25 Februari 2019

Del Pilar-Class to be Beefed with More Electronic Equipment

25 Februari 2019

Der Pilar class frigate (photo : Update)

MANILA -- The proposed upgrades planned for the Philippine Navy’s (PN) Del Pilar-class frigates will greatly boost the ships' electronic capabilities, making it more capable of patrolling and conducting inter-agency operations in the country's territorial waters.

"The 'Del Pilar Class Frigate Upgrade' will enhance the ships' management system, electronic support and sonar capability, ensuring top performance during maritime patrols, search-and-rescue, and other inter-agency operations in our territorial waters," Department of National Defense (DND) spokesperson Arsenio Andolong said in a message to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) over the weekend, when asked to comment on the more than PHP1.5-billion upgrade for these ships.

Earlier, the DND Bids and Awards Committee 1, in the defense department's website, announced that it is starting the procurement for the "Del Pilar Class Frigate Upgrade Acquisition Project" of the PN.

The fund for the program, which is placed at PHP1.54 million, will be sourced from the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ Modernization Trust Fund.

The project will be undertaken through the Alternative Mode of Procurement, which is Limited Source Bidding.

When asked on whether the ships will be equipped with additional weapons systems, Andolong said it is very unlikely at the moment.

"It does not look like the Navy intends to install additional weapons systems on the Del Pilar Class ships because only their sensors are being upgraded. At the moment, the advanced weapons are only being considered for the brand-new platforms that we are acquiring," he said.

The Del Pilar-class ships are three former US Coast Guard Hamilton-class cutters that were converted into frigates.

The ships in the class are the BRP Gregorio del Pilar (FF-15), BRP Ramon Alcaraz (FF-16), and the BRP Andres Bonifacio (FF-17).

Each ship has a gross tonnage of 3,250 tons, a length of 378 feet, beam of 43 feet, and draft of 15 feet while its propulsion systems consist of two diesel engines and two gas turbine engines, giving it a top speed of 29 knots.

It has a cruising range of 14,000 miles, a sea and loiter time of 45 days, and is armed with a 76-mm. Oto Melara automatic cannon, 25-mm. and 20-mm. light cannons and .50-caliber machine guns. 


79 komentar:

  1. Badan boleh tua tapi jiwa anak muda, mantap philipina ayo sikat beruk malon

  2. So much delay for this upgrade wake up DND

    1. Step by step, bro...don't look up malon Now they downfall

  3. Who is orang indo ???

    In the broadest sense, an Indo is anyone of MIXED EUROPEAN and Indonesian descent. Indos are associated with colonial culture of the former Dutch East Indies , a Dutch colony in Southeast Asia and a predecessor to modern Indonesia...

    Bangsa indo = Campuran Eropah & Indonesia

    Indonesia = Negara Bangsa indo

    Lol...di panggil indon tak terima,bentak bentak mau di panggil Orang Indo...wkwkwkwwk...indon bener2 ga tau diri..

    Wajar aja presiden Susahnyo bayar 65 bilion gulden emas ke belanda...bukan demi kemerdekaan...Tapi demi izin tinggal di negara Bangsa Indo...


    1. Mana linknya lon wkwkwk...Jgn kongkek emakmu sahaje ko jaguh wkwkwk

    2. Maharaja hoax hadir di sini Just RFI sahaja😀, salam sampai lebaran monyet 2055 pon tetap KISMIN tralalalala hohohohoho.....

    3. Eleh oorang masihbdijajah ponbtak sadar ke...


    4. Dipanggil malon beruk marah marah, padahal dirinya masih maid of london and slave of british.
      Dijajah 999 tahun bangga, jadi anjing british senang, jadi babu london bertingkah lagaknya kayak tuan dan nyonya di british. Idiots malon moron

    5. Wajar aja PM tungku kuali gembar gembor malon ras terbalik. Otak babu mental slave ngga punya nyali bilang merdeka ke british

    6. Melayu, apaan itu campuran dari protozoa, amuba,beruk dan rat. Pantesan bangga jadi babu london, mental slave sama pengecut

    7. Dasar lu aja Malon Rasis Pengangguran low IQ nggak sekolah 😁
      Indo= itu bahasa yunani berarti "campuran" mau campuran manapun tetap term nya INDO.

