The Rolldock Star ship carrying the 3rd Gepard missile frigates of the HQVN left the port of Novorossiysk to return home. (all photos: BMPD)
The latest update from the Marinetraffic Marine website shows that the Rolldock Star carrying the 3 rd Gepard missile frigates of the HQVN (Vietnamese Navy) has left the port of Novorossiysk to return home.
Rolldock Star's next scheduled destination is Istanbul (Turkey), with estimated time of 7:00 am on 15/09 (GMT).
The latest image also shows that the Gepard has been loaded onto the Rolldock Star's shipping deck.
So if everything went well in just over a month, the third Gepard missile frigates ship arrives in Vietnam, to join the Navy soon, marking a major development step. Strengthen, contribute to protect the sovereignty of the sea island of the motherland.
Prior to that, the planned schedule was handed over to the Vietnamese side on September 8 by the General Director of Zelenodolsk Plant (where the ship was built).
We will keep updating as soon as new information arrives.
Masak ga malu sama "Bimasuci" ya...tongkrongannya sih garang, tapi kemana-mana minta gendong
BalasHapuskan ada lagunya tuch, tak gendong..kemana manaaa..
Hapusngehits bgt yak gendong2an haha!
Bener jg kata DR...barang rusia emang gasak
Hapus"DR" apaan sich om smili??? detektip romantika kah haha!๐๐๐
HapusMasak ga tau...DR kan Dinda Raisya
HapusHahaha funny frigate carrying ship
BalasHapus403 di sopirin sendiri dari dealer ke rumah :D
BalasHapusKenapa ya? Awak fregat belum siap?
403 is not a good comparison, better to compare with the Bung Tomo class. South Korea is relatively close by.
HapusThe crew might actually be the problem. I'd question capability more than availability though. Unlike ours that got Dutch and Japanese heritage, theirs is a relatively independent force. I don't think they have a lot (or any) experience in doing long range operations away from home. Considering the threats they face, the logistics of such an operation may not be high in the priorities list.
Mungkin dirusia udah ada aplikasi GoShip bro...jadi bisa bawa kapal kemana mana :-)
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusVietnam new corvette surely far better than Indon PKR!
BalasHapuseh om pol biji,
Hapus1.saat pkr kri rem 331, diluncurkan tahun 2016.
wuiiih uda nongol senjatanya tuch otmel 76mm๐๐๐
2.saat penyerahan ke tni al
wuiih dempet sama kembarannya kri GNR 332. kedua2nya uda "pake senjata" otmel 76mm cihuuyy๐๐๐
3.begitu diresmikan/komisikan tanggal 7/4/2017,
ganteng bingit, meriam stealth cupola 76mm nya "ngacenk euy"". wooww nambah lagi 2x20mm denel๐๐๐๐๐๐
kalau pregat kamuh gimanah om pol???
ternyate, OMPONG PONG POONGG, kaya tahu pong haha!!!
ato 3 balon kuning itu senjate yee, bah misil model baru tuch, awasss meletup siap2 helem haha!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
wah kite kudu pake jarum buat anti balon nich haha!
tuch opini guwe, khusus buat para ngelanturnes cem si alay, om pol dkk
ternyate takde senjate, klian pembo'ong, NANTI, AKAN!!! crot haha!๐จ๐จ๐จ tung tung tung
nich pisang om pol buat nemenin sambil pandang itu balon muh haha!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Pengalaman yg sudah2 sih TNI tidak spt negara asean lain mas yg semua di show off. Coba tengok pengadaan rudal Yakhont yg dimiliki TNI AL itu ternyata dibeli secara diam diam sejak 2003 dan 5 thn kemudian dicoba lepaskan dari kapal perang. Wartawan dalam dan luar negeri juga tahunya bbrp tahun terakhir setelah TNI ngaku.
Nah gimana untuk saat ini ? Saya yakin mereka pasti sudah punya alutsista rahasia yg gak terekspose ke media luar. Ini base on pengalaman ya mas ? Dan saya yakin triknya masih akan dipake sesuai doktrin pertahanan TNI.
Hail TNI !!!!
Malaysie can buy 25 this ship with very easy
BalasHapusStarting again,,,,hehe
BalasHapusEnak banget si Rolldock ini...berangkat bawa frigat gepard pesenan vietnam, pulange mampir india nenteng kasel kilo buat di MLU sama paman putin.
BalasHapusEmang semua barang bikinan rusia tu kalo gak digendong, bakal mrotholi pas sampe ditujuwan ya?
Biar spidometer 0km, maklum terobsesi beli motor di mari