28 September 2018

Singapore Navy Commissions Fourth and Fifth Littoral Mission Vessels

28 September 2018

The Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessels RSS Indomitable (19) and RSS Justice were commissioned on 26 September. (photo : Sing Mindef)

Singapore navy commissions two Littoral Mission Vessels, opens integrated simulation centre

The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has commissioned two more Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessels (LMVs), RSS Justice and RSS Indomitable during a ceremony held at the Tuas Naval Base on 26 September.

Built by Singapore Technologies Engineering Marine Justice and Indomitable (with pennant number 18 and 19 respectively) are the fourth and fifth of eight 1,250-tonne LMVs – derived from Saab’s FLEXpatrol multimission patrol vessel design – that are progressively replacing the RSN’s ageing Fearless-class patrol vessels, which have been in service since the mid-1990s. The ships are assigned to 182 Squadron and function as part of the Singapore’s Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF).

The vessels’ armaments include an Oto Melara 76 mm main gun, along with two Oto Melara Hitrole 12.7 mm remote-controlled weapon stations on either side of the bridge and a Rafael 25 mm Typhoon gun system on the bridge’s aft section. Protection against hostile aircraft and precision-guided munitions is provided by MBDA’s VL Mica anti-air missile system deployed via the ships’ 12-cell vertical launch system (VLS) in the forward section.

The vessels are manned by a baseline crew of 23, including five officers, and can operate for up to 14 days at sea. The vessels can also be quickly reconfigured for a diverse range of missions including search and rescue (SAR) and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) operations using containerised mission modules.

They are also equipped with a stern dock and associated launch-and-recovery system that can deploy up to two 11 m rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs), as well as an aft deck that can accommodate a medium-lift helicopter. That said, Jane’s previously reported that only four LMVs will be configured for helicopter operations, with the remainder expected to carry an, as yet undetermined, rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).


35 komentar:

  1. Wuiiiiih

    Ada yang namanya Indomitable.

    Indomi = mie instant Indomie.

    Table = Meja

    Jadi kapal ini dilengkapi meja untuk makan Indomie.

    Wah ternyata orang Singapur juga suka makan indomie..


    1. Pertama-tama ane ucapin selamat buat mas TN..😂😂😂

      Komen :
      Itu ABKnya anak SMA/kuliahan semua, lagi praktikum ama bu dosennya..😁

    2. Looh katanya mas PS saya sesepuh di K4....


    3. Rotasi anggota suatu yang lumrah dalam organisasi mas, silahken..😂😂

    4. Ono-ono wae...udur kok rebutan sopo sing paling gerang 😏

    5. Iyo,
      Mending kayak mas smiling ndak ikut rebutan..

      (mergo wes 'menyadari')

    6. Eman-eman energine, luwung dialokasiken nggo rebutan rondo...luweh menantang 😎

    7. Orang singapore sudah terlanjur jatuh cinta ama tukang garong dari indonesia

  2. Balasan
    1. Selamat bung, anda masuk dalam K4 (Klub Kumpulan Kakek-Kakek)

  3. Balasan
    1. iya tahniah singapur, om ben bersukacita dpt kapal perang(kaprang) baruw punya layanan khusus buat menikmati indomi nich om pit haha!🤣🤣🤣

      salam shopping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN:Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapur, Filipin buat thailand Xlalu okeh oceh 👌👌👌

    2. Tahniah buat tepok soray kruptor ratusan triliun rupiah duwit rakyat di bawak kabur ke singapore

  4. Tapi Malay sdh punya kapal seperti itu 55 bijik dan full armament.

  5. Mau belikan ta mas...yen aku ukuran celana aja

  6. good for crushing commie fishermen

  7. well at least they are still valuable than mainlanders too much supply low demand since they could raise your country life cost and be fifth column for commie dynasty

    but they probably got valuable when malacca strait got blockaded as human meat
    isnt it much delicacy and gastronomy of mainlander since battle of suiyang back then?

  8. malaysie dah adapon macam nie 75 bijik

  9. Unknown always speaks out of topics. That's a clear sign he's absolutely brainless and hearthless. Look, unknown. Indonesia sent migrant workers to mal because we WERE poor and malons are lazy. Now, malon IS poor. In several years to come we may see malon women work for their ex Indonesian maid.

  10. Cie,cie yg kalah debat dan suka hoax akhirnya datang wkwkwk

  11. Iyalah....Malon Navy is the best dunia akherat.

  12. Om Pit memang penikmat hoax planet sebelah...

  13. Skr pasukan khusus Malassia jadi center of gravity dan rujukan yg sahih bagi tentera negara2 maju karena kehebatannya dalam taktik stratrgi dan persenjataan personal di kata tak terkalahkan. Tahniah🥉

    1. Iya iya.... Kami percaya. Tak terkalahkan bahkan mungkin malaikat mautpun takut pada malassia. Apalah kami ini...kami takut sangat sakit tetanus kerana senjata berkarat malassia. Hiiii...takuuuutnyaaa

    2. Iya kami percaya pasukan khusus malon kerana hebatnya ia boleh menjaga nelayan cina ambil ikan di beting ali dgn selesa wkwkwk

  14. Jom kita tengok film PASKAL, kononnya navy terbaik di kawasan ~~~

    1. Wow...amazing, absolutely lakonan yg bagus. Wayang binaan malonwood boleh mendunia. Layak dapat pingat oxcar

    2. Oh ini keh PASKAL yg pernah dilatih Kopaska tuh wkwkwk

  15. Irrelevant individial who talks on irrelevant topics. This is a defense blog not a maid blog.

  16. Om ben,unknown forumer malaysia tuh iri hati om

  17. Nah gitu dong full of screen bkn full of kaca jendela

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