      Kasi link bukti sini kalau indonesia kasih belanda senilai 65 miliar gulden emas... Kalo nggak ada berarti lu.. cuma Malon pengangguran low IQ gemar HOAX 😁

    8. it's clear that the Malaysian doesn't have a quality argument and can only curse foolishly ..

      poor you..malays beggar..😁😁

    9. Apa kau tau beruk ras asli kalian dari mana,, jgn suka menhina ras dan suku lain apa kau lebih baik dari mereka, ,,Makanya belajar lagi asal usulmu sebelum kau menhina orang lain. ALLAH SWT menciptakan manusia itu berbeda2 ras supaya saling mengenal dan menghargai ,karena ras kalian tdk lebih baik dari orang afrika atau lainnya, ,krn klo kamu selalu merasa lebih baik dari ras lain berarti engkau telah melawan ketentuan ALLAH SWT. semoga azab tdk menimpamu.

  4. Who is malon???...malon mixed bangla,keling,mamak,negro...and they are called melayu....new race malon is people with songlap ideology,and melancap is their habit

  5. Malon never have identityty....,,because they are come from lala land...they are like wet dream but never have money

  6. Malon don't have real history...until now,they don't have letter of freedom....they are never go to war...so mentality like pondan

  7. Malon very like mencangkung kat kedai mamak,they are never study hard....they are like talk with big mouth..but in reality they are only have spender and dadah jer

  8. Until now,malon still in british colony,and never get real freedom,...they are always live with halusination,....united nation called him bangsa pemalas

    1. No wonder.. even Mahatir muhammad called malon lazy, unproduktif, and shameless

  9. Kami bangsa indo nak sewalah askar banci bersarung malon yang hobi jaga istana dan bilik termenung british, itung2 nyewa badut untuk tontonan


    1. Tak malu mengaku bangsa indo...kihkihkihkihkkh...bangsa indon itu bangsa campuran penjajah belanda tolol..kihkihkih

    2. ko sendiri tak malu masih dijajah british... coba jujur berapa ringgit kerajaan ko setor kepada tuan besarmu per tahunnya...? klo tak tahu aku bagi tahu nih...😁

    3. Malon di telan rosmah@ kl kami campuran belanda tentulah kami gunakan bahasa belanda tuh sebagai bahasa nasional,ini ada tak ko lihat bahasa belanda kami guna sehari2,yg ada malon tak de bahasa persatuan dan bahasa nasional,bahasa yg ada di malon ada 4 yaitu bahasa british,bahasa bangla,bahasa cina dan bahasa melayu..bahasa2 inilah bahasa persatuan malon wkwkwk

    4. Sekolah lagi kau malon pengangguran low IQ 😁

      Indo dari bahasa yunani : yang berati "campuran"

      Bahkan yang menamakan sendiri indonesia orang jerman. 😁

  10. Who is Melayu???

    Melayu adalah etnis group yg mendiami area yg di sebut kepulauan melayu @ Nusantara..

    Kepulauan melayu @ Nusantara menggunakan Bahasa Melayu sebagai lingua franca bahasa perdagangan sejak ratusan tahun dulu...

    Seperti kata pepatah melayu...

    Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa

    So sekarang bahasa indonesia menunjukkan apa??

    Bahasa indonesia sendiri originalnya bahasa melayu

    Sedang orang indo itu pula menunjukan orang Yg berdarah campuran Eropah & Indonesia...

    So orang yg tak ada mixed tak boleh di panggil orang indo...

    Mau panggil apa ya?? INDON ok??


