28 Februari 2013

Empat Mesin Sukhoi Su-30MK2 Tiba

28 Februari 2013

Mesin pesawat Sukhoi Su-30MK2 yang diangkut pesawat An-124 (photo : TNI AU)

Setelah beberapa hari lalu dua Pesawat Tempur SU-30 MK 2 dari 6 Pesawat pesanan pemerintah Indonesia buatan Rusia memperkuat Skadron Udara 11 Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Tim penerimaan kedatangan Pesawat tempur Sukhoi Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Rabu malam (27/2) kembali disibukan untuk menerima kedatangan empat engine Pesawat tempur Sukhoi 27/30 yang diangkut dengan menggunakan Pesawat Antonov An-124-100 Flight Number RA/82043 dengan Pilot Ustelenov.

Kedatangan Pesawat An-124-100 yang parkir di Base Ops Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin tersebut disaksikan oleh Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsekal Pertama TNI Barhim, Para Kepala Dinas, Komandan Satuan, Tim dari Kemhan, Mabes TNI dan Mabesau serta Pejabat dari PT Trimarga Rekatama.

Pesawat An-124-100 mempunyai panjang badan 68.96 m dan lebar sayap 73.3 m serta tinggi 20.78 m, yang membawa empat engine pesawat tempur SU-27/30 buatan KNAAPO (Komsomolsk-na Amure Aircraft Production Association) Rusia, Take off dari Bandara Dzemgi Rusia Selasa (26/2) dengan rute penerbangan Bandara Dzemgi Rusia- Bandara Calcutta (India) - Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, yang merupakan satu rangkaian tahapan dari kedatangan enam unit pesawat Temnpur SU-30 MK2 pesanan pemerintah Indonesia buatan Rusia.


Grob Eyes Australian Opportunity for G120TP

28 Februari 2013

Grob G120TP basic trainer aircraft (photo : Grob)

Grob Aircraft mounted a major push for its G120TP basic trainer at this year's Avalon air show, with its stand including a simulator for the type, as it eyes an upcoming requirement to replace the Royal Australian Air Force's fleet of 63 Pilatus PC-9/9As.

Andre Hiebeler, chief executive of Grob Aircraft, says the G120TP can "eat into" up to 60-70% of the syllabus provided by higher-end tandem-seat turboprop aircraft such as the Pilatus PC-21, which is also likely to compete for the Australian deal.

Canberra's requirement is designated AIR 5428, and calls for a complete training solution, including simulators and aircraft. Grob envisages the RAAF using the G120TP in conjunction with a more advanced basic trainer type.

Hiebeler notes that only 45% of pilots trained by the Australian military end up in the air force. Of these, only a small portion transition to fighters such as the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet or F/A-18F Super Hornet. The majority become transport aircraft or helicopter pilots, making the G120TP, with its side-by-side configuration, a suitable training platform.

Hiebeler claims the G120TP's operating costs are far below those of higher-powered basic trainers. The aircraft has maximum continuous power of 380shp (283kW), which is considerably below that of rival types.

A request for proposals for the AIR 5428 requirement has yet to be issued, but Grob believes it could come by the end of 2013.

The RAAF's current PC-9s were delivered between 1987 and 1992, as recorded by Flightglobal's MiliCAS database.


Proyek Pesawat Tempur KFX Ditunda 1,5 Tahun

28 Februari 2013

Proyek pesawat tempur KFX versi C-103 tanpa canard (kiri) dan dengan canard (kanan) ditunda hingga Juni 2014 (photo : chosun)

RI-Korea Tunda Kerjasama Industri Pesawat Tempur Canggih di Atas F-16

Jakarta - Pemerintah Korea Selatan (Korsel) menunda kerjasama industri pesawat tempur bersama Indonesia yang diberi nama Korea Fighter Xperiment/Indonesia Fighter Xperiment (KFX/IFX). Alasannya pemerintah Korsel masih dalam tahap transisi kekuasaan terkait pergantian presiden baru Korsel.

"Ditunda setahun setengah karena ada perubahan pemimpin Korea yang baru dilantik kemarin kan presidennya, jadi dia Ingin meyakinkan pemerintah supaya lebih ada data, dasarnya menghadapi parlemen," kata Dirjen Potensi Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan, Pos Hutabarat di acara Seminar Pembangunan Industri Pertahanan Yang Terintegrasi Melalui Penguasaan Teknologi, Guna Kemandirian Bangsa di Kementerian Perindustrian, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Kamis (28/2/2013).

Pos menuturkan penundaan kerjasama ini terhitung mulai Januari 2013 hingga satu tahun setengah. Sehingga pada Juni 2014 kerjasama ini bisa realisasi kembali. "Tapi realisasinya dalam hal engineering ya," katanya.

Ia menjelaskan dalam proyek ini pemerintah Indonesia berkontribusi hanya 20% selebihnya oleh pemerintah dan BUMN strategis Korsel. Rencananya dari proyek ini akan diproduksi pesawat tempur KFX/IFX atau F-33 yang merupakan pesawat tempur generasi 4,5 masih di bawah generasi F-35 buata AS yang sudah mencapai generasi 5. Namun kemampuan KFX/IFX ini sudah di atas pesawat tempur F-16.

