05 Juli 2024

13 Radar Buatan PT Len & Thales Mulai Diproduksi, 5 di Antaranya Ditargetkan Dipasang di IKN

05 Juli 2024

Radar GCI Thales GM-403 (image: Antara)

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.

Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.

Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.

Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.

Hal itu disampaikannya saat konferensi pers di Plataran Senayan Jakarta, Senin (1/7/2024).

"Kita harapkan dalam tahun ini, kita sudah bisa install sekitar 4 sampai 5 site (titik penempatan) radar terutama yang mengcover IKN tadi ya," kata Bobby.

"Seperti yang saya sampaikan. Jadi wilayah udara IKN itu kita akan cover dulu. Sehingga threat (ancaman) yang ada di udara, yang datang dari udara itu bisa kita lakukan identifikasi," sambung dia.

Bobby mengatakan, operasi 13 radar tersebut nantinya akan terhubung dengan 12 radar Retia dari Ceko yang saat ini juga tengah dalam proses pengadaan.

Ia berharap total 25 radar tersebut nantinya dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah udara di Indonesia.

"Tentunya 13 radar ini akan ber-interoperability dengan 12 radarnya Ceko, dengan (buatan) Retia. Sehingga ini bisa mengcover seluruh wilayah udara Indonesia yang panjangnya itu sekitar 6 ribu km yang lebarnya itu sekitar 2.500 km. Itu nanti akan dicover (dijangkau) radar GCI," kata dia.

Selain itu, kata dia, PT Len juga telah menjalin kontrak dengan Kementerian Pertahanan untuk pengadaan satelit observasi.

Proses pengadaan satelit observasi tersebut, juga cukup siginfikan.

Rencananya, satelit tersebut akan dilhuncurkan dua sampai tiga tahun mendatang.

"On the top of it, sebagai early warning system juga. PT LEN juga telah berkontrak dengan Kementerian Pertahanan untuk pengadaan satelit observasi. Dan ini progresnya juga sudah cukup signifikan. Kita sudah bisa melihat lah, wilayah Indonesia ini kalau kita melihat dari luar angkasa itu seperti apa," kata dia.

"Tapi nanti sovereign satelitnya itu akan diluncurkan 2 sampai 3 tahun ke depan," sambung dia.

Untuk diketahui, radar GCI buatan PT Len dan Thales mampu memiliki jangkauan mencapai 450 km.

Radar GCI digunakan untuk mengawal pesawat pencegat maupun pesawat buru sergap dalam menjalankan misi.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.

Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.

Namun demikian, ia tidak menjelaskan lebih jauh soal spesifikasi radar pertahanan yang akan dibeli tersebut.

"Kalu nggak salah Ceko. Dari Ceko," kata Prabowo usai menyerahkan lima unit pesawat terbang NC-212i kepada TNI Angkatan Udara di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta pada Selasa (12/12/2023).

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal Fadjar Prasetyo (kini pensiun) sebelumnya juga mengungkap rencana pengadaan 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.

Sebagian radar tersebut, rencananya digunakan untuk mengganti radar yang sudah tua.

Sedangkan sebagian lainnya akan ditempatkan di titik-titik yang baru.

Hal tersebut disampaikannya dalam acara Sambung Rasa KSAU dengan Pemimpin Redaksi Media Massa di Markas Besar TNI AU Cilangkap Jakarta, Senin (4/12/2023).

"Semua ini dalam upaya untuk mengcover (menjangkau) seluruh wilayah udara Indonesia. Meskipun dengan 25 radar tersebut dirasa masih kurang. Akan tetapi kita akan memprioritaskan di mana wilayah-wilayah yang perlu dilindungi. Diperkuat perlindungan udaranya," kata Fadjar.

"Kedua, wilayah-wilayah yang sering terjadi pelanggaran wilayah udara dan juga wilayah-wilayah yang sering dilewati oleh lalu lintas udara. Itu prioritas dari kita," sambung dia.

Ia mengakui seluruh ruang udara di Indonesia belum mampu dicakup oleh radar-radar yang ada saat ini.

Selain itu, teknologi pada sebagian radar yang ada saat ini sudah cenderung tertinggal.

"Tetapi kami terus berupaya untuk memelihara untuk tetap siap. Radar-radar yang ada ini kita sudah bisa memproduksi beberapa partnya untuk bisa tetap beroperasi. Dan di beberapa satuan radar tetap melaksanakan 24 jam. Itu artinya dia terus-terusan hidup," kata dia.

Tantangan lainnya, kata dia, dalam pelaksanaan penempatan radar akan relatif rumit.

Hal tersebut, kata dia, karena radar harus ditempatkan di titik yang tidak nemiliki hambatan.

"Tetapi kan berarti kalau kita letakkan di posisi di ujung bukit, bisa jadi persoalan. Karena infrastrukturnya, baik listrik, jalan, operatornya dan pengawakannya. Tapi itu semua harus bisa kita pecahkan dan akan terus kita cari jalan keluarnya," kata dia.