    "Takkan melayu hilang di bumi"

    1. lah lo bangsa lo sendiri minder pake bahasa melayu... berbangga2 pake bahasa kulit puteh... typical malays maling teriak maling..😁

    2. Wkwkwk...malon ditelan rosmah nih ngaku melayu tapi dia pun bangga gunakan bahasa british si penjajahnya wkwkwk

    3. Melayu adalah original sumatera...apa original semenanjung?kenapa semenanjung ngaku2 sumatera?...nusantara bukanlah melayu,sejarah bodoh malon saja suka ngarang cerita....kata nusantara,popular pada jaman majapahit dimana waktu itu kekuasaan memang superbesar banyak pulau...disebut pulau2 diantara laut....makanya jaman majapahit timbul istilah nusantara...dari kata nusa antara....atau tanah/pulau2 diantara laut

    4. Bahasa melayu bahkan ASALNYA dari pulau sumatra INDONESIA 😁

      Malon low IQ punya apa? Kecuali tambal stiker bahasa asli pulau sumatra indonesia 😁

    5. Klo tdk punya otak dan pendidikan tdk usah nongol di mari krn hanya memperlihatkan ke bodohanmu dan tdk tau akan sejarah masa lalu.

    6. Sebenarnya melayu malaysia itu adalah gerombolan perampok yg hidup di zaman kerajaan sriwijaya dan memberontak dan terusir.. Maka mereka melarikan diri di hutan2 ,setelah keruntuhan kerajaan sriwijaya muncullah mereka kembali dan menyatakan mereka sebagai bangsawan melayu padahal mereka hanyalah penhianat kerajaan sriwijaya.

  11. It is very funnny,...why malon don't have real race in semenanjong?...even melayu is original race in sumatra?....so that is true if united nation call him stupid people

  12. ATM Banci bersarung malon pastilah senang jaga bilik termenung istana buckingham karena dapat wang kopi dan pisang dan makan bersama anjing....

  13. Sultan yang di pertuan agong di raja monkey tak perduli rakyat malon miskin dan bangkrut yang penting bersenang2 dengan wanita, Ayo Sabah Serawak lawan lah raja zalim dan budak british tu....

  14. Mulailah belajar bahasa cina dan guna mata uang yuan karena tuan mu bukan lagi british, melainkan cina yang akan jajah dan sita semenanjung untuk bayar hutang dan ATM banci bersarung akan senang menjaga tembok besar Cina


    1. Malon telah melacurkan diri ke china komunis dan itu fakta 😁

  15. Wah makin berat & panas nih...

    Sudah la merdeka hasil bayar upeti 65 bilion gulden emas ke belanda...

    Bangsa indo yg di bangga banggakan rupanya bukan bangsa milik orang berdarah campuran eropah...waduh gawat nih...

    indoner : Hey malaysia..jangan panggil kami indon...panggil kami orang indo tau...

    Malaysian : Tapi kamu tak ada Mixed Eropah..mana boleh panggil kamu orang indo..

    Indoner : kurang ajar..Ganyang malaysia..

    Malaysian : Kihkihkihkihkih....

    1. HOAX...cerita nih adalah hasil HOAX dan mereka2 si malon di telan rosmah raja HOAX dan raja link zaman jepun wkwkwk

    2. Malon link please..

      No link HOAX... 😁

    3. Bla...bla...bla...hoaks xaxaxaxaxaxa nih 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

    4. it's clear that the Malaysian doesn't have a quality argument and can only curse foolishly ..

      poor you..malays beggar..😁😁


    Republik Indonesia (RI) atau Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI), atau lebih umum disebut Indonesia, adalah negara di Asia Tenggara yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara daratan benua Asia dan Australia, serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia. Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau.[7] Nama alternatif yang biasa dipakai adalah Nusantara.[8] Dengan populasi Hampir 270.054.853 juta jiwa pada tahun 2018,[9] Indonesia adalah negara berpenduduk terbesar keempat di dunia dan negara yang berpenduduk Muslim terbesar di dunia, dengan lebih dari 230 juta jiwa.[10]


