30 Maret 2018

Singapore Confirms Delivery of Aster 30 Missile

30 Maret 2018

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle. (photo : DefenseNews)

MELBOURNE, Australia ― Singapore has given the first glimpse of its latest addition to the multilayered air defense network defending the southeast Asian island nation.

A video posted on social media Wednesday by the Republic of Singapore Air Force as part of its 50th Anniversary celebrations showed the MBDA Aster 30 SAMP/T medium- to long-range ground-based weapon mounted on a militarized MAN TG-series eight-wheel drive vehicle.

The video, which was taken down Thursday afternoon local time, also included close-ups of the front and the rear of the eight missile canisters.

Singapore announced that it had ordered the Aster 30 SAMP/T in 2013 to replace the Raytheon MIM-23 Improved HAWK missiles currently in service with the Air Force’s 163 Squadron. The country has not disclosed the number of systems it ordered. However, Sweden’s Stockholm International Peace Research Institute said in its annually updated arms trade register that Singapore acquired two systems and 200 Aster 30 missiles, with a reported contract value of €651 million (U.S. $805 million).

The think tank also reported that one system and 100 Aster 30 missiles were delivered in 2017, with an industry source corroborating for Defense News the number of systems delivered so far. The source was unable to comment on the number of missiles delivered. A typical system comprises four to six missile-launch units.

“The RSAF has taken delivery of the Aster 30 missile system,” a Singapore Ministry of Defence spokesperson told Defense News in a statement, adding that the system is undergoing local testing and integration into Singapore’s enhanced Island Air Defence system.

The Republic of Singapore Air Force's close up of the Aster 30 launchers. (photo : DefenseNews)

The Aster 30’s weapon is a vertically launched, two-stage, 16-foot surface-to-air missile weighing 990 pounds. The solid-propellant booster shapes the missile trajectory in the direction of the target before separating a few seconds after the launch, with the missile inertially guided up to the midcourse phase using refreshed target data transmitted by the engagement module through the multifunction radar, before switching to an electromagnetic active seeker in the terminal homing phase.

MBDA lists the Aster 30 as having a range in excess of 100 kilometers, or about 63 miles.

Manufacturer MBDA describes the SAMP/T, which stands for Sol-Air Moyenne Portée/Terrestre in French, or Surface-to-Air Medium Range/Land, as a mobile anti-aircraft defense weapon for protection of deployed forces and sensitive sites against missile threats, including cruise, stand-off and ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft.

Upgrades to the Aster 30 are planned by development partners France and Italy, with the Block 1 New Technology upgrade to allow the Aster 30 to hit ballistic missiles with a range of 1,000 kilomters. The further-improved block to expected to be able to engage ballistic missiles with a range of up to 3,000 kilometers. The current Aster 30 Block 1 can intercept incoming missiles with a range of 600 kilometers.

Singapore joins France and Italy as customers of the ground-based SAMP/T. However, the Asian nation has decided not to adopt the upgraded Arabel radar and the European command-and-control systems alongside its Aster 30 SAMP/Ts, instead opting for the Thales Ground Master 200 radar and merging it into its own integrated air defense network.

Singapore’s Navy already uses the Aster missile, operating the Aster 15 on its six Formidable-class frigates that began entering service in 2007. Each frigate contains 32 vertical launchers for the shorter-range Aster 15, although it is unknown if the service plans to use the Aster 30 onboard the ships.


