25 Januari 2018
Bushmaster MR6 series (photos : Thales)
New Thales Australia capability in UK competition
Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today congratulated Thales Australia on the launch of the Bushmaster MR6 protected mobility vehicle, which is currently competing in the United Kingdom Multi-Role Vehicle Protected (MRVP) programme.
Minister Pyne said if Thales is successful in the MRVP selection competition, the Bushmaster MR6 will support job creation in both Australia and the UK, while reinforcing defence industry trade ties between our two countries.
“The Bushmaster is an Australian success story, delivering for the Australian Defence Force, the local defence industry and Australia’s domestic manufacturing capability,” Minister Pyne said.
“Thales Australia’s new vehicle builds on the original Bushmaster’s battle proven world-class capability, and continues its record of safety and reliability.
“The original Bushmaster is widely recognised as one of the finest protected mobility vehicles in the world and is currently in service with eight countries. With the launch of the MR6, I look forward to Thales continuing to deliver top class capability around the world.
“Like the Bushmasters operated by the Australian Defence Force, its innovative design protects passengers from explosive devices and has proven itself time and again on operations in high-risk environments, saving countless lives.
“Thales has invested significantly in the design of the new vehicle at its Vehicle Centre of Excellence facility in Bendigo, Victoria.
“This work enhances the vehicle’s operational capability and increases its competitiveness on the global stage,” he said.
(Aus DoD)
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Cakep yang depannya ada cover grill baja nya tuh kayak yg diadopsi Sanca Pindad buat ngelindungin depannya... depannya jalur radiator mesin kan ya ?
BalasHapusKalau depan kena proyektil peluru atau RPG mungkin bisa ketahan Front Guard nya duluan... cmiiw
jaman now posisi radiator vertikal diatas mesin macem humvee, aman dr tembakan. kalo model tumpul gitu buat nabrak gerobak pkl cd/dvd bajakan langganan om smili haha!😇😇😇
HapusBerita dari DoD, jadi ga jelas kelebihannya dari Bushmaster versi awal.. :p
BalasHapusMesti melototin brosur yg tulisannya kecil banget ga jelas...
Nasib ber-Hp jadul, hwekekekekek... :D
HapusIni mas saya bantuin cari bedanya :
The Bushmaster MR6 offers increased blast and ballistic protection and is now powered by a 330-horsepower engine, compared to 300-horsepower for the first version, and has the same maximum range of 800 kilometres. The vehicle also has an increased troop capacity, with 12 people including driver and commander instead of 10.
The main visible difference between the Bushmaster MR6 and the original Bushmaster is that the MR6 has no windows on the side of the troop compartment.
Harga per unit kurang lebih $ 500,000
Indonesia sudah memesan Sanca (Bushmaster versi License Indonesia) sebanyak 50 unit.. 30 untuk operasi UN dan 20 untuk dipakai Kopassus sendiri..
50 x $ 500,000 = alias $ 25 mil atau mungkin bisa naik ke $ 40 mil karena ada unsur TOT (harus diconfrim dulu), sebuah angka yg lumayan menimbang kita masih disebut negara miskin sama bbrp orang disini :-)
A local variant made by Pindad known as Sanca is based on the Bushmaster, but created to meet Indonesian requirements, was revealed on 3 November 2016[16] after it was announced on 28 October 2016 that Thales will work with Pindad.[45] 50 Sancas are scheduled for delivery with 30 going to Indonesian forces stationed overseas on peacekeeping ops and 20 for Kopassus forces.[16] Sanca means Snake in the Indonesian language.[46] The Sanca is made in collaboration with PT Len
Mantap mas super! Thanks.
malaysie pon ade kereta macam nie...jenama songlapmaster
BalasHapusRakitan tempatan nih di bengkel boustad car wash snow system technologhy (cuci mobil salju maksudnya ekekekek)
HapusMRAP Asia Tenggara
HapusIndonesia : Sanca (lisensi Bushmaster Australia)
Malaysia : AV4 Lipan Bara (lisensi First Win Thailand)
Singapura : Belrex (lisensi Marauder Afrika Selatan)
wow, wipernya 3 bijik lho, antep haha!😱😱😱
BalasHapusHallaah, cuma 3 wiper ini..
HapusBMW seri-3 M30 jadul aja wipernya 6 kok mas.
Di wind shield : 2 biji.
Di head lamp : 4 biji.
Hwakakakak... :D
Males mas piara M30 atau M40. Kalau diceperin karter olinya paling sering jebol kena poldur dibanding mobil lainnya 😀
Hapus6 bijik! nyeneng2in toko variasi dunk kalo gt haha!😋😋😋
HapusPengen gaya ceper tapi aman gasruk? Gampang..
HapusNooh piara BX mas, paling nyetok minyak goreng doang buat hidroliknya.. :p
berani..? Hwakakakak... :D
Hahahaha mobil paling stabil. Pernah liat jalan2 pake 3 roda doang 😅😅
HapusDi atas ane kaya nya orang jadul semua...kuda jaman old...kabur....hahahha
BalasHapusWaduh typo...maksudnya kids jaman old....xixixixi
HapusAngkatan jaman Angling Darma mas.. wkwkwkwkwkwk
Paling old mbah smiling laah..
HapusAngkatan Brama kumbara raja madangkara.
Xixixixixi... :D
Saya pernah ketok ketok niih Bush Kopassus punya. Di pameran IIMS thn 2015 platnya tipis banget kayak mobil. Ug jaga stand anggota Kopassus bilang ini kendaraan cuman buat angkut pasukan untuk bebasin sandera di ( pesawat , gedung dll ) . Jd bukan buat misi tempur berat.
BalasHapusIya bung, versi dasar Bushmaster cuma memenuhi STANAG level 1, cuma bisa menahan peluru 5,56 mm. Tapi armor yg ditebalkan di bagian bawahnya sebagai pelindung dari ranjau.