26 September 2018

Indonesian Navy Uses ECA Group’s Airborne Drone IT180 to Asses Ships’ Magnetic Signature

26 September 2018

ECA Group’s Airborne Drone IT180 (photos : ECA)

STERNA flies for Indonesian Navy - The first Magnetic Measurement Mission by UAV

For the first time, a drone has been used to check the magnetic signature of a vessel in order to assess its vulnerability against underwater mines and other unfriendly detectors. STERNA is the first UAV based portable aerial magnetic range used by a navy in operational conditions. The UAV based solution STERNA, has been deployed by the Indonesian Navy in July 2018.

STERNATM is based on ECA Group’s airborne drone IT180, a compact, high-performance mini-UAV VTOL (complementary to the VTOL UAVs of the higher categories) embedding a magnetometer and its digitizer. This system is a part of set-up degaussing systems in compliance with NATO standards.

Developed by ECA Group in 2016, STERNATM is a portable aerial ranging solution able to measure the magnetic signature of vessels. This solution is an innovative patented system rewarded with the innovation award by the French Minister of Defence in 2016. The first contract for this innovative ship protection system was awarded in early 2017 (see press release from 27th February 2017).

Today, ECA Group announces a first successful mission at sea for Indonesian Navy. 

To perform a magnetic measurement using a drone the key points are to:
-Use the norm of the magnetic vector instead of the three axes relatives’ components 
-Know how to compensate the carrier (drone) own magnetism;
-Know how to correct sensors’ errors

See full article ECA Group

ECA Group awarded a contract by an Asian MOD for degaussing & UAV IT180 based magnetic ranging system

ECA Group will supply Degaussing Systems and UAV IT180 based Magnetic Ranging Systems to an Asian Ministry of Defence through a Contract of more than 7 million euros.

ECA Group will supply Degaussing Systems and UAV IT180 based Magnetic Ranging Systems to an Asian Ministry of Defence through a Contract of more than 7 million euros.

The knowledge of the ship signature and efficiency of its Signature Reduction System is of prime importance to assess vulnerability against underwater mines and unfriendly detectors. To reduce the magnetic signature of Client’s vessels, ECA Group will provide and set-up degaussing systems in compliance with NATO standards.

To perform magnetic signature vessel’s measurement, ECA Group will deliver its patented portable magnetic ranging systems, called STERNA® based on UAV IT180 technology.

STERNA® is the best combination of an IT180 UAV and an embedded magnetometer and its digitizer. To perform the mapping in a horizontal plane of the vessel, STERNA® overflies the vessel. Data are analyzed and degaussing parameters are computed.

This ECA Group innovation was awarded by the Innovation Trophy during Euronaval tradeshow for their patent named STERNA®. This patent combines the use of an UAV (for example, the UAV IT180) and a magnetic sensor carried by the drone to measure the ship’s magnetic field.

Integrating a robust industrial design and functionalities, this innovative and cost-effective solution is adapted for Navies seeking for reliable, modular and fast-deployable operational tools in order to secure the vessel and the crew.

ECA Group estimates the market for this new technological solution up to 30 M€ for the next 5 years.

(ECA Group)

31 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Breaking news:

      Indon football league the most worst and cruel league in the world,a lot of people killed for just a football game...
      When 'Bangsa Indonesia' have no different with animal.🐗

    2. sementara kabar dari malon masih tetap sama dari berpuluh puluh tahun lampau.. masih menjadi peliharaan mama elisabeth 😁😁😁

      masih jadi negeri terjajah di era modern ini hahahha

    3. BREAKING NEWS !!!

      Sampe sekarang malon cuma ada kepakaran stampal stikernya dan negaranya bangkrup digondolin najib wkwkwk

  2. Iyo kang hehe...,klo su malon pake apa uav nya Yo?

  3. I really love indonesian navy but how good is the weapon that is matched according to nasional needs must be prioritized for example large destroyer warships .

  4. 😱😱....demen baca berita yg beginian, cilik barange nanging gede kasiate


    1. Biar gak dibilang Manula hapus komen dibaris pertama mas ??? Modus operandimu iku loooo... 😅😅😅😅😅

    2. 😁😂.....jenenge we bandar mas

    3. Yo ga bakalan laah..keranjau pindo..😂😂😂

      (jane mau wes midhek, ning langsung diganjel biting, njur mencolot..amaan..)


    4. Tetep manula..soale mau sempat kelalen..😂😂😂😂


    5. Sakorane enek 3 👆 sing mlebu wuwu...😂

  5. Mas smiling,
    Piye testismoni MRAPnya..?😂😂😂

    1. Bubar sing iki, delo meneh ono berita RI disuplai instrumen kanggo ngukur emisi propulsi kapal lan kadar emisi hidrodinamikane kapal.

      Paedahe instrumen iki:
      1. Kanggo ngerteni, propulsi lan hidrodinamika kapal2e dewe(kaprang+kasel) wes memenuhi ambang batas tingkat kebisingan sing dikarepke opo durung
      3. Yen instrumen ini dipasang neng alki, pigunane kanggo "nanda/nyiri" jejak/ciri2 emisi propulsi+hidrodinamikane kaprang/kasel duweke negoro liyo 😎

    2. Eeh...
      Yang IG-in kemaren cuman diplengosin empunya tuh..😁

      Ada apa dibalik plengosan itu? 😁😂

    3. Bab opo meneh iki....IG ki gel barang opo 🤔

    4. "Rosoboronexport, untuk pertama kalinya akan memboyong jet tempur andalan Su-35 dan Su-30SME ke Filipina....akan dipamerkan di perhelatan Asia Defense, Security & Crisis Management Exhibition and Conference (ADAS-2018) di Manila pada 26-28 September 2018.."

      Selesai acara nyebrang ke tetangga buat ikutan parade..?


  6. perlu ditambah drone berkuasa deteksi kapal banyak hutang dan kapal jimat kos minyak

    1. Wkwkwk...satu lg bro drone yg ada kepakaran deteksi submarine yg boleh mengapung terus cem tai wkwkwk

    2. hahaha masih terbaik bro rempit 😁😁😁

  7. wooowww baruw lagii..warbyazahh haha!👍👍👍


    mantap buat kejer lontong laut haha!😎😎😎

    salam shopping 3 MATRA tempur se ASEAN:Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapur, Filipin buat thailand Xlalu okeh oceh 👌👌👌

  8. Yg poor tuh malon yg punya utang 70% berbanding PDB wkwkwk...shopping weapon pun mesti tunggu thn 2055...SALAM CAP CAI 55 lon wkwkwk

  9. Indonesia punya pabrik Drone terbesar di Asia Tenggara.

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