25 Maret 2019

ST Engineering Positions Bronco to Meet Bv206 Requirements

25 Maret 2019

The Bronco 3 is easy to drive and deceptively quiet meaning it cannot be heard until relatively close (photo : Paolo Valpolini)

Singapore Technologies Engineering (ST Engineering) is positioning its Bronco 3 to address the potential emerging requirements of current Bv206 users, according to Dominic Phoon, vice-president and product director of the Programme Management Office.

The Bronco 3 was specifically designed for extreme weather requirements, such as those required by many legacy Bv206 users, Phoon told Jane's in March at the Ivalo Test Ground in Finland. ST Engineering representatives said the vehicle has been demonstrated to five Bv206 user countries.

The vehicle utilises Soucy rubber tracks in widths from 600 to 700 mm so that it can theoretically cross 80% of the world's terrain, according to Phoon.

The wheels and drive sprockets are also provided by Soucy and built from Ultra High Molecular Weight-Polyethylene (UHMW-PE), which Soucy said can operate at temperatures from -73° to 80° C.

The vehicle is built from steel armour and so confers ballistic protection on the vehicle at its basic level. Phoon said the steel for the monocoque structures is provided by SSAB and designed to withstand Arctic temperatures without becoming brittle and compromising protection.

The vehicle's ballistic protection can be extended to STANAG 4569 level 3 (7.62×51 mm armour-piercing with steel core) and the mine protection is provided by a V-shaped hull bottom made from a single sheet of steel for each module. The plate covers the diesel fuel tanks, which further help to dissipate blast energy away from the hull. The manned areas are provided with armoured crew citadels, reinforced with high-strength steel frames to ensure that only the crewed areas are protected.

In a modern battlespace any patrol, convoy, or resupply mission can become a combat mission, which typically means that future vehicles must be able to withstand a small arms fire ambush and a mine blast as a minimum.


33 komentar:

  1. Balasan
    1. Ndak usah.. Dia ndk punya emoh pake woh karo tonggo😒😒😏

    2. Sing apik kuwi tuku siji loro ben nyicipi donat 🍩 tggo,.. Kuwi baru tnggl bener

    3. Luweh apik meneh yen angsal hibahan nggih mbah 😎

    4. Nak hibahan ora opo2 rejeki di tompo😉, nak tuku amit2. .. Tepo slirone kurang

    5. Lumayan gawe Sar tapi mas.

      iki PT DI yo nduwwe cikal Dolanan anyar


  2. hebat yah negara tropis produksi kendaraan buat dimedan bersalju...

    1. mungkin buat ekspansi ke benua antartika atau kutub utara.
      karena negaranya kecil seukuran kota

    2. Konon kabarnya. ranpur ini kuat buat berenang jarak pendek...yaaa, kira2 sampai ujung selatan semenanjunglah 🤷

  3. Balasan
    1. Mas muji wilujeng mbah....ning sepeda motore ringsek 😖

    2. Waduh... Piye kabare sepedane😨😨😱😱😱😭😭 ji opname pora😢😢?

  4. Ntar juga di klaim sama Shemalay....as a produksi tempatan


  5. Aku ngadu sama suamiku,'bang aku suka saling bully dengan kaum 🐷 Aseng. Mereka suka menyebutku banci malon'. Suamiku jawab,'Biarin sayang, ntar kalo Abang nemuin kapal nelayan 🐷 Aseng, sebelum ditenggelamin semua 🐷 Aseng nya akan Abang kumpulin. Ti**t mereka akan suruh Abang potong semua. Baru setelah itu mereka semua akan dilelepin ke dasar laut"
    Aku tertawa mendengar ucapannya. Ha,ha,ha...
    Para 🐷 Aseng silahkan kelojotan...

    1. Eh mbak.. ngak ada Ibu2 persit ngomongnnya kaya gitu. Emangnya suamimu satuan mana sih?? jangan jual2 nama TNI/istri TNI..!!!

    2. Bro boys, itu bukan perempuan tapi laki nyaru jadi perempuan. Kata siapa dia nikah sama anggota TNI, dia nikah sama TLDM atau MMEA hanya TLDM atau MMEA yg suka dengan sejenis.

    3. Uh dasar selangkangan berbelalai sok gemulai, mau beranak dalam kubur?🤐

    4. Ha,ha,ha ... 🐷🐷 Aseng dungu, Persit itu Persatuan Istri Tentara khusus untuk istri-istri dari anggota TNI AD. Suamiku perwira TNI AL, karena itu jadi anggota Jalasenastri.
      Juga ada 🐷 Aseng bego yang ngatain aku istri anggota TLDM atau MMEA. Kalau TLDM aku ngerti tapi MMEA aku tak ngerti sama sekali.
      Aku bukan orang Malaysia, ibuku Keturunan Palembang-Sunda, Ayahku keturunan ..... (dr Eropa) dan aku tinggal di daerah Jati Asih. Si unknown yg suka nyamar jadi orang Malaysia tau tuch daerah Jati Asih.

  6. ...aduuuuuh Timnas U 23 ku TERSINGKIR dari kualifikasi AFC U 23, tapi nggak apa2 lach toch mereka sudah jadi JUARA AFF U 22 2019...

    ...ternyata EGY MV dan SADDIL R selalu saja menjadi KARTU MATI bagi Timnas Indonesia...sehingga pemain bintang pun belum tentu menjadi jaminan kolektifitas tim

    ...beda sekali kalau mereka berdua nggak ikut dalam skuad Timnas Indonesia

    ...Xixixixixixixixi :D

    1. "......sehingga pemain bintang pun belum tentu menjadi jaminan kolektifitas tim"

      Ngomongin SU-35 bang....🙆🙆🙆

    2. Itungane pelengkap mas lek SU 35 kui.

      pemain bintang liane wes parkir disik kok

  7. ...dan untuk Timnas U 23 Malayon Beruk yang sudah menang 2 x lawan Philipina dan Laos semoga LOLOS kualifikasi yach...tinggal laga ketiganya melawan China

    ...tapi jangan berharap menjadi Juara AFC U 23 di Thailand tahun 2020 nanti yach LON

    ...Xixixixixixixixi :D

  8. wooooowwww.. woooowwwwww.. kapal baru made in Indonesia langsung diajak perang2an.. Mantaaaaapp..!!!


    Malons dilarang jealous ye..!! xixixiixii...

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