27 Mei 2017

Philippine Restarts Maritime Patrol Aircraft Acquisition Programme

27 Mei 2017

Airbus CN295 is the platform was understood to be a leading contender in the previous LRPA acquisition project. (photo : wikiwand)

The Philippine Department of National Defense (DND) has invited bids for a PHP5.976 billion (USD120 million) contest to supply the country's air force with two new maritime patrol aircraft.

The platforms, which are being acquired under the programme formally known as the Long Range Patrol Aircraft (LRPA) Acquisition Project, are to be delivered equipped with sensors and mission support facilities. The integration of these sensors and a logistics package to deliver the aircraft are also required, according to a tender notice posted by the DND.

Invitation for tender LRPA (photo : maxdefense)

Bidding is open to all qualified local or foreign suppliers who have completed a similar contract within the last 10 years from the date of submission of tender documents. The winning bidder must deliver the aircraft within 1,035 calendar days from the receipt of notice to proceed.

The DND Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) will hold a pre-bid conference for the contest on 16 June 2017 at 10.00 a.m. at Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo in Quezon City, near Manila. Parties interested in the contest will have to submit their bids by 30 June 2017.


38 komentar:

  1. Kata mantan kumiskutjingnya, pt.di bikin sayap aja ga bisa...jadi ga usah ikut tender, biar ATR-72 yang madju

    1. Emang kalo situ bilang "ga usah ikut tender" trus mereka mo nurut gitu? :D

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. Bukan gue bang yang bilang bgt...ini tjuma niruin daripada kata2 "kumiskutjingnya"

    4. Ooh..I see,baru paham ane..maap :D

    5. Tapi putri2nya tjantik djelita lho bang....

    6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    7. Info sesat.....sumber gak jelas katanya katanya.....klw buat helikopter secara utuh mungkin blm bisa baru fuselage dan tail boom...tapi kalau buat pesawat apalagi cuma sayapnya ya PT.DI uda bisa buat lah...kalau engine pesawat baru tidak bisa buat..

    8. Karena info yg pake cap "konon katanya" itu lbih asoy

    9. Itu krn kesel awewe dipermasalahkan wkwkwkwk, pelampiasannya malah ke pt di

  2. Good for Phillipines.. Shooping terus...

    1. Shopping till u drop... kah kah kah. Mari mari pt di juga punya nc 212 mpa

    2. Gpp, yg penting beli ploduk ploduk Indonesiaaa...best lahh. Mau produk custom sesuai standar DND and tactical operation nya pinoy jg bisa (spt tetangga sebelah, ngeles nya selalu "sesuai standar dan taktik strategi militer bla bla bla")...bilang aja punya duit cuman segitu...hahaha

    3. Hasyim

      loh..sudah tentu lah taktik & strategi disesuaikan dgn duitnya bro..klu medannya hutan @ sawit/karet..pilih la yg kecil & ringan tapi lincah..klu medannya kota,pilih la yg besar & berat tapi perlindungannya mantap..sebelum beli,di test dulu..jangan beli dulu baru di test..beli sesuai keperluan..jgn tetangga beli,kita mau juga..tetangga pake mercedes di kota,kita pake mercedes di hutan/sawit..wakakakaka...

    4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    5. https://lancercell.com/2017/05/28/tank-lawas-leopard-2a4-austria-menangkan-strong-europe-tank-challenge-2017/

  3. 2 planes for 120 mil USD, guessing the package will be quite lean. Maybe just a plane with fairly basic patrol equipment.

    1. i dunno how much money needs for maritime patrol packages.
      but one plane is arround usd30m.
      $120m still big contract to win i guess.

  4. Hey poornoy!!! No money no talk... acquisition that acquisition this... tou gjus want everything... end up asked for a refurbished defence equipment from foreign country. You guys jv a thick skin haahhahahaaahahaaa

    1. Ok heres a test bro.

      Boleh ckp Melayu?

    2. Ga usah repot2 om shed. "Peran" mereka kan emang mnjaga traffic ttp rame.mau itu diskusi/sling hujat/tnya jawab etc.santai aj.. ap lg in bulan ramadhan

    3. Sila cakap Melayu, Om...
      Kita sikit-sikit ngerti kok.
      Kalau ada yg gak ngerti, tinggal nanya...

    4. Om AP, pensiun dini. Pekerjaannya diambil Om DS....
      Xi.... Xi....

    5. Panji

      It was a test. If hes from Malaysia or Indonesia he should know how to speak in bahasa. To much false flagging retards in here. I will address them by their nationality. Ive caught one already. Lem1. Let see if theres others.

    6. Dark Side is GAY..hahaha..confirmed..

    7. Oppssss wait..Dark Side is also a malnourished GAY Man..

  5. Dark side...Learn English first!

  6. Long Range Patrol Aircraft. NC-212 and CN-235 are not match with the title, right?

    1. Yup, if LRPA NATO standart..
      I think PTDI's production line must be upgrade. Because N-219 and then N-245, IFX program's is run on schedule....

  7. This project is long overdue like the CASA. DND/afp pls work hard on it don't waste time!

  8. This project is long overdue like the CASA. DND/afp pls work hard on it don't waste time!

  9. Harus diakui bahwa angkatan perang PN sangat membutuhkan pesawat jenis ini untuk mengawasi lautannya yang cukup luas.
    Semoga Pemimpin Politiknya mampu mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk kebaikan bangsanya.
    Sehingga angkatan perangnya bisa memelihara dan menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan negaranya.
    Maju terus bro. We support thee!

  10. Sstt.. Menang lagi ini lho..


    1. Selamat buat TNI semoga sukses selalu dan senjata Pindad jadi laku keras...👍

    2. Senjata Pindad semakin matang 👍👍

    3. Bukan senjatany aja yang the best...tapi skill personel yang mumpuni....get 10 win...Bravo..!!!
