26 Maret 2018

After Pohang, could Vietnam be Receiving the 2,000-ton Used Frigate by South Korea?

26 Maret 2018

Ulsan class  103m and 2,350tonnes frigate (photo : US DoD)

South Korea's Ambassador to Vietnam recently said that the government is "actively considering Vietnam's proposal to issue more ships."

The Vietnam Defense Television recently broadcasted an image of an anti-submarine helicopter provided by the Republic of Korea to us, which is the third generation of the Gimcheon (PCC 761). Pohang, after returning to the S-shaped land strip, received a new number of 18.

Earlier in 2014, Seoul also provided the Vietnam Coast Guard with an old 1,000-ton patrol vessel belonging to the Han River class, the CSB 8003 which has actively contributed to the exercise of sovereignty over the South China Sea. our.

Then, in the foreign policy event of Vietnam - South Korea, we continue to express wishes and your side said will consider handing over to Vietnam patrol boats used.

CSB-003 Patrol Vessel (photo : baodatviet)

Recent developments by the South Korean ambassador show that the prospects for Vietnam to receive more ships from Korea in the future are high, including patrol boats and warships.

So if your side continues to supply the old warships to the Vietnamese Navy, what kind of candidates will you be? In addition to the subdued Pohang class escorts that can be transferred, another interesting subject is the Ulsan class frigate .

Ulsan was a multi-purpose missile defense ship built for the Navy during the period 1980-1992 with a total of nine ships. Currently, six ships are active, while the other three have "retired". "

Ulsan Ulster has a full load-displacement of 2,350 tons; length 103.7 m; width of 12.5 m; draft of 3.8 m; 186 crew members including 16 officers.

Pohang class corvettes (photo : Soha)

The CODOG engine consists of two General Electric LM-2500s equipped with two 538 TB 82 MTUs for a maximum speed of 34 knots (63 km / h), a range of 8,000 nautical miles (15,000 km) at 16 nautical miles per hour (30 km / h).

The ship's electronic systems include the Signaal DA-08 airborne radar, AN / SPS-10C navigational radar, ST-1802 fire control radar, Signaal PHS-32 sonar mounted radar, TB- 261K with electronic resistance system ULQ-11K ESM / ECM, comes with 2 launchers bait Mk 36 SRBOC and SLQ-261.

Weapon equipped for the ship was quite powerful, including eight Harpoon RGM-84 cruise missiles, six Blue Shark submarine torpedoes, 76 mm / 62 mm Otobreda guns and three 40 mm / 70 mm Otobreda guns. Unfortunately, the ship was not designed with deck landing gear and helicopters.

Masan (FF-955) was launching a Harpoon missile during a South Korean Navy drill (photo : koreaarms)

Currently, out of the three Ulsans, two vessels (Ulsan and Seoul) have been modified to take over the floating museum in Ulsan and Seoul, while the other is called Chungnam (FF-953). officially "retired" on December 27 last year and is in the waiting state.

This will be a good candidate for South Korea to transfer to a close defense partner in the Asia-Pacific region, which will help tighten ties and cost-effectively dismantle.

Although old, the frame of the Korean warship is relatively durable and accompanied by a well-armed and well-equipped weaponry system. Therefore, if conditions permit to receive, this will be a very good supplement to the fleet of surface ships of the Navy.


29 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Menggerunkan memang vietnam nih. Beli mampu terima hibah pun mau. Tak sombong hina negara jiran pula.

  2. Tapi ada ongkosnya mas @PS...

    Dulu jaman Pak Laksamana Marsetyo masih berdinas di Fatahillah class, pernah menguji coba kapal yg baru diterima AL ini dg diajak "ngebut/kecepatan maksimal" pake mesin turbin dari surabaya...tangkinya langsung ludes begitu masuk perairan sekitar "pulau belakang padang/kepri", deket batam situ.

    Kapal yg inipun, setali tiga kutang...

    1. Konsekuensi mesin turbin gas memang boros bbm om. Itu makanya kapal perang modern pake 2 kombinasi mesin disel dan turbin. Disel digunakan utk jelajah ekonomis semacam patroli dg kecepatan rendah. Sedang mesin turbin utk kecepatan tinggi dlm misi pengejaran atau menghindari musuh. Utk kapal perang lawas lebih baik pake full disel krn lebih ekonomis dlm perawatan dan operasional. Korvet dan fregat kita sebagian besar sudah di ganti dg mesin disel baru.