Ke depan, kata Fadjar, TNI AU akan mengajukan pengadaan radar untuk cadangan dari semua radar yang akan tergelar nantinya.

Ia mencontohkan radar menjadi elemen penting dalam pertahanan udara dengan melihat perang Ukraina dan Rusia saat ini.

"Sebagai contoh, kenapa negara Ukraina itu dia bisa cukup bertahan mendapat serangan dari Rusia. Satu negara sebesar itu radarnya 200, dan mereka memang memiliki sistem pertahanan udara yang cukup kuat, buktinya sampai sekarang masih bisa bertahan," kata dia.

Kepala Biro Humas Setjen Kementerian Pertahanan Brigjen TNI Edwin Adrian Sumantha sebelumnya juga mengungkap nilai kontrak jual beli antara Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia dengan PT Len Industri (Persero) untuk pengadaan 13 unit sistem radar Ground Control Interception (GCqI) GM-403 dari Thales, Prancis.

Ia mengatakan nilai kontrak pengadaan 13 radar tersebut mencapai €354,1 Juta.

"Nilai kontrak sebesar EUR 354.119.092,00," kata Edwin saat dihubungi wartawan Rabu (28/6/2023).

Kerja sama tersebut ditandatangani oleh Direktur Utama Len, Bobby Rasyidin, dan SVP Latin America & Asia of Thales International SAS, Guy Bonassi, di Prancis.

"Kontrak ditandatangani pada tanggal 20 April 2022 dan pengiriman dilakukan dalam waktu 48 bulan setelah tanggal efektif kontrak. Selain itu, periode garansi untuk sistem radar ini adalah 36 bulan," kata keterangan resmi Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan di laman kemhan.go.id pada Selasa (27/6/2023).

Sistem radar GCI dinilai sangat penting untuk memantau dan mengendalikan lalu lintas udara, memberikan peringatan dini terhadap ancaman udara potensial, dan memastikan keamanan ruang udara nasional.


135 komentar:

  1. Mula di produksi... Lah patutlah radarnya hingga kini tak nampak... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Ngerti bahasa manusia nggak ?

      TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.

      Kalau otak beruk saya maklum

    2. Lagi orang idiot komen gempork.
      Maunya order kemudian langsung jadi.... namanya pabrik pembuatan alutsista punya namanya antrian/backlog... tidak bisa sekarang pesan besok jadi.

    3. Gempork lu kita bina Nasi Lemak yang langsung jadi 🤣🤣🐒🐒🥜👎🐒

    4. Maklum beruk gak bisa baca bahasa manusia.

  2. Produksi dlm negri ya. Kalau otak 1 CC kira2 mampu nggak ya 🤔

  3. Ada GORILLA klaim radar mereka GM400 ALPHA guys... 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Keluarga GM 400 alpha mencakup GM 403 dan GM 406. GM 406 memiliki pemancar yang dua kali lebih kuat dari GM 403, sehingga memberikan jangkauan 20 persen lebih luas. GM 406 terutama dirancang untuk melengkapi lokasi tetap, sedangkan GM 403 dirancang agar dapat digunakan mobile.

      Gempork mana paham radar.

    2. Si TOLOL muncul lagi dari negara multibodoh Malaysia

  4. Ada bau bau Radar GM403 versi SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG je.... 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Psssttttt... Radar GM403 DOWNGRADE.. Geng GORILLA klaim konon GM400 ALPHA....🔥🔥🔥🔥 🤣🤣🤣


    yaaa makloum beda nasib ama sebla
    TIM KL, KENSEL LAGI haha!🤪🤪🤪

    1. Hormat pada seneor Om palu gada seng tukang ngitung

  7. Pssttt.... SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG tiada hentinya.... 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Kita harapkan dalam tahun ini, kita sudah bisa install sekitar 4 sampai 5 site (titik penempatan) radar terutama yang mengcover IKN tadi ya," kata Bobby.

    Wah taon ini pasang GM 400 ALPHA hore haha!👏👏👏

    warganyet pasti KEFANASAAN LAGIIIIIhaha!🔥🔥🔥

    1. lah LPD kita aja dicomot buat poster 15-5 seblah om acno, djelas tukang klaim kelas berat seblah haha!😁😁😁


    🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 🐔🐔🐔


  10. Radar Thales beda jauh dg radar Cenk yg bisa deteksi kapal selam dari jarak 400km. Ha ha ha ha.... Yg bilang beruk


    🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 🐔🐔🐔



    🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 🐔🐔🐔


    1. Siap siap yah demit
      Capung Apace kita segera keluar kandang loo....?🤭🤪

    19 JUN 2023
    PT Len Industri has ordered 13 Ground Master 400 Alpha long-range air surveillance radars with the associated SkyView Command and Control system to strengthen Indonesian airspace sovereignty, creating a bubble of airspace protection.
    The airspace protection system installed across the Indonesian archipelago will enable Indonesia’s armed forces to benefit from a single air picture integrating the detection of all types of threats, from jets and missiles to hovering helicopters and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), contributing to early detection of threats.
    The transfer of production of certain components will enhance PT Len’s radar expertise and knowledge, as well as position PT Len as the radar centre of excellence for Indonesia.
    Today, GM 400 Alpha is one of the world’s best-selling combat proven long-range air surveillance radars, contributing to airspace protection worldwide with more than 80 radars from the GM400 family sold to 19 nations. This selection confirms the success of GM radars in South East Asia.

    link resmi: GM400 @lpha yaa gaeezz haha!👍👍🚀

    eittt warganyet kl, kalahhh laggiii

  14. Ini berita apa sih.... Bikin beruk malu aja. Pasti ini hoax ya pork


  15. Deadlinenya 4 tahun, kalau bener-bener 4-5 unit pertahun harusnya sih gak bakal kena penalti si LEN/Thales, tapi yang dikhawatirin tu yang Ceko kan aslinya tu dari negara I yang lagi perang, apa bisa 13 unit dalam 4 tahun??

    1. Komponen mana yg mungkin bermasalah? Kalau semiconductor tidak terpengaruh sama perang2 yg sekarang lagi berkecamuk.

  16. 1000 DPR Konoha hobby judi online

      "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
      "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
      BARTER > FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT = A prolonged slump in oil prices is expected to further hurt the net oil exporting nation while heavily indebted state investor 1MDB could drag on public finances.
      "Malaysian acquisition plans have been continually postponed for reasons of financial constraints," said Richard Bitzinger, a security expert at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.
      2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
      3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
      4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
      6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
      7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
      8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
      1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
      2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
      3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
      4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
      5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
      6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
      7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
      8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
      9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
      10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
      11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
      12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
      13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
      14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
      15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
      16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
      17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
      18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
      19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
      20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
      21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
      22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
      23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
      24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
      25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
      26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
      27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
      28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
      29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
      30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
      31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
      32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
      33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
      34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
      35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
      36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
      37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
      38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
      39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
      40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
      41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
      42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
      43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
      44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
      😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  17. GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
    😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  18. RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
    😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  19. 2016 damen opv pesan 3 hanya kirim 1
    2011 lcs pesan 6 gak ada yg dikirim..NOL haha!😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

  20. Sedikit demi sedikit LCS 1 mula kelihatan..... Geng GORILLA makin Panik... 🔥🔥🦍🦍🤣🤣🤣

    1. Tenang demit
      Bapak Proklamator kami udah bisa membakar cewek Lo...?😁😂😅🤫🤭🙀🤪🤵👰🥰😘😍🤩🤣🔥👋💒🐈🚨🚨🚨🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

    2. Lucu dibilang panik...Oktober PPA datang dibilang panik... LCS belum satupun cecah air sudah sembang sundul langit...😜😜😜😜

  21. 2 PPA tinggal kirim, fres prom di oven haha!👍👍👍

    lha seblah tuw aneh
    ❌️peluncuran pertama didarat, kapal kosong
    ❌️peluncuran diulang, bukannya tes laut malah ngambang...di tipu lagi haha!😝😝😝

  22. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.

    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..

  23. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.

    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  24. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.

    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  25. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  26. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  27. kapal Siap peluncuran/loncing dimana2 ✅️uda pasang radar,
    ✅️meriam utama DSB.
    tahap kedua uji laut ato sea trial

    lha sebla, uda pluncuran masa baruw mau fitting...ini mah cuman kerja 50% pantesan 2 taon lagi baruw mo tes laut haha!😜😜😜

  28. SALAM 13 GM 400 ALPHA BARUW banyak dan moderen haha!👍👍👍

    WASSALAM Kapal darat versi LOWGRED seblah haha!😄😄😄

  29. Sebelah tu HANYA NGEPRANK SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG je.... Buktinya.. 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣


  30. Ke semuanya KONTRAK BELUM EFEKTIF ya guys.... 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥

  31. Kesemuanya KONTRAK BELUM EFEKTIF ya guys.... 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥

  32. Mantap Radar GM 400 Alpha (403) sudah 80% progresnya.
    Pantas saja ada yg NGAMUK, BUALANnya gak terbukti

    19 JUN 2023
    PT Len Industri has ordered 13 Ground Master 400 Alpha long-range air surveillance radars with the associated SkyView Command and Control system to strengthen Indonesian airspace sovereignty, creating a bubble of airspace protection.
    The airspace protection system installed across the Indonesian archipelago will enable Indonesia’s armed forces to benefit from a single air picture integrating the detection of all types of threats, from jets and missiles to hovering helicopters and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), contributing to early detection of threats.
    The transfer of production of certain components will enhance PT Len’s radar expertise and knowledge, as well as position PT Len as the radar centre of excellence for Indonesia.
    Today, GM 400 Alpha is one of the world’s best-selling combat proven long-range air surveillance radars, contributing to airspace protection worldwide with more than 80 radars from the GM400 family sold to 19 nations. This selection confirms the success of GM radars in South East Asia.

