22 September 2019
Paramount Mbombe 4 (app photos : Paramount, Twipu)
Johannesburg, South Africa - Paramount Group, the global technology and aerospace business, has announced that the Mbombe 4×4, the newest addition to its advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) family of vehicles, has received final certification for the independently verified blast tests which exceeded the criteria for NATO STANAG 4569 – one of the highest levels of protection that can be achieved by an armoured vehicle in its class.
This announcement follows the exceptional performance of the Mbombe 4×4, which features unique flat-floor mine protection technologies pioneered by Paramount Group, during a series of explosives tests designed and executed by Landward Sciences, a programme of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa’s leading and independent scientific research body.
The blast tests are performed in accordance with the highest international specifications, namely, STANAG 4569, a NATO standardisation agreement that institutes benchmarks for occupant protections in vehicles such as the Mbombe 4×4, in this case including three 10 kg TNT explosions under the wheels and the hull, and one 50kg side blast test, carried out at a 5 meter distance to imitate an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).
The Mbombe 4 was designed and developed specifically for local manufacturing in customer countries, in response to the increasing requirement from Governments for the development of their own defence industrial capabilities.
The vehicle has successfully completed a series of summer trials with several armed forces around the world. Featuring next-generation design, advanced technologies and highest levels of protection, the result of decades of real-world battlefield and asymmetrical warfare experience, the Mbombe 4×4 is ready to serve customers.
Though the Mbombe 4 is equipped for full mission capability and maximum versatility, it has a singular mission – soldier survivability. Protecting the lives of combat personnel is our utmost priority; our commitment to this cause is reflected throughout our entire portfolio. In doing so, we today serve proudly as world leaders in the research, development and manufacturing of protection technologies.
As part of the blast testing programme, the integrity of the Mbombe 4 was subjected to both intense experimentations and post-test evaluations that took several months to complete, with final inspections of the Mbombe 4 yielding outstanding results. The inspections confirmed no evidence of hull ruptures, or injurious internally formed secondary fragments (e.g. secondary shrapnel) nor loose equipment in the occupant compartment, and that anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) and the seats in which they were placed remained in position and uncompromised.
Each of these tests is intended to validate explosives resistance and occupant protection capacities for logistics and light-armoured vehicles by pushing unmodified units to their functional limits, using expertly controlled trials and post-test evaluations.
Key features of Mbombe 4 also include an unique, rear-door ramp design, which has been proven in combat on 6×6 and 8×8 IFVs. The ease of access provided by the rear-door ensures the rapid deployment of the crew while the vehicle is static or on the move.
The Mbombe 4 performs with a burst speed of 140km/hr, an 800km operating range and an independent suspension systemdesigned to optimally meet the increasing demand for outstanding protection yet adaptability in conventional and asymmetrical warfare alike. The mine resistant carrier is functionally versatile over challenging terrains and fully operational across a myriad of contemporary and diverse counter-terrorism, border patrol, counter-insurgency, internal security and peacekeeping missions.
Both the launch of Paramount Group’s Mbombe 4 and its first customer, the United Arab Emirates were announced at the 2019 International Defence Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi.
(EDR Magz)
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BalasHapusSilahkan di baca komentar kocak netizen malay... Xixixixixi
Macam design deftech
BalasHapusLipan bara 🤣
HapusApa itu lipan bara?lucu sangat ini nama
HapusLipan bara= klabang kobong paling om yufi utowo sate kelabang ,mboh ah koyoke malon iku bakate dadi wong gendeng😿😿
HapusCondor lebih comel..
BalasHapusJeneng kok yoo ngombe yoo😁😁😁
BalasHapusSing nduwe wong Jawi Mbah..
HapusNiku le maos "ndomble"....mbaaah 🤷
HapusNyocot doang😁😁🤣🤣
BalasHapusGo Go SSKM 😄😄
BalasHapusOjo ngompor2 ri..... Bacoot mu ora kesel phoo? 😁😁
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Ditaruh di pantat malon je muka british pasti malon riang sangat pantanya dicium ... Dasar homo kau lon
HapusPeh kalau ini yg langgar leopard indon.mau patah dua leopard di buatnya.di langgar lori pun dah rusak.hahahah
BalasHapusMossoook choot... 😁😁
HapusJiahhh malon tolol blagu sok tau, sepuluh unit pt91 = satu unit leopard 😝😜
HapusYang ada PT-91 pendekar lapok, ngga perlu lawan Leopard lawan AMX-13 aja lsg hancur
HapusLeopard telah battle proven,cuma malon idiot je yg masih gunakan twady,Poland sebagai negara pembuat pun dah buang twardy ke sampah dan sekarang gunakan leopard 😁😁
HapusKenapa malonjing
BalasHapusFree johor, sabah & serawak!!!!
BalasHapusSepakat ganyang malassia
HapusFree johor, sabah & serawak!!!
BalasHapusEmak lo kingkong...🦍🍌
BalasHapusMalonyetjing...... Malon monyet anjing
BalasHapusAnwar Ibrahim, Dipenjara karena Tuduhan Sodomi, Kini Jadi Calon Pewaris Takhta Mahathir
Siap2 jubor mahatair,unknown,gempurgila,eligo,harta curian,Paul,dein di sodok batang Anwar Ibrahim 😁😁
HapusGo SSKM 👍
BalasHapusPemimpin homo ,rakyat homo kalian itu kenapa tak mati bunuh diri aja lon malon
HapusMerdeka Papua!