Pesawat KFX/IFX akan dibuat 250 unit, dari jumlah itu Indonesia akan mendapat 50 unit di 2020. Harga satu pesawat tempur ini sekitar US$ 70-80 juta per unit.

"Tapi kita yang ini mungkin bisa dapat US$ 50-60 juta, karena kita ikut membangun, dari APBN kita," katanya.

Sebelumnya PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) akan terlibat dalam pengembangan dan produksi pesawat jet tempur buatan Indonesia. Pesawat itu dikembangkan atas kerja sama Kementerian Pertahanan Korea Selatan dan Indonesia, pesawat tempur KFX/IFX.

Direktur Utama Dirgantara Indonesia Budi Santoso menuturkan, untuk mengembangan pesawat yang lebih canggih dari F-16 dan di bawah F-35 ini, PT DI telah mengirimkan sebanyak 30 orang tenaga insinyur ke Korsel untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan proyek pesawat temput versi Indonesia dan Korsel.

"Baru pulang Desember (2012) 30 orang. Kami mengirim atas nama Kemenhan. Jadi 1,5 tahun tim kita ada di Korea. Kita 1,5 tahun sama-sama mendesain. Kita ada yang belajar dari Korea, dan Korea ada yang belajar dari kita (PT DI)," tutur Budi.


NZDF Issued a RFI for UWISR Systems

28 Februari 2013

P-3K2 Orion aircraft of the RNZAF (all photos : RNZAF proboards)

Underwater Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (UWISR) Project - (RFI 4107-02) GETS reference #38360

Defence is seeking information on potential solution options to restore the UWISR capabilities of its fleet of six P-3K2 Orion aircraft.

This RFI seeks responses from companies that have the requisite skills, knowledge and experience to provide either portions of or a complete airborne UWISR capability solution, including:

#Aircraft systems:
-a replacement for the existing acoustics system
-an acoustic processor simulator
-a Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) system
-a MAD simulator / stimulator
-upgrade / modification of the air-dropped stores ejection system.

# Ground based systems:
-a post-mission acoustic analysis system
-an acoustic data storage / archive system
-an acoustic processor simulator
-a MAD simulator / stimulator.

#Installation and introduction into service:
-integration and testing of the complete UWISR solution
-NZDF operator and technician training on the operation and maintenance of both the airborne and ground systems
-assistance with certification, testing, and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) of the new ground and airborne systems.

#Provision of ongoing industry support to maintain the UWISR capability at a contemporary standard through-life.

Respondents may choose to provide information that covers all aspects of this RFI or provide information that focuses on defined topic areas only.

Respondent information will be used to assist Defence in the development of a project Business Case. The Business Case will detail potential solution options for New Zealand Government approval. Defence will assume that respondents who provide information in relation to this RFI are also interested in participating in a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a Request for Tender (RFT), should the Project progress and such a document be issued. For the avoidance of doubt, respondents acknowledge that providing information in relation to this RFI does not in any way constitute an offer by Defence to the respondent to participate in, or be involved in any subsequently issued RFP or RFT.


27 Februari 2013

Myanmar's Military Spending Through the State Budget in 2013-2014 Amount to About $ 2 Billion

27 Februari 2013

BTR-3U of the Myanmar Army (photo : Myanmar Army Corps)

TSAMTO - The Myanmar Government has allocated for defense in fiscal year 2013-2014 20.8% of the national budget, or about $ 2 billion, according to "Jane's Defence Weekly," referring to the local sources.

The draft defense budget proposed by the government on February 19, will come into force on April 1. According to experts, the share devoted to the military, reduced compared with appropriations for FY 2012-2013

However, military expenditure for the state budget does not include funds received by the enterprises of the military, which is distributed in accordance with the Law on Special Funds.

Law on Special Funds was adopted in March 2011 and allows the armed forces to use the additional funds without parliamentary oversight.

Type 59D MBT of the Myanmar Army (photo : Myanmar Army Corps)

Financing of special funds, is likely to increase as through proceeds from the exploitation of mineral deposits, primarily natural gas.

Due to the growth of foreign investment in the gas sector, the International Monetary Fund expects the gross domestic product of Myanmar from 59 billion dollars in 2013 to 77 billion in 2017, with an annual growth rate of about 7% (Myanmar has developed several large gas fields) .

It should be noted that the sanctions imposed on Myanmar by Western countries, led to the fact that the main suppliers of arms to the market are China and Russia. In 2009, Myanmar ordered 20 MiG-29 in Russia and 60 SS K-8 "Karakorum" in China.


PT LEN dan PT INTI Akan Dimerger

27 Februari 2013

Combat Management Systems karya PT Len (photo : Len)

Perbesar Pasar, 2 BUMN Teknologi Ini Akan Merger

Jakarta - Dua perusahaan pelat merah bidang teknologi, PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (INTI) dan PT Len Industri (LEN) masuk rencana merger Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di 2013. Langkah itu diambil untuk memperluas dan memperkuat pangsa pasar dua BUMN itu, di bidang pengembangan dan penjualan produk teknologi. 

