03 November 2019

Babcock Confirms Bid for Australian Special Forces Helicopters

03 November 2019

Babcock will bid to support Australian SOF helicopters (photo : HeliOps)

Babcock Australasia (Babcock) will bid to support the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) Special Operations Helicopter capability. The contract is part of the LAND 2097 Phase 4 Project and involves providing acquisition, training and sustainment services at Holsworthy.

The program includes supporting the proposed provision, training and ongoing sustainment services of a fleet of up to 16 light helicopters.

“Babcock is the largest commercial procurer of helicopters in the world and we are the largest commercial operator of helicopters in Australia,” said David Ruff, CEO Babcock Australasia.

“We understand what it takes to deliver mission-critical services to high-tempo operational customers who demand consistency, high-performance and exceptional safety.  Our established nation-wide presence, backed-up by an extensive global supply network, integrated into an experienced Defence Industry capability both in Australia and overseas, means that Babcock already has the ethos, the infrastructure and the people in place to provide a unique offering to Defence as an independent capability partner,” said Ruff.

As the largest commercial operator of helicopters in Australia, Babcock owns and operates aircraft from the three largest original equipment manufacturers in the delivery of its mission critical service offerings, across numerous Civil and Defence programs.

“Our independence is the cornerstone of trust and is fundamental to our value proposition. We focus on our customers’ needs with the flexibility to design, integrate and deliver tailored services,” said Babcock’s Graeme Nayler, Director of Corporate Development.

“Babcock will be putting forward an innovative solution that supports the ADF during both the acquisition and sustainment phases,” said Nayler.

“Babcock offers global experience in tactical police surveillance and border protection campaigns. With no biases on particular platforms, we are an independent support partner with access to highly trained professionals, infrastructure and the capability to supply and sustain complex projects such as this,” said Nayler.

Babcock looks forward to participating in the formal tender process.


52 komentar:

  1. Kangen Bu SusiπŸ€—

    In four years, Indonesia has banned 10,000 foreign-registered vessels from fishing in its waters, half of which have been more than 500 gross tonnes (GT). Hundreds of vessels have since been seized and sunk – in some cases blown up on Pudjiastuti’s orders, as a deterrent to others.


    1. The alleged intrusion came after Indonesia intercepted a Chinese fishing boat last week off the Natuna Island in the southernmost region of the South China Sea, an incident which sparked a diplomatic spat.

      In the past there have been incidents of Chinese navy boats and fishing vessels encroaching into Malaysian waters in the South China Sea but Malaysia has thus far preferred to keep a low profile approach via quiet diplomatic protest notes to its major trading partner.

      Beda ya treatment nya.. hebat Bu Susi... Nek Wani Ojo Wedhi Wedhi.. nek Wedhi Ojo Wani Wani


    2. Sudah ratusan maling ikan asal malon kapalnya yang ditenggelamkan bu susi

    3. Ingat slogan

      "The Power of Emak Emak"

    4. Sayange sing diekspose ming perkoro penenggelaman kapal thok, kamongko akeh usahane bu Susi kanggo memberdayakan para nelayan.

      Wiwit seko nggalakke budaya perikanan berkelanjutan, melindungi sumber-sumber habitat ikan lan karang supaya ora rusak, mewajibkan penangkapan ikan dikuasai 100% oleh nelayan RI, pencatatan tonase kapal ikan sing beroperasi spy iso dipantau hasil tangkapane, membuka industri pengolahan ikan kanggo investasi asing dll-dll.....ning katone "kekuatan invisible" luweh rosa, saenggo kasil "menenggelamkan" bu Susi.

      Yen rumangsaku, iki blunder Jokowi ing bidang perikanan dan kelautan.....kuatire, mengko sektor iki bali meneh koyo jaman disik, sing hasil perikanan lan kelautan malah dikuasai pihak asing sing sekongkol karo oknum pengusaha nasional 🀧🀧🀧

    5. Periwakan berkelanjutan adalah salah 1 yg paling saya sukai dari bu sushi. Kalau ingin maju di bifang periwakan musti sistemnya berkelanjutan dan ramag lingkungan. Dijamin periwakan indonesia cepat menguasai pasar2 dunia

    6. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»......sepakat mas Bro

    7. Periwaan kuwi opo thoo mas? πŸ™„πŸ€”

    8. Iwak, iwak mbah....iwak pupu nopo brutu, aaaaaach etok-etok lugu lho πŸ˜₯

    9. Iwak manuk om, ngagem sambel bawang eco samget.
      Nek iwak manyung, ugi manteb pedes'e.

      Monggo mampir semarang

    10. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹....semarange pundi om Maste ?