    link resmi: GM400 @lpha yaa gaeezz haha!👍👍🚀

    eittt warganyet NGAMUK🔥

  34. Sebelah tu HANYA NGEPRANK SIGN KONTRAK KOSONG je.... Buktinya.. 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣


    1. RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      RADAR DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
      "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
      "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
      2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
      3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
      4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
      6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
      7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
      8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
      1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
      2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
      3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
      4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
      5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
      6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
      7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
      8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
      9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
      10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
      11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
      12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
      13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
      14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
      15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
      16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
      17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
      18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
      19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
      20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
      21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
      22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
      23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
      24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
      25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
      26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
      27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
      28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
      29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
      30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
      31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
      32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
      33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
      34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
      35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
      36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
      37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
      38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
      39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
      40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
      41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
      42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
      43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
      44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
      😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  35. Direktornya sendiri MENGATAKAN RADAR GM403 ya guys... Tapi geng GORILLA klaim konon GM400 ALPHA.. 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣

    Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales..

  36. RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
    😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

    1. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
      Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
      5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
      Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
      GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
      DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
      MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
      GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
      THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
      "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
      "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  37. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  38. PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  39. 25 radar yah FACT🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  40. Horrrreeeee LCS pasang antena????????????....WTF 12thn progresnya hanya pasang antena tv buat nonton bokep yah poor..🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

  41. 25 RADAR BARU = Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.
    Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.
    PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  42. PAMER OPV TERBARUW semakin hampir jadi haha!🤗🤗🤗

    eiitt warganyet silakan NGAMUK🔥

    OPV kita pasti duluan Aktip
    opv damen, lcs tetap ghoib haha!👻👻👻


  43. OPV OMPONG mau di tunjuk.... 🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥

    1. 1 Armada melon isinya cuma Gunboat.... wkkkkwkk

  44. GM403 versi DOWNGRADE.... ORANG KAYA SHOPING GM400 ALPHA guys.... 😎😎🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

    1. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
      RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
      RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
      RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
      2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
      3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
      4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
      6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
      7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
      8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
      1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
      2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
      3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
      4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
      5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
      6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
      7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
      8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
      9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
      10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
      11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
      12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
      13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
      14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
      15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
      16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
      17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
      18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
      19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
      20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
      21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
      22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
      23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
      24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
      25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
      26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
      27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
      28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
      29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
      30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
      31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
      32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
      33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
      34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
      35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
      36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
      37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
      38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
      39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
      40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
      41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
      42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
      43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
      44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
      😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  45. PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    PEMBIAYAAN SWASTA DAN SIMULATOR KOMERSIAL = Menurutnya pusat simulasi itu dibangunkan menerusi inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) di mana HeiTech Padu Berhad dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengurus operasi serta penyelengaraan bagi tempoh 10 tahun sehingga tahun 2020.
    Beliau berkata sistem simulasi yang dibangunkan itu juga mampu melakukan pemindahan teknologi ke negara-negara yang memerlukan dan ia bukan hanya khusus untuk pesawat tempur semata-mata malah boleh digunakan bagi simulasi pesawat komersial, dan menurutnya sejak dibangunkan pusat simulasi itu sudah melatih 28 juruterbang dan pegawai TUDM.
    SEWA SIMULATOR MKM = Five-year contract for Sukhoi’s simulators. Publicly listed HeiTech Padu Bhd has announced that it had been awarded a RM67 million, five-year contract to operate and maintain the Su-30MKM flight simulators at the RMAF airbase in Gong Kedak. The company made the announcement to Bursa Malaysia on September 9, 2022.
    SEWA SIMULATOR = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    18 MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    MENERUSI KAEDAH SEWA HELI LYNX = Dari segi perolehan kata Panglima TLDM, terdapat kemungkinan angkatan itu mendapatkan helikopter itu menerusi kaedah sewa apabila perkhidmatan helikopter Super Lynx Mk300 yang kini menjangkau usia 20 tahun dihentikan secara berperingkat.

