08 Januari 2019

BAE and The ADF Prepare to Farewell the CT-4 Basic Trainers

08 anuari 2019

CT-4 Parrots basic trainers (photo : Darren Mottram)

They called them parrots, or even plastic parrots, the brightly painted CT-4 basic trainers in which a generation of Australian Defence Force (ADF) pilots made a first, anxious solo flight.

Soon the CT-4 will end ADF service for a second time, with the final RAAF and Navy basic flying course winding up in February and the final, single service class of Army pilots finishing up next October.

At that point, the ADF association with the CT-4 will end, along with its association with Tamworth, NSW – home since 1993 to what is now the Australian Defence Force Basic Flying Training School (BFTS).

The 30 strong CT-4 flypast (photo : Darren Mottram)

The history of the CT-4 with the ADF parallels the evolution of basic defence flight training, from a time when each service had particular and different requirements: when RAAF pilots flew helicopters as well as fast jets; when Navy pilots operated from aircraft carriers; and Army pilots mostly flew fixed-wing aircraft.

Starting in January, the first training course involving aspiring pilots begins at the reformed 1 Flying Training School (1FTS), East Sale, Victoria on the new Pilatus PC-21.

For the very large number of pilots who learned to fly in CT-4s at Tamworth, it is the sad end of an era.

Cockpit of CT-4 Parrots (photo : Darren Mottram)

“I was a student at BFTS, I have been an instructor at BFTS and now I am the CO. To me it’s quite personal,” said Wing Commander Leigh Dunnett, the BFTS commanding officer.

“I have had three postings into Tamworth. It’s always been an awesome community to live in – the people are great, friendly and supportive.

Cockpit of Pilatus PC-21 (photo : Air International)

“We have put through nearly 2,300 students at BFTS since 1999. Over 4,000 flight screening students have been through since 1993 and we have operated in excess of 280,000 flying hours.”

And all that achieved without losing an aircraft, let alone a pilot.

WGCDR Dunnett, who has logged 1,500 hours on CT-4B aircraft, said it was known as an easy aircraft to fly but difficult to fly well.

RAAF PC-21 aircraft (photo : Wal Nelowkin)

“It’s a robust and forgiving aircraft that has proven itself with students at its controls over the last 19 years,” he said.

“It stalls very predictably. It doesn’t have much performance, but once you master the energy of the aircraft it sets you up for success on others.”

See full article Australian Aviation

38 komentar:

  1. Kesian malon jatuh miskin kerana kekangan utang yg teruk dan rasuah yg mengganas

  2. " setelah sekian lama "terzolimi".. akhirnya akhirnya balik lagi.. "


    1. wajarlah tiap detik ada perubahan geopolitik, apalagi pakdeku Jim Yong Kim mau mundur... berimbas lah wall street dan dollar...

  3. di tambah kebijakan om trump yg agak aneh mau mundur dri timteng (khususnya suriah)pasti" berimbas" (dlm arti tekanan positif ke rupiah)...jajanku bisa tambah nih

    1. Hayo mau jajan yang 80 jeti ya ?

    2. yoiii...mas, ngampet tgu diskon sek ah..

    3. lahh.. asline si VA cuman dpt 35 jt. sing edaann muchikari malah dpt luwih gede, 45 jetong! edaann..😲👹

    4. bisnis apik tenan iki.....,mong cuap2 fee management gedhe..cepet sugeh..

    5. Kalo jadi begituan, boleh coba gratis / gak mas'e..?😚

    6. iso di atur..meneng2 wae yooo..hehehe

  4. They called them parrots, or even plastic parrots, the brightly painted CT-4 basic trainers in which a generation of Australian Defence Force (ADF) pilots made a first, anxious solo flight.

    Fixed.. kalau kata mr unknown.. nih negara pake pesawat plastik !!! Hahahahaha

  5. "Ada yg pura-pura gak baca, padahal.....😢"


  6. apa gak kemahalan pke PC21 bwt basic trainer?
    Atauu.. pake 1 tipe pesawat langsung dari basic sblm k latih jet, supaya hemat d pesawat dan biaya pelatihan kali yaa

  7. wong sugih bebas......blonjo opo wae..mas

  8. "Jangan seperti negara-negara Arab. Mereka menghindari pekerjaan-pekerjaan tangan, dan diserahkan kepada orang luar," tegas Jusuf Kalla.

    Di ASEANpun ada bangsa mentality manja pemalas paaakk.. tuuuuhh malons.. xixixi..


