15 November 2018

Excalibur Army Eyes Indonesian Requirements with Pandur II CZ

15 November 2018

The Pandur II CZ configured as an infantry fighting vehicle and fitted with ARES remote-controlled turret armed with 30 mm MK44 dual feed cannon and co-axial 7.62 mm MG. It is also fitted with the French Matravib Pilar V acoustic gunfire detection system on the turret roof. photo : Jane's)

Czech company Excalibur Army has developed a new version of the 8×8 Pandur II CZ armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) called the Pandur II CZ Fire Support Vehicle (FSV), which has recently undergone trials in Indonesia alongside an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant.

The Pandur II CZ FSV is fitted with the Belgian CMI Defence CT-CV 105HP turret, which is armed with a 105 mm rifled gun fitted with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and muzzle brake. The gun is fed by a bustle mounted automatic loader that holds ready for use 105 mm ammunition.

The turret also features a co-axial 7.62 mm machine gun (MG) and an additional MG mounted on the left side of the turret roof. It is also provided with a bank of four electrically operated smoke grenade launchers.

A computerised fire control system (FCS) is fitted, with the commander and gunner equipped with stabilised day/thermal sights and a laser rangefinder. A commander’s panoramic sight is installed on the right side of the turret roof and enables hunter/killer target engagements to take place.

Pandur II with 105mm turret (photo : defence.pk)

In addition to firing conventional natures of 105 mm ammunition, the 105 mm gun can also fire a Falarick laserguided projectile out to a maximum range of 5,000 m.

It has a high elevation of up to +42° that enables the vehicle to perform indirect fires.

The Pandur II CZ in the IFV configuration has been demonstrated in Indonesia fitted with a Brazilian ARES remote-controlled turret (RCT) armed with a Northrop Grumman Armament Systems 30 mm MK44 dual feed cannon and co-axial 7.62 mm MG.

It is also fitted with a computerised FCS and stabilised day/thermal sights incorporating a laser rangefinder for both commander and gunner, with the commander’s panoramic sight mounted on the top left of the turret.


39 komentar:

  1. Mau bangun pabrik disini mereka bro.. sorry malons.. 😃😃


    Bisa terjadi persaingan sehat nih.. mau tidak mau PINDAD harus berinovasi.. 😀😀

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. iya
      inventasi selama 5 tahun dengan total 1 milliar dolar
      lumayan kan
      nambah pekerjaan dan nambah pemasukan negara lewat inventasi dan ekspor produknya CSG nya nanti
      untuk sementara inventasi 100 juta dolar dulu buat bangun pabriknya

    3. Nyoooiihh bro.. untuk sementara mengincar pesanan dri TNI dulu.. lumayan lhoo 250 unit..😃😃. PINDAD kan blm punya ranpur 8×8.. kalau tidak ingin kehilangan pasar.. ayooo dong PINDAD jngan mau kalah terus berinovasi..goo.. go.. go..!!!! haha..😄😄. Ini kalau lancar terus dan langgeng.. bisa kek Toyota dan Daihatsu di Indonesia. ciyeeeeee..

  2. The Pandur II CZ FSV is fitted with the Belgian CMI Defence CT-CV 105HP turret

    harimau versi beroda 8X8
    the 105 mm gun can also fire a Falarick laserguided projectile out to a maximum range of 5,000 m.

    bisa make proyektil di pandu laser juga nih, bisa di tembakan di mediuk tank harimau juga nanti

    makin canggih aja nih negeriku

  3. Nantinya TNI AD punya Trio maut di medan perang.. Leopard, Harimau, Pandur FSV.. xixixiixii.. didukung Apache guardian, MI-35, ditambahh ATGM Javellin, ATGM NLAW.. haha.. ATM malons semakin bengap.

    1. Malon punya trio kwek kwek tank pendekar..gagap gempita dan hely nuri termoderm di kawasan...wakakak

    2. malon pny teng pendekar yang udh berkarat.bahahahahah

    3. Malon makin terbelakang wkwkwk

    4. Di tambah KD Mahrajalela yang lapuk sebelum nyentuh air

  4. Engine use helly nuri....tetcanggih di kawasan 😂😂😂

  5. Engine ambil dari proton.. tenang saja lon...malons.. dungu.. bwahahhahaha.. 😅😅

    ehh iya.. protol kan sudah dimiliki geely China yak.?? ngk jadi.. ngk jadii.. low quality..

  6. Really nice song: JEALOUSY by Queen.

    Memorable song it will stick in your head FOREVER and EVER.

  7. Ini cm konsumsi tempatan. Tak nak export...exclusive made 4 tni ad.
    malon ngiler...haaaa kumpul duit dolo...minta sumbangan cina dolo...😆😆😆😆

  8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  9. Off topic.

    "Hisham bombs Mindef's plan to purchase military assets

    Ng Xiang Yi
    15 Nov 2018, 1:19 pm (Updated 15 Nov 2018, 1:19 pm)

    Former defence minister Hishammuddin Hussein has questioned how the government intends to purchase military assets with a reduced budget.

    "You say you're going to purchase assets, but where did you get the money?

    "The Defence Ministry wants to buy an unmanned aerial vehicle and maritime patrol aircraft, but its budget was cut by RM2 billion.

    "If we couldn't afford to buy such assets in the past, how are they going to convince the public that they can buy these assets with the budget that was tabled?" he told reporters at the Parliament lobby today."


    1. "You say you're going to purchase assets, but where did you get the money?


      Trus dijawab apaan? 😂😂😂

    2. 2 bilion ringgit udah blh dpat sebuah kapal selam.. 2 bilion rupiah,beli bot pun tak mampu.

    3. Tapi nyatanya 2 billion ringgit hanya dapat banana boat😁.. 2 billion rupiah dapat real submarine 😁😁😁

    4. Gue senang liat kecoa malon pada iri dengki dgn indonesia. Jadi terhibur dg murah meriah

    5. Malon udah beli apa dua tahun ini...beruk makin bengap

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. nach ini dia si pandur2 khusus amfibi, pas maren dipameran indodefence, liat laras ARES 30 mm MK44 ternyata bisa dicopot yak.
    hadeu guwe pikir kubah baru, pendek2 gt cem senjata pesawat starlord haha!🛸🛸🛸

  12. If you said ugly, I dare you to design and try produce these IFV in your country. I know malon local labour, they don't have enough creativity. Upgrade your EQ n your knowledge stupid

  13. t think this product for TNI but anything is to TOT ,, the mechine join with CSG and other componen with pindad's manufacture;,, the indonesia army in 2020-2025 heavy strong forces,, and how but the malaysian?

  14. Its Not gonna be PINDAD Competitor i think
    Its PINDAD additional joint venture project.

    PINDAD VAB = done 6x6
    PINDAD FNSS = done Tiger Tank
    PINDAD Excalibur = next Pandur 8X8

    Estimately around the end of 2019 we're about to see the NEW Pandur II will came out from Pindad Plant.

    So what next for India Kestrel 8x8 fate ? Is it "Goodbye or is it Goodluck" ?
    Still unclear.. perhaps like mr @Palugada said, probably Kestrel will be make dedicated for our marines vehicles, so PINDAD have both unit to develop, Kestrel and Pandur II.

    Who Knows ? :-D

  15. What ??? Protol kesayangan malon kini telah jadi milik geely china

  16. certainly they doesn't use plastic proton engines 😁😁😁

  17. Ugly malon vehicles only useful for shooting KL RATs 😁😁😁😁

  18. Kalo proton diambil cina apalagi kah yg bisa di banggakan malaysia??

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