong cooperation and interoperability among our nations’ armed forces. Conducted in accordance with international law, the MMCA ensures safe navigation while respecting the rights and interests of all states,” he said in a statement.

Brawner also said the MMCA reflects the shared commitment of the nations involved to uphold the principles of freedom of navigation, overflight, and other lawful uses of the sea and international airspace, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Naval and air force units from the Philippines, Australia, Japan and the United States participated in a one-day MMCA that took place in the country's exclusive economic zone Wednesday.

The AFP deployed guided-missile frigate BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150) along with Philippine Air Force search-and-rescue (SAR) assets.

Meanwhile, Australia deployed the air warfare destroyer, HMAS Hobart (DDG-39) and a P-8A "Poseidon" maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft while Japan sent the destroyer JS Akizuki (DD-115).

The United States deployed the the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the USS Benfold (DDG-65) and P-8A Poseidon.

The MMCA reaffirmed the critical role of collaboration in ensuring peace, stability, and security in the Indo-Pacific region. It also strengthens the bonds among partner nations dedicated to upholding mutual prosperity and maintaining a rules-based international order.

"The MMCA featured a series of operational exercises designed to enhance coordination and interoperability among the participating forces. These included communication check exercises (COMMEX), maritime domain awareness and contact reporting, division tactics and officer of the watch maneuver (DIVTACS/OOW), photo exercise (PHOTOEX), and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) exercises," AFP public affairs office chief Col. Xerxes Trinidad said.

The first MMCA took place in April 2024, followed by the second and third held in June and August in the same year, respectively.

The fourth and fifth took place in September and December, respectively.

Planned objectives met

Trinidad said that all "planned objectives" of the sixth MMCA were met.

"Throughout the exercise, the safety of all participating personnel and vessels was our utmost priority. Established protocols were strictly adhered to, ensuring a safe and professional environment," Trinidad said.

While Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessels were monitored at a distance, these ships did not interfere with the MMCA which took place in the Northern Luzon Command's joint operational area.

Trinidad did not give the specific location but said the MMCA's "exercise box" was "south of Bajo de Masinloc".

"The exercise proceeded smoothly, and we are pleased with the positive outcomes and the cooperation shown by all participants," he said. 


Havelsan Successfully Upgrades Turkish CN-235 Aircraft with Advent Marti System

08 Februari 2025

The interoperability feature of Havelsan's Advent Marti C2 system integrated with Türkiye's Coast Guard Command's TCSG-553 aircraft (infographic: Havelsan)

 ADVENT MARTI Command and Control System Integrated into TCSG-553 Aircraft

Developed with national engineering capabilities, the ADVENT MARTI Command and Control System has been successfully integrated into the TCSG-553 aircraft of the Turkish Coast Guard Command. This integration aims to enhance the operational efficiency of critical airborne platforms used in security and defense missions.

Air platforms, equipped with advanced mission systems, play a pivotal role in intelligence, reconnaissance, and surveillance operations. They are essential tools in combating drug smuggling, migrant trafficking, human trafficking, and preventing high-risk incidents like hijackings. Advanced decision support systems like ADVENT MARTI are vital in ensuring mission success in these scenarios.

CN-235 no registration TSCG-553 of the Turkish Coast Guard integrated with Advent Marti Command and Control System (photos: Havelsan)

The ADVENT MARTI solution, part of the ADVENT CMS product family developed under the leadership of the Turkish Naval Forces Command, is specifically designed for special mission aircraft and helicopters. It provides real-time situational awareness, advanced command and control capabilities, and a flexible structure to adapt to various mission requirements.

Advanced Features of ADVENT MARTI

The ADVENT MARTI system is highly adaptable and configurable, seamlessly integrating with a wide range of sensors and equipment. It is suitable for platforms such as Maritime Patrol Aircraft, Maritime Surveillance Aircraft, Helicopters, and UAVs.

Key Capabilities:

-Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance

-Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Surface Warfare

-Electronic Warfare

-Search and Rescue (SAR)

-Tactical Data Link Relay

-Preventing Illegal Activities like Drug Smuggling, Human Trafficking, and Hijacking

HAVELSAN’s Combat Management System (CMS) enhances mission effectiveness through real-time decision-making capabilities and seamless integration with existing defense infrastructure.

By leveraging national engineering expertise, ADVENT MARTI continues to strengthen the operational efficiency of security forces and contribute to global security initiatives.