    2. Korvet dan fregat lama ya. Kalo korvet dan fregat baru mesin kombinasi sdh mjd keharusan

    3. Kapal fregat buat apa nak cepat dont ok, paling cepat kapal Fregat 25nk-30nk, kapal fregat bukan Kapal cepat fast boat Tujuan serang dengan cepat ok .Mahu cepat pakai attack fast boat sampai 30kn-40kn yg cepat menhabiskan bbm Mahu serang musuh kelajuah amat tinggi, kapal fregat tugaskan untuk bertahan dilaut jangka masa lama Kerana itu perlu bbm Jimat... Kerana itu tugas fregat itu ok..

      Kalau mahu cepat guna aje Attack fasting boat Cepat 30-40kn Pasti banyak guna bbm kerana gak sesuai bertahan dilaut waktu lama, Tapi Jangan jadi macam krc dibilang kapal rudai cepat itu kelajuan cepat setara Fregat ix ix ix Cukup memalukan gak layak panggil krc kapal rudai cepat ok kerana mahu jimat bbm ok

    4. Masih kcr lumayan punya rudal daripada Macam kapal Kedah & laksamana class kapal ompong melompong lon.. 😛😛😛

    5. eh soal kecepatan, tiap angkatan laut didunia punya pakem sendiri2 om mahat batuw.
      ente ngerti pakem gak? pakem artinya pegangan ato aturan masing2.

      om mahat batuw belajar lagi ke kapal2 amrika gich haha!🤣🤣🤣

      kapal LCS mereka kyk: freedom & independence, kecepatannya antara 44-47 knots

      dan kapal destroyer john paul jones punya kecepatan >30. max 36knots



      kalo menurut om mahat batuw kapal2 diatas 30knot adalah kapal atak fast boat, bisa diketawain bule orang amerika kamuh om, soalnya dari fregat & destroyer & kapal induk mereka bisa ngebut diatas 30knots, begitchu haha!🤣🤣🤣

      kalo kapal KCR kami emg maks bisa 30knots, tp itu kalo jalan datar...coba dech kalo turunan beght 50knots jg bisa om mahat batuw haha! sini setor jidat dololo tung tung tungg 🔨🔨🔨haha!😆😆😆

      knp difentung soalnya salah ngeja:
      kcr bkn krc
      attack fasting boat, ini kapal serang puasa yach om mahat batuw?haha!😂😂😂

    6. @PG jangan di pentung mahatnya..di elus2 aja om sapa tau sembuh..wkkwkkk

    7. elusnya pake falu 🔨🔨🔨 jg kan om tupez haha!😆😆😆!teutep

  3. Bekas Meuni Alus.... gratis pulak.. mayan..

    1. plng ntar copotan lagi senjatanya haha!😊😊😊

      selain korsel, berhubung amrik lg perlu ama Nam, kalo nam mao trima hibah/beli, kapal frigat bekas amrik kelas OHP masi tersedia 4100T, manteb jiwalah.
      mana pake mesin turbin jg haha!😊😊😊

    2. Efek Vietnam yg paling berani saat ini thd China shg dibantu terus saat ini sama Jepun Korsel US.

  4. kalau mau nyari barang bagus murah second hand....sekarang ke jerman atau inggris....mereka lagi kesulitan anggaran operasi....banyak barang bagus mangkrak

    1. Infonya stok Leopard sudah sold out mas
      Tinggal sisa Marder...

      Kalau TNI mau nambah Leopard pilihannya tinggal ex Belanda

  5. #Rudal PATRIOT Saudi bisa Error gini... hahaha.. 2 rudal nyungsep ke tanah, dan dibutuhkan 7 rudal Patriot untuk mencegat 1 rudal Houthi.. hadeeecchhh.. cape deh..


    1. bah bisa belok getokh...coba cek ada yg lg masak pake mikrowave kali? haha!😅😅😅

    2. bwahahha.. lucu juga ya baaangg... rudal bisa nyungsep gitu..

    3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    4. Radar rudal patriotnya perlu di cek itu..sapa tau bnyak layangan pada nyangkut di radar..wkwkkwkwk

  6. maaf jika keluar topik...

    Kapal Patroli AL Ditabrak Kapal Batubara, 1 Prajurit Meninggal


    saya tak pasti kesahihan berita ini... apapun semoga dipermudahkan dan takziah pada yang terkorban dalam kemalangan tersebut...

    1. https://lancerdefense.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/tni-al-meluncurkan-pc-40-ketujuh/

    2. maaf jika keluar topik


    3. ini berita lama... pelakunya sedang di adili..

    4. apa ente mau berita baru, tungguin aja bentar lagi om mahat batuw mao eksperimen/nyoba mentungin era embiti pendekar kleian pake palu haha!🤗🤗🤗

  7. Buat bahan belajar
    Ini bbrp Fregat yang sangar..
    ada yg powernya 50 MW diatas 32 Knot tuh
    Gile bener...

    Admiral kece juga hihihihi


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