21 Maret 2019
Airbus H145M helicopter (photo : Airbus)
Airbus Australia Pacific has confirmed it has responded to the Commonwealth’s request for information (RFI) for Army’s Project LAND 2097 Phase 4 light deployable special forces support helicopter, with its H145M.
Under the project, the Army requires at least 16 helicopters for urban special forces operations and that can be deployed rapidly via RAAF C-17A transport. The new helicopter will complement the larger machines currently operated Army’s 6 Aviation Regiment (6Avn) at Holsworthy in Sydney, which is currently transitioning from the S-70A-9 Black Hawk to the Airbus MRH90 Taipan.
The new helicopter’s primary mission will be to support small-team air assault by special forces, but will have the ability to be rapidly reconfigured for utility, ISR, and fire-support roles. It is envisaged there will be four troops of the light helicopters, each with four helicopters.
“The Airbus H145M helicopter is the military version of the H145 – the most advanced member of Airbus’ multi-purpose twin-engine category,” Airbus Australia Pacific Managing Director and, until last year, the head of CASG’s Helicopter Systems Division (HSD), Andrew Mathewson said in a statement. “It is based on a commercial off-the-shelf platform with military-specific modifications and is an operationally proven, affordable and low-risk option for Australia.
“The Airbus Australia Pacific response included selected industry partners and the provision of training, maintenance, logistics and engineering activities. A comprehensive transfer of technology and skills will make Airbus Australia Pacific a regional centre able to proactively support Australian operational needs, and export this knowledge back into the wider H145M community.”
Last July Airbus revealed it had modelled the ability to fit four H145M helicopters in a C-17 cargo hold and to be able to unload them to be ready to fly within 30 minutes of landing at a deployed location, but declined to say which customer it was modelling it for.
The H145 was formerly designated EC145 which itself was a development of the Kawasaki/MBB BK117 helicopter. The machine has been continuously improved over the years, most notably with the addition of a redesigned forward cab, advanced Helionix avionics, more powerful engines and dynamic components, and a shrouded fenestron tail rotor.
Other possible responses to the four-tonne LAND 2097 Phase 4 requirement are expected to include Boeing with its AH-6i Little Bird, Bell/BAE Systems with the Bell 407GX/GT or the larger Bell 429, and possibly Leonardo with its A119.
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selera eropa dia...yg mulus2semblohayyyyyyy
BalasHapusMbah MBB Bo 105 cocokke di ganti karo iki, wes wayahe di remajakke...
BalasHapusGa apik'an Mi 17 ye mas ?
Hapusmurah, barang lawas, 😂😂😂
Lawas ...janda tom crus ora opo2😘😘😍😍, nak Mi 17 ora olah.. .
HapusRondone tom cruise sing sepisanan niko mbah...sing menul-menul piuk-piuke, tilas digrumut kaleh lawan maine teng film "nowhere 2 run" 😋😋😋
HapusOra kuwi mimi rogers, wis ketuween😁😁😁..
HapusKatie Holmes dong
Mas hari..bojone ora main neng film 🎥🎬👀kuwi😋😋
HapusMboten lolos casting mbah 😁
Hapusloh bukannya ini helikopter little bird tentera langit dari malon tuuuu ??
BalasHapusbeda little bird itu dari varian MD 530f /MH-6/AH-6 Little Bird. Kalau yg ini Eurocopter EC145 adalah helikopter ringan mesin kembar yang diproduksi oleh Eurocopter
HapusKarakteristik umum
Kru: 1 atau 2 (pilot)
Kapasitas: 9 penumpang
Panjang: 13,03 m (42 ft 9 in)
Rotor Diameter: 11,0 m (36 ft)
Tinggi: 3,45 m (11 ft 4 in)
Disc area: 95 m² (1.018 ft ²)
Berat kosong : 1.792 kg (£ 3951)
Loaded Berat: 3.585 kg (£ 7903)
Berguna beban: 1.793 kg (£ 3953)
Max. berat lepas landas : 3.585 kg (£ 7903)
Powerplant : 2 × Turbomeca Arriel 1E2 turboshafts , 550 kW (738 shp) masing-masing.
ini burung emprit
HapusKarakteristik umum
Kru: 2
Kapasitas: sampai dengan 6 penumpang untuk MH-6s
Panjang: 32,6 ft (9,80 m)
Rotor Diameter: 27,4 ft (8,30 m)
Tinggi: 9,8 kaki (3,0 m)
Berat kosong : £ 1.591 (722 kg)
Berguna beban: £ 1.509 (684 kg)
Max. berat lepas landas : 3,100 lb (1.406 kg)
Powerplant : 1 × Satu T63-A-5A atau T63-A-700 turboshaft , 425 shp (317 kW) tenaga lepas landas (derated); 375 shp (280 kW) power secara berkelanjutan
Pesawat Panjang: 24,6 ft (7,50 m)
Pesawat Lebar: 4,6 ft (1,4 m)
Rotor sistem: 6 pisau pada rotor utama, 4 bilah rotor ekor pada
Bahan bakar yang berguna kapasitas: 62 US gal (242 L) atau 403 lb (183 kg)
Zzzzz.. Zzzzz. 😴😴😴😴
BalasHapusPembelian heli NURI Little Bird malon oleh Aussie akan melalui skema barter Commodity berupa Textile SELUAR DALAM JALUR GEMILANG.
