13 November 2023

Lockheed Martin Completes Upgrades Hobart-class Destroyers to Support CMS Integration

13 November 2023

Hobart class destroyer (photo : Aus DoD)

Lockheed Martin Australia Completes Aegis Combat System Design Agent Contract On Time And On Budget

SYDNEY, Australia – Lockheed Martin Australia has delivered the SEA 4000 Phase 6 Combat System Design Agent (CSD-A) contract, on time and within budget, resulting in the landmark update to the design architecture that will support integration of the Aegis Combat System Baseline 9 capabilities, including ballistic missile defence, into the Royal Australian Navy’s (RAN) Hobart-class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG’s).

Through the CSD-A contract, Lockheed Martin Australia delivered advanced combat systems engineering services as a part of the Aegis Baseline 9 DDG Upgrade. Work performed included successful completion of System Requirements Review, incremental design reviews, conduct of DDG platform physical configuration audits, and creation of a Combat Information Centre 3D virtual environment that delivers a vivid user-friendly visual representation of the combat system compartments to the RAN operators.

Lockheed Martin Australia achieved these outcomes through close and continual engagement with the RAN, Department of Defence Naval Shipbuilding and Sustainment Group (NSSG), and working with industry partners.

Nationally, Lockheed Martin Australia now has a 140+ strong maritime workforce that is capable, experienced, and is job ready to continue performing its leading role in Aegis Combat System integration, sustainment and upgrade work in Australia.

Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand Chief Executive, Warren McDonald, said “I commend the Royal Australian Navy on commencing the design work for the critical upgrades to the Hobart-class Destroyers’ Aegis Combat System.”

“The Aegis upgrades will ensure Australia keeps pace with the US Navy’s Aegis modernisation program, increases combat system lethality, and advances interoperability with our allies across the Indo Pacific region.”

Lockheed Martin Australia’s Integrated Warfare Systems and Sensors Line of Business Lead, Rob Milligan, said “Lockheed Martin Australia is extremely proud of this contract completion. We worked hand-in-hand with the Department of Defence, the Royal Australian Navy and industry partners Navantia Australia, Saab Australia and Relegen to achieve key DDG Upgrade design milestones.”

“This outcome is a demonstration of Lockheed Martin Australia’s sustained mission focus to effectively deliver on the Royal Australian Navy’s operational priorities. As the Australian industry custodian of Aegis, we look forward to continue working with the Royal Australian Navy, NSSG, industry partners, and the US Navy to ensure the ongoing presence of the Aegis Combat System in Australia.”

Post completion of this contract, Lockheed Martin Australia has transitioned into the Combat System Integration – Integrated Project Team, working with BAESMA and Saab Australia  providing the backbone of the engineering capability for the Combat System elements of the Destroyer Upgrade. This team will continue the work commenced by CSD-A and over the next decade will deliver the Combat System upgrades across HMAS Hobart, HMAS Sydney and HMAS Brisbane.

16 komentar:

  1. Kapal rongsok tuh macam.....kapal TUDM udh granted to MMEA ==>> retired by MMEA......at last, diminta lagi oleh TUDM ==>> Re-Hull ==>> a New but Old Ship........wkwkwkwkkwkwkwkkkkk.....

    Bual : Malon negara kaya.....
    Fact : Shopping brand new ship tak boleh.......

    Malon a bankrupt country.....