Rapim TNI AL, KSAL Bahas Kebutuhan Sensor Bawah Laut di 8 "Choke Points"

08 Februari 2025

Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) (image: kapal dan logistik)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Muhammad Ali mengatakan bahwa kebutuhan pemasangan sensor bawah laut di kawasan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI), menjadi salah satu pembahasan dalam rapat pimpinan (Rapim) TNI AL 2025. 

Keberadaan sensor bawah laut tersebut dianggap perlu untuk memperkuat pengamanan di 8 choke points atau titik sempit jalur pelayaran di area ALKI I, II dan III. 

"Kita memiliki delapan choke points penting itu semua harus dijaga (dengan) sensor bawah air untuk mendukung pengamanan di ALKI I, II maupun III. Semua kita bahas," ujar Ali kepada wartawan di Mabes TNI AL, Kamis (6/2/2025). 

Dalam kesempatan itu, Ali juga menekankan bahwa TNI AL bakal bersinergi dengan kementerian/lembaga terkait yang memiliki sensor bawah laut dan pos pengawas.

"TNI AL juga bakal bersinergi dengan kementerian dan lembaga lainnya yang memiliki juga sensor maupun pos pengawas. Kita juga akan memperkuat puskodal, harapannya bisa mengawasi seluruh perairan Indonesia, termasuk dengan (delapan) choke points tersebut," kata Ali. 

Contoh penerapan Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs) (image: MDPI) 

Berdasarkan catatan Kompas.com, Jalur ALKI I difungsikan untuk pelayaran dari Laut China Selatan melintasi Laut Natuna, Selat Karimata, Laut Jawa, dan Selat Sunda ke Samudra Hindia, dan sebaliknya, serta untuk pelayaran dari Selat Singapura melalui Laut Natuna dan sebaliknya.

Adapun perairan indonesia yang termasuk dalam wilayah ALKI I adalah Selat Sunda, Selat Karimata, Laut Natuna, dan Laut Jawa.

Sedangkan pada ALKI II difungsikan untuk pelayaran dari Laut Sulawesi melintasi Selat Makasar, Laut Flores, dan Selat Lombok ke Samudera Hindia, dan sebaliknya. Jalur ALKI II meliputi jalur lintas perairan Laut Sulawesi, Selat Makassar, Selat Lombok dan Laut Lombok. 

Sebagai jalur perdagangan dan pelayaran internasional, ALKI II memiliki nilai strategis karena menghubungkan lalu lintas perairan dan perdagangan internasional dari Afrika ke Asia Tenggara dan Jepang serta dari Australia ke Singapura dan Tiongkok serta Jepang, begitu pula sebaliknya. 

Sedangkan jalur ALKI III pada umumnya dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian. ALKI III-A difungsikan untuk pelayaran dari Samudra Pasifik melintasi Laut Maluku, Laut Seram, Laut Banda, Selat Ombai, dan Laut Sawu.

Contoh SOSUS array mendeteksi kapal selam (image: gentleseas)

ALKI III-A menghubungkan jalur perairan dan perdagangan internasional Australia bagian barat ke Filipina dan Jepang, dan sebaliknya.

Kemudian ALKI III-B difungsikan untuk jalur perairan dan perdagangan internasional yang meliputi pelayaran dari Samudra Pasifik melintasi Laut Maluku, Laut Seram, Laut Banda, dan Selat Leti ke Samudra Hindia dan sebaliknya. 

ALKI III-C difungsikan untuk pelayaran dari Samudra Pasifik melintasi Laut Maluku, Laut Seram, Laut Banda ke Laut Arafura dan sebaliknya. 

Sedangkan jalur ALKI III-D difungsikan untuk pelayaran dari Samudra Pasifik melintasi Laut Maluku, Laut Seram, Laut Banda, Selat Ombai, dan Laut Sawu ke Samudra Hindia dan sebaliknya. 

Untuk ALKI III-E difungsikan sebagai jalur pelayaran dari Samudra Hindia melintasi Laut Sawu, Selat Ombai, Laut Banda, Laut Seram, dan Laut Maluku.


PMC to Acquire Spyder SR/ER Missile System

08 Februari 2025

A model of the Spyder air defense system in PMC colors (photos: NGP)

The Philippine Marine Corps is evaluating the Israeli Spyder SR Earth surface-to-air-missile SAM system for its shore-based air defense system SPADS aligning with the Philippine Air Force's existing Spyder Missile Systems.

This system is being considered to protect the coastal defense regiment's Brahmos anti-ship missile batteries as the Fourth Marine Brigade recently displayed a model of the Spyder air defense system in unit colors at Camp Cape Bojador.

