26 September 2019
PMC KAAV7 (photo : Presidential Communications)
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy hopes to get additional amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) in a bid to further enhance its modernization efforts.
Navy chief Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said they would need 16 more AAVs as it aimed to acquire two more strategic sealift vessels in addition to its two existing units.
The two landing platform docks have a budget of around P5-billion. Bidding for the project is scheduled for Tuesday in Camp Aguinaldo.
“With the force mix of six AAVs per strategic sealift vessel, we need additional 16 AAVs since we will acquire two more strategic sealift vessels,” Empedrad said in his speech at the ceremonial blessing of four new AAVs and 3 MPACs at the Navy headquarters in Manila.
The four newly-commissioned AAVs are part of the eight new AAVs from Hanwha Defense. The other four were earlier commissioned in June.
“The versatile AAVs not only enhance by large ship-to-shore capabilities of the Philippine Marine Corps but can also provide combat firepower in different types of terrain as well as protection of Marine warriors,” he said.
PMC KAAV7 (photo : Stars and Stripes)
During the blessing ceremony, Hanwha Defense also donated P20 million-worth of mission essential equipment for the AAVs.
12 more MPAC
Empedrad said they have also programmed the acquisition of 12 MPAC for the second phase of the modernization program.
“We also programmed to acquire 12 more MPAC in the second horizon until we reach our desired force mix of 42 MPAC,” he said.
The three newly-acquired MPAC are in addition to the three missile-fitted fast attack craft of the Philippine Navy.
The new fast attack craft will be placed under the 4th Boat Attack Division of the Philippine Fleet activated last Sept. 12.
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Nambah 16 AAV karena mo nambah 2 LPD..😁👍
BalasHapus1 SSV bisa muat brp LVT7 om?
Hapusklo ditotalin 24/4 = 6 LVT7/ssv
masi muat byk lg kah ssv? secara tambun gt haha!👍👍👍
Seingat ane sih 1 LPD => 4 AAV oom..😊😁
Hapuswaks dikit amat..haha!😱😱😱
Hapuskeknya bs lebih dech, guwe perna liat 1 jajar ada 2 bmp 1 AAV.
hmmn kebayang klo 3 jajar kedepan.
Iki nambah asetnya guna rebut Sabah ke pangkuan Philippines iki 👍👍😁😁
BalasHapusSepakat bro...kok banyak armada ampibinya seperti siap2 mau invasi saja....
HapusSo Malon terima nasibmu sekarang bakal dihancurin my friend Philippines 😁😁
HapusKekuatan filiphin bertambah menggerunkan free sabah sarawak😀😀
HapusIndonesia akan melihat dari garis perbatasan
HapusAmin jendr jack go SSkm
HapusKt mah gelar tiker sambil bawa cemilan di perbatasan.
Terbaik Philippines 👍👍
HapusTerpuruk malonyet🙈🙉🙊
HapusPhilipina bertahun tahun ditusuk dari belakang sama malon, sekarang Philipina yg akan tusuk malon dari depan dan terang terangan
HapusMalon silahkan Menjerit jerit ketakutan ,percepat sskm
HapusLVT7/AAV bagus gini, knp amrik pgn ganti panser iveco yak, pdhl lamban di laut haha!🤨🤨🤨
BalasHapusagred saic-aav apik tebel tp haha!😎😎😎
Hapusbeda strategi bung palu klo Acv marinirnya As yg baru punya konsep over the horizon landing utk nyari aman dari tembakan Aanti ship missile dari darat jadi harus punya ketahanan 4 jam di laut dan diterjunkan 30 mil dari bibir pantai
Hapuswew setau guwe konsep terjun oth ituw klo pake EFV om daus, namun proyeknya disetop haha!😉😉😉
Hapusklo pake aav ato acv, klamaan..bisa setengah harian klo kecepatan max sgini:
aav 13.2 km/h (8.2 mph) water
acv 11 km/h (6.2 mph) water
10 nmi (12 mi; 19 km)
kl0 30-40 nm ituw x 3 ajah = 60-70km. silakan coba pake sepeda dech haha!🚲🚲🚲
tp iveco badak jugak yak, ombak sgede vidio dibawah 👇 dihajar, uda kayak kapal selem haha!💪💪💪
BalasHapussyg belalai/snorkel iveco kurang tinggi dan posisinya terlaluw kedepan.
btr-4m snorkelnya lebih tinggi sm kek bmp-3f, aman gan haha!👍👍👍
iveco bae
Nanti Korps Marinir yg beli diperbaharui kelemahannya
BalasHapuspas baca warung gred a disebelah, om2nye demen ginian, soalnye mrk ngiler kerna gak punye tank amfibi haha!🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusBener bener dah Philipina.. makin Strong..!!!
