20 September 2019

923rd Air Force Regiment was Trained with Su-30 Flight Simulator

20 September 2019

Su-30 simulator of the PK KQ (photo : PK KQ)

Trainees with the 923rd Air Force Regiment of the 371st Division train with a Su-30 flight simulator. Advance computerized simulators such as this model allow pilots to train without risking any of Vietnam's valuable jet fighters until the pilots are ready to advance on to the actual planes themselves.

On the cockpit, Captain Bui Trung Hieu - Captain of the 2nd Squadron and Captain Trinh Hoang Long - The 2nd Squadron pilot attentively performed the operations of controlling Su-30 weapons and took off and performed the complex acrobatic movements following the "No technical complexity of medium altitude" training flight that they will perform in the next training days. The projection screen in front of the scene shows the airport, sky, clouds, mountains, rivers as in the field ... Practice of the training room is a very important activity of the pilots here before each flight day, especially for with the young pilots.

See full article Phong Khong Khong Quan

14 komentar:

  1. Dan akhir tahun ini giliran simulator si Flanker yang datang kemari..😊👍

    1. gak memaen, lgs 10 bijik dtg, prasaan mehonk kan itu kotak game yaa om pedang haha!🤑🤑🤑

  2. Grade A 1001 Cancel, cukup pakai Nvidia 3D Vision

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LAmw7roIRI KAPAN IKUT LATGAB??

    1. sabar om, kan uda ditulis latgab maren baru sperempat kekuatan alutsista kita. lah yg baru2 cem btr 4m, pandur2 ampe arisgator aje blom perna ikyutan apalagi amx10 ame amx-61 yg lbh senior, malu ahh haha!😛😛😛

    2. SPH M109A4 TNI-AD sudah operasional...negri jiran sudah dikasih cuma2 tapi harus up grade dan + ongkir CANCEL.. takde uang..tamadun kere..😅😄

  4. Kalo gred A bilang exercise gunakan simulator jimatkan anggaran 😄😄

    1. betul om pit, cmn tagihan listrik naek, gpp yg fenting enjin aman tuch om pit haha!😅😅😅

  5. Lon malon kalo kau tak ada uang buat beli simulator pilotmu suruh download aja di gogle play game pesawat tempur...banyak macam dan model pun ada...lumayan lah exercise bisa merasakan sensasi dogfight pertempuran udara walau cuma lewat handphone

  6. Kalopun beli mainan aircraft asli dirasa mahal oleh wan mahatuwir,beli saja mainan model kit,banyak pilihan merk dan model tinggalvpilih jangan lupa pilih yangborigin jangan yang KW3

  7. Malon cukup latihan lewat play station saja...

  8. Jangan turuti mereka lon mahal.nanti negaramu tambah KERE lebih baik beli dadah aja lon biar tambah koplak kau lon
