26 Oktober 2023

China Considers Replacing S-26T with New Chinese Frigates

26 Oktober 2023

F262 PNS Taimur, the Type 054 A/P frigates of Pakistan Navy (photo : PakDefence)

Thai Defense Minister Suthin Khlangsaeng has announced the suspension of the project to purchase the Chinese S26T diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK), with the Thai government accepting the Royal Thai Navy's offer that will be changed to purchasing a frigate with the budget allocated for the S26T submarine procurement project, Phase 1, the amount of 13,500,000,000 baht ($390 million) is currently only paid 7,100,000,000 baht ($195 million).

On 23 October 2023, Thai Defense Minister Suthin Klangsaeng said he was ready to explain the reasons for the change of plans to the Thai Parliament's Armed Forces and State Security Committee. Explained that the strategic cooperation and trade relationship between China and Thailand was a factor in the decision to modify the plan rather than cancel the agreement. He explained in a subsequent media interview on 24 October 2023 that Increasing the budget limit for purchasing frigates is approximately 14,000,000,000 baht ($387.4 million) with the price of the frigate at around the 17,000,000,000 baht ($466.27 million) mentioned earlier is the price the Royal Thai Navy sets for frigates from other countries such as Europe.

Increasing the amount that must be paid in the transition from the S26T submarine procurement project, Phase 1, from the original by approximately 6,400,000,000 baht ($177,079,296) with another frigate 6,900,000,000 baht ($190,884,567) instead is the " best solution "

During his announcement on 20 October 2023 that the purchase of Chinese S26T submarines had been suspended, Thai Defense Minister Suthin Khlangsaeng stressed that the submarine project has not been cancelled.

Speaking during a visit to the Royal Thai Navy Headquarters, he said the Royal Thai Navy's submarine acquisition program could resume "when the country is ready. "

The Royal Thai Navy's submarine procurement program has been halted due to Germany's refusal to export the MTU 396 diesel generator set to power the S26T submarine. The German government in Berlin cited the European Union's arms export embargo against China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square riots . 

Meanwhile, the previous commander of the Royal Thai Navy, Admiral Cherngchai Chomchoengphaet, approved a plan to use Chinese CHD620 diesel electric power engines as an alternative to the German MTU 396 engines after receiving additional performance certification from China. But in September 2023, the new Thai government did not approve the proposal to proceed with Chinese CHD620 engines for the S26T submarine.

The current Thai government has asked the Royal Thai Navy to propose an alternative to purchasing submarines. The Royal Thai Navy has proposed purchasing a frigate or Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) as an alternative to submarines. The Thai government chose the frigate.
The Royal Thai Navy has announced its intention to procure three diesel-electric attack submarines in 2015, selecting the S26T submarine based on the Type 039B (NATO designated) class submarine Yuan class code of the People's Liberation Army Navy'

Type 054 A frigates of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) (photo : SCMP)

The S26T submarine has a displacement of 2,550 tons and a length of 77.7 m. It is equipped with an additional air independent propulsion system (AIP) and an MTU 396 diesel engine. Makes the S26T submarine capable of operating at sea for up to 65 days by combining conventional diesel-electric engines with AIP anaerobic propulsion systems.

A 13,500,000,000 baht ($390 million) government-to-government contract for the first S26T submarine was signed in May 2017. The first steel sheet cutting took place on 4 September 2018 and the keel laying ceremony took place on 5 September 2019 The said contract will expire in November 2023 .

The first S26T submarine was originally supposed to be completed in September 2023, but the date on which the first submarine for the Royal Thai Navy will be completed remains to be seen. It has been postponed to April 2024. The ship's builder, China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC), blamed the delay on the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Royal Thai Navy has requested a budget since 2020 for the project to procure the S26T submarine, Phase 2 and Phase 3 for another 2 submarines, but was not approved until now. Members of the House of Representatives in the Thai parliament who are responsible for making laws have questioned the necessity of the Royal Thai Navy's submarine project in order to revive the Thai economy affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

An export version of China's Type 039B Yuan-class submarine is being built for the Pakistan Navy as eight Hangor-class submarines, of which the latter four are being built in Pakistan. The Pakistan Navy has also procured an export version of the Type 054A class frigates in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy also in the name of 4 Tughril class frigates.


27 komentar:

    THRID HAND = RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. The boat is – Pengawal 43 – one of the 27 boats MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    REDELIVERED = RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC to be redelivered and refitted so they can return to service with the RMN...

  2. LCS semakin minder ketemu fregat Thai.......belom klo ketemu FMP Indonesia....bisa2 lsg nungging kebawah.......

    1. Wkwkwkwkwk.....
      Tp FMP harus sungkem bro dgn KD Lekiu & KD Lekir...
      Begitu papasan, FMP bilang "Permisi mbah"...
      Maklum tuwir.....

