28 September 2018

Philippine Government Orders First H145 Helicopter from Airbus

28 September 2018

Airbus H145 helicopter (photo : Australia Aviation)

The Philippine government has ordered one H145 helicopter for Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), Airbus said September 26. Airbus noted that this is the first H145 helicopter that will serve in the Philippine government.

“Philippine Coast Guard has placed an order for one H145 helicopter, making it the first H145 parapublic operator in the Philippines,” Airbus said.

Airbus said that the new 4-tonne-class twin-engine helicopter is specially equipped with high frequency radios, emergency flotation gear, fast roping, cargo sling, search light, and electro-optical systems to perform critical missions including search and rescue, medical evacuation, maritime patrol and law enforcement.
“The latest contract will also encompass on-site technical support and continuing airworthiness management organisation services, fully supported by Airbus’ team in the country,” it noted.

“We are honoured by the Philippine Coast Guard’s decision to introduce the country’s first parapublic H145 into its fleet, as the perfect complement to the current workhorse BO105 which has served the agency well for the past 40 years. We have full confidence in the H145’s ability to support the agency’s work, coupled with our dedicated in-country customer centre which stays committed to supporting its operations in close proximity,” said Philippe Monteux, Head of Southeast Asia and Pacific of Airbus Helicopters.


30 komentar:

  1. 👹👺💀☠️👻👽👾🤖💩............👴👵

    1. BO105 ganti/nerus ke H145.
      Dimari BO105 hijrah ke Fennec.


    2. Pake MD530 aja cukup mas...
      Simple shape meski rawan kena tembak, tapi easy maintenance.

    3. Maksute cicilannya yg easy ya mas 🤔

    4. Blum dateng, apanya yang dicicil mas'e..?
      Mecicil tak iyee..😂😁

    5. Sabar bro.. oktober hadir.. hehehehe

    6. Ngangsi mecicil....le ngenteni😂

  2. Phillipine Strong...!!!

    Hail Durterte..!!

  3. the coastguard can barely do competent rescue operations all they do is hover..they dont even have coastguard ships that can carry helicopters..they dont even have ships that can ride storms.

    1. Ulol. Check on your two chunky Eyes their San Juan Class.

  4. bener bener dah
    malasya di kalahkan filipina
    sudah beli heli yang bagus
    itu heli 6 biji gimana kabar?
    apa sudah dibatalkan karena tak ada wang?

    1. Datang pak.. akhir tahun ini kalo gak salah oktober.. lumayan buat esscom.

    2. Kalo ga sanggup bayar, oper kredit aja ke mari. Disini masih butuh banyak heli koq 😂😂😂

    3. Bukan oktober. Awal tahun depan. Pengeluar heli sndiri yg inform. Tp itu utk tentera. Coust guard malaysia dh ckup heli

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Cieeeeeeee....cemburuuuu...makanya baik baik dengan tetangga.

  8. malaysie harus balas....beli 150 bijik

  9. Unknown iri hati kerana philippines shopping terus wkwkwk

  10. Bukan hanya phillipines om Pit. Seluruh negara Asia shopping.....kecuali....ah sudahlah. Tak sampai hati menyebutnya

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