25 September 2018
U.S. and Philippine service members inventory ammunition donated to the Armed Forces of the Philippines. (photos : US Embassy)
Clark Air Base — The U.S. government provided more than 5 million rounds of ammunition worth Php117.4 million ($2.2 million) to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for counterterrorism training.
The ammunition was funded as a grant through the U.S. Counterterrorism Train and Equip Program and will be used primarily by the Philippine Army’s Light Reaction Regiment and the AFP’s Joint Special Operations Group.
The shipments included various types of live and practice 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm rounds, 12-gauge shotgun shells, .50-caliber rounds, and stun grenades. The ammunition was delivered to Clark Air Base in two deliveries on September 7 and 21.
In addition to the ammuntion provided through the grant, the shipment included a Philippine Air Force purchase of more than 1 million rounds of ammunition through the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program. This brought the total to more than 6 million rounds.
The United States, as a longstanding friend, partner, and ally of the Philippines, continues to provide support to the AFP through both grant assistance and expedited sales of arms and munitions to assist both long-term AFP modernization goals as well as urgent counterterrorism and humanitarian aid and disaster relief requirements.
(US Embassy)
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Stun grenades diledakin kalo lg apes ketemu teroris bencong....eeeee, monyong, monyong, monyong 😂
BalasHapusKomen baris pertama adalah khusus slot bagi Manula atau Sepuh atau tokoh yang dituakan. Itu diatas sudah ada samplenya.
BalasHapusWaduh....nginjek ranjau sing tak pasang dewe 😣
HapusLain kali naik MRAPnya mas..aman..😂
#Masio Rondo Ananging Punel...😂
HapusWeissss....gawat iki, dolane karo purel😂😂
HapusTernyata bumiputera malon banyak yg miskin wkwkwk...read this,cekidot : www.freemalaysiatoday.com/perkasa : 95% rakyat miskin malaysia ialah bumiputera/19-11-2017
BalasHapuscuma 5 juta amunisi..?? padahal Setiap tahun Indonesia mampu memproduksi ratusan juta amunisi berbagai jenis. 😊😊😊.. beli kesini saja noy..pinoy..!!! disini sudah swasembada amunisi.
BalasHapusIni episodenya cerita hibahan oom...😁
HapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusKalo d Philipina ada pabrik amunisi skala industri ga? Demikian jg di Malaysia?
BalasHapusberita terkini yg gw tau, malon ada pabrik lisensi perakitan senjata lupa nama perusahaannya,
HapusPekerjanya lg demo krn gaji nunggak yg nggk dibayar2,
Yg gw baca dari coment2 military fansboy malon tu perusahaan kualitas produknya jg buruk
di malon adanya pabrik tampal sticker, jd semua produk ada di malon wong tinggal tampal doang,,,harganya agak mahal dikitlah biar ada untung bikin orderannya #malon_gembleng