Pemirsa, kenapa sekarang konsepnya jadi offshore assault ya Phil ini kedepannya ? Apa ada plan diam diam mau merebut suatu wilayah nantinya ? Coba deh dibaca dia juga mau tender dua SSV lagi... padahal udah punya dua biji... selain kapal selam dan rencana beli heli serbu.
Phil ini "Diam diam menghanyutkan" beda sama yang satu lagi "Diam diam hanyut".
"Diam diam hanyut"
HapusE'ek dung...😂😁
Yang satu lagi diam diam hanyut cem tai
HapusMalon senang digondolin umngok
Mallon sukanya hanyut beneran mirip nih💩💩💩
HapusHanyut timbul tenggelam lama-lama sampai kelaut jg seperti si koneng yg keluar dari d***r favorit Malon😁
HapusDDB = Diam Diam Beruk 😁😁
HapusAda aja ompit ddb☝☝
HapusMalon DDTJ diam diam termenung di jamban
Hapusberuntung korps marinir tni-al uda shopping soping tank pendarat baruw cem BT-3F.
BalasHapusntar guwe kabarin, dimana klebihannya dibanding py amrik haha!🤓🤓🤓
lanzoot kerja doolooo okeh oceh👌👌👌
Belum lg marinir nak beli panser mortar ompal
HapusMalon ikut beli boleh tak ompit tapi utang dulu ??
Hapusamin smoga keinginan kormar tercapai om pit, uhuy haha!🙏🙏🙏
Hapusbeda strategi bung palu klo Acv marinirnya As yg baru punya konsep over the horizon landing utk nyari aman dari tembakan Aanti ship missile dari darat jadi harus punya ketahanan 4 jam di laut dan diterjunkan 30 mil dari bibir pantai
Hapuslha emg beda strategi om daus, kita kan py tank tempur amfibi, amrik mah enggak haha!😆😆😆
HapusPhilipina menggerunkan
BalasHapusMalondog malonte malontai malonjing malonbi
Malonruk mengenaskan
Program mrss pun hanya sebatas mimpi basah di dalam jerebu
HapusWkwkwk...terbaik bro kevin
HapusStop making a fuzz if we are buying lpds from indo it dosent mean that we are ready to invade malaysia. The lpd is just an addition unit to strengthen the afp. LPD was needed cause we have many calamities that the c130 needed more help for relief goods. Malay gave fund to the MILF😉 its not a big secret. We will take malay if this SCS problem dwindles down
HapusBetter to invade MALASSHIT 🤣
HapusWe'll support your country 👍👍
Ehhhhh beneran ya.....kita udah beli yg 35 😱😱😱
BalasHapus35 opo iki?
Hapus35 F, 35 SU, 35 taun, opo 35cup..?😁
TNI AU lho yg beli....masak ndak tau 😁
HapusBuat penasaran aja tetangga sebelah si gred A bro biar kepo
HapusMobil esemka jumlah 35 ya om....😂🤣🤣🤣
HapusBukan, jumlah kereta jenama Proton Geely di seluruh Indonesia yg terjual kurang dari 35 buah di tahun 2018 kelmarin👎
HapusKereta Proton tak banyak pembeli di Indonesia. Low quality. Kahkahkah.....😀
HapusPemimpin low quality rakyatnya sama produknya juga sama lloon malloon otak low quality
permisi ya
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Malaysia funded MILF founders are malay's as well most weapon and traning are malaysia. The problem with malaysia it created to much enemy indo thai phil sing, but creating is easy paying back the consequences is hard. About the LPD we really need it our c130 fleet is down to 5 or 4 after a fire occur our country has to much natural calamity so big LPD is needed AAV is just an upgrade heck we still use v150 didnt upgrade anything for the past decade.