08 Februari 2019
Vietnamese RTH passive radar (all photos : QPVN)
The successful construction of a radar that captured a stealthy target from a distance of nearly 300km is considered a remarkable achievement of Vietnam in 2018.
According to QPVN Channel, this is a product of Vien Radar under the Military Science and Technology Institute (KHCNQS). With the rapid development of science and technology led to the development of methods to blind conventional radar, in the world, the generation of fighter 4 + and generation 5 technology equipment Stealth can completely hide from the detection of conventional radar.
To suppress this power, the Radar Institute of the Institute of Science and Technology has launched a RTH passive radar system. Passive radar products have been researched and developed to meet the mission requirements such as detection, positioning, orbiting of flight targets with pulsed voip emission, analyzing the characteristics of radio signals. . Since then, analyzing the target identity, providing intelligence information for air defense and security. This is a new direction in the field of radar development in particular and military scientific research in general.
"By identifying we have built a data bank and thus help identify the target. The initial tactical feature set will catch goals at a distance of about 200km. Over time In the test, we have implemented 3 stations in the positions of Hung Yen, Hoa Lac and Dan Phuong and perform the inter-operational operation. Three stations have obtained very good signals from flying targets, ”said Lieutenant Phuong Van Quang, Assistant to the Antennas Department, Institute of Radar at the Military Science and Technology Institute.
For conventional radars, to detect the target, the radar itself must broadcast radio signals into space. Radio signals are transmitted after encountering significant effective reflecting areas such as airplanes, and the missiles will bounce back in all directions. The reflected signal to the radar receiver will display the target information such as distance, azimuth, and velocity.
Unlike conventional radars, passive radars do not radiate radio signals into space but only receive pulsed radio emission signals from flying targets such as communication signals between aircraft. , between ground-based aircraft or radar signals for terrain, the weather radar on the plane is made up of three fixed receivers at three different locations into triangles.
Based on the time difference of the received signal and the use of the mathematical operation, it will give the target parameters such as distance, azimuth, and velocity. Through the actual implementation process, the team discovered the target from a distance of 270m, far exceeding the original design requirement.
Lieutenant Phuong Van Quang added: "For stealth aircraft due to the use of special materials to make donation signals that meet it will not be reflected back. So the types of radar usually will not be able to recover the signal of stealth aircraft.
However, for RTH passive radar stations using the new principle does not emit signals, but the system collects signals emitted in the form of stealth targets. By acquiring these signals, the radar compares with the data bank to conclude that it is stealth aircraft with specific flight ranges and speeds. "
It can be said that in the stealth and anti-stealth battle, passive radar is the trump card for countries that want to protect airspace in modern war. But to solve the problems of science and technology, passive radar manufacturing is not easy and the price is often very high. Therefore, the successful manufacture of passive anti-stealth radar is a great success of Vietnam's military science in 2018.
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Satu persatu negara di Asean mulai mandiri dalam bidang pertahanan, minus satu negara...
BalasHapuswaduww sapa tuch, sebut omm sebuutt haha!🤨🤨🤨
HapusYang grade A, sudah ekspor senjata ke planet namex, justru negara lain yang tertinggal
HapusItu tuh yang baru bisa bina PENGAJIAN Penerbangan... bangga pulak..😁😁
HapusSi 2u2i
HapusUpin ipin
Iya juga...
Hapus2 Upin - 2 Ipin..😁
Saya suka, saya sukaaaaaa..
ngimink2 radar pasip neng vera ng kita kapan datengnya yach? uda gak sabar tes dikupang, sapa tau momo lewat hiiihh haha!👻👻👻👻
BalasHapusKita negara pertama di asean yang mebuat dan memasang radar buatan sendiri di kapal perang kita...link http://defense-studies.blogspot.com/2014/04/infra-rcs-perkenalkan-radar-lpi.html?m=1
BalasHapussewaco jugak yak 🤗🤗🤗
Hapusvs 1989
vs uda moderen, tats skriin haha!😍😍😍
Tats skrin nya jgn diomongin, ntar beruk malaydogshit bilang itu tablet android lagi...wkwkwkwk
HapusSewaco buah manis TOT dari thales bogor, bro....kelihatan pembelian senjata kita seperti lambat karena negosiasi untuk TOT nya yang membuat lama, setelah kita bisa lepas membuat sendiri kita bisa mandiri tanpa harus takut di embargo lagi.