BalasHapusSingapore dah merdeka lon..😁
HapusLebih maju pulak..😁😁
Malon tengkurap, sama singapore aja kalah mau lawan indonesia...😁😁
Poor malays
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HapusJohor merdeka 😁😁
HapusPaul bego lama tak keluar ,sekali tampil kirip rang gila knp paul semalam belum dikongkek sama pelangganmu ya
Acheh Merdeka
BalasHapusHai paul bego apa kabar lama tak jumpa...kemana saja dikau,kubkira kau sudah mati terkena tetanus di dubormu
HapusSingapore dah merdeka lon..😁
HapusLebih maju pulak..😁😁
Malon tengkurap, sama singapore aja kalah mau lawan indonesia...😁😁
Poor malays
Uull...paul...negara maling,pembuat onar,tukang hasut,tukang ngebom...negara malingsiamu lah yg harus kau hancurkan/nyatakan perang terhadap NKRI.jgn main belakang (itu cm buat waria)termasuk paul
HapusATM yg di banggain pun sekarang baru miskin Dan di miskinkan, karena kerajaan Malon pun juga baru miskin Krna tuk bayar hutang pun tak mampu. Pakai bon hutang ke jepun tuk bayar hutang ke china,dan skr minta Bond jilid ke dua untuk but huyang ke China juga. Gobloknya Bumiputera melayu, siap sedia dgn ikhlas scara de facto jadi propinsi dari pada China daratan. Kihkihkihkih....😀
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KERISAUAN MELAYU BODOH BIN RASIS: Haafi Mohdz:MELAYU OH MELAYU Yang bawa kaum cina ke sini buka lombong timah... orang British. Yang bawa kaum india jaga ladang getah ke sini... orang British. Yang Benggali pula ikut orang British kesini jadi askar... Bila orang british balik negeri dia suruh India, Cina dan Benggali duduk sini elok2... British suruh Melayu buat macam adik beradik... Itu syarat beri merdeka... Melayu berlapang dada... Melayu beri kerakyatan kpd pendatang yang menumpang... Raja Melayu tanda tangan. Merdeka...! Merdeka...! Merdeka...! Cina India nak buat sekolah... Melayu kata buatlah... India nak buat kuil besar mana pun... Melayu kata buatlah... Cina tebang balak sampai botak hutan... Melayu kata tebanglah... Cina korek lombong timah sampai tinggal pasir. Melayu kata koreklah... Pasir lombong yang tinggal cina nak jual. Melayu kata juallah.. Tanah bekas lombong, cina nak ambil pajak sampai 999 tahun lamanya. Melayu kata ambillah.. India buat kumpulan gengster pun. Melayu kata tak apalah... Wakil rakyat India kata Melayu Celaka..! Melayu sabar diam aje... Wakil Rakyat Cina dan India kata Melayu pendatang..! Melayu senyum diam aje... Ahli Majlis Perbandaran buang tulisan Jawi ganti tulisan Cina. Melayu tak kisah buatlah... Hari ini Melayu nak Azan Subuh orang cina dan india bising bantah. Melayu tutup pembesar suara tak mahu jiran terganggu... Melayu diam sabar lagi... India kata khatankan anak perempuan islam jenayah, kelam kabut Menteri Melayu Buta Kayu nak tanya doktor..! Cina kata pondok tahfiz, perkauman, teroris Menteri Agama Melayu Pak Turut suruh tutup pondok tahfiz... Hati orang cina india wajib dijaga... Melayu diam lagi... Mereka buat semua itu sambil tuduh... Melayu rasis...! Melayu pelampau...! Melayu diam lagi... Hebat orang2 Melayu melayan... yang dulunya tetamu kini menjadi Tuan Rumah Bersama...! Esok2 entah2 mungkin tidak berumah lagi..! SEBENARNYA KITA BUKAN BERTOLAK ANSUR TAPI KITA DITOLAK BERANSUR-ANSUR...!!! FIKIR2KAN.... Ayuh bangkit lah... Org. Islam wajib bersatu Jgn jadi melayu kayu Dan layu.. SABAR ADA BATASAN SABAR JGN HINGGA. DIRI KITA TIADA TANAH UNTUK KITA
BalasHapusItulah malon...
HapusDijajah britis, dikongke cina, ditusbol bangla item...😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Malon miskin...
Lon jangan lama2 disini tuh bapak kau dikongkek cina tuh😍😍
BalasHapusTunggu saatnya 2055 malon akan bangkit... Kemas2 lalu terusir dari negaranya
Oalah tak kiro bangkit opo,ternyata bangkit menuju kematian
HapusOra om bangkite malon artie kui siap2 ngale teko negarane dewe wong wes kere kok arep bertahan yo opo mane??😱😥😥
HapusYo dikon bunuh diri ae itu final solution
HapusSolusi mantap 😚☝☝😚 pemusnahan malon
HapusSingapore telah merdeka dari malingsia,kapan referendum buat sabah,sarawak dan johor bahru????
BalasHapusSingapore lebih maju dari malons loh
Wayae wayahe
BalasHapusWarga malon sudahkah dubornya dicuci?waktunya cari uang buat makan