Large-scale exercise of the Myanmar Military (all photos : BMPD)
Enhance the national defence prowess of the Tatmadaw that is safeguarding the country; joint military drill of Tatmadaw Army and Air and artillery and armoured forces conducted
A joint military drill of Tatmadaw Army and Air and artillery and armoured forces was conducted in Meiktila Station today, with the aim of enhancing the national defence prowess of the Tatmadaw that is safeguarding the country, observed by Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.
Also present at the military drill together with the Senior General were Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union Minister for Defence Lt-Gen Sein Win, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, commandants of Tatmadaw advanced training depots, senior officer trainees of National Defence College and Command and General Staff College and officials.
The commander of the military drill reported to the Senior General and party on the salient points of the military exercise. At the drill, infantry troops and armoured troops marched to and took positions at the frontline areas from the headquarters according to the designated routes and places in battle formations.
At the same time, airborne troops and antiterrorist troops seized the targeted places,airplanes and attack helicopters of the Tatmadaw (Air) crushed their targets, artilleries and series of rockets pounded the targets, infantry support heavy weapons conducted close-range attacks in crushing the enemy, joint infantry and armoured forces crushed the enemy and captured the targeted places.
Then, the drill of carrying the wounded by ambulance, conveying the wounded by helicopter in emergency cases and providing arms and ammunition and rations for the soldiers from the air were conducted.
After the drill, the Senior General de-livered an address to officials and all those who took part in the military drill. The Senior General said according to the nature of war, only the perfect preparations can ensure battle victory. The preparations involve the task of administering and providing logistic measures and receiving information as well as training. In the world, countries are conducting single-country drills as well as joint-drills with regional or global countries. The Tatmadaw is safeguarding the country. National defence needs advanced preparations and training. It needs time. The current drill mainly focuses on the formation of attacks and seizures by the Tatmadaw (Army).
In nature of war, ground troops must operate decisive land-occupied battles. Artilleries, armoured vehicles and airplanes join in the battle with supportive fire. It needs to open the direct fire on the targets. The Senior General said he took pride of capabilities of army, air force, artillery and armoured vehicles to shoot accurate fire on the target at today’s military drill. Capability of taking a surprise attack can secure victory in the battle with least casualty. As synchronized movement is of importance in the battles, it needs to calculate duration for the movements. Likewise, quickness plays a key role in securing victory in the battle whereas the massive warfare is of importance to completely combat the enemies.
Today’s military drill was based on the aforesaid points. The arm troops included in the military drill must have capability to practically support and help the operation troops. Officials at different levels need to repair processes for ensuring better convenience of logistics and food provisions. Modernity and facilities of electronic equipment are important for speeding up fighting power. Aviation capability contributes much to the fighting power. Only then would those who own advancement of aviation capability and electronic technology win the modern wars.
Likewise, capability of air defence is a pivotal role in modern wars. Moreover, relevant military units need to always conduct re-search on situations of arms and ammunition, effectiveness and accurate range which are very important. The Senior General stressed the need for the whole Tatmadaw to continuously take various training sessions to be able to skillfully use these arms and ammunition.
As the unexpected conditions may happen in the battlefield, combating servicemen need to have healthy lifestyle and foods and always take training to be fitness as health and fitness of servicemen are of great importance. They have to take training for having capability to handle military equipment and technologies changed in line with the present time. As such, the Senior General said he set the motto “Observe, Practise and Obey” for enabling the whole Tatmadaw to have always readiness for fighting.
Afterwards, the Senior General presented cash award to officers and other ranks from infantry and arm troops who participated in the military drill. Local media attended the military drill to cover information. The Senior General and party cordially greeted the media persons.
Hebat, Fulcrum Myanmar masih combat ready tuh.
BalasHapusGak kayaaaak....mmmm..😌
Ooh, karena sudah di upgrade..😎
Gak kaya punya malon
HapusBengab di hanggar kerna tak mampu beli sparepart
Myanmar punya masih Fulcrum om....
HapusTapi kalah canggih ama punya beruk,konon beruk punya abis di up namanya berubah om jadi
Mig-29 masih kinclong n masih beroperasi kerana myanmar ada duit guna MRO Mig-29nya,tak cem Malon cuma besar mulot,koar2 bising satu dunia tp tak de duit wkwkwk
HapusTentara Myanmar hebat jg. Pasti kalo perang melawan tentera Diraja Malon, bakal kalah tuh tengtara askar pondan
BalasHapusNtar ada beruk berkate
Hapusindonesia jealous
Poor malassial low IQ
Ntar ade beruk berkata
HapusPlastic n engine TONG TONG wkwkwk
myanmar VS Bangladesh.. itu ceritanya mirip disni. rusuh terus para "keyboard wariornya😁😊😊
BalasHapusWkwkwk...sejak bila KL powerful lon wkwkwk...Malon nak shopping weapon pun mesti tunggu thn 2055,itu ko kata malon powerful wkwkwk
BalasHapusWTF 999years as british's slave xaxaxaxaxaxa nih 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌
BalasHapusHoax sahaje kerja beruk ini wkwkwk
BalasHapusSalam capcay seumur hidup BABU
BalasHapusJangan kebanyakan makan jengkol kau lon. Ngimpi.....
BalasHapussila menghibur diri lon
BalasHapusteruk nian nasip malassial
What's KL? Kèsét-nya London?
BalasHapusOoh, i see..
