02 November 2018

No Shortlist Yet for Submarine Acquisition: AFP Official

02 November 2018

There is no shortlist has been done for submarine (photo : naver)

MANILA -- The government has yet to come up with a shortlist of countries where it can acquire its first-ever diesel electric submarines from.

This was confirmed by AFP deputy chief-of-staff for plans Major Gen. Restituto Padilla on Monday when asked where the country is planning to source the new naval vessel.

"Well it's simple as a search in the Google search engine where you find a lot of submarine producing countries so they are still part of the long list of countries that you may consider to get the submarine from," Padilla noted.

Padilla said this includes the Nordic countries, Russia, and all other nations  producing the stealthy craft.

"But I cannot at this point say if there is a shortlist that has been done because there is none at all," he disclosed.

Earlier, Padilla mentioned that the AFP modernization, which is on a three Horizon capability build-up, is already on the Second Horizon or the starting point for completing all the requirements to meet internal and external security challenges.

"So this why you may have heard recently that the keel-laying ceremony for our frigate that was ordered from South Korea has been announced and that in essence by 2020 if I'm not mistaken, the delivery of the first working frigate of the Philippine Navy will be in the offing. As to the submarine capability buildup this is very long term development, it is not something that we can get off the shelf, it is a capability that needs to be slowly, deliberately and in consultation with our allies, the United States included," he added.

With this, the decision on whether to acquire submarines will be made in due time, Padilla stressed. 


18 komentar:

  1. tak pe tak pe...kalau now filipine tak de wang,tunda beli submarine...tapi yakin filipine segera ade wang....kalau malaysie start 2055 baru sembang2 cakap jer kih kih

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. Wkwkwkk...Lucu sangat malon ini Negara Malaysia kau sandingkan dengan USA, Russia, Germany, France, UK , Korea and Japan?? Amazing...Product apa ya yg sudah tercipta dri Malaysia dan mendunia??

  4. Military equipment from malin 😅😅😂...sakit perut bacanya...vita birahi itu ya lon...senjata futuristik dari planet malin 😅😥😂

  5. produk Malaysia ada banyak dan menggerunkan, sila tengok

    Vita berapi, adalah produk unggulan Malaysia yang mendunia akhirat, dicipta untuk perang antar galaksi. pengguna: bangsa namek, bangsa beruk dan bangsa lingon, status battle provent

    PTM gen 6, iaitu jet pejuang bertenaga 200 mesin, berkemampuan halimun, sangat irit bahan bakar cuma pakai air seni beruk dah mampu terbang Mach 9, mampu menembus alam akhirat dan kembali dengan bantuan raja bomoh sedunia

    1. Omaegot...senapannya saja dinamai "vita berahi" 😱😱😱

      Itu yg pegang senjata pasti sangat katam hal melancap 😂😂😂

    2. Vita berapi dah out of date sekarang Malon ciptakan varian baru senapan Vita berair xixixi

  6. Negara Afrika pun tak ada Sudi beli senapan tembak beruk malon Vita berair.. xixixi

  7. Malon hanya bisa bina pabrik taik wakakakak

  8. frigat 2020 itu yg ditunggu2, duluan filipin drpd ituw tuch haha!👍👍👍

  9. Malon bloon tak de inovasi bangkraps kolap pula

  10. Jangan gitu bro karena secara tidak diduga sekarang malassy sedang membuat 3 kapal induk setara USS Nimitz secara rahasia dan akan di lengkapi dgn armada jet pejuang Dassault Rafale versi angkatan laut. Bersyukurlah negara2 sekawasan akan merasa lebih aman dari expansi PRC dan USA.xixixixixi

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