17 September 2019
Peregrine offers the range of the AIM-120 AMRAAM with the manoeuvrability of the AIM-9X Sidewinder. According to USAF, AMRAAM has a range of more than 17.4nm (32km) (image : Raytheon)
TUCSON, Ariz., /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) is developing a new medium-range, air-launched weapon called the Peregrine™ missile that is half the size and cost of today's air-to-air missiles, yet delivers greater range and effect.
The Peregrine™ missile is a small, fast, lightweight air-to-air weapon for use against drones, manned aircraft and cruise missiles.
Developed to strengthen the capabilities of current fighter aircraft, the new, smaller Peregrine missile is faster and more maneuverable than legacy medium-range, air-to-air missiles, and doubles the weapons loadout on a variety of fighter platforms. Its sophisticated, miniaturized guidance system can detect and track targets at any time of day and in any weather condition.
Peregrine missile is half the length of the AMRAAM (photo : Flight Global)
"Peregrine will allow U.S. and allied fighter pilots to carry more missiles into battle to maintain air dominance," said Dr. Thomas Bussing, Raytheon Advanced Missile Systems vice president. "With its advanced sensor, guidance and propulsion systems packed into a much smaller airframe, this new weapon represents a significant leap forward in air-to-air missile development."
The Peregrine missile benefits from military off-the-shelf components, additive manufacturing processes and readily available materials to offer an affordable solution for countering current and emerging airborne threats.
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Udah bisa di tebak, ntar di SEA siapa duluan yg punya..😁
BalasHapusSingo 🐯
HapusMICA NG versi paman Sam kuy 🤷
HapusWeee lha, gek onten perkoro nopo to mbah....kok mas @PS sampeyan lokne "singo" 🙆🙆🙆
HapusMaksute sampean singaporn to mbah??
HapusOpo mas hari?... Ooooo kok dowo tenan😁😁🤣🤣
HapusMas@ edan.. Kuwi gambare ora ono seng luwih ganteng maneh🤨🤨😜😜🤣
Hapus😁😁😁😈😄jenenge mawon tiyang edan mbah harap maklum
HapusGanti jenenge wae mas.. dadi wong guanteng poll. cumaa, sampean bingung fotone sopo sing arep di pajang😊
HapusOjok nggono mas....mbah gono ngambeg lho 🤣🤣🤣
HapusGampang nek ganti jeneng mengko tak ganti fotoe mat sabu
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BalasHapusBisa jadi sales jugaa
Amin,,,aku bisa jd sales tp dr balik peti mati 😂🤣
HapusPeregrine offers the range of the AIM-120 AMRAAM with the manoeuvrability of the AIM-9X Sidewinder. According to USAF, AMRAAM has a range of more than 17.4nm
amraam apaan yak yg daya jangkaunya cuman 17.4NM? hmmn..amram kontetkah haha!😐😐😐
Ntar kan ada tipe lanjutannya oom..😁
HapusBiasa lah..
Yang jelas dah bisa geal-geol ala Sidewind-X yang jangkauanya diperjauh & multi target..😁
..nemu lasa-x dalam jangkauan, ga tau posisi dimana, yg penting Fox three dulu..
HapusNtar tuh rudal joget ndiri cari si bandit...😁
bukan paregrine om, ituloh si amraam.
Hapusamramse kan rudal jarak jauh tp data diatas nampak gak sesuai.
klo kelas medium aim 9 & 7 pon sanggup nguntit jrk sgt haha!🙏🙏🙏
Alasan utamanya yaa karna utk menyiasati weapon bay yg ada d armada F22 & F35 yg kecil yg susah utk mengakomodir misil sperti amramm & jenis misil2 yg lain. makanya USAF mulai membangun platform misil yg berdiameter kecil sperti Small diameter bomb, dan misil antipesawat yg lebih sesuai utk weapon bay F22 & F35.
BalasHapusWooo gitu ya mas bro....,berarti market nya cuma lebih ke pengguna raptor dan f-35 duang. Kira-kira cucok ga masuk ke waepon bay ifx/kfx dan ptm-5 yg ber engine plasma?🚀
HapusAku mau jane yo arep komen nggono....neng wes kedisikan mas boy 😭😭😭
HapusPastinya tetep bisa terpasang d pesawat tempur biasa yg standar Nato sperti LAU series.. nek bwt PTM-5 masih kurang canggih, soale pelurune seko entut sing dipadatkan😁🙊🙊
HapusTemenan to mas 😱😱😱....yen nggono aku tak gage matur mbah gono ben cekat-ceket ngekspor gayam nyang malaonsia 😂😂😂
HapusWah iku kesempatan mas Dboys tak kirim2 telo godok nang malon ae��
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