10 September 2018
After submarines for Thailand and littoral patrol ships for Malaysia, China’s defense industry conglomerates continue to reap orders from South and Southeast Asia.
The state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) indicated on its WeChat account earlier this week that it had a haul of orders from an unspecified Southeast Asian county for its FTC-2000G multipurpose aircraft, the export version of the J-7 interceptor jet that ceased production in 2013, which in turn was a license-built version of the Soviet Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21.
AVIC stressed it owned “independent intellectual property rights of the aircraft.”
The company said the first batch of FTC-2000Gs with improved aerodynamics and fuel capacity would roll off its production line in Anshun in southwestern Guizhou province for their maiden flights by the end of this month, and the aircraft would then head for the southern city of Zhuhai in Guangdong province for the China Airshow, to be held in November.
FTC-2000G has seven hard points for 3.000 kilograms armaments (image : AVIC)
Xinhua also reported on Wednesday that the first FTC-2000G finished production and was pulled out from the plant to appear at a ceremony held by its manufacture, Guizhou Aviation Industry Corp under the AVIC umbrella.
AVIC said the versatile aircraft would suit patrols, training, aerial combat and ground attack and could be fully converted into a reconnaissance plane.
The aircraft uses a diverterless supersonic inlet, a large leading edge root extension and has up to seven hard points for armament with a maximum suspension weight of 3,000 kilograms. It has an endurance of three hours and a range of 2,500 kilometers.
FTC-2000G specification (image : AVIC)
Observers say the FTC-2000G could be highly marketable across Southeast Asia and Africa where many air forces have long been rustling up their fleets made up of the outmoded MiG-21, F-5 and the like that are nearing the end of their service lives.
Compared with rival offerings like South Korea’s FA-50 and Italy’s M-346, the FTC-2000G’s distinctive cost-performance appeals to foreign militaries with limited budgets to upgrade their fleets.
Previous buyers of China-built aircraft, including Myanmar and Pakistan, will be its potential clients, an expert told the Global Times.
Berasa liat Mig-21 yang diganti congor & sayapnya..😂
BalasHapusWuush...wussh..(bakar menyan) 😁
"Ado apo gerangan, masalahnyo...🤔"
Lha yang ngasih berita aja ga tau ada apee..😯
HapusMercy van keren tuuh...😁👍👍
Tunggu aja hasil laporan konferensi persnya siang ini.
HapusNgasih daftar belanjaan...xiiixxiixiii
BalasHapus"Memang kebetulan keuangan negara terbesar di Kemenhan. Itu untuk apa? Itu uang rakyat, sudah ada alamatnya. Nah ini jelas ada untuk beli tank. Nah ini harus jelas, jadi BPK memeriksanya enak. Kita juga sudah memberikan jalan yang enak ke BPK," ujar Ryamizard di kantor BPK, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (10/9/2018).
"Yang jelas adalah hati ini harus telanjang, benar-benar bersih karena yang kita lakukan itu--baik Kemenhan (atau) BPK--itu uang negara harus kita pertanggungjawabkan," ujar Ryamizard
wahh.. suka bgt liat layoutnya ni pesawat. kembali nostalgia k era "cold war' dimana desain2 bnyk yang cantiknya everlasting. kaya disain sea venom ato sea vixen british, ato sud aviation vatour ato V bomber series
BalasHapusIni pesawat murah meriah yang khusus ditawarkan pada negara-negara yang kesulitan keuangan di asia dan afrika. Kira-kira negara mana saja itu ya..??
BalasHapusAda perubahan pada varian G ini spertinya.. hilangnya stabilisator vertikal tail fin. yg merupakan "warisan' dari Mig 21 series & copy
BalasHapusIni pesawat cocok banget until negeri Jiran..ngk mampu beli barang Murika..ogah beli barang Rusia Karen's katanya kapok sama Fulcrum Dan Flanker episodes of maintenance...
BalasHapusYah udah lah..barang China dong..
bodi MiG-21, idung F-5...hrg brp koh, ada yg lg nyari nich tetangga haha!🤣🤣🤣
BalasHapusCincai lah nanti owe kasih murah + bonus...wkkkwkkk
HapusTaiwan jg sdh buat jet klonengan mirip F16
BalasHapusDinamai F-CK-1
Tapi dobel enjin.
Malon berminatkah? Or Junk Fighter-17 sebagai pengganti MiG-29, klo refale tidak akan kebeli untuk Malon wali bayarnya pake jutaan ton pisang.xixixixi
HapusCocok untuk iran, suriah, malaysia, kamboja, dan negara pengguna mig 15 sampai pengguna su 22
BalasHapusayo kunjungi segera website kami agen betting terpercaya dengan pelayanan terbaiknya 24 jam tidak ada stop
BalasHapusburuan dan kita juga menyediakan banyak game seperti berikut yang bisa dimainkan melalui ovo dan juga go-pay
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