14 Maret 2019

Philippine Navy’s First Missile-Armed Frigate Set for May Launch

14 Maret 2019

HHI Jose Rizal class frigate (photo : MaxDefense)

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Navy’s first of two missile-armed frigates will be launched in May this year.

In an interview with military radio station DWDD, Philippine Navy chief Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad said he would be with Defense Sec. Delfin Lorenzana in South Korea from May 17 to 19 to witness the launching.

At the event, the vessel is expected to touch the water for the first time and be floated out of the yard.

The frigate, which will be named BRP Jose Rizal, is being built by Hyundai Heavy Industries.

The launching of BRP Jose Rizal will be followed by the keel-laying of the second missile-armed frigate BRP Antonio Luna, Empedrad said.

The contract for the two frigates, one of the military’s most significant modernization projects at P18 billion, was awarded to Hyundai Heavy Industries in October 2016.

The first frigate is expected to be delivered by mid-2020 and the second one will be in early 2021.


39 komentar:

  1. ikut seneng aq...di ajak ikut syukuran ndak yaa?

  2. tumpengan sama sambel urap kiyee....

  3. Pinoy sign kontrak 2017 utk 2 frigat..udah mau di luncurkan.

    Malon sign kontrak gowind dari 2015 nggk jelas kapan kapal nyentuh air

    1. Tunggu pasang mesin proton 400HP, taming sari missile dan vita berapi main gun

    2. Dah tersentuh air kok..(air sen*)


    3. Gimana mau menyentuh air wong duite untuk bangun merajalela sudah di songlap duluan sm najib dan rosmah wkwkwk

  4. As i said, PRETTTTTT....👊

  5. Mantap Philipine!

    As I said, Malonjing should follow a military doctrine from elite Asean navy like Philipine for a tough decision and timing of procuring sophisticated Warship like this.

    My advise to Malonjinv not to rely on their Boustead SDN BHD since local shipbuilder isnot yet ready to fulfill customers requirements.

    In other news, Malonjinv government set to choose European Builder instead of Boustead SDN BHD due to incapacity of the said Malonjing shipbuilder to finance and build in a specific time.

  6. As i said,malaysia should get donation from united nation kah kah

  7. 😁Miskin parah sampai ada rencana mindef Malon nak jual hotel Kat singapura tuk bayar gaji veteran. Kwohkwohkwoh

  8. Malon Miskin parah sampai ada rencana mindef Malon nak jual hotel Kat singapura tuk bayar gaji veteran. Kwohkwohkwoh

  9. Maloooon....sedang shooping apa ? Coba lihat belanjaannya, kalau ngak bisa buat senjata rajin shopiing dooong, minta duit sama ratu Eli,Pinoy aja dikasih uang sama Amerika....wkwkwk 😊

    1. Belanja seluar dalam Moho gemilang 999,coba tengok gowind sekali kali kagak ada orang yg kerja . Dilap doang Sampek lumutan

    2. Unknown@ wong duite untuk buat merajalela dah di songlap semua sama najib dan rosmah wkwkwk

  10. Menyedihkan,,,kasian banget ya dah miskin, bangkraps, pemalas, tolol lg,,,malon perfeck stupid country 😛😜😝

  11. I said bousted only has skill to welding,painting n stampal stiker without any steel cutting equipment wkwkwk

  12. Hayooooo.. kedepan akan banyak TOT pembuatan kapal perang dengan negara lain... ada PKR SIGMA, IVER, KAPAL SELAM, dan OMEGA.. kalau mengandalkan PT PAL saja pasti keteteran..jadi setidaknya Indonesia harus memiliki 2 shipyard...kira2 galangan kapal mana ya yg layak selain PT PAL membuat kombatan bertonase besar..??

    1. PT PALINDO bro dah berjaya bina kapal bakamla 110 meter dan kapal KKP 110 meter jg sama PT Daya Radar Utama yg telah berjaya bina LST KRI Bintuni bro

    2. si gowind malah di tarik balik jadi besi burok bro.. cam mana lahh, yg buat aj namanya Bastard🤣🤣

    3. PALINDO tidak ada dry docknya... kalau PT DRU bolehlah.. plus tuh yg berada di Banten.. lupa saya namanya.. xixixi..

  13. Wkwkwk...malon nih pura2 bego tapi tahu...as i know philippines telah beli 2 biji SSV binaan PT PAL...now philippines sedang nego ke PT PAL untuk beli 2 SSV lg,jgn jealous ya lon wkwkwk

  14. U know our shipyard full with orders from our ministry. After 2nd REM class sigma, we build 3th n 4th SiGMa. After that we buid Iver In P PAL. Don't be jealous with our progress.

  15. The first frigate is expected to be delivered by mid-2020 and the second one will be in early 2021.

    selamat filipin, menang balapan lawan gred a haha!🏁🏁🏁

    1. Helleeh..

      Kalo yang itu maah, dah sering di overlap tim-tim laen oom...😂😂😂

  16. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  17. Marky should be happy.. congrats 😊

  18. Philippines need at least 4-6 Frigates and 12 missile armed corvettes to effectively patrol and defend Philippines's water from various threats.

  19. Good news from Philipines!
    Malassia should follow those countries (e.g Singapore, Philipines, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, and Vietnam), if malassian want to buy and build a warship. I'm sure, all of SEA countries willing to give the assistance and an aid to malassian to build up their military.

  20. Poor Low IQ malaydogsial always Jealous because no have progres like all asean country 😁

    Kih kih kih

  21. Mantap philipine make poor malaydogsial always jealous and crazy 😁

  22. The only ASEAN countries that has bought surface combatants from European shipyards in the past 20 years are Indonesia (Vlissingen & Scotstoun), Singapore (Lorient)and Vietnam (Zelenodolsk). Everyone else went for Asian shipyards.

    Unless you want to count OPVs that is.

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