28 Februari 2017

Austal Completes Detailed Design Review for PPB-R Project

28 Februari 2017

Austal Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement Project (images : Austal)

Austal (ASX:ASB) is pleased to advise that the Detailed Design Review (DDR) for the A$306 million Pacific Patrol Boat Replacement (PPB-R) Project has been successfully completed on time and in accordance with the contracted schedule.

A key element of the Commonwealth’s continuous naval shipbuilding strategy, the PPB-R Project is contributing to the growth of Australia’s sovereign shipbuilding capability in the lead up to the Offshore Patrol Vessel and Future Frigate programs for the Royal Australian Navy, due to commence in 2018 and 2020, respectively.

The completion of the DDR, on time, formally signifies the end of the design phase and the commencement of the production phase of the nineteen steel vessel program, awarded to Austal in May 2016. DDR is a key, mandated milestone in the Commonwealth’s ASDEFCON contracting process and the PPB-R detailed design confirmation, on 10th February 2017, which will enable the product baseline to be established.

Announcing the milestone, Austal’s PPB-R Project Manager Matthew Klingberg highlighted the effective working relationship between Austal and the Commonwealth on the PPB-R Project.

“Achieving DDR on a Commonwealth shipbuilding project is a significant milestone, particularly as this was achieved within 8 months from the Contract Effective Date. This was made possible by the dedicated efforts of both the Austal and Commonwealth teams, working together in an open and collaborative manner,” Klingberg said.

The PPB-R Project comprises the design, construction, delivery, training and sustainment of nineteen 40 metre patrol boats - to be gifted by the Commonwealth of Australia - to twelve Pacific Island nations as part of Australia’s new Pacific Maritime Security Program.

Construction of the Austal design will commence in Western Australia in April 2017, with deliveries scheduled from 2018 to 2023. Sustainment of the new fleet of vessels will be carried out by Austal from facilities in Cairns, Queensland.

Austal is positioned to play a key role in the delivery of the Commonwealth’s continuous naval shipbuilding strategy, as the only ASX-listed Australian shipbuilder and Defence prime contractor currently delivering multiple naval vessel programs for Australian and overseas customers, including the Royal Australian Navy and US Navy.


12 komentar:

  1. ada 12 negara yang akan di beri secara cuma-cuma kapal ini .Negara mana sajakah?

    1. mungkin harus sowan dl ke pm ostrali br dpt om.
      laahhh kite dunks, ajegile haha!

    2. @unknow ah masak sih bang dikasih cuma cuma, padahal kata bang smiling hanya DPnya yang NOL%.
      Tapi harus nabung dulu selama 6 bulan baru bisa dapet itu kapal... zizizi 😁

    3. program tanpa dp itu pembodohan publik ,mana ada bank yang mau apalagi credit longterm 30 tahun ..Bullshit . Jangan ngasih harapan palsu sama rakyat ,kasihan .... Kita harus pakai HATINURANI...juga untuk menang .Jangan asal menang saja.Nanti di pemilu berikutnya akan di hukum rakyat semua tuh partai yang hanya bisa gombal.

    4. Tapi masuk akal juga loh bang...kali aja lahannya menempati bekas lahan yang batal dijadiin lokasi "rumah apung"

    5. Dulu kredit motor Nol%DP juga ada... artinya pembayaran pertama sudah masuk angsuran kesatu & yang ni disuruh nabung dulu nem bulan kalau nabungnya lancar kredit bisa dilakukan dan tabungannya...

      Bijimane bang smiling..???

    6. Kalo curhat cicilan motor jangan disini bang...malu sama orang, xixixxi

    7. Hahaha ngapain malu bang siapa tau abang smiling nambahin angsuran buat anee...

      Kalo songlap baru ane malu bang...
      Tul gak baanhg...😁

  2. 12 negara kepulauan dipasifik ya?

    Ini mah mudah....fiji, loro, telu s/d rolas, hadiah sepedanya bisa diambil sekarang bung unknown?

    1. nggak semuanya di pasifik termasuk negara gagal dan miskin juga..