  46. PULLED OUT AUSIEE = Armidale class is a class of patrol boats built for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Planning for a class of vessels to replace the fifteen Fremantle-class patrol boats began in 1993 as a joint project with the Royal Malaysian Navy, but was cancelled when Malaysia pulled out of the process. The project was reopened in 1999 under the designation SEA 1444, with the RAN as the sole participant.
    BEBAN AUSSIE = A number of challenges face the FPDA. A key one is the issue of interoperability, with countries such as New Zealand and Malaysia falling far behind the other partners in terms of military capability, creating what the IISS terms a 2-tier grouping. The FPDA also suffers from a lack of attention, which is typically focused on more high-profile security partnerships. The IISS observes that the inclusion of Malaysia is crucial – if it loses interest in participating, ‘Australia, the UK and New Zealand would lose significant access for their armed forces in Southeast Asia’.
    RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    PEMBIAYAAN SWASTA DAN SIMULATOR KOMERSIAL = Menurutnya pusat simulasi itu dibangunkan menerusi inisiatif pembiayaan swasta (PFI) di mana HeiTech Padu Berhad dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengurus operasi serta penyelengaraan bagi tempoh 10 tahun sehingga tahun 2020.
    Beliau berkata sistem simulasi yang dibangunkan itu juga mampu melakukan pemindahan teknologi ke negara-negara yang memerlukan dan ia bukan hanya khusus untuk pesawat tempur semata-mata malah boleh digunakan bagi simulasi pesawat komersial, dan menurutnya sejak dibangunkan pusat simulasi itu sudah melatih 28 juruterbang dan pegawai TUDM.
    SEWA SIMULATOR MKM = Five-year contract for Sukhoi’s simulators. Publicly listed HeiTech Padu Bhd has announced that it had been awarded a RM67 million, five-year contract to operate and maintain the Su-30MKM flight simulators at the RMAF airbase in Gong Kedak. The company made the announcement to Bursa Malaysia on September 9, 2022.
    SEWA SIMULATOR = Kerajaan sebelum ini pernah menyewa Helikopter Latihan Airbus EC120B dan Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) Untuk Kegunaan Kursus Asas Juruterbang Helikopter TUDM. Selain itu, kerajaan turut pernah menyewa 5 unit Helikopter EC120B; 1 unit Sistem Simulator
    18 MKM 2 YEARS TO DEATH The question is how long more can we fly it? 2 years ago ATSC said it had 2 years worth of spares. We can’t buy from the Russians [assuming they can fulfil the order in the first place] and HAL can’t supply everything we need. China? It too can’t supply all we need. The days of the type in RMAF service really seems numbered
    MENERUSI KAEDAH SEWA HELI LYNX = Dari segi perolehan kata Panglima TLDM, terdapat kemungkinan angkatan itu mendapatkan helikopter itu menerusi kaedah sewa apabila perkhidmatan helikopter Super Lynx Mk300 yang kini menjangkau usia 20 tahun dihentikan secara berperingkat.

  47. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca
    😝BEDA KASTA = 44 KONTRAK versus 8 AKAN😝

  48. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  49. RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    RADAR DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca

    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).
    RADAR GIFTED BY US : The TPS-77 radar is gifted by the US to Malaysia under the Building Partner Capacity programme. Lockheed Martin has been awarded a firm contract from the US government to supply a long range air surveillance radar including support and training for the RMAF.
    RADAR US GRANT = US To Grant Long-Range Radar System To Malaysia. The United States has awarded a US$25.7 million contract to Lockheed Martin to supply a long-range ground-based radar system for the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).
    RADAR GIFTED PAID BY US : US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    2. akan 2 Leonardo P-72M DELAYED
    3. akan 3 anka ISR OMPONG
    4. LOA LMS B2 Ada-Class DOWNGRADE
    6. Dibayar PBB/UN = 4x4 Ejder Yalçin
    7. LCS dibayar 6 jadi NOL DELAYED
    8, OPV dibayar 3 jadi 1 DELAYED
    1. real contract and delivery five units C130J Hercules
    2. real contract and delivery two unit Frankethal class Countermine vessels (Pulau Fani class)
    3. real contract and delivery four units KCR 60 Fast missiles boats PT PAL
    4. real contract and delivery 9 units Bell 412 EPI
    5. real contract and delivery 8 additional H225 M
    6. real contract and delivery 2 units Bell 429 Global Ranger
    7. real contract and delivery 18 Medium weight tank Harimau
    8. real contract and delivery 22 Pandur II IFV
    9. real contract and delivery two unit Hospital Ships
    10. real contract and delivery one unit Command and control variant C295
    11. real contract and delivery one unit CN235 MPA
    12. real contract and delivery 7 Badak FSV, 26 Anoa apc and 10 additional Komodo recce vehicles in 2022
    13. real contract and delivery 4 AS 550 Fennec and 8 AS565 MBE, in 2024
    14. real contract and delivery five NC212i in 2023
    15. real contract and delivery one Leonardo RAT 31 DL/M
    16. real contract and delivery five C130H ordered from Australia in 2013 (finished in 2020) after received Grant of 4 C130H
    17. real contract and delivery 9 Teluk Bintuni class LST
    18. real contract and delivery six CH4B UCAV ordered in 2019
    19. real contract t and process building of Abeking & Rasmussen design ocean Hydrography ship
    20. real contract and process building two AH140 AAW Frigate
    21. real contract and process building two OPV 90 ASW patrol vessels
    22. real contract and process building 42 Dassault Rafale F4 fighter
    23. real contract and process building two A400M heavy cargo aircraft
    24. real contract and delivery M3 Amphibious bridging system
    25. real contract and delivery 3 KT1 Wong Bee ordered in 2018 along with radar and spares for T/A50
    26. real contract and process building 13 GM 403 GCI radar from Thales
    27. real contract and process building 12 ANKA S UCAV
    28. real contract and process building additional CH4B UCAV
    29. real contract and delivery Slingshot Satcom system
    30. real contract and delivery Falcon 8X aircraft
    31. real contract and process Thales Alenia earth observation satelite
    32. real contract and process 22 S70M Blackhawk
    33. real contract and process 6 N219 aircraft
    34. real contract and process 3 CN235 for Army
    35. real contract and process 2 PPA patrol Frigate
    36. real contract and process 2 Scorpene Subs
    37. real contract and process Khan Short Range ballistic missiles from Turki
    38. real contract and process Trisula Air defense system
    39. real contract and process 6 T50i aircraft
    40. real contract and delivery Oiler and replenishment ship
    41. real contract and delivery several Tug Harbor ships
    42. real contract and process Submarine rescue vessels and system
    43. real contract and delivery two Large LCU for army
    44. real contract and process 45 Atmaca