  9. Ini ada tulisan bagus buat mas PS, dilengkapi reply dari pengguna tank langsung (ingat ya user bukan writer).. :


    1. Mantap mas'e, ijin copas 2 komen ini yaak...


      Major (Rtd) D.SwamiFebruary 4, 2010 at 9:05 AM
      We were always famous for modifications. Remember fitting our Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance, Scorpions, which we called tanks? They were not friggin tanks!!! Instead of the 72 mm guns we fitted them with the 90mm guns. The turret system was not compatible with the hull. Could only fire forward. Coming to the tanks it was a sorry disaster, from the word go. Too many problems. I would not listen too much to Mohd Asron Mustapha, he is just a writer in the race baiting Utusan. Remember this fella, Professor Azmi Hassan — a geostrategist at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, another half baked clown. In 1990, David North became the first Western journalist to fly one of the most advanced Soviet aircraft then — the Sukhoi-27. The former United States Navy fighter pilot and editor-in-chief of Aviation Week and Space Technology made a quick assessment: The Su-27 was more comparable to America’s improved performance F-15 Strike Eagle, rather than to the earlier model F-15. Apparently without the privilege of flying one, Professor Azmi Hassan — a geostrategist at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia — made a similar claim: US-made fighters like the F-5, F-15 and F-16, like those in the Republic of Singapore Air Force, “cannot beat the Su-30”, an advanced variant of the Su-27. Also, the Russian Su-30 is better than the US-made next-generation F-22 Raptor, Azmi wrote in Utusan Malaysia last month. I would not put too much faith in what they write. They write through their posterior.


      FMZamFebruary 4, 2010 at 10:57 AM
      Pendeka PT91M: Igauan kepada musuh? Atau sebenarnya hanya sedang dan akan jadi igauan kepada ATM kita? Badan tank tu ialah tank Poland tahun 91, yang lain seperti biasalah adalah hasil ubahsuai otak udang jeneral2 TD kita yang dari dulu memang terkenal dengan propaganda bodoh macam ini.

      Si Asron tu dapat upah menulis untuk memperbodohkan siapa kalau bukan rakyat Malaysia sendiri jugalah yang dia boleh bodohkan. Dia pun tak tahu siapa musuh kita, siapa? Singapura?, Indonesia?, Thailand?, Vietnam?, Filipina? Musuh mana yang akan terigau-igau melihat kita ada 48 biji Tank yang modifikasi pun oleh orang Poland, bukan hasil kepakaran rakyat Malaysia sendiri?

      Bukan kah lebih baik kalau kita berdiam diri, tak perlu riak dan gah, tak perlu angkuh sombong, tak perlu propaganda, tak perlu tonjol pada orang, yang kita ada Tank buatan Poland yang dunia pun tau apa sebenarnya kemampuan tank jenis itu kalau nak dibandingkan dengan tank2 milik negara2 jiran kita?

      Saya rasa si Asron tu tujukan kepada musuh negara, nampaknya yang akan jadi musuh negara kita yang akan terigau dan takut kepada PT91M itu ialah rakyat Malaysia sendiri sebab selepas ini ATM jugalah yang akhirnya akan terigau dengan pembelian tank tersebut, sepertimana pembelian2 tank modified terdahulu.

      Dan percayalah dalam masa terdekat ini Kor Armor akan bertambah gah lagi bila tank buruk PT91M akan ditemani dengan pembelian AFV baru 8 X 8 bagi melengkapkan persaraan seorang jeneral.

      Sekarang ni berseronoklah jeneral2 semua dengan perlawanan2 golf yang diatur oleh kontraktor2 kroni mereka.......


    2. dowo tenan...mocone sampek remeng2 mumet...

    3. jiah di buka seh... biarin aja mas... beruk2 pada dibego2in... kita sih dah pada tau...😁😁😁

  10. Om pt-91 itu kueh atau merk sandal jepit ?

  11. ...hasyiiiik, bukan pura2...tapi tadi langsung bantuin ci BEBEB yang lagi nyuci...jadi bacanya sepintas saja

    ngono lho mas Bro Smile ?

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  12. Denger2.. yg termahal msh d pegang mba "TB' 300 jetong sekali "jajan'🤑🤑👻👻

  13. Bla..bla...bla..bla..hoaks.

  14. nal lo ngomong dah kayak banci kaleng rombeng... itu itu aja..typical malon beruk gak kreativ...😁😁

  15. KL lebih butuh nak bayar hutang almost 89 peratus... hummm teruk la tuh..😁😁

  16. Ciee...yang lagi merajuk dengan australia gara gara ngga dikasih F-18nya malah dijual ke kanada, ngga enak khan rasanya jadi melarat...nikmatin aja nasib lho malingshit

  17. https://www.bbc.com/indonesia/indonesia-46773733

    Nampaknya pelacuran sudah jadi budaya Poor Indons!

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