"Inti dan LEN akan dikonsilidasi (merger), kayak Sucofindo dan Surveyor Indonesia. Polanya seperti itu," tutur Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan usai rapim BUMN di Plaza Mandiri, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, Selasa (26/2/2013).

Dahlan beralasan, dua BUMN yang bermarkas di Bandung Jawa Barat ini akan menjadi perusahaan yang kuat dan besar pasca merger. Hal ini akan memberi keuntungan lebih karena tidak perlu lagi bersaing keras atau bahkan akan bertambah kuat ketika mengikuti tender telekomunikasi.

"Segi aset Inti besar. Tapi masing-masing punya kehandalan sendiri," tambahnya.

INTI merupakan perusahaan pelat merah bidang teknologi komunaksi yang memberikan jasa produk sebagai pemasok utama pembangunan jaringan telepon nasional. Produk yang dihasilkan antara lain: produk-produk seperti IP PBX, NMS (Network Management System), SLIMS (Subscriber Line Maintenance System), NGN Server, VMS (Video Messaging System), GPA (Perangkat Pemantau dan Pengontrol berbasis SNMP), Interface Monitoring System untuk jaringan CDMA, dan Sistem Deteksi dan Peringatan Bencana Alam (Disaster Forecasting and Warning System).

Sementara LEN merupakan perusahaan pelat merah bidang teknologi yang bergerak di biang penghasil produk energi terbarukan (solar cell), alat navigasi dan transportasi (peralatan broadcasting, tracking system, peralatan navigasi), kontrol pertahanan (aplikasi peralatan komunikasi anti penyadapan), serta bidang transportasi (persinyalan kereta).

CAE Australia Wins Contract to Support and Upgrade RAAF’s AP-3C Simulator

27 Februari 2013

Orion's sophisticated surveillance equipment on the AP-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft (photo : stampboards)

Melbourne, Australia  - (NYSE: CAE; TSX: CAE) - Today at the Avalon Australian International Air Show, CAE announced it has recently been awarded a contract from the Commonwealth of Australia to provide maintenance and engineering support services for the Royal Australian Air Force's AP-3C Advanced Flight Simulator (AFS).

Following a competitive tender, CAE Australia was selected to provide the on-site maintenance and support services for the AP-3C AFS, which is located at RAAF Base Edinburgh in Adelaide, South Australia and used to train RAAF aircrews.  In addition, CAE expects to provide a range of simulator upgrades, including a comprehensive upgrade of the visual environment.

"CAE Australia is an Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) and already performs a range of service, support and engineering upgrades on in-service simulators for the Australian Army, Navy and Air Force, including the RAAF's AP-3C Operational Mission Simulator used for mission crew training," said Peter Redman, Managing Director of CAE Australia Pty Ltd.  "Though the AP-3C flight simulator was not manufactured by CAE, we have a wealth of experience on this platform and were able to offer the Commonwealth low-risk upgrade solutions and common engineering support services across platforms, which will help reduce costs."

CAE Australia currently provides turnkey training support services for the Australian Defence Force's S-70B Seahawk simulator at HMAS Albatross, Nowra; the S-70A Black Hawk simulator at Army Airfield Oakey; the C-130J simulator at RAAF Base Richmond; the KC-30A simulator at RAAF Base Amberley; and will deliver the support services for the MRH90 training systems when delivered. CAE has delivered or is currently developing P-3C training systems for the United States Navy, Canadian Forces, German Navy, Taiwan Navy and other military customers globally.


26 Februari 2013

CAE to Provide RNZAF with Beechcraft King Air 200 Classroom Training System

26 Februari 2013

Beechcraft King Air 200 cockpit (photo : Altaero)

Melbourne, Australia - (NYSE: CAE; TSX: CAE) - Today at the Avalon Australian International Air Show, CAE announced it has signed a contract to provide the Royal New Zealand Air Force with a Beechcraft King Air 200 ProLine 21 CAE SimfinityTM Virtual Simulator (VSIM) classroom and B200 Computer-Based Training (CBT) in support of the Interim Advanced Pilot Training Capability (IPTC) project.

Under terms of a five-year lease that includes an additional five-year option, CAE will install and support the CAE Simfinity VSIM classroom for the Beechcraft King Air 200 at RNZAF Base Ohakea.

"The simulation services provided by CAE will play a key role in modernising the training of RNZAF pilots under the IPTC program," said Air Vice-Marshal Peter Stockwell, RNZAF Chief of the Air Force,

The CAE Simfinity VSIM is part of the comprehensive suite of CAE Simfinity training media that leverages full-fidelity simulation software to provide a fully integrated training solution.  The CAE Simfinity VSIM, which can be used for either self-paced or instructor-led training, is ideal for familiarisation and procedural training because pilots can "learn by doing" prior to training sessions in a full-flight simulator or aircraft. 

Included with the CAE Simfinity VSIM training solution is the CAE Simfinity Flight Management System Trainer, which integrates complete flight management system (FMS) capabilities including navigation display rendering of routes and navigation aids.

"By using the CAE Simfinity VSIM, you can offload pilot training events to more cost-effective training devices, making more efficient use of the aircraft" said Peter Redman, Managing Director, CAE Australia Pty Ltd.  "CAE is committed to supporting the Royal New Zealand Air Force's simulation and training needs, and looks forward to delivering this innovative solution for Beechcraft King Air 200 classroom training."