33 komentar:

  1. mungkin nak tembak jet malaysia kot

    1. elhooo kena waspada loh. zoba nanti truck aster tuh parkir arah mana.. kalo parkir arah utara, wah wah wah kena jage supaya missile tak launching kat tanah situ 😀😀😀😀
      jage arah parking truk aje

    2. Tak benar itu.. malah udah bebas karena kesalahan media Malon
      JOM curi enjin 😆😆😆

    3. Tak pun ditembak jet pejuang malasnya dah bengap semua di hanggar tak boleh terbang kerana tak de sparepart Wkwkwk

    4. Bebas keee? Bukan ape. Kesian. Dah salah tp nak cover lagi. Salah tetap salah. Hikhik

    5. tak ape. juga tak ade sanksi yang dituduhkan ke personil tni. kalau salah pastilah ade sanksi. la ini takde pun. ape pulak ni

    6. Kasihan apa tak salah?.. kalau salah kenapa di bebaskan?😆😆😆 otak Malon kadang terlalu bodoh untuk memahami logika yang mudah sekalipun 😄😄😄

    7. SiTua dan mulyono@ kita orang pun pahamlah bila malasnya tuh negara penuh tipu daya dan rekayasa Wkwkwk...lihat sahaje gempita dan gowind yg di beli dari luar negeripun diclaim buatan tempatan,apa namanya bkn negara penuh tipu2 Wkwkwk

    8. Ya begitulah Mak rempit tipikal malon👎 😆😆😆😆

  2. Kalau sudah begini Indonesia boleh beli s400 kan

    1. blm saatnya indonesia memiliki S-400. Nanti kalau skuadron pesawat terpenuhi semua baru kita lihat barang seperti ini.

  3. milik siapakah sesungguhnya negara singapore ini??

    1. taiwan ekstension om db haha!😙😙😙

    2. dulu milik.malaysia tapi sekarang invEstnya banyak di malaysia. kaya dia orang tu apelagi ada hubungan rapat sama isroil.

    3. china combo ama isroil emang komposisi yg maknyoss yaa om @pb, @situa

    4. Singapore tuh majikan malasnya di ASEAN Wkwkwk

    5. Majikan indon jugak tu.. 😆

    6. Dein@ ko tuh salah,ko tanya mahathir sana,mahathir mengeluh dan berkata sekarang asal apa2 pemerintah malasnya di bawah najib selalu tunduk sama singapore,nak buat railway pun mesti lapor singapore Wkwkwk

    7. Cina majikan Malon juga karena aset negara Malon banyak yang di jual ke china 😄😄😄wkwkwkwkwkwk

    8. Kenapa indonesia masih export tki terbesar dunia ini ok sila Data world bank export tki semua bodoh belaka ia

    9. kerana negara seperti malasya tak tak ade kepakaran hidup. inginnya nyamaaan sahaja. negara seperti itu yang merengek minta bantuan tenaga kerja.
      makanya usahakan mandiri bro.
      jangan mau kerja nyaman je.
      songlap.sana . songlap sini.

    10. Karena Malon tu pemalas mahatai.. kalau tak de TKI bisa terhambat program pembangunan negara ko yang di biayai China ni kerana malon pengutang terbesar Kat china.. kerajaan ko tau bahwa rakyat malon ni pemalas.. makanya Mereka cari TKI dari Indonesia yang terkenal rajin dan cergas.. kah kah kah

  4. cara kerja radar buat identifikasi rudal balistik gmn yach?
    apa gak takut salah tembak, apalagi dr jarak ribuan kilo byk bner pentol korek kan haha! 😆😆😆

  5. Malaysia tak payah beli SAM macam ni, dah ade jernas dan tok bomoh lgi canggih dri Aster 30..
    Lagipon Aster 30 percume tak dpat kesan PTM gen.6 malaysie nanti..
    Boleh kata Aster ni pembelian amat mubazir singapor.. xixi

    1. Betol,tok bomoh tuh mampu mengesan yg halimun jg Wkwkwk

    2. Puak sodom seronok hasut warga indonesia ini ok
      Hasut warga indonesia senang warga indonesia disodom seperti Ketua sodom Seperti Tahun 1998 dulu ok

    3. iyalah tak bisa kesan ptm gen6.
      halimunan lagi haibat

    4. iyalah tak bisa kesan ptm gen6.
      halimunan lagi haibat

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