  51. Beli 1 bijik di bilang kaya... wkkkkwkk

    Beli 25 bijik slow nggak sembang sedunia..REAL SULTAN.
    Sebelah cuma penjaga istana Sultan.... haaahaaa.

  52. Manakala MALON hanya bisa duduk termenung.... Melihat INDONESIA Shopping teruussss 😂

  53. Malon kaya ya ? Ya ya ya ya

  54. GM400 ALPHA.... jarak pengesanan 515KM guy.... 🔥🔥🔥🦍😎😎

    GM400 was named after its range at the time of its initial design. Now it becomes GM400α with an extended range from 470 to 515 kms
    The GM400α is available in mobile or fixed version..

  55. Malon mampu beli banyak ? Kasihannnnn


  56. Gembel harap minggir.... Team elit mau shoping2

  57. Ini berita apaan sih.... Pasti hoax ya pork


  58. Radar siapa DOWNGRADE guys.... 🔥🔥🤣🤣

    INDON GM403 - 450KM

  59. Jiahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣panas 🔥🔥🔥 guys

  60. Ternyata radarnya belum dibina lagi... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  61. Kapal Malon masak kalah dg kcr yg kecil. Ha ha ha ha

    Malon lemah

  62. 13 radar plus 12 radar guys 🤣🤣🤣
    Kontrak kosong yang berisi guys 😂😂😂
    Beruk ers panas 🔥🔥 guys


  63. Lucu ya liat komen beruk. Gak bisa bahasa manusia kali ya. Diatas sudah dijelaskan. Masih proses, sudah 80%>. Hadehhhhh..... Beruk darurat otak

    1. Antara 2 bro, memang gak ngerti alias BODOH dan NGETROLL 😂😂 makanya kalau komen diulang - ulang terus buat mancing emosi yg komen tambah banyak sampe up 200, tapi anehnya setelah 200 lebih dikit malon2 itu ngilang 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  64. 25 RADAR BARU = Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.
    Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.
    PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  65. ORANG KAYA SHOPING CASH Radar MAHAL... KALIS NGUTANG... manakala sebelah hingga kini radarnya GHOIB... 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🔥

  66. 25 RADAR BARU = Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.
    Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.
    PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  67. 25 RADAR BARU = Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.
    Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.
    PRODUKSI 13 RADAR = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  68. ORANG KAYA SHOPING CASH Radar MAHAL... KALIS NGUTANG... manakala sebelah hingga kini radarnya GHOIB... 🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥..

  69. Beda level ya guys
    1 radar berbanding 25 radar ya guys 🤣🤣🤣

    Bagai langit dan bumi 😂😂😂

  70. Sekali terbang langsung 3. Beda dg negara miskin. Tinggal 1 yg bisa terbang


  71. Beruk ers panaaaas 🔥🔥🔥


  72. 25 radar klaim GORILLA sambil membual.... 13 radar tu saja masih GHOIB... 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣

  73. 13 radar baru....negri malon 1 radar sedekah dari US....wkwkwkwk miskin

  74. Beruk auto buta huruf. Ha ha ha ha

  75. Mana sama KASTA... 😜😜

    1 RADAR versi paling TERKINI UPGRADE dan dibeli CASH..

    Manakala sebelah tu 13 radar DOWNGRADE dan dibeli dengan HUTANG.. 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣

