31 Juli 2017
EMB-314 Super Tucano COIN aircraft (photo : Felipe BM)
Export of Super Tucanos to the Philippines can be quadrupled
Depending on how the delivery of the first batch of six EMB-314 Super Tucano aircraft to Philippine Military Aviation, and above all how this is reported to the (controversial) president Rodrigo Duterte, this export to the Asian country can be quadrupled.
According to the INSIDER column, Embraer, the manufacturer of A-29 Super Tucano, has been informed, unofficially, that the Philippine Air Force Modernization Program envisages replacing not only the reconnaissance and ground-attack twin engines OV- 10 Bronco, of American manufacture, but also of the turboprops SF-260TP, of Italian origin.
This means that all material from the 16th and 17th Attack Squadrons of the 15th Air Wing, based at Danilo Atienza Air Base , Sangley Point, Cavite, on the outskirts of Manila, will be renovated. A more than encouraging prospect for the Brazilian company.
Embraer is still waiting for this year to sign the contract for the supply of the first six aircraft, within the Horizon 1 Phase of the Modernization Program. The Super Tucanos will need to be delivered to the Asian country in 2019.
The remaining 18 aircraft will be acquired under the Horizon 2 Phase of the same project, but will need the blessings of the mercurial Duterte, who, at least at first, was convinced that turboprops, by their performance characteristics, are more effective In combating the extremist groups Maute and Abu Sayyaf (linked to Al Qaeda ), which infest the southern part of the Philippine territory.
In private conversations with his military chiefs and even in public statements, the president has already stated: he believes that turboprops are cheaper and easier to maintain and operate than jet planes.
None of this means that the competition is conformed to the possible loss of the order of anti-guerrilla aircraft.
In Manila, the lobby of the Sino-Pakistani JF-17 Thunder fighter (much cheaper than the South Korean FA-50 already imported by Duterte), insists on the thesis that the acquisition of these jets would open an important channel of cooperation between the Administration Philippine and the Beijing government.
(Plano Brasil)
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Good job Philippines...Make your def. Budget effectivelyβ for now...U pay what u need...Indonesia bought t50/fa50, Philippines make it battle proven...Indonesia bought tucano, Philippines will make it battle proven too..
BalasHapusThat's true bro
Hapusjgn lupa lpd tarlac jg jd batel pulpen jg om2.
HapusPalu@ BRP Tarlac battle proven hantar senjata,helicopter,logistic dan tank ke marawi bro
HapusHahaha..sure you are funny guy met rempit..like your name..wakakaka..your mother rap% by nigger..PT Pal ship made of plastic have no quality same like BADAK BADAK..hahaha you & your brother SUEANGDARURU are fucking liar indons indons...hahahaha
Hapuscakep..mabuhay ph
BalasHapusbeli terus tambah terus..yippee
gunship jg perlu.kalo platform cn 235 bisa, bole jg tuch,lbh lama dan mematikanπππhaha!
Mabuhay philippines...congratulion
BalasHapusIndon could donate F-16A/B to Pinoy!
BalasHapusNo! #hahaha... :D
Hapusmalasya jg bisa donate paul baggio alias saiful ass me"weice"husin to pinoy! as pisank expert haha!ππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππgoreng goreng trus bang ipul domdomπππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππππ
Hapuskesian malaysie...jom songlap
BalasHapusi got u suwangdaruru..hahahah..stupid fucking liar...speak in english bastard..i xant undersand what you barking here..
Hapusfor the countries that have many jungle area, this aircraft will help infantry so much. Tocano is a battle proven fighting against drugdealers. Pilatus also good.
BalasHapusNo for JF-17. Gripen is already the number one choice of the Philippine air force. this arrogant Chinese are meddling our internal politics and defense projects of our country
BalasHapusWhy no JF-17?
Hapusone reason is that its technology will not match to the FA-50 currently used by our pilots. and besides Gripen is using western technology which is also present in our FA-50. im not saying that JF-17 is not good but it will hurt our logistics if such aircraft will be acquired
Hapus@marky lumayag, nice to see someone that actually care about logistic from philippine. I see a lot of commenter in maxdefense that wants the russian sukhoi or mig but never think about the logistical nightmare the paf will face. with the current way of paf's logistic, it will be a total nightmare if tbey bought the russian plane. it takes them a few months just to change the engine of the fa50 that was involve in a bird strike.
Hapuskabayan Marky....hopefully no more chinese arms/aircraft...I'd rather go for a Russian with Israeli avionics combined if we can't get the Gripen
HapusGuud for training together with Indonesia airforce
BalasHapusthese are flying coffins. no parachutes. the old hueys need to be replaced too.
BalasHapusAda kok, tempo hari udah dibuktiin di malang..tapi parasutnya putus
HapusSuper Tucano is ideal for coin operation like in Marawi, effective an efficient.
BalasHapusChoppers is my favourite choice. Just stay and shooooooottttt. No need to strafe rather just chase them.
Hapusit seem that you are always doing that mr ben..are you regular??? i dont think nsmen will have the same chance to do that...well,maybe im wrong
Hapuskalo diem gitu,heli sasaran empuk manpad cem stinger, ato snapan 12,7.
Hapuskalo pesawat coin cakep tp butuh 2 ato lebih, untuk serang 1 titik, supaya gak ilang momen pada saat muter.
yg paling cuco buat lawan pasukan gerilya mcm di marawi,guwe pilih gunship ac130.
bisa hajar satu titik sambil muter2, momen tempur gak bakal hilang.
daya tahan tinggi,servis ceiling tinggi, manpad gak sampe,aman hahaπ
senjata tinggal pilih, gatling,howitzer,bom,canon, stok banyak
BalasHapusYes, chopper has advantage for being sit in the air and aim more accurate, but aircraft has its advantage for more load and fast arrive from air base.
But, the US is developing for FVL, the helicopter platform with more efficient and faster than today's chopper. But still the aircraft has its own advantage.
Like @Palu said, thats why US has the AC-130 for coin, with more powerfull weapons. And artillery in the air.
In Vietnam War, US Army designated the armed chopper as ARA/AFA (Aerial Rocket Artillery / Aerial Field Artillery). With attack aviation folded into the various aviation groups and brigades, ARA/AFA ceased to be a core artillery mission.
And the AC-130 is still the real aerial field artillery. :)
top markotop omππ