14 Maret 2018
Rheinmetall Defence's Boxer CRV (photos : Rheinmetall Defence)
Rheinmetall Defence Australia’s Boxer Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle (CRV) has been selected to fulfil the Australian Army’s LAND 400 Phase 2 requirement.
The selection was made yesterday after the National Security Committee (NSC) of Cabinet met to consider Defence’s recommendation of the Boxer to replace the ASLAV ahead of BAE Systems’ rival AMV35 CRV. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Defence Minister Marise Payne and Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne are expected to make the winning announcement at Enoggera Barracks in Brisbane today.
The three-year competition was hotly contested, with the two main contenders mounting compelling capability and industrial cases for their contenders. While both vehicles are reported to have met Army’s requirement, the Boxer’s superior capability and protection for its crew and passengers won out over the lighter and more nimble AMV35.
Rheinmetall has undertaken to manufacture the first 25 vehicles in Germany while it trains its local workforce, and the remaining 200 at a new Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence (MILVEHCOE) at Ipswich in Queensland.
But in a move reminiscent of the recent SEA 1180 offshore patrol vessel decision, industry insiders have suggested the industrial teams and locations bid by Rheinmetall may be ‘tweaked’ in order to give more work to Victorian industry. If it had been successful, BAE Systems had undertaken to build the AMV35 at the former Holden factory at Fisherman’s Bend in Melbourne.
The Boxer CRV and AMV35 were shortlisted for LAND 400 Phase 2 in 2016, and each supplier was required to provide three vehicles for a comprehensive Risk Mitigation Activity (RMA).
In a 28 July 2016 statement, Deputy Secretary of the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) Kim Gillis said, “When introduced into service, Army will have a capability which represents a quantum leap in protection for our soldiers, while providing enhanced sensors and weapon systems for the crew.”
In an interview with ADBR after the shortlist announcement, Army’s Head of Modernisation and Strategic Planning MAJGEN Gus MacLachlan said, “What the First Principles Review made clear to us is that we have to understand when it is important to take risk with innovation.
“When you look at ground armoured vehicles, does Australia have the capacity or the need to be at the absolute leading edge of capability when armies much bigger than us, some of which have got plenty of resources, are doing developmental work,” he added. “In that case, the answer is: no, we do not; we just need to be able to leverage the best practice of affluent Western [countries’] armies, and so that is what we chose to do.”
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ini mantab dan keren
BalasHapus"...three-year competition.." Proyek pengadaan yg sesungguhnya.
BalasHapusPatut dicontoh caranya, kalo belum mampu contoh budget nya..
Australi ini termasuk negara yg masuk dalam 10 besar negara pengimport senjata didunia :
Dan Indonesia masuk urutan ke 10...
Padahal kita 'cuma' beli apaan.. :p
HapusLah iya itu gak kelihatan wujudnya yg lain kayak apa, gitu kok rangking 10...
Hapuscapek deh....
Eh gimana dengan malon yaaa....??
Leopard,PKR,Arisgator,marder,F16,bung tomo class,hasanuddin class,apache,bmp3f,changbogo,T-50 KAI,Super tucano,Su35,Paladin A4,Caesar,KH-179 Korea,astros dll
Hapusjgm lufa awewe101 kesayangan semata wayang euyyy. heli paling moiij seantero kawasan haha!👍👍👍
HapusLuthfi.. bangga lo sebagai pembeli senjata terbanyak... patutnya indon patut malu.. rakyat ramai.. negara g20 patutnya dah boleh hasilkan produk pertahanan sendiri dan jual pada negara lain... 😆😆😆😆 memang spesis indon cam loe takde otak ke nak pikir cara2 nak bangunkan aset...
BalasHapusCanonnya cem Oerlikon Skyshield Paskhas TNI-AU
BalasHapusSebetulnya ada alasan kah Australia menambah jumlah IFV, MBT, APC seperti sekarang ?
BalasHapusMemang negara ini berbatasan dengan apa ya ?
What is her biggest threat ?
Negara ini seperti terlindungi dan tanpa "musuh" diujung selatan bawah.
Menghadapi China or Indonesia ? Di prediksi akan serangan darat ke mereka kah ?
Make sensenya sih Australia banyakin pesawat steatlh atau kasel maybe.
Any Clue ?
Diaorang kan sekutu kuat usa sama2 ngan uk kanada, kalau usa ade perang diaorang join sekalila, macam perang iraq dulu kan
Hapusyup, itu senjata berat darat, udara, laut py mereka dipake buat bantuin pasukan multi nasional amrik. kalo amrik kan polisi duniya, nah ostrali itu hansipnya haha!🤣🤣🤣
Hapusbukannya mao nyela. dlm pandangan komentator amatir aja level mereka masi segitu mao sok2 ikut2an amrik ngancem2, skrg giliran rrc & korut punya rudal antar benua yg bisa sampe kesono baru nyahook haha!😆😆😆
uda jadi kebiasaan negara persemakmuran inglis, rata2 parnoan. ampe bentuk fdpa haha!😇😇😇 gebleknya burma alias myanmar gak
diajak, pdhl elemen kegilaan mrk itu yg diperlukan eh malah dikucilken haha!😋😋😋
dikawasan pon, itu geng hanya 2 yg py bajet pertahanan cukup baik singaparna ama ostrali, sisanya acakadutts haha!😜😜😜
dan itu gak cukup buat nantangin duo rrc & korut.
setelah kasel nuklir rrc nongol di samudra hindia, sampe bikin negerinya sharuk khan panik ampe minjem kasel nuklir dr rusia haha!😆😆😆
skrg ostrali rasakan kehadiran kasel2 nuklir rrc disekeliling benuanya.
laksana tentara delay yg telat molo, brani gertak tp rumanya sendiri gak py perlindungan sam. brani macemin LCS, cuusssss dirudal nuklir baru tau ntar haha!👻👻👻
skrg pon amrik brusaha "berteman" dgn vietnam, atas dasar historis vietnam selatan yg pro amrik dulunya. dan jugak kerna sadar ostrali sibuk sendiri benahin pertahanan udaranya yg kosong, mending vietnam yg uda ready stenalon haha!👍👍👍
kesian gempita malaysie.....lawak
BalasHapusAnoa indon lagi kelakar
HapusVita berair Malon bikin gelak..
HapusKri kelewang lagi lawak... belum lauch dah terbakar... pastu siluman sampai skrg..hahahhaha
HapusCampur dgn badak indon.. belum apa2 dah tenggelam takleh timbul... 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