BalasHapusMana beruk malon yang masih kepanasan,
Masih mau lanjut ngomongin tentang rasis dan demokrasi?
Hayoo gua ladenin mumpung sabtu dan minggu libur....
Kalau kalah debat jangan buat statement baru yg buat makin keliatan kebodohonmu malon !!!!
Belum ada satupun beruk malon yang kasih jawaban pasal bendera jalur tikus malassial dibakar rakyat philipina.
HapusItu fakta lon bendera korang tu dibakar philipina bukan hoax.
Vietnam yg bina radar.. Indon pulak yang bangga.. Nanti claim made in indon. .Wkwkwk
BalasHapusYa bangga lah.. Karena mereka tidak merendahkan bangsa lain. Nggak seperti bangsa mu... Yang bisanya sok jaguh. Giliran digertak Singapura dan Indonesia merengek kata nya serumpun. 😀😀 Betul tidak ruk?
HapusMalon dengan bangga bina dadah, judi halal dan tempel bina tempatan
HapusIndonesia bangga dengan Vietnam Karena mampu Bina sendiri begitupun Indonesia mampu Bina sendiri tak macam malondog, aduh claim itukan kepakaran malon kikikikikiki
HapusMalon senang digondolin umngok
Ya tentu banggalah, vietnam sesama negara asean.
HapusBukan yang ngakunya serumpun kemana mana....
Beruk malaydogshit, kita sdh buat radar IRCS-LPI, Indera MX-4 dan radar buatan PT LEN. Buatan kamu mana?
HapusMalaydogsial low IQ hanya pandai melancap sahaja 😁
HapusNdak laah..
BalasHapusAne tahu, yang serumpun Grade A itu sekarang fokus di Program PESA nya, sedikit mengejutkan memang.
Memang sedikit publikasi, tapi progress & programnya jalan. Ini penampakannya :
(PESA : Pendidikan Ejection Seat Andalan)
HapusPESA: Pelukane Eneng Sing Anget 😍😍😍
HapusSampai gw search om...gw kira yg keluar radar buatan malaysia ngga taunya gambar pilot eject, gw search juga pakai kata radar buatan malaysia yang keluar malah radar buatan Indonesia
HapusMas jendral,
HapusTiap negara punya andalan & kepakaran masing-masing.
Congrats Vietnam... Hail..!!!
BalasHapusWalau terlihat masih kasar. Tp gpplah Daripada negara (M)onkey itu. cuma bisa beli.
BalasHapusWajar, masih "..researched and developed..".
HapusNanti kalau sudah mass production, pasti lebih baik.
Tak dipublis,
BalasHapusdiam2 negara malaysia punya keahlian dibidang tekhnologi canggih...
Berita basi sih, tapi masih bisa dipanasin
malaysie mampu ke bina radar macam nie?PT LEN indonesia juga bina pasiv radar
BalasHapusKompor mbleduk...
BalasHapusEdan tenan suhu2 dimari...niat bngt riset n develop kliping n artikel buat bunuh malondog dajal.
Ayo mas gempur eh gemblung...hajar
Breaking News!
BalasHapus"VITA BERAPI - Malas'sia Defense Achievements 2055"
Tak heiranlah, tudm juga sudah riset radar jenis itu berdasar design vera passive radar versi halimunan sepanjang masa dan siap produksi tuk eksport ke USA😲
BalasHapusMalays sememanglah tidak banyak punya apa apa...wajar je merdeka pon tak punya lah..😁😁
BalasHapusDisaat TUDM membantai publik Zulu dengan F18 mengobarkan semangat perjuangan kedua untuk pembebasan serawak sabah jilid 2... Takbir..!!
BalasHapusayo kunjungi segera website kami agen betting terpercaya dengan pelayanan terbaiknya 24 jam tidak ada stop
BalasHapusburuan dan kita juga menyediakan banyak game seperti berikut yang bisa dimainkan melalui ovo dan juga go-pay
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