      Terakhir maem kepala ikan manyung neng karawang utara, neng pedagange asal tegal....manteb, mak nyosss tur gurih πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  3. Setelah babak belur dalam perang dagang dan terdepak dr suriah kini us mengarahkan matanya ke indopasifik,,,hati2 politik adu domba terutama asean vs china, mudah2an asean dan china selalu tau trik2 adu domba ala us dan begundalnya yaitu britis jg australia.

    1. Australi kan pingin jadi deputi US di asia...sok jadi polisi di asia...kalo british punya babu di asia 999 tahun siapa lagivkalo jiran kita senanjumg

    2. Kita jg harus hati2, propaganda mengatasnamakan agama adalah PR pemerintah saat ini' lihatlah timur tengah babak belur bahkan sesama islam pun mampu mereka benturkan.

    3. Proxy war, itu benar2 efektif. Bayangin HTI diBan di Indonesia tapi di US dan UK mereka bebas berekspresi
      Tahu kan apa yg dilakukan HTI di Suriah tahun 2011? Mereka pakai isu Suni-Syiah dan itu berhasil. Lihat bagaimana suriah sekarang πŸ˜”

  4. Gimana kasus kancut seluar dalam jalur gemilang?

    Memang malon negera dalur kelakar 🀣🀣

  5. Kandidate : S-92 (versi mil) vs NH-90 vs EC-725 πŸ•΅️πŸ•΅️πŸ•΅️

    1. Juara nya dah pasti 725 mas.. mirip case Viper lab sebelum tender dah ketahuan siapa pemenangnya 😁

    2. Iki ausy lho bro.....yen "babcock ausy" wes kulino menghandle heli S-92 versi sipil lan H-225 kanggo support pengeboran minyak lepas pantai

    3. Kira2 heli asw yg cocok buat Iver nnti apa ya om πŸ€”

      Aku sih H-225 wae, secara PT.DI jadi Subkon buat sparepartnya..

    4. Yen Ivere danish siy pake heli Romelo mase......iso kuwalat yen RI pake heli sing liyone 😁😁😁

    5. Aku manut ae om, cuman minta prediksi aja 😁

    6. Buat heli asw untuk iver, kita gunakan apa yang ada dulu yaitu mbe panther asw. Kita lengkapi dulu yang 11 unit itu semuanya dengan helras.

      Kita butuhnya sekitar 32-33 unit heli asw, tapi itu bisa dicicil 11 unit tiap 10 tahun.

      Buat ALRI masih banyak banget yang harus dibenahi dan diganti unitnya.

      Dari KRI 8xx yang ditargetkan sejumlah 66 unit saja, baru 28 unit yang jadi.

      Belum lagi KRI 3xx.

      Belum lagi kapal kecil macam KAL 28 meter yang jumlah sangat banyak dibutuhkan

    7. Sudah pasti yang bersanding dengan iver ya seahawk

    8. Kok gitu master.....apa gak mubazir beli kaprang besar-besar tapi cuma dimuati heli AKS kecil yg perfomanya pun tergolong kurang mumpuni πŸ€”




  7. Gak sengaja nemu ini owkwokwkw

    Oman Tawari TUDM 10 Hawk Bekas

    Gimana kabarnya lon 🀣

    1. Ga ada duit tuk paketin Hawk ke malonsia, gengsi jg setinggi langit terima barang hibah. jadinya batal seperti kasus blekhok hibah Brunai dan meriam SPH -109 dari merica.

  8. Malon keluar korang jgn ngumpet lonnnn

    1. Malay tak sembunyi lah tapi gi sibuk kongkek

    2. Kaum beruk cuma berani mantau je... Ada 8 ekor sedang pantau saat ini...😁😁😁

  9. I think, the best course of history for both Indonesia and Australia is to find a way to work together, despite all of their differences to the bone.

    They both, one day, have to work harder to find some common ground. (Along with India, if possible)

    I read it somewhere that the "narcissist playboy" president Soekarno has had the future vision about worldwide equilibrium, one of which is to unite Indonesia and Australia.

    The FDPA, ASEAN (or, the UN) and any 20th century military alliances won't work in this century and beyond.

    Because, the future belongs to those with huge resources (rich) and high technology (research).

    Indonesia is always, literally, my "FATHER-land", where half of my heart and investments lies.


    I also read this article:


    I do apologise about my "embarrassing and stupid blonde" president to activate the CAATSA but, I am sure he has his reasons.
    (I didn't vote for him!)

    Though, in my understanding, CAATSA has many loopholes and limitations.

    I am sure, the Indonesian law experts could exploit it for the benefit of the people and national interests.

    I do hope, after Trump defeat in 2020, Indonesia can resume the purchase of SU-35 and continue the IFX project.