BalasHapusIt's True
Airbus Australia Pacific has confirmed it has responded to the Commonwealth’s request for information (RFI) for Army’s Project LAND 2097 Phase 4 light deployable special forces support helicopter, with its H145M.
BalasHapuskalo yg minta RFI ostrali lgs di respon. apa kabar RFI, again tetangga kesayangankuh? haha!😛😛😛
beda mas, Kalau begara yg kelihatannya mampu beli langsung ditawarin. tapi kalo negara ga mampu beli mereka yang meminta ke perusahaan.
Hapuscoba itung, perusahaan mana aja yang sudah nawarin ke malons sesuatu barang yang kinyis kinyis tahun 2019 ini?
Tak de malaysia?kesian kesian
BalasHapusPoor malaydogsial 😁
HapusKemana ni monkey monkey malon yang berlagak elit, selalu cakap sambang dan Hoax, , ,??
BalasHapusUdah takut kali bro.. ada maklumat dari Depkominfo mereka terkait media sosial. jangankan gt, salah satu page facebook militer malaysia yaitu malaysia defence security aja sudah mengumumkan tutup page. yahh selain itu memang faktor stabilitas negara khususnya blanja militer yg lagi sengkarut/bangkrut.
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusAnd later those Idiot unknown malonjing moron forumer will say they are more powerful than Australia. Kikikikiki
Sebenarnya, adanya Malaysia di FPDA itu cuma formality sahaje, karena pada dasarnya Malaysia sama sekali tidak berguna dan hanya akan membebani para anggota-anggota lain dengan kebodohan dan rasuahnya.
HapusKami menyertakan Malaysia hanya karena itu perintah dari Mama Ely, karena dinilai Malaysia ini masih sangat tidak mampu untuk melindungi dirinya sendiri dan masih menggantungkan diri pada kami, walau kami sebenarnya tidak suka dan tidak peduli dengan mereka. -Pejabat Australia saat diwawancarai mengenai aksinya memakai SELUAR DALAM JALUR GEMILANG.
IDIOT MALAYDOGSIAL are lazy, unproduktif and shameless.
BalasHapusBuy what ever you want to buy.
BalasHapusBut please dont buy toothless or we called it here ompong assets or warship.
Stupid poor malaydogsial buy toothless plastic ships from china make all asean country laught 😁
HapusKih kih kih
Ugly and weak army with snake as a weapons can't defeat 10 Papuan people.
BalasHapusVery weak and coward.
1 Papuan equal to 3 TNI.
1 Papuan = 3 TNI.
1 Lembu VS 10 askar malon= askar malon tercirit cirit
Hapus1 monyet VS 20 askar malon= askar malon lari tercirit cirit
1 kapal singapura VS 4 kapal malon= kapal malon lari terkencing kencing
10 bangla VS 200 askar malon= askar malon lari tercirit cirit 18 kendaraannya di bakar
1 nelayan china dan vietnam VS 1 kapal ompong malon= askar malon lari terkencing kencing
2 kopaska TNI VS armada malon = armada malon lari terberak2 dari Ambalat
200 sulu vs 20000 askar malon= askar malon menangis terberak berak
1 wanita mongolia hamil VS Spesial Forces malon = wanita monggolia mati di bom C4
1 Gadis dibawah umur VS 9 askar malon= 1 gadis dibawah umur dirogol 9 askar malon
Malon menangnya cuma sama wanita hamil dan gadis di bawah umur
Kih kih kih
Indon with ugly and toothless warship and jet.
BalasHapusPowered by tong tong engine.
This is ugly rusted tootlees ships from poor malaydogsial 😁
Stupid malaydogsial only make rusted ships make all asean country laught 😁
HapusKih kih kih
1 Kapal ikan Cina = 3 Boat Kecik TLDM
BalasHapus10 Coward malaydogsial = 1 monkey 😁
Hapus1 apache Singapura = 18 SU30MKM lapook ompong malon
BalasHapus1 bangla = 200 malaydogsial run away like sissy 😁
HapusEntire 100k of Malon army = 20 Sulu Insurgent Fighter. Malon's ompong MKM = 0 deaths for the Sulu insurgents, millions of dollars wasted for the malons.
BalasHapusNo wonder even against 1 cow.. coward malaydogsial still run away 😁
HapusPoor BERUK malaydogsial low IQ Crying because only use rusted old nuri.. they Jealous because aussie and indonesia have sofisticated attack heli 😁
BalasHapusPoor malaydogsial low IQ always crying and frustrated because not have attack heli like indonesia 😁
BalasHapusKih kih kih
Bombing Female with C4 and raped under age girl
BalasHapusBeruk malaydogsial low IQ only animal 😁
Coba perhatikan helikopter AS565 MBe panther, helikopter ini bisa dikembangkan menjadi helikopter serang medium dan desainnya bisa meniru helikopter serang rusia yaitu k-52 aligator,,,helikopter ini bila dikembangkan menjadi helikopter serang medium bisa sejajar dengan atak turki 🤔😄
BalasHapusPT.DI kan sudah dapatkan lisensi helikopter AS565 MBe panther dr eurocopter, jd gk masalah kalau PT.DI mau kembangkan helikopter ini menjadi helikopter serang medium' aku rasa helikopter AS565 MBe panther pasti gesit bila dijadikan helikopter serang medium asal desainnya tepat.
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