RAAF F-35A (photo : Aus DoD)
F-35A Joint Strike Fighters to conduct first training over Salt Ash Air Weapons Range
Up to four jets will conduct a number of passes over the range for up to two weeks during weekdays only.
Acting Commander Air Combat Group, Group Captain (GPCAPT) Harvey Reynolds said the initial training runs would involve a series of dry passes over the range, and be followed by gunnery activities.
GPCAPT Reynolds said residents living in East Medowie, Salt Ash and Lemon Tree Passage can expect the range to be used intermittently throughout this period.
“SAAWR training activities are an important part of the validation and verification phase for the newly introduced aircraft and the aircrew,’’ he said.
F-35A with external weapons (photo : USAF)
“The program will include practicing F-35A weapons loading and unloading procedures, and provide gunnery practice which remains an essential skill for fighter aircrew,’’ he said.
The F-35A aircraft will operate over the range in a similar manner to the F/A-18 A/B Hornet aircraft.
F-35A operations over the SAAWR were assessed and approved as part of the F35A Environment Impact Statement.
“Annual use of SAAWR will remain well under the usage allowed under the operational conditions for the range which is a maximum of 115 days each year over a 10 year rolling average,’’ GPCAPT Reynolds said.
“Air Force has a responsibility to ensure personnel are ready and able to deploy at short notice and this involves necessary air-to-ground training that is employed at SAAWR,’’ he said.
Every effort is made to minimise any inconvenience to residents during SAAWR training. The range schedule can change at short notice due to weather or operational considerations.
BalasHapus☝Sahur pertamax iki
BalasHapusIki GBU- 49 enchanced paveway II 500 pound thoo?
BalasHapusSalahh mas.. kui lontong cap Garuda arep di kirim ke pak gendut surabaya😁🍜👍
HapusWooo wes ganti jeneng tho😁😁
HapusCommentary: Palm oil for fighter jets? The illusion of defence in Malaysia
BalasHapusCan Malaysia really strike a barter trade to acquire military weaponry? Air force expert Mike Yeo dives into the issues.
"illusion" 😂
Sayang artikelnya secara teknis rada bias atau kurang akurat, sepertinya secara komersil lumayan bagus.
HapusMain gripe tentang radar China, padahal rudal modern mereka tidak ada yg pakai SARH. Lebih penting avionics, yg secara tersirat disebut compatible dengan rudal barat. Kecuali sidewinder targettingnya 100% menggunakan audio tentunya.
Sebetulnya rada kasian juga sih mas terutama moral personil di lapangannya. Ini saya copy paste tulisan dari channelnewsasia.
Even with these factors in mind, Dr Mahathir’s remarks has cast more doubt on Malaysia’s ailing Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) acquisition programme.
There was already a growing concern within the regional defence community that the MRCA programme had stalled before these latest developments, with Malaysia’s budget problems curtailing defence spending even before the change in government following the May 2018 general elections that swept the Pakatan Harapan to power.
The competition initially saw four primary contenders squaring off against each other; these being the French Dassault Rafale, multinational Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet from the United States and Sweden’s Saab JAS-39 Gripen although the first two types had been widely rumoured to be the favourites before the full extent of Malaysia’s budget woes became apparent.
Worse, the country’s latest defence budget announced in November last year saw a slight year-on-year decline with RM13.91 billion (US$3.41 billion) budgeted, of which RM5.11 billion (USS$1.25 billion) was set aside as development expenditure over the 2019 fiscal year that also covers procurement.
This pessimism about the MRCA programme was reflected in the latest iteration of LIMA, with the contenders significantly cutting back marketing efforts for the programme and none bringing aircraft to the show with the exception of Saab’s Gripen, with a Royal Thai Air Force example making the short flight from its base in southern Thailand.
A pair of EA-18G Growlers from the US Navy, which are a specialised electronic attack variant of the Super Hornet although not one that Malaysia is keen on buying, were also in attendance at LIMA but the effort was more of a “showing the flag” exercise by the US government rather than a commercial effort from manufacturer Boeing to market their fighters.
This relatively subdued showing stands in sharp contrast to previous LIMAs, which saw manufacturers bringing their aircraft to the show and pulling out all the stops to hawk their respective products with aggressive marketing efforts, aerial displays as well as demonstration flight tours for Malaysian defence officials and the media on board.
Before the change in government, former Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had made half-hearted efforts to restart other stalled programmes which have been put on hold for many years, including the acquisition of a new maritime patrol aircraft and upgrades to the ageing Nuri helicopter and C-130 Hercules transport aircraft fleets.
However, the current government has not committed to continuing these projects, which leaves these programmes in limbo once again.
With the MRCA programme in deep freeze, the RMAF has turned its attention to a more affordable Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), and has issued a Request for Information (RFI) from several companies in January about their respective offerings.
A lot will still depend on Malaysia’s fiscal position as well as whether the government of the day has the political will to commit funds to defence spending that can meet the RMAF’s requirements to provide the country with a credible deterrence force.
The absence of concrete decisions in the next few years will almost certainly lead to capability gaps and attendant possible drops in personnel morale if obsolescence issues are allowed to afflict the service.
Moral nya harus tetap naik, tapi gimana caranya ? Hmm...
Kena komen "Kelamin buntut tikus" para MalonTen alias Malon impoTen langsung senyap tak berkomen dr kemaren. Artinya fakta membuktikan para MalonTen besar cakap demi menutupi kecilnya kelamin......😂😂😂😂
BalasHapusTUDM's 2 unit of JF-17 MKM will begin fly-pass training exercise in 2075.
BalasHapusLihat di IG Kapal KRI REM lagi dipasangin CIWS Oerlikon kayane mas bro...
BalasHapusMantap ya project "AKAN" TNI jalan terus, hampir gak ada yg hoax realisasi rencananya... :-D
Bener bro, semua on progress. Tinggal push Kemendag buat kelarin SU-35
HapusMasih ada aja yg komen tentang malaysia....
BalasHapusNegara ga lepel sama Indonesia.
Buang2 waktu komenin negara lemah wahai para masbro.
Lemah syahwat kah maksudnya.?😆😆😆
Hapuslemah macem2 bro, lemah power, lemah financial, lemah procurement, lemah syahwat juga termasuk. Kuatnya koar2 doang.
HapusLebih baik bahas Myanmar drpd malaysia...
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👆👆👆 Diatas gw ada setan yg kabur dari neraka
BalasHapusCoba lihat berapa lama pembuatan F18 mulai dari plan sampai experimental jet.
BalasHapusJuga F35 berapa lama..
Kalo ga paham jgn komen sampah.
Jd kelihatan bodohnya.
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