18 Mei 2011
Skyblade IV UAV (photo : STEngg)
Singapore - ST Engineering lines up a holistic spectrum of integrated products and solutions at IMDEX Asia 2011, offering total naval solutions to meet the growing needs of today's naval force, coast guard and police force.

Singapore - ST Engineering lines up a holistic spectrum of integrated products and solutions at IMDEX Asia 2011, offering total naval solutions to meet the growing needs of today's naval force, coast guard and police force.
With increasing threats to the security of vessels at sea and shipping lanes, effective security surveillance, information on hand, good communications and heightened situational awareness are important to ensure that vessels can ply the seas safely. From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, to Unmanned Surface Vessels and weapons that can be mounted on a ship, to the design of a sophisticated warship, ST Engineering has innovative platforms suited to support both civilian and military applications.
These capabilities will be showcased at ST Engineering's booth at international maritime defence show, IMDEX Asia 2011.
Unmanned vehicles and vessels

ST Engineering has a range of unmanned vehicles and vessels that allows navies and agencies to carry out surveillance and responses without risking the lives of people.
The Group has developed indigenous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems that are fully autonomous and easy to operate, enabling operators to shift their focus from piloting the UAV to concentrate on achieving their missions.
Developed jointly with Singapore-based DSO National Laboratories, the Group's latest offerings include the Skyblade III and Skyblade IV systems. With fully autonomous flight operations, the Skyblade family of UAVs delivers an effective, highly mobile reconnaissance capability for any user, and is suited to support civilian and military applications.
Harnessing leading edge technologies, the unique FanTail 5000 system is designed to fulfill a multitude of surveillance roles. Capable of vertical take off and landing as well as hovering in windy conditions, it is ideal for urban applications.
Building on our experience and expertise in aircraft design and development, ST Engineering has engineered a new mini UAV system that is able to achieve longer flight durations. The longer endurance increases its mission versatility.
To boost sea-keeping capabilities, there is the 16-metre Venus-16 Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV), which is best suited for missions that require high speed, high payload carrying capacity and high endurance. The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV-3), unlike other remotely-operated underwater vehicles, offers organisations and navies a means to collect effective and high quality underwater seabed data for Mine-Counter Measure (MCM) operations. It can be further configured to suit other applications such as research, commercial and homeland security operations.

ST Engineering will feature its range of efficient naval solution platforms, capable of operating in both naval and civilian environment. These include the Brave series of Fast Landing Craft, theEndurance series of Landing Platform Docks, the Swift series of Interceptors, and Fearlessseries of Patrol Vessels designed by its in-house team of naval architects and engineers.
Alongside the four series, the Submarine Support and Rescue Vessel will also be featured at the show. It is the only ship in the region to be able to integrate an advanced Submarine Rescue Vehicle permanently with its own organic Launch and Recovery System - the first of its kind developed to meet the operational requirements of the Republic of Singapore Navy.
Communication and Sensor Systems

Communications is critical for vessels in order to stay in touch with their land base or with the authorities. SuperneT OneHub® Integrated Communication System ST6800 is designed and built to meet the mission-critical needs of today's fleets and navies. It is an IP-based system that integrates a variety of communication systems to provide voice and data services from fixed and wireless user terminals.
The OneHub® SICS Complete Communication Service comprises wireless communications for crew mobility, satellite and radio communications, intercom facilities, data communications over radio network, Wide Area Network (WAN), internal Local Area Network (LAN), voice logging, public address and alarm systems.
For effective area security and perimeter surveillance, Pixel-X, Sterling and the Sentinel Radar Extractor Tracker systems, enable vessels to be highly aware of their environment, alerting them to the presence of possible threats and allowing for necessary responses to be carried out in order to maintain the safety of vessels and their crew. These solutions can be integrated into a console that is specially designed for use at sea. The COBALT Multi Function Console offers the integration of electronics into an ergonomically designed rugged housing that offers protection from severe environmental conditions such as shock, vibration and temperatures.
Weapons and Ammunition

The Group's Remote Weapon Station (RWS) is a versatile system equipped with advanced sightings and video tracking, providing gunners with enhanced target engagement, whether the platform is stationary or on the move. The RWS can be easily integrated on a wide range of existing vehicles and vessels like the USV.
Being one of the world's leading providers of 40mm solutions, ST Engineering offers an unparalleled range of 40mm ammunition, ranging from 40mm High Explosive, Flash & Bang and training rounds as supplied to the UK MOD to the Soldier Parachute Airborne Reconnaissance Camera System (SPARCS), air bursting, self-destruct, enhanced blast and insensitive munitions rounds.
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