    1. NKRI tu Negara Korupsiah Radiakalis Indoners

    2. Cerita ini adalah the truth ada link sahihnya,tak cem cakap hoax dari mulut busok malon di telan rosmah wkwkwk

    3. ahh macaciihh..nach ini kata menhan loh, uda di transper goib haha!🤗🤗🤗

      Mat Sabu: Dulu Indonesia Negara Yang Paling Rasuah, Sekarang Malaysia Ambil Alih Yang Paling Rasuah

    4. Beruk malaydogsial itu pemalas, tak produktif, tau malu 😁

      -mahatir muhammad


    Tahukah Anda, sebagai sebuah negara, sejatinya Malaysia tidaklah memiliki kedaulatan penuh. Benar kata Bung Karno, ia tak lebih dari B-O-N-E-K-A…. boneka Inggris. Dalam kalimat yang saya rasa sepadan, bahwa sejatinya, Malaysia bukanlah negara merdeka. Malaysia –seperti halnya negara commonwealth/persemakmuran lain– tidak akan pernah bisa melepaskan diri dari cengkeraman Inggris.

    bakar bendera MalaysiaNegara Malaysia dibentuk di atas sebuah perjanjian antara Inggris dan Malaysia. Pasal VI perjanjian yang ditandatangani di London pada 9 Juli 1963 tertera: Pemerintah Malaysia harus mengizinkan pemerintah Inggris menggunakan haknya dalam meneruskan pemeliharaan pangkalan-pangkalan militer dan fasilitas-fasilitas yang kini dipegang oleh penguasa militer Inggris di Singapura dan pemerintah Malaysia harus mengizinkan pemerintah Inggris mempergunakan pangkalan-pangkalan tersebut jika sewaktu-waktu Inggris perlu.

    ganyanghitamSelain itu, Malaysia mengizinkan Inggris menyewa tanah selama 999 tahun untuk dijadikan pangkalan militer. Sebagai contoh, Naval Base Sembawang 999 tahun. Kanji juga 999 tahun. Di samping itu, masih banyak tempat lain: Loyang Yurongbukittombok, Mount Faber, dll. Saya menghitung, jika perjanjian itu ditandatangani tahun 1963, dan berlaku untuk 999 tahun ke depan, itu artinya, Malaysia masih menjadi negara “jajahan” Inggris sampai tahun 2962 Masehi…..


    1. Wkwkwk...melihat link nih beruk malon pura2 dungu dan butalah tuh wkwkwk...Terbaik bro bigperry

    2. Sembawang,jurong,kanji,mount faber tu semua singapore bro...bukan malaysia...ish ish tak baik tipu2 mcm tu don..kihkihkih...

    3. Malon harus rela jaga istana britsh dan bayar upeti selama 999 tahun lagi 😁

      Kih kih kih

    4. typical malays giliran yang jelek jelek kasih singapur... giliran yang bagus nak klaim sendiri...😁😁

    5. pemikiran pnulisnya ituw brilian, sekali tembak kena 2 haha!👍👍👍

      nyoih, secara gak lgs penulis bermaksud buat ngingetin. ada yg "Hilang" dari masa lampau, hmmn sambil bawa 1 pulau haha!🤣🤣🤣

      pnulisnya gak salah kekeker, sangat djelass yg warna bold item.

      mao liat data QQQ lebih lanjut cekidot gaes:

      artikel no.VII

    6. kalo mao yg lebih detail& resmi cekidot gaes haha!🧐🧐🧐

      Article VI
      The Agreement on External Defence and Mutual Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Federation of Malaya of 12th October, 1957,1 and its annexes shall apply to all territories of Malaysia, and any reference in that Agreement to the Federation of Malaya shall be deemed to apply to Malaysia, subject to the proviso that the Government of Malaysia will afford to the Government of the United Kingdom the right to continue to maintain the bases and other facilities at present occupied by their Service authorities within the State of Singapore and will permit the Government of the United Kingdom to make such use of these bases and facilities as that Government may consider necessary for the purpose of assisting in the defence of Malaysia, and for Commonwealth defence and for the preservation of peace in South-East Asia. The application of the said Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of Annex F to this Agreement (relating primarily to Service lands in Singapore


