New purchase of four helicopters brings RTAF’s H225M fleet to 12 units (photo : Lionel Bourdet)
Specially equipped with emergency flotation gear, fast roping, cargo sling, search light and electro-optical systems, these four new multirole H225M helicopters will join RTAF’s existing fleet of six H225Ms for combat search and rescue missions, search and rescue flights and troop transport operations. The air force will also be receiving two H225Ms from its earlier order, by end of this year.
This latest contract will also cover on-site technical support and continuing airworthiness management organisation services, fully supported by Airbus’ Thailand team.
“The H225Ms have served the Royal Thai Air Force well since the delivery of its first batch in 2015, and we are truly honoured by this renewed order, underscoring their continued trust and confidence in our helicopters and the committed support to their fleet. With its proven versatility, reliability and endurance, we know that the H225 will continue to capably fulfil the most challenging missions. RTAF can count on our Thailand-based customer centre for continued availability of the fleet,” said Philippe Monteux, Head of Southeast Asia and Pacific region.
Featuring state-of-the-art electronic instruments and the renowned 4-axis autopilot system, the 11-ton-catergory twin-turbine H225M offers outstanding endurance and fast cruise speed, and may be fitted with various equipment to suit any role. Close to 90 units are in service, achieving 100,700 flight hours to-date.
(Airbus Helicopters)
Heli awe kena hempasannya baling2 caracal langsung tumbang, gak bisa bangun lagi....😵😵
BalasHapus#hempas, datang lagi, hempas, datang lagi.....syantikkk
"..gak bisa bangun lagi..?"
HapusWes "coba diusahakan" opo durung mas..? 😂😂😂
HapusKuwi dudu Pak hasandi yang diceritain mas smiling kan..?😂😂
"Opo sing iki korbane mas....😌"
Sorry out of topic ya :
BalasHapusIki soal kapal patroli sing nomor lambunge KRI 8xx lan kapal cepat (baik KCR maupun KCT utawa mengko iso dadi KCRT) sing nomor lambunge KRI 6xx.
Nah sing tak soroti sing ana kode xx ing nggone nomor lambunge 6xx lan 8xx.
Lha si xx kuwi khan iso diisi saka 01 nganti 99 toh ?
Trus bandingke karo berita iki :
Ing kono ana kalimat :
“Ilmunya sudah dapat, sehingga nantinya saat membuat kapal KCR 75 meter atau bahkan 80 meter ..."
Selama ini kita ngertine KCR 40, KCR 60 lan KCR 63 (Klewang)... Lha kok iki kok disebut KCR 75 bahkan 80 meter toh ?
Trus ana maneh kabar iki :
Ana kalimat :
"Bahkan target kami bisa membuat 6 kapal PC-60 tahun ini."
Ternyata ana uga jenis PC-60.
Trus mengko ana jenis uga PC-80 utawa PC-90 (keduanya adalah jenis kapal patroli tanpa rudal atau disebut juga OPV).
Sedangkan pengadaan kapal AL adalah kelipatan 6 menurut jumlah potensial trouble spot di laut RI (4 choke point plus 2 lokasi yang kaya akan SDA).
Dadi tebakanku mengko ing Satuan Kapal Patroli bakal diisi 96 unit berbagai ukuran : 42 PC-40, 30 PC-60, 18 OPV 80/90, 6 OPV 105/110.
Trus tebakanku, ing Satuan Kapal Cepat uga bakal diisi 96 unit : 30 KCR 60, 8 KCR 63 Klewang, 18 KCT, 16 KCR 40, 18 KCR 75/80, 6 KCR 90.
Sakbenere KCR/KCT sing ukuran 60 - 90 meter kuwi sakjane korvet.
Sedangkan satwal (SKK : Satuan kapal pengawal) KRI 3xx bakal diisi karo 64 Light Fregat lan 32 real Fregat.
Tebakanku target kuwi ketoke bakal terpenuhi 2044.
Tapi kuwi mung imajinasiku wae.
Ndasmu sing pecah
BalasHapusasu ngetarani troll
BalasHapusgawe kamus literal
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