23 Juli 2017

The UAC Confirmed its Readiness to Start Production the Su-35 of Indonesia and the UAE

23 Juli 2017

Sukhoi Su-35 and Su-30Mk2 (image : KNAAPO)

Moscow.INTERFAX.RU - The production facilities of the United Aircraft Corporation are ready to implement large export contracts for the delivery of the Su-35, UAC President Yury Slyusar told Interfax.

"The production capacity of the Su-35 is such that we are ready right now, without adjusting the contract with the Defense Ministry, to start implementing major foreign contracts," Slyusar said, responding to Interfax's question about the readiness to sell the Su-35 supplies from Indonesia and the UAE.

He stressed that the production capacity exceeds the current level of demand and covers the requirements under the State Defense Order.

Viktor Kladov, Director for International Cooperation and Regional Policy of the State Corporation Rostek, said earlier that the contract for the supply of Russian multi-purpose super maneuverable Su-35 fighter aircraft has already been agreed upon and will be signed in 2017.

Earlier it was reported that we are talking about the supply of Indonesia's 12 Su-35 aircraft.

The head of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC), Dmitry Shugaev, reported that Russia has begun pre-contract work on deliveries of the Su-35 to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In April, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov announced that the UAE could buy several dozen Su-35 fighters from the Russian Federation.

The Su-35 fighter was developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It is a deeply modernized super maneuverable multifunctional fighter of the "4 ++" generation.


16 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. macacuiiihh, bukannye lg ngebut pesenan cino n ruski sendiri yg puluhan ntu๐Ÿ–ฒ๐Ÿ–ฒ๐Ÿ–ฒ

      yg lg sepi order, ada tuch om yg d bdg, maren bukannya gagal maning di ph๐Ÿ˜†

    2. Lini produksi su-35 maksute...ya proporsional dong, pabrik kap prod segede gitu kalo sepi order kan suka bikin rilis: "Indonesia telah menyepakati pembelian su-35, walo jumlahnya belum. ditentukan....bla-bla-bla"

  2. ...padahal tadi ada yang komen disini, siapa yang ngapus?

    1. Dihapus sendiri kali. Bunuh diri dia komen di status ini xixixix. Negoro ra gableg duwit we penduduk e ijik wae sombong.

      Viva mrca forever akan

    2. duit itu ada asal mau utang...utang...utang,..naikkan listrik,pajak motor,pajak tabungan,gaji buruh,naikkan toll...dll...duit pasti kumpul.

    3. Beli dikit tapi kok minta aneh2 ea begini jadi...

    4. Someone was creating a ruckus and wanted to destroy malaysia and singapore:(

  3. Kasihan, kena PHP tiada akhir...Pangab aja dah gregetan tuh..koplak,karepe iku opoo? :D

  4. kasihan Indon...masih AKAN beli lagi!

  5. Coba UAC bikin program SU-35 dg DP 0%...kali aja pemerintah minat..

  6. Pak presiden mungkin takut kalo TNI kuat, takut dikudeta.. Elektabilitas Pak gatot lagi tinggi nih..makanya jaman sekarang sulit sekali TNI dpt alutsista canggih

    1. macacuiihhh..dari kata2 ente aja mnunjukan keraguan alias tatut sendiri hih haha!

      lalu dimana sulitnya,trs alutsista canggih itu sprti apa?dan apa bandingannya?

      jaman dulu2 ada uu tot yg berlaku 2014 gak?kalo ada paparin disini segra, kalo gak ada siapin aja itu tuch haha๐Ÿ”จ