  2. BEKAS MARINE POLICE BEKAS MMEA = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    BEKAS BEKAS = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
    OPV DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = He said the finance ministry (MoF) had taken over the OPV project from Tabung Haji (TH) subsidiary, Destini Sdn Bhd, after it was found to be facing major problems.
    LCS DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = Kementerian Kewangan (MOF) telah menubuhkan syarikat bertujuan khas (SPV) bagi mengambil alih syarikat yang bertanggungjawab terhadap projek pembinaan kapal tempur pesisir (LCS) iaitu Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) sebagai anak syarikat kepada MOF

  3. Masih kalah dari teknologi kapal LCS MALON yang sudah menerapkan teknologi HALIMUNAN alias GHOIB......HAHAHAHAHAHAH

    terbukti dari tahun 2013 hingga 2023 kapal LCS MAHARAJA LELE tak terdeteksi di lautan lepas... wkwkwkwkwkwk

  4. BEKAS MARINE POLICE BEKAS MMEA = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    BEKAS MMEA = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
    OPV DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = He said the finance ministry (MoF) had taken over the OPV project from Tabung Haji (TH) subsidiary, Destini Sdn Bhd, after it was found to be facing major problems.
    LCS DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = Kementerian Kewangan (MOF) telah menubuhkan syarikat bertujuan khas (SPV) bagi mengambil alih syarikat yang bertanggungjawab terhadap projek pembinaan kapal tempur pesisir (LCS) iaitu Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) sebagai anak syarikat kepada MOF

  5. aegis, cakeb nich ploduk navantia...
    apa perluw destro vls 128 mrk kita sikat jugak haha!😂😂😂

    1. Sekalian buat mancing om .....

    2. Om Palu....tolong diklarifikasi apa bener itu yg lg pegang kamera adalah Om Palu Gada.....soalnya mau nyapa takut salah orang.....


    3. edannn...ituw smua onderdil pelsong yak haha!🤭🤭🤭

  6. Ternyata Banyak orang X tahu (termasukrakyat Malaysia) bahwa tentera daja melayu (Malaysia) diketahui sama tangguhnya kemampuan tempur mereka dengan tentera Gurkha yang terkenal itu semasa berperang berasma Empayar Britania Raya sewaktu WW 1 dan WW 2...

    Jad X heranlah jika hingga kini tentera komando diraja Malaysia masih diakui sebagai salah satu tentera komando terbaik di dunia dan hingga kini menjadi tempat berlatih atau berguru banyak tentera komando dari seluruh dunia seperti Indon, British, USA, Austarlia, NZ, Brunei, Kamboja dan banyak tentera negara lainnya ....

    Tahniah to Tentera Komando Malaysoa
    Komando .... Komando ... Komando

      Seorang perwira tentara elit Malaysia tewas tertembak dalam sebuah demonstrasi di sebuah kamp militer di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
      Dua prajurit Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Malaysia (TUDM) tewas saat menjalani latihan menembak dan melempar granat di Tempat Latihan Dasar Granat Kem Syed Sirajuddin Target Range, Gemas Negeri Sembilan.

    2. BEKAS MARINE POLICE BEKAS MMEA = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
      BEKAS MMEA = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
      OPV DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = He said the finance ministry (MoF) had taken over the OPV project from Tabung Haji (TH) subsidiary, Destini Sdn Bhd, after it was found to be facing major problems.
      LCS DIAMBIL ALIH MOF = Kementerian Kewangan (MOF) telah menubuhkan syarikat bertujuan khas (SPV) bagi mengambil alih syarikat yang bertanggungjawab terhadap projek pembinaan kapal tempur pesisir (LCS) iaitu Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNS) sebagai anak syarikat kepada MOF

    3. Wkwkwkwk perilakumu kayak orang tak tahu malu....

  7. BHIC had announced previously that the government was taking full control of the BNS and subsequently, the LCS project, for a token figure of RM1. The government however needs to pay BHIC some RM1.2 billion, most of which is liabilities incurred by BNS for the financial period of 2022 while the rest is the sum incurred by BNS to the company.
    The exact amount of BNS liabilities is RM848.45 million and RM383.94 million is the sum owed by BNS to BHIC. In its recent report, the Public Accounts Committee stated that BNS also had loans facility which amounted to some RM629 million. This mean that the full nationalisation of BNS will amount to some RM1.86 billion. with the BNS outstanding loans, the cost of the LCS programme is actually RM13.2 billion
