24 Mei 2020

$206 Million Investment in Upgrades at Ohakea Air Force Base

25 Mei 2020

Ohakea Air Force Base (photo : spitfirepv270)

The Coalition Government has approved a business case for $206 million in upgrades to critical infrastructure at Royal New Zealand Air Force Base Ohakea, with the first phase starting later this year, Defence Minister Ron Mark announced today.

The investment will be made in three phases over five years, and is part of the Defence Estate Regeneration Programme. Cabinet approval will be sought for final project and funding arrangements for each phase.

“Base Ohakea plays an essential role in maintaining New Zealand’s national security. It  is a principal staging point for NZDF operations, and our response to national, regional and global humanitarian disasters and emergencies,” said Ron Mark.

“The base is also often used as the point of entry for the armed forces of our strategic partners, and its ability to cope with surges of personnel and equipment is vital.

“This spending is required to rectify longstanding problems with Base Ohakea’s supporting infrastructure and ensure the base can continue to function.

“Critical compliance and safety issues will be addressed, as well as upgrades to fuelling and logistics facilities, taxiways and aprons, accommodation and fresh, storm and waste water reticulation.

“Demands on Base Ohakea are increasing with four busy fleets of aircraft – the NH90 and A109 helicopters, the KA350 small transport and training aircraft, and the Texan pilot trainer. In the near future the base will need to be ready to accept the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft fleet. The changes provide flexibility to respond to future demands on the Defence Force and will ensure the base can accommodate these aircraft for several decades to come.

“While the upgrades at Ohakea focus on infrastructure, there is a direct correlation to the wellbeing of our personnel. Improvements to health, safety and compliance enables the Defence Force to meet the needs of a modern workforce.

“A large proportion of the Defence Estate was built over 70 years ago, during World War II. Almost 80% of the Defence Estate is reaching the end of its remaining useful life, and must be replaced in the next 30 years.

“I can also announce today that of the $676.5 million of additional Defence Force operating funding included in Budget 2020,  $69.9 million is planned for investment into the Defence Estate,” said Ron Mark.

The $69.9 million includes:

-$63.9 million for deferred maintenance across NZDF camps and bases, which will help clear the backlog of deferred maintenance at NZDF bases and camps, which has contributed to 42% of the Defence Estate being assessed as only marginally fit for purpose
-$6 million for Healthy Homes compliance, which will help NZDF meet the Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Regulations 2019, which established minimum standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress and drainage, and draught stopping in rental properties, and come into effect in 2022 for the NZDF.
“Defence Estate and infrastructure work across our camps and bases will create jobs and provide a crucial boost to regions during the COVID-19 economic recovery and rebuild, with local contractors completing the work,” said Ron Mark.

These investments build on the strong progress made by the Coalition Government this term in regenerating the Defence Estate, through major decisions such as: 

-Refreshing the Defence Estate Regeneration Programme, with Cabinet in April 2019 increasing the indicative capital funding envelope from $1.7 billion under the previous Government, to $2.1 billion out to 2030;
-Providing $86.1 million of new capital and operating funding across Budgets 2018 and 2019 for the Defence Estate; and
-Commencing the over $200 million of infrastructure works for facilities dedicated to operating and supporting the P-8A fleet at Ohakea.

25 komentar:

  1. Malon cuma lapangan jemur padi je

    1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fECrYQU-ti4

  2. Milik malon milik NZ juga, milik NZ bukan milik malon

    1. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




  4. Minal aidin wa alfaidzin
    Mohon maaf lahir & batin πŸ™
    Untuk saudara2 sebangsa & setanah air.

    1. Mohon maaf lahir batin jga yaa masπŸ™πŸ™

  5. Ramai rakyat malondogporksia kelaparan sejak dilockdown

    Ramai perempuan bumiputera dikongkek bangla sampai bunting

    Ramai laki bumiputera saling kongkek homo gay



  6. Selamat hari raya idul fitri buat teman2 defense study muslim, mohon maaf lahir dan batin πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Maaf lahir dan batin jga mas radenπŸ™πŸ™