    Trump is truly a "national embarrassment."

    One of his latest "presidential letter" to Turkey's Erdogan came out; it's like a 3rd grade writing! Idiot!

    His brain is far worse than Malaysian imbecile brain.


    Well, good afternoon and have a wonderful weekend, gentlemen.

    1. Rambut blonde πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”.....koyo tau weruh postere marilyn monroe , diumpetke mbah Gono neng sor kenap 😁

    2. I find it difficult to unite the contents of the heads of Indonesia and Australia because Australia is a descendant of the British who are problematic and very proud of their race so that seeing other races is so trivial 'very different from Indonesia which is more thick with shy nature and not too confident despite having extraordinary intelligence for Asians, shyness and lack of confidence Indonesian people make Indonesian people slow to develop in terms of technology 'but what surprised me is that when doing corruption, shame is lost and so confident to take state money, strange but true ... In essence, it is impossible to unite these two opposing traits, moreover Australia has too much to disturb Indonesia so that Australia is more worthy of being called an enemy in the Pacific blanket.

    3. Ah, so you half Indonesian..

      One think adrian, i wonder what happen when hillary clinton win the 2015 election. Maybe 3rd world war already happened now

      Personally i choose trump over hilary anytime. But for 2020, i dont really know.. maybe bernie sanders

    4. We see future generations to come, forthcoming 21st, 22nd, 23rd century and beyond.

      Today is only 2019.

      Let's compare it:

      - 1998: Indonesia got a severe financial crisis, everyone in the neighborhood thought that Indonesia was falling apart.
      Other than the ASEAN neighborhood, no one on Earth knows where Indonesia was.
      Even today, in 2019, most Cambodians and Laotians still don't know anything about Indonesia, their ASEAN neighbors πŸ˜‚

      - 2000-05: Malaysia has tons of successful developments to be over proud of.
      They insulted Indonesia all the time, so did the Arab nations, btw.

      - 2010: Indonesia got recognized in the elite group of G20.
      The military grows as the economy flourish, as do the education and research.
      (Everyone starts to notice "where Indonesia is" πŸ˜‚)

      - 2019: Today.
      GDP $1.1 trillion.
      You guys feel SUPERIOR to small countries, like Malaysia or Philippines πŸ˜‚

      The government spend more money on research and joining the development of KFX/IFX.
      Australia and Japan (old establishments) are getting worried about Indonesian policies.
      The Arabs countries are asking Indonesian administration to interfere their "ARAB AFFAIRS." πŸ˜‚
      Tiny EU members, insignificant economy on Earth, finally noticed how big Indonesia is; still, they think they are far superior πŸ˜‚

      - 2030: GDP projection $2.8 - $3.6 trillion.
      It's bigger than Brit and France!

      - 2045: GDP projection is $7 trillion.
      It's literally one of the rulers of EARTH!

      Your kids will live in the entirely different world, and the old uneducated people who don't have advance knowledge will be long dead πŸ˜‚

      - 2060: GDP $10-12 trillion.
      Your grandkids will have to learn which country to invest to.
      None of Indonesian kids will remember about Malaysia, and none of Malaysian would dare to insult Indonesian.
      Everyone on Earth will ask for Indonesian money πŸ˜‚

      - 2100 and beyond:
      Your great grandkids will, probably, have to learn how to pilot spaceship, to explore another solar system.

      Indonesian military will need tons of new kogabwilhan, the space troopers.

    5. We dont feel Superior towards EVERYONE, especially malaysians. Theres a lot of good malaysian that i know. And you know the malaysian in this blog is abit "special" so we give a special treatment too 🀣

      We still have a lot of problem like Slums (not as bad as India), energy (i hope for nuclear powerplant that efficient than nature-destroying Charcoal powered powerplant) and Human resource development.

      Well, wish you all the best half brother 😁

  10. @Helmy

    No one would know "what if" Clinton won.

    But, as history goes, foreign policy usually maintain at similar course of action.

    I can barely imagine, how to turn a country or civilization around in merely 4-8 years?

    Any administration, coming from Republicans, Independent or Democrat, would have to maintain the same policy, possibly with a little changes, like Obama did.

    Or, regressing into 1980-90, like Trump! Doh!

    Overall, everything remains similar.
    Iran and Russia still got sanction but, with tougher CAATSA.
    (The Russians still worship America πŸ˜‚)
    Trade war against China "finally" comes into surface, more like a Chinese witch hunt in many states.

    Not much change, really.

  11. Makalae cek dowone rek seng moco tur ndase mumet😡😡😡😡

    1. Om bahasane ora mudeng aku kui piye maksudte om

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