Super Tucano Berlatih Pemboman Udara-Darat Pertama Kali

26 Februari 2013

Pesawat Super Tucano membawa bom udara-darat Mk-82 Innert Practice (photo : Merdeka)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Untuk pertama kalinya sejak mendarat di Tanah Air pada 17 September 2012 lalu, pesawat turboprop multifungsi EMB-314 Super Tucano berlatih pemboman, di Lahan Persenjataan Udara Pandanwangi, Lumajang, Jawa Timur, Selasa. 

Bom yang digunakan jenis bom udara-darat Mk-82 Innert-Practice yang umum dipakai berlatih bagi pilot jet tempur TNI AU. Super Tucano buatan pabrikan Embraer, Brasil, dirancang memiliki kompatibilitas tinggi disandingkan dengan berbagai jenis persenjataan, buatan Barat atau Timur, pun beberapa negara Amerika Latin dan Afrika Selatan. 

Uji coba itu termasuk latihan penyerbuan/pemboman udara ke darat Skuadron Udara 21,  bertujuan melatih kemampuan seorang pilot pesawat tempur menghancurkan sasaran. Skuadron udara ini kini terdiri dari Super Tucano setelah pernah diisi OV-10F Bronco dan beberapa jenis/tipe lain pesawat tempur.
Latihan misi tempur ini dilaksanakan selama tujuh hari sejak kemarin, direncanakan secara berkala dengan melibatkan seluruh penerbang Super Tucano. 

Mampu mengunci dan menghancurkan sasaran bergerak dan statik menjadi syarat utama profesionalitas penerbang tempur TNI AU selain memahiran menguasai pesawat tempurnya.

Lockheed Martin Completes 400th MH-60 Digital Cockpit for Installation on First Australian Romeo Helicopter

26 Februari 2013

MH-60R Seahawk cockpit for Royal Australian Navy (photo : Lockheed Martin)

AVALON, Australia,  — Lockheed Martin has completed the 400th Common Cockpit™ avionics suite for the U.S. Navy’s MH-60 Seahawk helicopter program. The digital cockpit will be installed aboard the first of 24 MH-60R (Romeo) anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopters to be acquired by the Royal Australian Navy via the U.S. Government’s Foreign Military Sales program.

“The Common Cockpit avionics suite has proved to be a highly effective flight and mission systems hub during more than 600,000 flight hours aboard the U.S. Navy’s fleet of 360 MH-60R and MH-60S helicopters built and delivered to date,” said Capt. James Glass, program manager for H-60 Multi-Mission Helicopters. “A digital, all glass cockpit that’s common to both platforms and operationally proven will enable critical interoperability between MH-60 aircraft operated by both the Australian and U.S. navies.”

Australia is the first international customer to buy the U.S. Navy’s MH-60R multi-mission helicopter, which became operational in January 2006. The U.S. Navy is expected to take delivery of the first mission-ready MH-60R helicopter in December 2013 for transfer to the Royal Australian Navy in early 2014. All 24 Australian aircraft are to be delivered by mid 2016.

“The MH-60R is a proven capability with the Common Cockpit at its core,” said Capt Scott Lockey, who is the Project Director for the Australian MH-60R program. “The Australian acquisition of 24 multi-mission Romeo helicopters means that we will have the capacity to provide at least eight warships with a combat helicopter at the same time, and we can rely on the Common Cockpit to successfully network and communicate with our fleet.”

The Common Cockpit avionics suite features four large, flat-panel, multi-function, night-vision-compatible, color displays. The suite processes and manages communications and sensor data streaming into MH-60 multi-mission helicopters, presenting to the crew of three actionable information that significantly reduces workload while increasing situational awareness.

Stratford, Connecticut-based Sikorsky builds the MH-60R and MH-60S aircraft. Lockheed Martin Mission Systems & Training in Owego, N.Y. delivered the first MH-60 Common Cockpit avionics suite in 2002 when U.S. Navy MH-60S helicopters became operational.

(Lockheed Martin)

25 Februari 2013

First Littoral Combat Ship to Deploy in March

25 Februari 2013

USS Freedom with new paint scheme (all photos : Lockheed Martin)

FORT MEADE, Md. (NNS) -- During a media availability Feb. 21, Navy officials announced the littoral combat ship USS Freedom (LCS 1) is on track to begin its first deployment March 1.

This milestone was announced by the LCS Council, a group established by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert Aug. 22, to oversee continued fleet testing and the introduction of the LCS.

"Addressing challenges identified by these studies, on the timeline we require, necessitates the establishment of an empowered council to drive the action across acquisition, requirements and fleet enterprises of the Navy," said Greenert.

The output of the council is intended to assist in maximizing the expansive potential capabilities of LCS and its associated mission packages in global fleet operations for the joint warfighter. 

"I am confident we are on a path of success for LCS," said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. "This council will continue to unify our efforts to implement operational lessons learned from our research and development ships to further ensure successful fleet integration." 

LCS ships are designed to employ mission packages that address capability gaps in the areas of surface warfare, mine countermeasures, and anti-submarine warfare. Due to its modular design, each LCS ship can be reconfigured to perform one of those three distinct missions in a short period of time.