ATM idiot otak tengkurap, malon negara miskin makin tertinggal terbelakang
BalasHapusWkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk...bahagianya hatiku
Laos,myanmar yg negara terbelakang di ASEAN dapat menyalip malon yg konon katanya gred A dan negara paling kaya di ASEAN bro wkwkwk
Hapuspaling kaya beruk....
Hapuskaya = mirip
Mynmar have attack heli.. malaydogsial only poor country 😁
HapusKih kih kih
BalasHapusMore Poor Indon TKI arested for Jual Pantat in Malaysia!
BalasHapusLink malindo air ngga di share lagi bagio... 😂😂😂
HapusLink polis malon rogol pantat perawan tak di share keh bagio wkwkwk
HapusMalon is servant of british wkwkwk...jaga istana buckingham sampe kiamat wkwkwk
HapusLol KL big prostitusion LGBT city in the world.. no wonder all malaydogsial are gay 😁
HapusKih kih kih
tau jual pantat.. si paul yang yg suka nikmatin pantat....😁😁
Hapusmantan pm mu juga doyan pantat ya paul..ewgh..
No wonder former of malaydogsial minister have sodomi problem 😁
HapusKih kih kih
Pantat disodomi like Anwar Ibrahim
selain jadi sarang lGBT malon juga disenarai sarang teroris
HapusSejarah terorisme di Malaysia
Teroris activity in Malaysia 2018
Malays peoples pendukung ISIS sejati...
Warga Malaysia Ini Tewas saat Perang Bersama ISIS, Tak Sengaja Menginjak Ranjau Darat...
Haha siapa yang menuduh. ia yang melakukan.. typical Malays beruk sejati.. yg telah lama diketahui ASEAN..😁😁
14 Warga Malaysia Terkait ISIS
Malon tukang Claim... ni baca lon Pendana Teroris tuh Insinyur Perminyakan warga Malaysia sendiri...😁
banyak baca lon...😁😁
Seorang pria Malaysia lain yang bekerja sebagai insinyur minyak dan gas telah menyalurkan dana sekitar 14.000 ringgit atau Rp 48,8 juta untuk operasi teror Muhammad Wanndy Mohamed Jedi pada 106 dan 2017.
Muhammad Wanndy merupakan anggota ISIS Malaysia yang tewas di Suriah pada April 2017. Dia berperan sebagai perekrut utama, yang kemudian diambil alih Akel.
Lagi warga Malaysia menjadi pendukung Teroris Abu Sayef
Malaysia tangkap 15 terduga teroris, tak ada WNI
Menteri Pertahanan Thailand menyatakan, kaum militan dibalik pemberontakan yang semakin gencar di kawasan selatannya merencanakan sebagian serangan mereka di Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia.
Thailand mengatakan, pelarian mereka itu diatur oleh militan untuk meng-internasionalkan kerusuhan disana.
Sekelompok Warga AS Anggap Bendera Malaysia sebagai Lambang ISIS...
ini kata warga USA loh bukan kata saya..😁😁😁
Alutsista timuran sahaja yg dipakai 😂😂😂😂
BalasHapuskaya latihan marinir kita.
😂😂😂 awas kena e'ek sendiri ya lon....
BalasHapusBig bos terorist all over the world like Dr Azhari n Nurdin Top are from Malon...Malon is fully terorist n fully big bos bandar dadah,semua negara ASEAN dah tahu malon is fully garbage country wkwkwk
BalasHapusMereka punya Mi24 Hind juga ? Heli Attack ?? Wow..gak nyangka 😨
BalasHapusheyyo, tu Mi 24 apa Mi 35 😂😂😂
BalasHapuskonfigurasinya mirip punya TNI cuma kelihatannya kanon gsk 30 mm ga di pasang
Actualy in KL Malaydogsial only slaves cina & bangla 😁
BalasHapusKih kih kih
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusRatusan MiG-29 di dunia ini masih aktif terbang, heirannya punya tudm sudah di phase out. Jadi masalah ada di tudm alias maintance yg buruk karena profesionalisme rendah dan tak da duit. Ini kah yg namanya macan Asia, negara grade A yg membahanaitu😁😁😁.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusPoor Malaydogsial must be jealous 😁
BalasHapusBahkan Myanmar pon boleh latihan besar besaran. malon kemana ke?
BalasHapusBreaking news!! 😁
BalasHapusMalaydogsial terorist dead by Filipina police!!
Even as terrorist malaydogsial still idiot 😁
Kih kih kih
Wow mynmar armed forces more powerfull than malaydogsial..
BalasHapusmynmar have attack heli and no problem with fighter plane sparepart not like poor malaydogsial 😁
No wonder mat sabu declared malaydogsial most noop armed forces in ASEAN 😁
Kih kih kih
Wow Mynmar have attack heli 😁
BalasHapusWhy malaydogsial dont have?
Kih kih kih
Indon dan Myanmar memang mirip..Sama2 belum punya pespur gen 4.5...sama2 pelanggar HAM berat...
BalasHapusMalaydogsial emang punya? 😁
HapusMynmar masih lebih baik nambah su 30 dan mig 29 masih laik terbang
Jauh lah dengan malaydogsial miskin 😁
Kih kih kih
Myanmar saja masih bisa latihan kek gini
malon sampe bila bila tak boleh latihan cem ni lah... budget kena kat pulak... wang dari mana?...
Hapusterakhir exeseis cume sanggup latih tandon air je pame nuri lapok.... hadeuh teruk la tuh...😁
Pantat sodomi like anwar ibrahim
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