  76. 25 RADAR BARU = Sebelumnya, Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mengungkap rencana pembelian 12 dari 25 radar baru untuk memperkuat pertahanan udara.
    Prabowo mengatakan rencananya, 12 radar tersebut akan dibeli dari Ceko.
    PRODUKSI 13 RADAR SUDAH 80% = Direktur Utama PT Len Industri Bobby Rasyidin mengatakan proses pengadaan 13 radar Ground Controlled Interception (GCI) GM-403 kerja sama PT Len Industri dengan perusahaan asal Prancis Thales sudah mencapai sekira 80 persen.
    Saat ini, 13 radar GCI tersebut telah mulai diproduksi.
    5 RADAR IKN = Ia menjelaskan dalam produksi 13 radar GCI tersebut, PT Len memproduksi komponen utama radar di dalam negeri meski sebagian besar komponennya masih diproduksi di Prancis.
    Bobby berharap tahun ini, sekira 4 sampai 5 unit dari 13 radar tersebut dapat rampung dan dipasang tahun ini khususnya untuk menjangkau wilayah udara di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara.
    GRANT JAPAN = Japan and Malaysia signed a security assistance deal on Saturday including a grant of 400 million yen ($2.8 million) to boost Malaysia's maritime security, as Asian nations seek to counter an increasingly assertive China.....
    DONATED BY JAPAN : It appears that Japan has donated at least a single airfield surveillance radar (ASR) to Malaysia for use by the RMAF.
    MSI USA = the U.S. signed a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to begin increasing the capability and interoperability of U.S. and Malaysian forces. The effort was facilitated by the U.S. Navy’s Building Partner Capacity program, aligned with the U.S. government’s Maritime Security Initiative....
    GIFTED PAID BY US : Back in 2006, the US gifted Malaysia an unknown number and type of coastal surveillance radars which were known colloquially as the 1206 radars. Some 17 years later the 1206 CSS radars have been upgraded which was also paid by the US.
    DONATED BY US : Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament on March 16 that the Lockheed Martin TPS-77 long range surveillance radar, donated by the US, will be commissioned in Labuan by year end.
    THE REGIONS WEAKEST = Once the pride of the British Commonwealth countries, the Malaysian military is today the region’s weakest. It is riddled with corruption, poor planning, and interference by political leaders in procurement, no longer a potent force even in managing low-level intensity conflict at a time when tensions in the South China Sea..
    "Hutang Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mencecah RM60.4%. Dia termasuk khidmat hutang. (Pada) 2022 kita bayar khidmat hutang RM41 bilion dan 2023 RM46 bilion.
    "Peratus hasil 2022 sebanyak 14%, 2023 16%. Ini hanya membayar faedah bukan membayar hutang tertunggak," kata Anwar lagi. menjawab pertanyaan Ahli Parlimen Wong Kah Woh (PH - Taiping).

  77. Mana sama KASTA... 😜😜

    1 RADAR versi paling TERKINI UPGRADE dan dibeli CASH..

    Manakala sebelah tu 13 radar DOWNGRADE dan dibeli dengan HUTANG..malah hingga kini 1 radar pun tidak kelihatan... 🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣🤣

  78. Malon ORANGUTAN says....





    Baca guys...




    Apapun kata negara seblah....

    Kuncinya adalah, "Thailand, Brunei, Singapura, Filipina dan Indonesia membuat perolehan aset perang yang teramat ampuh "

    Lah, malon tak ke ?
    Kasian malon 😫😭
    Malon hanya bisa berkata....


    1. Kolot nemen pean demit
      Dak ada internet ya🙀🤣😂😁😅🤣😉🥲🤤🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

    2. Di nusantara ini ada sebuah New Worrld Order yang Lilih kuat dari pada Sembilan Naga, yaitu tatanan dunia baru oleh anak anak bapak dengan kemampuan memukau. bapak itu sendiri masih di rahasiakan hingga kini, bisa saja ia adalah seorang ayah dari keluarganya, ataupun guru dari seorang siswa, atau mungkin sebuah atasan dari pada intansi atau kantor ataupun bisa diartikan luas pula, misal seseorang yang hanya di panggil bapak.Anak anak bapak itu terdiri dari sepuluh jari dari antahbanta yang akan membuat tatan baru di nusantara, mereka di juluki sebagai:
      1.Sang pelajar
      2.Sang peraga
      3.Sang perawat
      4.Sang penempa
      5.Sang pelukis
      6.Sang pemahat
      7.Sang penari
      8.Sang pembisik
      9.Sang pengubah
      10.Sang peracik

  79. 1 radar...ha ha ha ha ha ha maaf saya tertawa..... 1 radar utk seluruh wilayah kera jaan beruk. Ha ha ha ha

    1. Bisa, tapi buatan planet namec 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    2. Nih Pusaka dari planet namec
      Namanya Kyai Tenggara Penguasa Asia Tenggara milik Pak Jokowi
      Dan Tombak Pandu Naga Kuno Pemimpin Sembilan Naga, Milik Pak Prabowo
      Senggol dong demit!