Freedom's deployment will demonstrate her operational capabilities, and allow the LCS Council to evaluate crew rotation and maintenance plans. 

The ship will operate forward from Singapore and spend eight months in theater conducting maritime security operations, participate in international exhibitions and exercises to highlight U.S. strategic intent in the region, and reassure U.S. partners through bilateral and multilateral interoperability.

(US Navy)

23 Februari 2013

Dua Sukhoi Tiba di Maros Diangkut Pesawat Antonov

23 Februari 2013

Pesawat tempur Sukhoi jenis Su-30MK2 dengan nomor bodi TS-3006 (photo : MetroNews) 

MAKASSAR, TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM--Dua pesawat tempur Sukhoi tipe SU-30 MK 2 tiba di Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin TNI Angkatan Udara, Jumat (22/2/13) malam. 

Dua dari enam pesawat pesanan pemerintah Republik Indonesia buatan Rusia ini, mendarat mulus yang diangkut dengan pesawat Antonov AN-124-100  Flight Number VDA 613 yang dibawa pilot Gorbunov Vladimir beserta 17 kru pesawat.

Pesawat angkut AN-124-100 tersebut berangkat dari Bandara Dzemgi, Rusia, Rabu (20/2/13) pukul 00.30 UTC. Dengan rute penerbangan bandara Dzemgi Rusia lalu ke Bandara Ninoy Aq Manila hingga tiba ke Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar, Mandai, Kabupaten Maros. 

Pesawat tempur Sukhoi jenis Su-30MK2 dengan nomor bodi TS-3007 (photo : TheJakartaPost)

Kepala Penerangan Lanud TNI AU Sultan Hasanuddin, Mayor Mulyadi, mengatakan, kedatangan dua pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-30 MK 2 ini menambah kekuatan Skadron Udara 11 Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin sebagai home base pesawat tempur SU-27 SKM dan SU-30 MK 2 buatan KNAAPO (Komsomolsk-na Amure Aircraft  Production Association) Rusia. 

Sebelumnya, sudah ada 10 unit pesawat tempur Sukhoi SU-27 SKM dan SU-30 MK 2 yang datang secara bertahap pada tahun 2003 lalu di Lanud Iswahyudi, Madiun. Selanjutnya di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin pada 2009 dan 2010. 

Jika enam pesawat pesanan tahun 2013 ini datang semuanya, maka TNI AU memiliki total 16 Sukhoi.

(Tribun Timur)

22 Februari 2013

No More Second Frigates for Philippines Navy

22 Februari 2013

Maestrale class frigates (photo : Militaryphotos)

MANILA, (PNA) -- A ranking Department of National Defense (DND) official has said the option to acquire second-hand frigates to boost the numbers and capabilities of the Philippine Navy (PN) has been waived.

Fernando Manalo, DND undersecretary for finance, munitions,installation and materiel, said this because evaluation studies found out that acquiring these vessels will be more costly in the long run.

"The PN found out that it will be more expensive to maintain second hand vessel(s) than buying a new one," he added.

With this conclusion, the Italian-made "Maestrale" frigates, are no longer in the running for possible acquisition by the Philippines.

"Its no longer being evaluated," Manalo stressed.

The "Maestrale" was earlier touted by the DND as the next ships to be acquired for the PN due to its credible missile and anti-submarine capabilities.

With this development, Manalo said the Philippines is now looking for new build naval ships with the same configuration.

The DND earlier said that five countries have expressed their intention to sell the Philippines modern frigates and offshore patrol vessels which will help the country protect its vast maritime territories.

These offers came from the United States, Israel, Croatia, South Korea and Australia.

All vessels being offered by these nations are brand new.

Manalo added that offers of the above-mentioned countries started coming during the last quarter of 2012.

The DND official attributed the sudden influx of would-be-suppliers to the fact the Philippine is now seriously upgrading its military forces.

The Philippines is in the market for two modern and powerful frigates in order to enhance its maritime domain awareness and protection capabilities.


Prime Minister Visits Bastion Coastal Missile Complex in 681 Naval Unit

22 Februari 2013

681 Naval Unit with Bastion-P coastal defence missile system (all photos : BaoDatViet)

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Government delegation had visited 681 Naval Unit (located in Tien Thanh Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan province), units equipped with coastal defense missile system Bastion-P.

In the morning of 18/2, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and the delegation of the Government to visit and work in Binh Thuan Province. Soon after, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to inspect 681 Naval Unit, stationed at Tien, Phan Thiet.

At 681 Naval Unit, Prime Minister examine the combat operations and combat readiness of the units and talk to the officers and soldiers of the Union.

681 Naval Unit is equipped with the missile defense system the world's leading modern coastal Bastion-P produced by Russia. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung observed missile system to protect the sea.

Prime Minister asked the officials and soldiers of the 681 team continues to perform the first task is to make good the training, uphold the spirit of vigilance, ready to fight and win, not to be unexpected before any situation. 

Coastal defense missile system Bastion-P is designed to destroy any target on the sea (including the carrier). In the photo is the car tubes (2 missile rounds) of the system Bastion-P. According to the Russian design a system that includes 4 launch vehicle.

