18 Maret 2017

IAI Unveils Unique Operational Foliage-Penetrating Radar

18 Maret 2017

ELM-2112FP- persistent surveillance foliage penetration radar (photo : IAI)

System Capable of Detecting Moving Targets in Forests and Dense Vegetation; Addresses the 'Intelligence Gap' in Wooded Areas

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is unveiling its ELM-2112FP- persistent surveillance foliage penetration radar, designed to detect threats that could not be identified previously in areas of dense foliage and forestry. Developed by IAI subsidiary, ELTA Systems, the radar has been operationally deployed for several years and will be displayed at the LAAD Defense & Security exhibition in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, April 4-7, 2017.

Combined with additional field radars from ELTA's Persistent Ground & Coastal Surveillance Radar Family, the ELM-2112FP provides a comprehensive solution for protection of border and critical infrastructure under all weather conditions and over a wide area of coverage, whether on land or at sea.

The ELM-2112FP assures surveillance continuity with respect to targets and threats as these enter forested areas- usually invisible for conventional motion detection radars. The radar can be connected to the same command and control system as other deployed radars, this capability addresses the "intelligence gap" that have existed up until now, due to foliage and undergrowth.

The ELM-2112FP radar is based on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) technology and enables personnel and vehicle movements to be detected for up to several kilometers in forested areas, in real-time and irrespective of whether or not there is a clear line-of-sight. The depth of detection through foliage depends on the type of growth and density. The radar is capable of continuous surveillance of the area of interest, while providing simultaneous tracking of multiple targets with excellent reliability and no moving parts.

"Using this radar has opened our eyes in places that were so far beyond our vision; this system has huge operational value", says one of the commanders responsible for the border protection system which uses the radar.

Israel Lupa, IAI/ELTA's Land & Naval Radars and Systems Division General Manager: "This radar is a technological breakthrough that takes the family of persistent radars a step further by providing a viable solution for securing borders and facilities. This unique and proven capability offers a real and immediate operational solution to the full area persistent surveillance, and we are confident that there will be a strong demand for such a system."


9 komentar:

  1. Saya kasi jempol untuk radar ini . Suatu terobosan baru dalam mengatasi rimbunnya hutan.Kalau diibaratkan seperti sinar rontgen yang digunakan dokter untuk mencari sumber penyakit . Nggak ada tempat lagi buat insurgent /intruder buat sembunyi . Malays boleh pasang kat sulu ,jika ada wang.

    1. sory.. malay tidak pake barang made in israel...

    2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    3. wah sori, org dalem guwe uda pingsiun maren, cuman ninggalin awewe di halim haha!skrg doi uda ganti haluan.
      guwe blom ada cenel lagi nich om hari, muup haha!

  2. Prof Josaphat juga ngembangin radar spt ini....cuman kalah beken dg buatan pabrikan terkenal.

    Kali aja TNI mau pake radar rancangan beliau

    1. Ya hampir sama mungkin dengan temuan Prof Jesaphat yaitu circularly polarized synthetic aperture (CPSA) dan sudah di patenkan . https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josaphat_Tetuko_Sri_Sumantyo

      Setelah saya cari referensi ternyata Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) sudah lama di gunakan AS untuk membimbing rudal seperti AIM7 Sparrow .Tapi Israel memasangkan didarat untuk memantau penyusup daerah berhutan .

    2. Sebenarnya lebih keren buatan Prof Jos...krn platformnya satelit mk coveragenya jauh lebih luas dan multifungsi,sesuai utk geografis Indonesia.

      Prof. Jos sempat mengujicoba penerapan radar SAR pd pesawat boeing 737 surveiller, ska.5 tapi setelah dievaluasi, hasilnya lebih optimal dipasang pd platform satelit.

      Saab termasuk pelopor penggunaan radar SAR pd platform pesawat (carabas), brazil jg sdh mengoperasikan pesawat pembawa radar SAR utk patroli dihutan amazon.

  3. Pembelian ini apa disertai tot ke yaa... sayang banget kalo gak ada totnya.
