21 September 2019
Gulfstream G280 aircraft (photo : Gulfstream)
Gulfstream Aerospace, Savannah, Georgia, has been awarded a $31,899,999 firm-fixed-price task order against contract FA8134-19-D-0001 for the Gulfstream aircraft order and contractor logistic support (CLS) for Philippines Air Force.
This order is for the purchase of one Gulfstream aircraft, parts, tooling and two years of CLS for sustainment of the aircraft.
Work will be performed at Manila, Philippines, and is expected to be completed by May 31, 2022.
This award is the result of a sole source acquisition.
This contract involves 100% foreign military sales to the Philippines.
The total cumulative face value of the contract is $2,070,000,000.
Foreign Military Sales funding in the amount of $31,899,999 are being obligated at time of award.
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is the contracting activity (FA8124-19-F-2500).
(US DoD)
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Sexy tuh pesawat, buat awacs bagus 😍
BalasHapusIdeal untuk mudik😁😁😁😁
HapusComand and control punya kita di CN235 dan boeing 737
Hapusc-295 om durandal gres paling baruw haha!👏👏👏
HapusDesign Engineering Drawing by malassial
BalasHapusMalaysia dah adapon
BalasHapusDah adapon rusak kat hanggar....hahahaha
HapusMalon ngga punya duit, mana mampu beli pesawat yg pesanan khusus
HapusTayarnya je 😁😁
HapusBrosur je
HapusMaksute unknown malaisya adapon iku opo??? Adae telpon ta?
HapusPAF Gulstream G280 Command & Control Aircraft Likely to be Delivered by May 2020
ehmm..2022 min. klo 2020 ntar kesian gred a yg taon depan dach pasti gak ada yg dateng pesawatnye haha!😂😂😂
Apakah ini program yg sama sperti yg ditawarkan Boeing ke sejumlah negara asia tenggara yaitu Boeing MSA, berkemampuan surveillance sperti Boeing P8 tp tdk bersenjata. tapi yg itu pke Bombardier Challanger series bukan gulfstream.
BalasHapusGulfstream buatan France bro, US ngga begitu suka sama France. Waktu penamaan F-16 waktu itu mau dinamakan Falcon, berhubung Falcon sdh dipakai sama pesawat jet pribadi France akhirnya ditambah embel2 Fighting
HapusGulfstream, pesawat cantik buat tamasya..eh..incess suka naek ini yach, shopping soping haha!🤑🤑🤑
BalasHapusMbak incesss ajak2 dong😘😘😍😍😍.. Klau tamasya, bosen di padepokan mlulu🤭🤭
HapusYen nderek tamasya njur sing cek QC padepokan sinten mbah..?
Mas hari biasane🤔🤔🤭🤭
Hapusduch pada genit2 amat aki2 haha!🧐🧐🧐
Hapusntar dicarterin delman kliling monas om haha!😋😋😋
Diarak pake ondel2 kayak penganten sunat