Coastal defense missile system Bastion-P is equipped with bullet supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles P-800 Oniks achieve a range of 120-300km (depending on altitude), cruise speed of Mach 2.5 .

681 Naval Unit is always ready to fight to protect the nation's waters.


21 Februari 2013

PT DI Dapat Kontrak Buat 14 Pesawat : 6 Indonesia, 8 Negara Asia Tenggara

21 Februari 2013

Per Februari 2013 PT DI telah memenuhi 74% target kontrak tahun 2013 (photo : Viva)

BANDUNG, (PRLM).- PT Dirgantara Indonesia mendapatkan kontrak pengerjaan 14 unit pesawat per Februari 2013. Diproyeksikan nilai kontrak tersebut bisa memenuhi sekitar 74% dari target kontrak yang ditetapkan pada tahun ini.

Kepala Komunikasi PT DI, Soni Saleh Ibrahim, merinci keempat belas unit pesawat itu, masing-masing untuk pasar Asia Tenggara sebanyak 8 unit pesawat, dan 6 unit pesawat untuk pasar dalam negeri.

Adapun untuk pasar Asia Tenggara adalah CN 235 sebanyak 4 unit, pesawat CN 212 sebanyak 2 unit, dan pesawat CN 295 sebanyak 2 unit.

Sementara untuk pasar dalam negeri adalah pesawat jenis CN 235 sebanyak 3 unit, dan Helikopter Bell sebanyak 3 unit. "Secara total, kontraknya bernilai Rp 2,3 triliun," katanya saat jumpa pers di kantor PT DI, Jl Pajajaran, Rabu (20/2).

Dia menambahkan, target kontrak yang ditetapkan pihaknya untuk tahun ini sebesar Rp 3,1 triliun. Dengan demikian, progres nilai kontrak yang telah didapatkan oleh PT DI per Februari 2013 mencapai sekitar 74% dari target yang ditetapkan.

Selain itu, dia juga mengatakan, pihaknya sedang dalam proses menunggu hasil audit dari otoritas perhubungan udara Eropa atau European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Audit tersebut merupakan salah satu rangkaian proses yang dilakukan agar pihaknya mendapatkan persetujuan untuk bisa melakukan perawatan Air Bus Military.

Dia mengatakan, rangkaian proses tersebut cukup lama. Menurutnya, sejak akhir tahun kemarin pihaknya telah menjalani proses tersebut.

"Setelah proses audit ini pun, masih ada lagi beberapa rangkaian proses, seperti sertifikasi orang-orang yang akan melakukan perawatan, kemudian proses kualifikasi tools yang akan kami pakai untuk perawatan itu," ujarnya.

PT DI menargetkan pendapatan sekitar Rp 200-Rp 250 miliar dari bisnis perawatan pesawat. Mengomentari jenis pesawat yang nantinya akan dirawat oleh PT DI, dia mengatakan, mayoritas pesawat tersebut adalah jenis pesawat Boeing dan Air Bus.

Soni berkeyakinan pihaknya bisa melewati proses kualifikasi untuk mendapatkan sertifikat perawatan pesawatan. Hal itu didasari oleh besarnya modal untuk mengikuti rangkaian proses, dan keinginan untuk memperbesar porsi bisnis perawatan pesawat dari perusahaan asal Indonesia.

Terkait dengan besarnya porsi, dia mencontohkan bisnis perawatan pesawat pada tahun 2010 lalu. Menurutnya, bisnis perawatan pesawat pada masa itu senilai Rp 600 juta dolar AS.

Dari nilai tersebut, yang terserap oleh perusahaan asal Indonesia, termasuk PT DI, hanya sebesar 20%. Sementara sisanya sebagian besar diserap oleh negara-negara, seperti Malaysia, Singapura, dan Thailand.

Soni juga mengatakan, pihaknya saat ini sedang dalam masa menunggu kontrak pengerjaan pesawat komersil sekelas N 250 berkapasitas 70-80 penumpang. Inisiator pengerjaan pesawat tersebut adalah PT Ragio Aviasi Industri (RAI), dimana BJ Habibie menjabat sebagai ketua dewan komisarisnya.

Pesawat N-250

"PT RAI sudah mendekalarasikan diri pada 2012 awal, terkait pembuatan pesawat sekelas N 250 tersebut, dan hingga sekarang diskusi dengan PT DI sudah berlangsung. Namun, belum sampai ke masalah kontrak. Rencananya, nanti memang PT DI yang mengerjakan, sementara pemasaran oleh PT RAI," ujarnya.

Meskipun demikian, dia mengatakan, pihaknya sudah melakukan persiapan terkait masalah perencanaan. "Persiapannya memang harus dari sekarang, meski matrial belum masuk. Dan dalam waktu 3 tahun harus jadi. Kalau lebih dari itu, bisa kemahalan dari orang-orangnya, karena mereka juga kan digaji," katanya. (A-204/A-89)***

(Pikiran Rakyat)

Singapore Orders Two Additional S-70B Helicopters

21 Februari 2013

Royal Singapore Navy S-70B ASW helicopter (photo : Sing Mindef)

Singapore has signed a contract for two additional Sikorsky S-70B seaborne helicopters, with the rotocraft due for delivery in 2016.