The Philippine Air Force (PAF) previously procured three batteries of the SPYDER  Missile Air Defense System from the Israeli company Raphael Advanced Defense Systems under a contract valued at approximately $141 million.

The first two batteries designated as the Spyder Philippine Air Defense System SPADS were delivered in 2022 and entered service in November 2022 at Basa Airbase Pampanga, these are operated by the 960th air and missile defense group. The third and final battery was delivered in November 2024.

See full article Da-Real

07 Februari 2025

The Republic of Singapore Navy’s Unmanned Surface Vessels Progressively Operationalised to Enhance Maritime Security

07 Februari 2025

Republic of Singapore Navy’s Maritime Security Unmanned Surface Vessels (MARSEC USVs) (photo: CNA)

Singapore is a maritime nation that relies on the sea for survival and economic prosperity. The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) is responsible for ensuring the security of these vital waterways, where more than 1000 vessels traverse daily. The RSN constantly enhances its capabilities to counter the evolving maritime security threats.

Republic of Singapore Navy’s Maritime Security Unmanned Surface Vessels (MARSEC USVs) at Changi Naval Base on Feb 4, 2025 (photo: CNA)

Today, the RSN relies on a combination of shore sensors and ships at sea to ensure maritime security of the vital waterways, alongside our national maritime security partners. After a series of rigorous tests, the RSN’s Maritime Security Unmanned Surface Vessels (MARSEC USVs) have begun operational patrols since Jan 2025, operating alongside manned ships such as the RSN’s Littoral Mission Vessels (LMVs) to enhance the security of Singapore’s waters.

The RSN’s Maritime Security (MARSEC) Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) operating in the Singapore Strait (photo: Sing Mindef)

Enhance Operational Capabilities – Surveillance, Interdiction and Greater Persistence
The USVs will add another layer of surveillance and operational response to our maritime security system. They conduct patrols, and when required, will investigate and interdict suspicious vessels. Operating alongside other manned vessels, the USVs will enhance the RSN’s ability to monitor and respond to situations at sea.By providing more persistent coverage in the Singapore Strait, the USVs also allow other warships like the LMVs to be deployed for other more complex missions, and at the further ranges from Singapore. The MARSEC USVs also allow the RSN to remotely1 and safely conduct potentially risky missions at sea.

A MarSec USV conducting a simulated interception of a hostile craft (photo: Shephard)

Indigenously Designed for Autonomous Operations in the Busy Singapore Strait
Designed and developed in close partnership with the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) and DSO National Laboratories, the new USV harnesses the latest technologies to enable autonomous operations in congested maritime environment. The USVs are equipped with autonomous navigation systems, which includes an indigenously developed Collision Detection and Collision Avoidance (CDCA) algorithm that enables the vessel to navigate through the busy traffic in the Singapore Strait and cope with the constantly changing environmental conditions at sea.

The RSN’s MARSEC USV (background) in pursuit of a suspicious vessel, simulated by
a Combatant Craft Medium (photo: Sing Mindef)

The CDCA autonomous navigation system integrates the USV’s perception and navigation sensors, as well as collision detection equipment used for typical maritime navigation (such as navigation charts, Maritime Automatic Identification System and Differential Global Positioning System) with an algorithm designed for the RSN’s operations. This rules-based system automates the collision avoidance decision-making process while ensuring that the USVs exhibit avoidance behaviour that complies with the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. This means that the USV assesses and responds to maritime traffic situations in a predictable manner, similar to that of a manned vessel.
Team Leader (right) working with Craft Operator (left) to operate the MARSEC USV remotely (photo: Sing Mindef)

The USV and its CDCA algorithm was extensively tested through a comprehensive Verification and Validation (V&V) approach, which included simulated-based testing and at-sea trials. This V&V approach had also been benchmarked against industry best practices, together with our global defence partners and maritime experts. Following an extensive development and testing process, the CDCA algorithm successfully completed over 12 million km of simulated distance with zero collisions, equivalent to 26 years of real-world testing. The USVs have also clocked over 1000 hours of real-world autonomous operations, with zero need for human intervention. The RSN will continue progressive experimentation to enhance the MARSEC USVs for a wider range of maritime security operations in Singapore’s congested waters.

Specification of MARSEC USV (infographic: Sing Mindef)

Resource Efficient by Design
The vessel can be operated by just a two-man crew2. In addition, the user-centric design of the Unmanned Systems Mission Control allows the operators to quickly plan and execute patrol profiles, track vessels of interest, and remotely warn, query and investigate vessels at sea.