20 Desember 2018

Northrop Grumman Demonstrates AQS-24B Mine Hunting to Australia

20 Desember 2018

The Northrop Grumman AQS-24B detects mines at nearly twice the towing speed of any other mine hunting system on the market, significantly improving the area coverage rate. (photo : Northrop Grumman)

Northrop Grumman Demonstrates AQS-24B Mine Hunting and Undersea Surveillance Capability at Autonomous Warrior 2018 - Jervis Bay, Australia

ANNAPOLIS, Md. and JERVIS BAY, Australia – The Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) AQS-24B mine hunting system demonstrated the benefits of performing mine warfare from a high-speed, unmanned surface vessel (USV) at the Royal Australian Navy-sponsored Autonomous Warrior 2018 exercise in Jervis Bay, Australia.

The Northrop Grumman remote controlled Mine Hunting Unmanned Surface Vessel (MHU), with the AQS-24B mine hunting sensor, demonstrated a safe standoff mine hunting and undersea surveillance capability targeted at addressing three key aspects of the mine warfare challenge: reducing the mine clearance timeline; accurate detection, localization, classification and identification of undersea objects of interest; and improving crew safety by keeping the sailor out of the minefield. The AQS-24B system includes the world’s first combined operational High-Speed Synthetic Aperture Sonar and an optical laser line scan sensor, which provides complete coverage out to maximum range on a single pass. The real time analysis capability demonstrated how unmanned systems can augment manned mine warfare operations.

“The demonstration highlighted Northrop Grumman’s leading role in proving the operational utility of unmanned maritime systems in the mine warfare domain,” said Alan Lytle, vice president, undersea systems, Northrop Grumman. “At operational speeds significantly higher than other mine hunting systems on the market, the USV/AQS-24B combination successfully completed a number of scenarios and challenges that were set by the Royal Australian Navy’s exercise command task group.”

The MHU was outfitted with L3 ASV’s ‘ASView’ unmanned control system. The system provided the capability to control the vessel from a remote location with minimal human oversight. ASView’s situational awareness displays provided the remote captain full control and awareness to safely execute dynamic demands of mine warfare missions.

“L3 ASV is excited to be supporting Northrop Grumman’s mine hunting system with our unmanned surface vehicle technology,” said Larry Karl, vice president and general manager, L3 ASV. “This operation has demonstrated the flexibility of the system which will enable it to support future mine hunting and defense applications.”

(Northrop Grumman)

23 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Kalah tuh sama kita...disini mah dedengkotnya teknik widow hunting sejak satu dasawarsa terakhir

    2. 👆👆👆
      "deklarasi dirinya.."


  2. Singapur malah sudah duluan punya sistim mine hunting model ginian buatan thales...

  3. ...waaaaach wach mahal bingits, biaya produksi Jet Tempur super STEALTH Gen 6 dari US Amerika seharga US $ 300 Juta atau -+ Rp 4,5 Trilyun dan perkiraan akan diproduksi massal mulai tahun 2030

    ...kalau Jet Tempur super STEALTH Gen 6 dari Russia berapa yach biaya produksinya ???... ( pasti lebih murah, tapi lebih menggerunkan )

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

    1. ...1 unit biaya produksinya Rp 4,5 Trilyun, kalau 10 unit jadinya Rp 45 Trilyun...jebol jebooool dach

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

  4. ...kowe teler yo Ruk, kakehan mangan KECUBUNG mbok

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. Busyeeeeettttt...


    1. PT Freeport Indonesia akan resmi kembali ke RI setelah transaksi pembayaran US$ 3,85 miliar, setara Rp 56 triliun, dibayarkan ke Freeport McMoRan sebelum akhir tahun ini...

      Duit segitu kalo buat AU bisa dapet apaan yaaak..? 😁

    2. ...32 unit Su-35 Flanker E dan 16 unit F-16 Viper...dengan spesifik FULL COMBAT

      ...Xixixixixixi :D

  7. bwahahahhaaahaa... sorry beruk maloooonns.. Kalian hanya mimpi memiliki kereta cepat..


  8. ...waaaaach 3 comment sama persis waktunya yaitu 12.30

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  9. Kemarin yg rancangan frigat OMEGA kan punya cargo bay multiguna...cocok juga diisi kit mine hunting spt itu ☝️☝️☝️, itung-itung meringankan bebannya kapal mine sweeping yg geraknya lamban

  10. @unknown, "We agree that the Malons Defence Ministry has to defend the country, but with what lah? You had left behind a legacy of low morale, useless jet fighters, submarines that cannot dive, missile ships with no missiles. Actually, how many of our armaments are white elephants? Have these ever been serviced or been left aside to rot? A good worker needs tools, to work effectively. This is not a kamikaze situation. Until and unless we strengthen our defence, it is better to find a peaceful solution. If you realise the kind of budget Singapore puts aside each year for its defence, you will put up the white flag".




  11. Poor quality Plastic chinese proton only for beruk malon use it 😁😁😁😁

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