The new aircraft will have a "different weapons kit" to the Republic of Singapore Navy's existing fleet of six S-70Bs, says an industry source, who declines to provide exact details about how they will be equipped.

Singapore's existing S-70Bs, which were inaugurated into service in January 2011, are optimised for anti-submarine warfare duties, with an L-3 long-range active sonar and torpedoes.

According to Sikorsky's website, the S-70B can be configured for several other missions, including anti-surface warfare (ASuW), search and rescue, medical evacuation and vertical replenishment.

In the ASuW role, the type can be armed with up to eight Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, as well as machine guns and cannons.

Although Singapore's S-70Bs operate from the nation's six Formidable-class frigates, they are flown and maintained by air force personnel.


20 Februari 2013

CAE Completes Visual System Upgrade of RAAF C-130 FFMS

20 Februari 2013

The new visual system offers significantly increased visual fidelity, including better colour, sharper imagery and improved brightness (image : CAE)

CAE Australia today announced that it has completed a comprehensive visual system upgrade for the Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF) C-130J full-flight and mission simulator (FFMS) located at RAAF Base Richmond.

The simulator re-entered service ahead of schedule last month following minimal downtime and is now providing the RAAF with an enhanced and more realistic virtual environment to conduct flight and mission training. The simulator is used in conjunction with training on real aircraft, providing a near seamless transition for students throughout their conversion to the C-130J Hercules.

"The new visual system offers significantly increased visual fidelity, including better colour, sharper imagery and improved brightness," said Squadron Leader Scott van Ginkel, C-130J Training Flight Commander for the RAAF's No. 285 Squadron. "We conduct as much training as possible in simulation, because it is safe and cost-effective, and the C-130J simulator is our primary training aid for accomplishing this objective. The visual upgrade has delivered the improved realism required for military flying training, particularly low-level tactical operations and night vision goggles, so the RAAF now has a simulator that delivers enhanced operational mission training."

RAAF Commander Air Lift Group, Air Commodore Gary Martin, said that it was imperative for the Australian Defence Force to have the best quality of graduates from its six-month C-130J conversion course.

"There's a tremendous responsibility placed on our C-130J crews, who must be called upon to respond to short-notice and highly-complex tasks in Australia and abroad," Air Commodore Martin said. "We therefore need the best possible training available to take an ab initio pilot and turn them in to a skilled C-130J operator."

The RAAF C-130J FFMS was upgraded with the latest generation CAE Medallion-6000 image generator as well as Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) high-resolution projectors and displays. In addition, the RAAF C-130J FFMS now incorporates the CAE-developed common database (CDB) technology, which is an open database architecture that is rapidly updateable and enables correlated distributed mission training.

"CAE Australia has a long-standing relationship with the Australian Defence Forces and we are committed to the in-service support of the simulators and training devices that play such a key role in training ADF aircrews," said Peter Redman, Managing Director of CAE Australia. "Global defence forces, including here in Australia, understand the cost benefits of simulation-based training, and upgrades such as this visual upgrade to the RAAF C-130J simulator deliver excellent value and enhanced training capabilities."


Smaller Version of BrahMos Missile being Developed for IAF

20 Februari 2013

A smaller variant of the 290-km range BrahMos supersonic cruise missile is being developed for arming IAF's fighter aircraft (photo : defence.pk)

NEW DELHI: A smaller variant of the 290-km range BrahMos supersonic cruise missile is being developed for arming IAF's fighter aircraft. 

A new version of the missile is to be fitted on the frontline aircraft of Air Force including Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000 and the future inductions such as the 126 multirole combat aircraft, BrahMos officials said today. 

For the first time, the Indo-Russian joint venture showcased the model of the new missile at the 15th anniversary celebrations of the tie-up between the two countries. 

"Dr A S Pillai (of the venture) has assured us that BrahMos will be developing a miniaturised version of the missile for our other aircraft and the future inductions," IAF chief Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne said. 

BrahMos officials said the range of the missile would be 290-kms and it would be smaller by around three metres as compared to the present missile. 

At the moment, IAF and BrahMos are working on a Rs 6,000 crore project for integrating an air-launched BrahMos on the SU-30 MKI aircraft to allow the warplane to carry one missile under its belly. 

After the new missile is developed, the SU-30MKI would be able to carry three missiles while other combat jets of the IAF would be able to carry one each, they said. 

BrahMos Aerospace is also planning to carry out the underwater testfiring of the missile in near future which is expected to pave way for its induction into the Indian submarine arm.

ThalesRaytheonSystems Completes Command and Control System for Malaysian MoD

20 Februari 2013

MADGE system for RMAF (photo : ThalesRaytheon)

FULLERTON, Calif. – ThalesRaytheonSystems today announced full system acceptance has been finalized with the Royal Malaysian Air Force for the Malaysian Air Defense Ground Environment Sector Operations Center III (MADGE) Program. ThalesRaytheonSystems provided the Malaysian Ministry of Defence an enhanced national command and control system.

