11 Juli 2024

Japan and the Philippines Sign a Defense Pact

11 Juli 2024

Japan can now deploy its forces to Philippines under Reciprocal Access Agreement (photo: AFP)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Japan and the Philippines signed a key defense pact Monday allowing the deployment of Japanese forces for joint drills in the Southeast Asian nation that came under Japanese occupation in World War II but is now building an alliance with Tokyo as both face an increasingly assertive China.

The Reciprocal Access Agreement, which similarly allows Filipino forces to enter Japan for joint combat training, was signed by Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro and Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa in a Manila ceremony witnessed by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. It would take effect after ratification by the countries’ legislatures, Philippine and Japanese officials said.

The defense pact with the Philippines, which includes live-fire drills, is the first to be forged by Japan in Asia. Japan signed similar accords with Australia in 2022 and with Britain in 2023.

Under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Japan has taken steps to boost its security and defensive firepower, including a counterstrike capability that breaks from the country’s postwar principle of focusing only on self-defense. It’s doubling defense spending in a five-year period to 2027 to bolster its military power and make Japan the world’s third-biggest military spender after the United States and China.

Kishida’s moves dovetail with Marcos’ effort to forge security alliances to bolster the Philippine military’s limited ability to defend its territorial interests in the South China Sea.

The United States has also been strengthening an arc of military alliances in the Indo-Pacific to better counter China, including in any future confrontation over Taiwan, and reassure its Asian allies. Japan and the Philippines are treaty allies of the U.S. and their leaders held three-way talks in April at the White House, where President Joe Biden renewed Washington’s “ironclad” commitment to defend Japan and the Philippines.

Japan has had a longstanding territorial dispute with China over islands in the East China Sea. Chinese and Philippine coast guard and navy ships, meanwhile, have been involved in a series of tense confrontations in the South China Sea since last year.

Japan and the United States were among the first to express alarm over the Chinese actions and call on Beijing to abide by international laws. Washington is obligated to defend the Philippines, its oldest treaty ally in Asia, if Filipino forces, ships and aircraft come under an armed attack, including in the South China Sea.

See full article AP

26 komentar:

  1. Mantap, Pinoy semakin kuat..

    Malon? Menungkik.....🤣

  2. Remak, remek, remak, remek....GHOIB oom...


  3. Berita terkini Felon dah masuk "Remak, remek" bila, bila.....🤣🤣🤣

    Hornet sang Emir aja gak tembus tembus, laaah...malah "ngremek-in" Felon


  4. Emir Kuwait tergelak baca ini...

    "...Malaysian media sources reported that Malaysia is in talks with Russia to purchase Su-57 aircraft as part of a comprehensive plan to modernize its fleet of combat aircraft. .."


  5. Washington is obligated to defend the Philippines, its oldest treaty ally in Asia, if Filipino forces, ships and aircraft come under an armed attack, including in the South China Sea.

    pantesan kl gak berani serang balik waktu di invasi pasukan sampan sulu,
    bekingnye serem haha!🥶🥶🥶

  6. gempi LOW Kualiti haha!🤣🤣🤣
    paling lemahhhhhh sekawasan

  7. Itu fitur canggih automatic tabir asap Gempita oom, bukan over heat....


  8. Overheat gosong om ..... Bukan Mateng lagi wkwkwkwk

  9. Nah begini mending, demi harga diri, bukannya malah merapat.. 🤭😬
    Teritorial udah diinjek2, malah ngejilat, aje gile..
    Kalah sama emak2 kampung yang pake prinsip: ente sopan ane hargai, ente kurang ajar ane hajar, lu jual ane beli.
    Muka dua, kanan kiri oke, makin ngga ada harganya.
    Cucok neh dengan pemeo: injak bawah, sikut kiri kanan, jilat atas. Tipikal culas. Beraninya sama yg lemah, kek pinoy dulu. Sekarang kebalik, makanya makin getol ngejilat majikan2nya, semi nyari perlindungan.. 😟🤮


    Pada bulan Juni, selama kunjungan tiga hari Perdana Menteri China Li Qiang ke Malaysia, Anwar mengkritik “propaganda yang tak henti-hentinya menyatakan bahwa kita harus melontarkan fitnah dan takut akan dominasi Tiongkok secara ekonomi, militer, dan teknologi.”

    1. Sbelah tu bak duri dalam daging, tetangga sendiri dijahilin, diklaim, dicuri, dirampok, sewa ditunggak, giliran direspon jerit2, jilat majikan2 nya.
      Cucok dah, sechemistry, rampok cilik gabung rampok gede.
      Ga tahu dunia lagi ruwet, masing2 pusing, even si raja2 preman, punya tandingannya sendiri2.
      Bukannya sadar, baik2 sama tetangga dekat, fokus ngebenahin diri, dungu.. 😏🤓

  10. Nggak tau kenapa gue suka banget sama comma green army nya Jepang 👇......wooowww keren banget anjir 👍👍👍


  11. Iya dong...FREMM ..FDI...MOGAMI... 🤣🤣🤣

  12. https://youtu.be/LtbCl9npLu8?si=MKc1J9dSW8McnkAh




    maharogolele minggir..


  13. FREMM sek..
    abis gitu liat MOGAMI gemana VLS nya, gacoor ta ga.. RADAR nya.. soalnya kemaren mau dipercantik biar gacor..
    kalo MOGAMI masih lama ya.. FDI.. tenang ae coy.. bromacron CS kita..


    kalo maharogolele..

    waduuuuh.. kenak ombaknya aja minggir..



  14. seikaatt smua...banyak duwit kita haha!🤑🤑🤑

  15. Bau2 nya ngga sedep nih.. 🤔
    Pelelahan, pengelabuan, pematangan, penantian timing yg tepat kek nya.. 🙁
    Shandong cgs jugak udah wira wiri semi positioning, tinggal nunggu si fujian siap mengkali 🧐
    Kudu banyak dipercepat semuanya baiknya.. 😏


    Record Chinese military activity near Taiwan.
    — Taiwan's Defence Ministry reported detecting 66 Chinese military aircraft and 7 naval vessels around Taiwan in a 24-hour period.
    — 56 of these aircraft crossed the sensitive median line in the Taiwan Strait.
    — This is the highest number of Chinese warplanes detected near Taiwan in a 24-hour window so far in 2024.

    China has moved significant firepower & naval assets into the South & East China Seas
    For the first time, Beijing conducted drills within the Philippines EEZ & deployed the Shandong carrier group to nearby waters
    Premier surface combatants & amphibious warships also underway