  3. Buyer aku nyawang duit jutaan dollar, wong weruh wujude wae durung tau kok 😁

    Luwung nyekel setoran 500.000 nan.... penting kerep tur Ra tau kendat....lha sewengi iso muter ping bola-bali πŸ€—


    1. Setoran nggee mbah gono mung semono kuwi..?

      Sithik meen, haa wong okupansi bilik 98% mbendinane ngono..πŸ˜‚

    2. "MAH-KAMAR KUNCI : Spesialis menghamili kalo ada sengketa LC "


  4. Bentuk kapalnya masih model lama y

  5. Mayan tuu kalo dapet type 54A, sekelas ukuran AH140..

    Harganya juga mayan, PD banget itu Thai Navy ama barang China..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Campur baur mereka ternyata lebih arah dibanding kita..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Weeeeeek kata siapa tekno cina tu KW....jaman sekarang ada harga, ada barang bro ☝️

      Mau yg KW 1 ada.....yg KW super ayo aja, tinggal gimana duitnya


    2. Aku kii ra omong KW'ne mas'e, haa mung omongke campur-baur (sistem)'e...

      KW'ne kene yen isih nge'link NATO'an isih mending..

      Haa yen wes KW, ora nge'link, opo ra buyer....?


    3. Aku ki yo ming waton golek perkoro Ben due alasan go kirim-kirim link ok 😁

  6. China,Japan,USA,cepetan mana kalo bikin kapal perang kelas fregate keatas


      πŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΎπŸ‡²πŸ‡Ύ. πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”


    2. Yup, baru AKAN tender udah ILANG...

      MALON super cepat beud...


    3. Dari laying down sampai launch:
      1. Korea Selatan
      2/3. China atau Jepang
      +5. USA (Hanya bisa bikin Arleigh Burke dengan cepat, tapi masih lebih lambat dari Jepang)

      Fincantieri setahuku lebih efisien dari galangan USA. China banyak yg sebut lebih bagus dari Jepang. Tapi JS Kumano (2) pembuatannya lebih cepat daripada PNS Tughril (261). JS Mogami (1) agak lama karena turbinnya makan perkakas yg ketinggalan. Info kapal buatan China lain agak susah dicari.

    4. Nice brother....cakepan prodak2 Eropa memang,selain asasinya,tetep artistik tidak dilupakan

  7. Itu di indomiliter.....bbrp negara Eropa mendesain korvet bersama utk mendukung misi LIC atau misi lain yg ga sepadan jika harus mengerahkan REAL FRIGATE yg senjatanya ditujukan utk menangani konflik berinsternsitas tinggi

    Kalo di spill tipis-tipis speknya πŸ‘‡.....yaaaaa inimah spek PKR lansiran Damen yg udah dimiliki RI sejak 1 dasawarsa silam πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†


    1. Tapi kan PKR di-cap Fregat, berbanding Korvet Eropa itu yang 110m dan low speed karena mengejar endurance..

      Jadi udah bener si Pinoy yang dibikinin "Korvet" yang lebih besar dari Fregatnya...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Low speed iku mergo ora nganggo propulsi turbo gas ....plek, ceples Karo PKR sing propulsi diesel-esel elektrik 😁

    3. "...the Corvette is a multi-purpose surface combatant with its displacement of 3,200 ton, length of 116m and breadth of 14.8m. Maximum speed is 25 knots and cruising speed is 15 knot with range of 4,500nm. The Corvette have sixteen cell of vertical launching system, eight anti-ship missile launchers, 35mm close-in weapon system, a 76mm main gun, Two three-tube torpedo launchers and Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar.

      By reflecting the experience of building the frigates recently delivered to the Philippines to the construction of this corvette..."

      'nYapo ra diwalik wae...
      Kuwi dadi fregat, JRC class dadi korvet'e...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. thai bagusan lgs sikat destro type 052 ajah haha!πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
    cocok buat kawal LPD type 71E baruw mrk dan kapal induk chakri uhuyy haha!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. Duit segitu emang destro masuk oom..?

      Mosok moo kopongan lage macam 71E...?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. yaa kurang donk..kan saran dr kaum mendang mending om pedang...mumpung yg onoh jual gt haha!😜😜😜

    RMN informed us that they are getting a new boat – albeit a third hand one – courtesy of the MMEA. MMEA received from the Marine police back in 2011.
    RMN > MMEA > RMN =
    RMN has taken delivery of ex-Sundang on October 23 after the patrol craft completed its refit. She is the first of two ex-MMEA PC
    🀣 RONGSOKAN 1960🀣