    7. oiya yg diatas ada di halaman 3 okeh oceh👌👌👌

    8. annex F

      ada di hal:187

      ANNEX F1. Paragraph (14) of section 6 of Annex 3 of the Agreement of External Defence and Mutual Assistance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federation of Malaya of 12th October, 1957 (referred to in this Annex as " the defence agreement ") shall have effect in relation to land or buildings held by the Service authorities in Singapore as if—(a) the references to a local Government authority were references to the State of Singapore ; and(6) the reference to facilities and services normally covered by the general rating assessment were a reference to the facilities and services normally covered by the general rating assessment of a municipality.

    9. 2. Annex 4 of the defence agreement shall have effect in its application to lands in Singapore with the following modifications—(a) for paragraphs (2),(3) and (4) the following paragraph shall be substituted :" (2) The land to which this Annex applies occupied by the Service authorities at the date of the signature of the Malaysia agreement is described in the Schedule to Annex F of that agreement and falls into the three following categories:— V(a) Land which is leased or was to be leased by the Government of Singapore to the Services Lands Board for a term of 999 years ;(b) Land which is leased or was to be leased by the Government of Singapore or by public authorities to the Services Lands Board or other authorities of the United Kingdom for terms shorter than 999 years ;(c) Land made available by the Government of Singapore to the Armed Services of the United Kingdom."(b) For paragraphs (6), (7) and (8) the following paragraphs shall be substituted : —" (6) In view of the foregoing and in order to permit the Service authorities to hold a registrable interest in the land they occupy the Government of Malaysia undertakes to enact legislation which will permit the Service authorities through their representative to hold registrable interest in land and property in accordance with the provisions of this Annex for the purposes of this agreement and of the Proviso to Article VI of the Malaysia Agreement and which with that object will provide also for the incorpora tion in the Federation of the representative of the Service authorities.

    10. lanjut ke hal 188 haha!😅😅😅

      (7) The Government of Malaysia will grant to the Service authorities leases initially for a period of 30 years. The Government of Malaysia will grant to the Service authorities if those Service authorities so desire a further lease or leases on the same terms and for such further periods as may be necessary to implement the terms of this agreement and of the Proviso to Article VI of the Malaysia Agreement.(8) Where the title vested or to toe vested in the Services Lands Board or other authority of the United Kingdom does not enure for 30 years, the lease shall be for that lesser period, but without prejudice to further leases being granted if the Service authorities so require. Land falling into category (c) of paragraph (2) shall continue to be held by the Service authorities as land made available unless a lease or leases is granted of it to the Service authorities at their request."

    11. lanjut ke hal 189, cekidot sendiri gaes haha!😅😅😅

      SCHEDULE TO ANNEX F LAND OCCUPIED BY THE UNITED KINGDOM SERVICES IN SINGAPORENotes: 1. Acreages quoted for land where 999 year leases are awaited and for land made available by the State of Singapore are subject to survey.

      2. In cases where 999 year leases have not yet been issued, the area of Crown reserves and road reserves will be excluded


  18. Malaysia selalu lawak dan hipokrit...cakap katanya negara demokrasi....tapi kenapa kalau demokrasi mat lancap,mat henjut,mat skodeng,mat rempit tak boleh jadi raja????

  19. Because high Quality.. Philipine use ships, planes,train ,infrastructur project from indonesia 😁

    Thats Why Philipine not consider idiot malaydogsial low IQ

    Kih kih kih

  20. Malon hantar Hoax lagi... lah Phil telah berjaya mendapatkan Hitech weapon dari Indonesia.. G1 pistol, Pesawat CN, SSV. mendatang medium Tank... malays cuma bisa bengap dilimbungan..😁😁

  21. it's clear that the Malaysian doesn't have a quality argument and can only curse foolishly ..

    poor you..malays beggar..😁😁

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