13 September 2018

PHL Acquiring 2 Corvettes, 6 OPVs, Submarines under Horizon 2

13 Agustus 2018

2 corvettes, 6 OPV and submarines will be acquire in Horizon 2 (image : Damen)

Philippine Navy Philippine Fleet commander Rear Admiral Danilo R. Rodelas has confirmed to Radyo Filipino Australia that among the assets the Philippine Navy is acquiring under Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Modernization Program Horizon 2 are 2 corvettes, 6 offshore patrol vessels (OPVs), and submarines.

AFP Modernization Program Horizon 2 is being implemented from 2018 to 2022.

“The President [Rodrigo Duterte] has approved the acquisition of 2 corvettes and another offshore patrol vessels in Horizon 2, meaning from 2018 to 2022,” Rear Admiral Rodelas said.

“Most importantly, the President also approved the acquisition of submarines from Horizon 3 to Horizon 2,” he added.

He said that with these acquisitions the Philippine Navy is on the right track to have a strong and credible navy in the future.

A Philippine Navy contingent, aboard BRP Ramon Alcaraz, is in Darwin, Australia participating in Excercise Kakadu 2018.

Philippine Navy chief Vice Admiral Robert Empedrad in June confirmed the acquisition of 2 corvettes and 6 OPVs.


20 komentar:

  1. makin kasian malaysie....jom songlap

    1. sebegitu concerned om Daru ama Malay..
      Benci tapi Cinta...xixixiii

    2. itulah.. heran jg saya,. bisa yaa seumur2 kaya gt. dendam bgt tu bro @JP

    3. indon ni pandai claim je.. padahal diorwng pon kaki songlap..

    4. Kaki songlap Malon boleh buat bangkraps negara 😅😅😅😅

    5. MD 530 dan M-109 udah operasional blm Mr scan?😁

    6. Ini suwandaru di grup mana saja selalu Bikin ulah...

  2. Apa ga ketinggian target yg diinginkan?

  3. ...loro bronto disuntik ra tumono, loro kangen disuntik ko malah nemen

    ...ooooh MalaSsia Beruk

    Filosofi Indonesia = DEFENSIF AKTIF

    Filosofi MalaSsia = SONGLAP AKTIF

    ...Xixixixixixi :D

  4. PAL udah ada desain OPV 95m & 80m bisa di konversi jadi korvet,.tinggal tunggu pesanan aja dari AL. Berharap segera teken kontrak.
    Jadi ntar ni bisa buat tender utk program AL pinoy

    1. PT cita shipyard batam jg lagi on progres buat 3 unit kapal utk bakamla, desain mirip PKR beda di mast doang panjang 80 m.
      Potensial ni klo mau ikut tender OPV pinoy.

  5. Menunggu kedatangan Iver... Atau hanya semakin jauh membelakangi lautan...

  6. philippine.. ehmm, banyak dramanya nich sejauh ini dr pada aksinya. duterte the actor. suport to you, mabuhay!

  7. Progress pinoy dalam defence forces ya lebih terstruktur daripada malaymuna.

  8. Hope it will come true. But it is not enough in my opinion. The navy should acqquire more Pohangs maybe 6 units as interim gap measures and more OPVs