“The C2 system we’ve executed in Malaysia represents technological integration at its best,” said Kim Kerry, CEO of U.S. Operations for ThalesRaytheonSystems. “We worked with our Malaysian customers to integrate their legacy system and have augmented it with proven technologies, such as the Sentry® command and control system and the Ground Master 400 (GM 400) radar. The result is a system that reliably and effectively meets their requirements.”

The MADGE system operates in real-time and features multi-radar tracking and a flexible human-machine interface. The GM 400 radar will provide additional long-range surveillance capabilities for the Royal Malaysian Air Force.

ThalesRaytheonSystems has more installed command and control systems operating around the world than any other organization. The Sentry command and control system is a proven, comprehensive, real-time system that powers national air sovereignty systems around the world, including the NORAD Battle Control System. The company is also a world leader in battlefield and weapon-locating radar systems. The company’s radar capabilities span short-, medium-, and long-range systems. The ground-based radars are capable of detecting both conventional and unconventional threats for homeland and tactical air defense, counter-battery, and weapons system coordination.


RAAF's Top Guns Train with USAF's Best

20 Februari 2013

F-16C Blue Agressor squadron (photo : charles.agnew55)

The United States Air Force (USAF) F-16 jets returned to RAAF Base Williamtown on Sunday the 17th of February to participate in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Fighter Combat Instructors course (FCI).

The Commander of Air Combat Group, Air Commodore (AIRCDRE) Tony Grady, explained that the five-month FCI course takes RAAF’s best fast jet pilots, Air Combat Officers and Weapon Systems Officers and develops their skills in air combat tactics.

“To be a Fighter Combat Instructor, you need to have attained the highest level of leadership as a fighter pilot to even qualify for this course, so the training is very highly regarded,” AIRCDRE Grady said.

The USAF F-16 Viper Squadron, are some of the best pilots in the world and assisted with the last FCI Course in 2011. Their participation in this course offers the opportunity for our aircrew to train with the world’s best.

“The culmination of the course will be conducted from RAAF Base Darwin and RAAF Base Tindal for Exercise Aces North,” AIRCDRE Grady said.

RAAF F/A-18A/B Hornets and F/A-18F Super Hornets will also be supported by the E-7A Wedgetail and the KC-30 Multi-Role Tanker Transport.

USAF F-16 visits will follow RAAF Base Williamtown procedures to reduce noise impacts for the Port Stephens community, and the majority of fast jet flying will be conducted in over water areas east of RAAF Base Williamtown.


19 Februari 2013

CMI Defence and Doosan DST Present a New 120/105mm Medium Tank Concept

19 Februari 2013

Cockerill XC-8 turret mounted on the Doosan K21 IFV chassis (photo : CMI Defence)

Demand for Medium Tanks is increasing.  At IDEX 2013 CMI Defence and Doosan DST present a new 120/105mm Medium Tank concept.  The system integrates the Cockerill XC-8 turret and the Doosan K21 IFV chassis.  With a system weight of some 25 tonnes, the concept offers advanced 120mm or 105mm firepower with high operational flexibility and tactical mobility.

The Cockerill XC-8 is a low-weight concept-turret that recognises divergent market requirements; specifically for the broad operational flexibility demanded by the medium-tank requirement, and for the narrower, more specialised anti-armour requirement.  Thus one of two low-recoil force guns may be fitted in the XC-8. 
* The Cockerill 105mm high pressure gun provides commanders with a wide choice of ammunition to suit the tactical situation; it fires all NATO-standard 105mm types and the Cockerill Falarick 105 Gun Launched Anti Tank Guided Missile (GLATGM).  Elevating to +42° this weapon delivers exceptional engagement capability in complex terrain, an indirect-fire HE capability to 10km range, and the GLATGM permits heavy armour to be enagaged at extended ranges. 

* The Cockerill 120mm high pressure gun provides a strengthened anti-armour capability.  This weapon fires all NATO-standard 120mm smoothbore ammunition and the Cockerill Falarick 120 GLATGM, which permits the effective engagement and penetration of heavy armour to beyond 5km range.

The system weight of some 25 tonnes (photo : Army Recognition)

Both guns are employed using a common high performance, digital, fully-stabilised, day/night weapon control system.  Turret weight is kept low through the use of a bustle-mounted autoloader, which permits a two-person crew.  The Cockerill XC-8 concept-turret draws on the proven modular technology of the Cockerill CT-CV 105HP turret and may be realised at low risk. 

The Doosan K21 IFV chassis represents the latest-generation of vehicle technology.  In service with the Republic of Korea, the K21 offers outstanding tactical mobility through the use of hydro-pneumatic suspension, a 750HP powerpack and advanced running-gear design.  Tactical mobility and flexibility is further enhanced by the vehicle’s ability to swim without assistance at full combat weight.  A high-capacity digital data-infrastructure permits the functional integration of the Driver with the turret crew by using shared imagery and  control.  The same architecture permits straightforward through-life upgrade and low obsolesence risk.

The combination of the Cockerill XC-8 concept-turret with the Doosan K21 chassis promises a significant advance in terms of medium-weight direct-fire capability.  The combination of highly effective and flexible lethality options with outstanding strategic and tactical mobility, opens up a new range of operational possibilities.

(CMI Defence)