16 Februari 2017

The Contract to Supply Su-35 Fighter Jets to Indonesia will be Signed this Year

16 Februari 2017

Su-35 fighter aircraft (photo : wallpaper)

Moscow, INTERFAX.RU - Russia this year to sign a contract with Indonesia for the supply of Su-35, said Thursday the Director of International Cooperation and Regional Policy of the state corporation "Rostec" Victor treasure.

"In 2017," - said the Treasure at the exhibition "Aero India-2017", responding to a question journalists.

Earlier, presidential aide on military-technical cooperation Vladimir Kozhin told "Interfax" that the negotiations for the supply of Russian Su-35 fighters to Indonesia. "Negotiations on the supply of Indonesian 12 Su-35 are positive," - he said.

Earlier, the Ambassador of Indonesia to Russia supriyadi Waheed told "Interfax" that his country plans to buy from Russia about 8-10 Su-35 and the parties are currently discussing the price and terms of the contract.

The Su-35 was developed in OKB Sukhoi. This is a deeply modernized super-maneuverable multifunctional fighter generation "4 ++".

The state corporation "Rostec" is JSC "Rosoboronexport", the only state intermediary agency for arms export to Russia.


22 komentar:

  1. Engga tau mesti sedih atau bahagia baca derita ini....

    1. Selama dapat ToT yang bagus ga masalah lah. Walaupun menurut saya Gripen NG secara paket keseluruhan lebih ideal, kalau TNI AU lebih sreg sama Su-35 karena pengalaman mengoperasikan Su-27 dan Su-30 yaudah. Yang penting F-5 cepat diganti.

    2. Kalo gw hanya bisa mengAMINI..
      Smoga segra terealisasi ttd kontraknya dan smoga bukan PHP. Aamiin...☺

    3. @lutfi

      Jangan ke-PDan dulu bang, nanti sakit loh kalo diPHP...soale kata orang jawa, "kontrak" tuh artinya "terpental-pental"

    4. @om semilier. Iya om makasih gw diingetin ๐Ÿ˜†

    5. Sedih. Barang mahal cuma jadi "lone wolf"

  2. bosannya berita ini...selama pesawat gak ngejogrok di hanggar enggak percaya

  3. Pembelian Pesawat jet tempur sukhoi 35++ jelajah kebutuhan mendesak tapi kenapa di undur terus ....kalah cepat heli agusta w 101 karna kuatnya lobby politec dari barat ... mudah 2 tidak seburuk kasus pembelian mesin rolls royce pesawat garuda indonesia pelaku utama jadi pesakitan kpk.

    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. eeehhh bandel amat kabur2an mlulu nich si om antiembalgo jd gmes dach!

      makanya jgn bandel kalo mao dibeliin maenan baru, sama opa rr yang nurut gitchu lokh.
      ntar kalo si om terus2an demo permen2 gak jelas itu opa rr ngambek malah pilih gripeng loh drpd flanker e..haha!

      hayo jwb duluh tinggian mana uu pertahanan ama permen disebelah. jgn kebanyakan maen di tetangga, ntar disangka suka ame binor loh haha!


  4. de sorte que les Indonรฉsiens ร  utiliser?

  5. Its been ages since we got these "will be signed this year" news. Hopefully it will come to fruition, and not end up like the decades old Kilo class news.

  6. SU 35 itu pasti cuma masalah waktu saja .

  7. Duit ndak ada, abis untuk bayar AW101

  8. Kalau duit pasti ada. Apalagi cuma beli 8-10. Berurusan dengan rusia emang susah, makanya sabar aja.

    1. Tapi bisa di tikung sama superhornet ๐Ÿ˜œ