  7. Sesungguhnya angka kematian malon tinggi saat ini, apakah itu bukan karena corona???? Realistis ajalah, bina apa pun tak mampu dan bertipikal pemalas, apa bener2 akurat data corona malon beruk' malah sibuk ngurusin indonesia,,,gk bakal hilang corona dinegara malon meski sibuk fitnah2 indonesia' secara realistis kinerja rapit test indonesia lebih nyata kerja kerasnya ketimbang malon,,,kita liat aje realitanya kedepan, indonesia pasti lebih dahulu aman sebab membatasi penyebaran corona emang butuh kinerja extra dr tim kesehatan dan intansi terkait lainnya, gimana mungkin manusia2 beruk malon yg memiliki tipikal pemalas bener2 efektif melakukan rapit test nya sebab itu butuh kerja ekstra, data malon data karang2 ala pemalas lalu lempar batu ke negara lain terutama indonesia,,malon tolol akut 🀧😝😜

    1. Aq jg ga yakin dgn data covid malon dengan typo masyarakat yg hampir sama pasti ad belombang 2,3 dst sialnya ini pandemi global seluruh dunia cr terbaik HI walau dikelola secara bertahap agar faskes tidak overload. Malon untuk bangkit agak susah krn bukan produsen dan dominan, andalin pariwisata turun, cpo turun, Minyak bumi turun, nikel habis, militer pasti turun dengan utang 70% pdb butuh waktu 15- 25 thn lagi bangkit dr mulai berakhirnya korona sbg pandemi 2022-2023. Ya memang sesuai dgn slogan mereka capcay 2050. Selamat Malon doamu dikabulkan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. ...bisa kan rudal TAMING SARI menempuh perjalanan 750 juta KM...pergi - pulang ?

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

  9. ...TERSERAH MALON, mau pilih yang mana ?

    yang pasti HUTANG NEGARA, Upeti ke mami Ely selama 999 tahun yang sedang dijalani dan bisa nambah 999 tahun lagi

    dan menjamin kehidupan rakyat BERUK bisa terpenuhi

    sampai bila bila

    ... Xixixixixixixi 😁

  10. Total luas wilayah negara Malaysia adalah ± 329.847 km² terdiri dari Luas Daratan ± 328,657 km² dan Luas Laut ± 1,190 km².

    Dicaplok Tiongkok tinggal 190 km2

    1. Suka ga suka dgn kondisi malon spt ini terus akan jd min 2-3 bagian. Yg jd masalah china dan Asu sedang memperebutkan semenanjung dan sabah serawak buat perkuat hagemoninya. China akan lepas semenanjung jika terusan kra jadi. Pilihan sulit bagi asu dan china semenanjung padat penduduknya tp jalur pelayaran dunia, sabah serawak ky sumber daya alam.

    2. Bandingkan dgn Indonesia:
      - luas daratan +- 2 jt km2
      - luas lautan +- 3 jt km2
      - Total +- 5 jt km2.

      Dgn 17.000 pulau di dlmnya, maka wajar jika disebut negara maritim atau negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia!


    3. Eiittt..! Ternyata masih ditambah dgn ZEE yg luasnya mencapai 2,5 jt km2.
      Wow πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    4. Yang 190 km2 cocoknya dinamakan MA LING SIAL city

  11. Mohon maaf lahir batin,nak cerita di hari fitri nie,cuma nak ingatkan indon,pejabat partai yg songlap duit rakyat tak masuk surga

    1. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa ruw wes entok THR opo durong???? Kok ngomel ora jelas xaxaxaxaxaxaxa

    2. Jangan lupa rosmah suruh dermakan tas brandednya untuk derma warga malingsia yang kelaparan

  12. Bukan ramalan tok bomoh,lepas hari raya corona indon naik tajam,bpjs naik,listrik gondolin tipu,ekonomi merudum gomen pura2 tak tau

    1. Xaxaxaxaxaxaxa ruw obate wes d ombe opo durong????? Menko tambah koplak lho xaxaxaxaxaxaxa

    2. Corona itu musnah pakai obat nyamuk coba deh korang semprot 1 tin obat nyamuk ke mulut korang...dijamin....