  80. Punya radar tapi tak punya misil ha ha ha ha ha bodoh

  81. Tak ada perencanaan. Maklum otak beruk hanya 1 cc

    1. Demit Punya Pusaka tidak?
      Kenalin nih Pusaka Pak Jokowi
      Namanya Keris Kyai Tenggara Penguasa Asia Tenggara Senggol dong😅😁🥰🤫🤫🤫

  82. Wkwkwk porkk makin lucu koment mu
    Yg kau tau hanya kalis hutang cash
    Tapi kemampuan diskusi aset tak paham

    ...otak 1cc

  83. Gemporokk bodohh wkwkkwwk

    Adohh tolol sekale orang gila🤣🤣🤣

  84. Hanya bisa membual sedapkan hati saja 😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
    Pura2 ketawa, tp sebenarnya menangis 😂😂😂😂 lon malon

  85. Mulai diproduksi ya dah dibuat pork kalo jdi pasti nampak barang nya

    Porkk kau bodoh macam babi mau terbang idiot🤣🤣🤣

  86. Gemprok makin meroyan nangis panas hahahhah
    Keep bacot mu kalih hutang !! No one trust you here about kalis hutang
    Idiota person.
    Gak paham alutsista asal komen bacot karena iri hati 🤣🤣🤣

  87. 1 je beli wkkwkwk horang kaya cuma beli 1 biji buahhahahah
    Horang kaya maa beli 13 unit
    Mang beli langsung jadi lon

  88. Silahkan membual terus lon hahahahah
    Malon tuh hanya kelas timor leste 🤣🤣

  89. sombong nya si gempoor anjing,emang susah kalu wujud manusia tapi otak binatang,nggak capek apa,ngurusin negara orang..?? berdoa aja poor negara kita perang,nanti liat siapa menyerah..??



  91. wakkss kasian kita 13 radar GM400 Alpha santay...80% cuyyy haha!😉😉😉

    lah jiran 1 gm400 aja blom ada kasian amat..nunggu lender yaaa haha!🤣🤣🤣

    1. Tetangga cuma beli 1 biji om,berati bukan horang kaya ya.miskin amat beli 1.
      Paling jg sewa 🤣

  92. Nih Ghaissss, 12 Nama Sodiah Bintang Baru Nusantara
    1.Nuri Fina Syafika
    2.Muhammad fattah Iid
    3.Lintang Bunga Langit
    4.Ghea Skala Bumi
    5.Youtefa Ara Bintana
    6.Aqila Raya Negara
    7.Kiran Aksara Urja
    8.Prasa Puisi Arumi
    9.Damage Nosky Alinillah
    10.Nubika Rendra Jayvy
    11.Zara Algoritma Eve
    12.Purba Giri Nata

  93. Hanya pekerjaan mencat ulang biar tidak karatan 😌

  94. Sudah 200 lebih, aku harap bisa 300 komen...ayo malon keluarkan semua komen bodohmu 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  95. Lah malah pada lenyap 😂🤣

  96. Yeee.. Alpha 👑🥳💪😎

     Bangladesh: 2 systems [8]

     Bolivia: 4 systems "Ministro de Defensa visita Fábrica de Radares en París", mindef bolivia

     Chile: 9 systems[citation needed]

     Egypt: 4 systems[9]

     Estonia: 2 Ground Master 403 systems,[10] 2 more Ground Master 400 Alpha systems ordered in June 2023.[11][12]

     Finland: 12 Ground Master 403 systems.[10] Local designation is Keva 2010.[13]

     France: 3 GM 406 systems[10] and 12 GM 403 systems[14]

     Georgia: 6 GM 403 and GM 200 systems[15][16]

     Germany: 6 systems[10]

     Indonesia: 13 GM400α systems[17][18]

     Iraq: 9 systems[19]

     Kazakhstan: 16 systems. Local designation is «Nur»[citation needed]

     Malaysia: 1 system in service,[10] 1 more on order.[20]

    1. 13 bijikk pulakkk... 😍
      Plus 12 Retia... 🤗
      Plus udah mau di install.. 🤩

  97. Pur, Malon baru Ami beli radar cuman sebiji sombong sampai sundul langit... Goblok 25 sama 1 banyak mana?

    1. Beda bro, buat orangutan malon mah banyak 1 😂😂 maklum pikiran mereka kebalik efek tak pernah SHOPING 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  98. Hahahaha .....
    LAWAK .... masih saja ada yang tidak paham mengenai GM 400. Sejak tahun 2021 hanya ditawarkan GM 400 alpha yang meliputi GM 403 untuk versi mobile dan GM 406 yang stasioner


  99. Lon lon lon malon bodoh dan miskin sudah jelas kontrak ga baca ya dasar malon tolol bodoh miskin lon lon lon

  100. Malon bodoh sirik aja lu dasar miskin lon lon lon gempurwira hahaha si bodoh sangat

  101. Nah kan malon pada ngilang after 200 komen 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

